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Legacy Content & Daily missions


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I havent trawled the forum so this may duplicate suggestions already made, apologies in advance.



The relationship and interaction with companions disappears at level 50 once the player reaches max affection, which is a shame. I propose legacy missions that allow you to take a companion on missions that further advance your relationship with that companion. Ideally a group mission with several companions. Crafting missions could have the option to actually participate in a mission to acquire the material etc with the player's success determined by their performance. The legacy element would allow more advanced missions as the player progresses through the legacy system with rewards that reflect this. For example, dont give people a faster speeder in legacy by buying it or simple clicking a button, give the player a legacy mission where they must acquire the faster speeder e.g. steal it from criminals etc.


Daily missions

Most people I've spoken to find the daily missions boring because they have to repeat them ad nauseum. Make the daily missions class specific and provide a tie-in with legacy. For example, a bounty hunter should be hunting bounties that they have to track across the galaxy using probe droids, bribes to officials and underworld informants. Once successful the reward, beyond credits/commendations, should be an increase in the player's reputation/infamy/fame and this should affect how they are viewed by the organisations that run the galaxy. There should be consequences down the line. Do enough dailies that hurt an organisation and one day they may send an assassin after you. Reputation then dictates the missions available and gives the opportunity to have lightside/darkside consequences. Imagine a Sith doing a daily where they go to a planet to find a lost artefact of the force...


Naturally, these are just suggestions and their feasibility I leave to the experts, but I hope they are food for thought.




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