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BIOWARE how long does it take to fix hacking in the game?


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Quote: Originally Posted by iNeXxS


I don't understand all the QQ about hacking. After 7 months of playing this game I have never seen a single hacker. Is it because I play on RP-PvP servers and the players are more respectful/mature?


Why do people always say "Resolve is broken" and provide no real proof or evidence that it is broken? I would love to see a video of how you're being stunned in full resolve etc.



if you think the resolve system on swtor is fine then you are not very bright and should not be posting on these forums.


im sorry but getting stunned 3 times in a row with a full solid white reolve bar is enough proof for me that the resolve system is not working properly.

ive had healers spamming me with 3 people on me through 7 stuns more than enough times. 1st 2 stuns are from targets that get fed up of attacking me from getting healed which sets me at a solid full white resolve then getting stunned 5 times in a row from the next 3 targets on me trying to kill me which then another healer has to step in to compensate the battering im getting as im defenseless from being stun spammed not being able to attack back and you think the resolve is fine ? you need to get your eyes tested lol.


And thing is Duck, there has been evidence supplied in mounds and mounds. In video form. In written reports.


These types of posters you replying to, they could be sitting next to you and watching and SEE the resolve not work themselves.


But next day they would post how no evidence has been supplied and they never seen it.


We have a word for the post you are answering but not allowed to say it!


But if fits and as the old saying goes


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck


Edited by Kalfear
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