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Galactic Trade Network improvement suggestions


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I'm not sure of this is the best place to post this, and search isn't working atm so apologies if this has been raised before.


I have a couple of suggestions for improving buying and selling on GTN


1 - Searching for items. You cannot shift click an item and have the search box populate automatically, instead it goes into chat. I couldn't find another way of doing this.


2 - You have to select the drop down menus and search for that specific type of item and then filter by name once you have a list of items showing on GTN, we should be able to just search from the beginning. The drop down menus should be optional, if we know what we are looking for we should be able to just type the name in and search.


3 - It would be nice to know how much an item vendors for while we are on GTN without having to run to a vendor and see, mouse over pop up should sort this. Not sure of this is a feature that can be toggled but I couldn't see anything. - I was selling hilts on GTN that vendor for 45creds and people were selling them for 20, im assuming it is because they dont realise how much they vendor for.

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I second just being able to search for an item by name. It's discouraging and time-consuming to have to manually drop down menus each time I'm looking for items.


It'd also be nice to be able to select the quantities of non-stackable items (ie" mods) when I'm trying to post up items I've crafted.

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Wholly agree on all points. GTN interface is a mess right now, I have no idea how it went through beta in that state. It's design and options are archaic. Searching for item is cumberstone, takes a long time and why can't I automatically post more than one auction of the same item? Who designed this thing? Was it even tested? Fix it BioWare, please.
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Hello smexymage!


We appreciate everyone's interest in talking about ways to help improve the Galactic Trade Network experience but we are going to close this thread as there is already an active thread about it here. We suggest contributing your points of improvement there.


Thank you!

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