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I feel sorry for you.


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Ok, to start off Merc/Commando are my favourite class, I've got two level 20/22 but I haven't played in a long time because they aren't as good as they should be.


EDIT: They are my favourite because not only do they look good, I also feel like their default attacks do more damage even though they probably don't (not that I use it that much but still)


Honestly, I feel sorry for any of you who play. I know there's going to be people saying they are good and whatnot, but your class needs much love. On my Vanguard (only level 31 at the moment) I can kill pretty much any Merc in a 1v1 because they are just so easy to counter. Soon as you interrupt their tracer missile they become pretty useless, It seems all their damage abilitys are cast times.


I hope they get fixed for the people who play them, and hopefully to push me to start up mine again.


Just a short thread to express my feelings while im bored ^_^

Edited by Jayshames
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