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Suggestions for BH bonus armour


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Dear Bounty Hunters,so i come to you because i am a bit puzzled in my decision,at first let me say that i have a full Rakata set,and i`m specifically a Mercenary - Arsenal.

now to be honest to you guys,i don`t want to be a clone,i mean,most of my BH fellow are wearing full Rakata set,and i wish to be a bit unique,on the other hand i also know that some of the bonus set that the Rakata gives are important,so i was thinking to wear a different helm and chest as well,of course my Rakata set is already augmented,but i saved enough Credits to modify a helm and chest to,now my question is this,are the second set bonus that important for us?

i think the 2 peaces set bonus are really useful for us,but i`m still not sure if the 4 peaces set bonus are so important for us.

well,i hope that more experienced Mercenaries can help me in this.

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The entire set isn't necessary, only the two piece is. If you find that you are having difficulty with your heat management then it is a good thing to have. So really right now since everything can be augmented, your choice is style over set bonus. If you are comfortable running around in Rakata style gear then just focus on augmenting and then black hole mod optimization.


I learned to manage my heat much better after losing the free railshot just as they screwed with our heat management in the rotations, and as such only use vent heat when down the home stretch on an operations boss. With practice without the free railshot, you'll find yourself fighting more efficently in no time.

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The entire set isn't necessary, only the two piece is. If you find that you are having difficulty with your heat management then it is a good thing to have. So really right now since everything can be augmented, your choice is style over set bonus. If you are comfortable running around in Rakata style gear then just focus on augmenting and then black hole mod optimization.


I learned to manage my heat much better after losing the free railshot just as they screwed with our heat management in the rotations, and as such only use vent heat when down the home stretch on an operations boss. With practice without the free railshot, you'll find yourself fighting more efficently in no time.


This is all incorrect. The 4PC is detrimental in maximizing your DPS. If you want to look "different" and have your own look- wait until you get Campaign gear and use those armorings in any armor set of your choosing. You will then get the set bonuses as well as a custom look. The downside is, you will be at a loss of +22 Aim due to the fact you're stuck using Campaign armorings. If you use Rakata gear, the set bonus is tied to the piece and not the armoring. Therefore you can throw in +68 Aim armorings in two additional pieces.


Again, the 4PC bonus is necessary for maintaining maximum DPS.

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Hardly incorrect, as you might think, but to each his own.

It's just a matter of "are you really spamming tracer too much that you have too much heat?"


With the Alacrity build, you are spamming it as much as possible inbetween cooldowns. If you are not having heat issues without a free Rail Shot, you are not even coming close to your potential DPS output.


On a target dummy, I am doing a consistent 1750 DPS+ without any buffs. I'm not trying to act like I'm the best, but being in a top world guild, I clearly know what I am talking about.

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And I'm an expert in global warming because I live in Oregon with a bunch of tree huggers.


Without snide comments, please explain how dropping your 4PC will benefit you in any way? What advantage does it give? I have the max amount of Aim you can possibly attain in the game while using the 4PC. I also maintain over 900 Power with the 4PC.

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I never advocated for dropping it, only that I felt it wasn't a necessary "must have, do or die, 'oops I divided by zero'" factor. It offers no benefit to intentionally drop it, agreed. But what other benefit besides a free shot does it provide? No increase to damage, only heat mitigation. Edited by Captfisher
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what other benefit besides a free shot does it provide? No increase to damage, only heat mitigation.


Heat Management = DPS.


The more heat you have readily available, the more DPS you can do. Heat is a primary factor in Effective DPS (EDPS)

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Your best bet is to find a chest piece you like (and that color matches well) and use that with the 4 rakata pieces.

That way, you get a semi custom look, and still keep your 4 piece bonus.


As it has been pointed out, you can drop down to just the 2 piece bonus, to get even more of a custom look, but it will effect your DPS and heat when fighting.

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And this is where we both agree but on different fronts.


Cant tell if your being serious or just trolling? The 4 piece set bonus for arsenal mercs is probably one of if not THE best set bonus in the game. If you're actually running without it your just gimping yourself. It makes heat management soo much easier.


to the OP you only need 4 pieces to get the set bonus. Just do what I did. 4 rakata shells with BH mods then you can wear an orange chest piece of your choosing. Some of them actually look pretty sweet with the rakata pants/boots. Hide your helm.

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