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EA, feel free to hire me.


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If in some fantasy world I had any control over the game I would....

In this order effective immediately:

1. Stop doing tri weekly maintenance, and hire Raph Koster.

2. Lower the subscription fee to 9.99 per month, the price of the box to 19.99, and expand free to play to lvl 20.

3. Fire the moron who decided to take the forum down when you do server maintenance.

4. Hire a new community manager, and begin working on patch 1.5 which would contain the following(but not limited to)

5. Develop in game pazzak, with both pve and pvp available in every cantina.

6. Develop swoop bike racing, putting a track on every planet, with leaderboards.

7. Expand the space game, making new ships, parts, and chassis, making ships completely customizable inside and out, and add pvp maps(ala starfox).

8. Develop in game deployable furniture for use inside.

9. Create instanced apartments on every planet, ranging from the slums of anchorhead, to the posh penthouses in Coruscant.

10. Make wookies, rodians, devaronians, sullustans, bothans, bith and trandoshans playable in game species, using the sounds we already have recorded for the lines used in class story and planet arch missions.

11. Open a cash shop, that sells, packs of pazzak cards, swoopbike parts and chassis, spaceship parts and chassis, apartment deeds, furniture for inside the apartments, character re-customization( ie choosing a new species, and complete revamp of character), server transfers, and ac respec tokens.

12. Use the gazillion dollars I just made from my brilliant plan to expand endgame tremendously, and further balance pvp.

13. Take a vacation to a small island nation, to enjoy the fruits of my labor and the tremendous amount of money the shareholders would pay me.:cool:

Edited by TrakonBazzaak
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Agree with you mostly, excluding the bulk of the cash shop, i dont feel like being nickled and dimed to death, economy yo!


Minigames are swtor's only hope!


And no, bioware has already shown us they dont hire innovative thinkers.

Thats why we are playing spacewow

Edited by Daethorz
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Agree with you mostly, excluding the bulk of the cash shop, i dont feel like being nickled and dimed to death, economy yo!


Minigames are swtor's only hope!


And no, bioware has already shown us they dont hire innovative thinkers.

Thats why we are playing spacewow


In a perfect world we wouldnt need a cash shop, but IMHO in order for EA to really give this game any love in the future, they have to see some huge dollar signs. A cash shop could do that for them, especially if it were for minigames, and sandbox elements/character aesthetics, and not just some half cocked pay to win model.

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