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I want keybindings options for space battles


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I play on a Logitech G13 and because of the layout it makes sense for me to not have a key bound to slot 1 on quickbar one but that messes with they space battle quickbar. So I want the bind keys to the space battle bar other than having them linked to the main quickbar.


And no, I can't just bind it anyway because that would mess up either my G13 settings or logic of my onscreen layout.

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I play on a Logitech G13 and because of the layout it makes sense for me to not have a key bound to slot 1 on quickbar one but that messes with they space battle quickbar. So I want the bind keys to the space battle bar other than having them linked to the main quickbar.


And no, I can't just bind it anyway because that would mess up either my G13 settings or logic of my onscreen layout.


Yes this can be a real pain.


Certainly if they bring in full 3D space, then they need to fully seperate ground and flight controls, but you're right it would be very nice for them to have done so already.

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I also use a G13.


I just move my hands to the regular keyboard at this point... Not gonna' stress over 4 buttons.


This is the best option. Also, you have 3 buttons, M1, M2 and M3. Just switch over to M2 and configure buttons for how you like them for space battles. My M1 is setup for PVE, and my M2 is setup for PVP as there is still no dual spec in this game and I am tired of moving abilities around on my bars.

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