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New Marauder PvP Video - Annihilation Domination


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Hey guys, been a while since I've done a video, and I happened to capture one of those extremely rare solo queue games where everything just seemed to go my way. This is a a civil war pickup group video, taken from my point of view. At the time of this video I had all of my War Hero pieces except for offhand and chest, although to be honest the weaponmaster chest is a downgrade.


I mainly did this video to show what a geared, skilled annihilation marauder can do when he gets some heals once in a while and doesn't get chain stunned for half of the game. I'll be doing similar videos for Carnage and Rage eventually. Let me know what you think, but please no trolling or flaming, let's keep it friendly. Be sure to watch in 1080p!



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Very smooth frame rates compared to what I get. What be your PC specs?


It's a custom built beauty that I put together last winter, specs are:


Mobo: Asrock Extreme 7 Gen3

CPU: i7-2700k OC'd to 4.5 Ghz on air cooling

RAM: 16 GB G.Skill 1600 RAM

GPU: 3x EVGA SuperClocked GeForce GTX 570 (Fermi) 1280MB 320-bit GDDR5

SSD: Corsair Performance Pro Series 128GB SATA III MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) (primary drive)

HDD: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive (storage / fraps drive)

PSU: 1200w CoolerMaster Silent Gold pro series PSU

Case: Coolermaster HAF X

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I just looked up that link in your signature by the way, for Halo Reach Space Combat.. and all I can say is **** why is SWTOR space combat not like this. Even if they just took it off the "rails" and let you move around freely it would be so much better. Damn, that is what SWTOR space combat should be.
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Nice vid and well played! good too see some killer maras out there! but your right if we get thrown some timely heals we can really hurt the enemy lineup. otherwise i find i just get focused down as people can t really afford to have a mara sitting on the healers picking them off! :rolleyes:
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It's a custom built beauty that I put together last winter, specs are:


Mobo: Asrock Extreme 7 Gen3

CPU: i7-2700k OC'd to 4.5 Ghz on air cooling

RAM: 16 GB G.Skill 1600 RAM

GPU: 3x EVGA SuperClocked GeForce GTX 570 (Fermi) 1280MB 320-bit GDDR5

SSD: Corsair Performance Pro Series 128GB SATA III MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) (primary drive)

HDD: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive (storage / fraps drive)

PSU: 1200w CoolerMaster Silent Gold pro series PSU

Case: Coolermaster HAF X


Oh how i wish I could justify a purchase of this magnitude... grats brosif!

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lol, thats pretty good, Its nice when you have sorc that just stand there and let you cream them... I feel bad for Diggler lol... I am on Corellian run also (Lafayette) Surprised i havent played with you yet (or if I did, I didnt remember, I dont really pay attention to names much). I do alot with Maelstrom and the rest of them. Fun stuff! see ya around:cool: Edited by Lafay
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