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Bad Ops Leaders!


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What job can they do that any other person cannot? Why do you put emphasis on a meaningless group position? People seem to believe that the ops leader has an inherent responsibility to organize the team.


Two reasons: one I already listed (being able to type in the /oa channel), and secondly, it's nice to have ONE person delegating instead of potentially having two or more people coming up with a plan. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


It's just nice to have someone who's experienced and is good at reading the game be the leader. They can act like a captain of sorts and try to rally his/her teammates. I understand this isn't a professional sport, but a little motivation can go a long way. But I've just about given up on trying to get people to focus fire on the healers. Apparently, the concept is too difficult to grasp...

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What I find annoying is people not using their class buff. Makes me rage.




Especially, while in the cage. I should not have to remind people to do it. Oh and also, try to squeeze it in during fights please. Everyone don't have all of them.

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