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This is a consolidation of what I believe are good idea's for addition and changes to the game along with explanations as to why I think they are positive. Starting from what's most functionally helpful to what adds life and more enjoyment to the game.


1) LFG-

The LFG tool is very useful but need's some tweaking. I would like to be able to port back to where I was originally when I accepted the flashpoint summon. That would save me the time of traveling back from the fleet to my ship then to whatever planet I was on. Less time traveling back to the planet you were on would speed up the grind I think. Also maybe a option to choose what type of people you want to play with? Speed runs, chatty.


2) Home/Hearth-

I think we should have the ability to quick travel to perhaps a specific planet or at least to our ship. I know I spend a lot of time just heading back to my ship so I can head to a certain planet and throughout this course there are loading screens galore. I think something like this could help cut back on loading screens. Would it be possible to not have a loading screen when we enter our ships, maybe just the splash screen? Restrict the loading screen with the ships to when we are actually traveling to another planet? Just a thought.


3) Addons-

I know there is debate about addons being implemented in this game, and I would be willing to compromise on this topic if BW would make the UI more customizable. The previous changes were a huge step-up but we need to have more options with making changes to the UI. The biggest change I would appreciate is being able to make all bars horizontal and/or the ability to extend those bars. I believe that's the biggest issue with UI Customization.. That and the lack of 'FINISH HIM!' when an enemy player is nearing death.


4) Moar Character Slots-

I don't believe eight slot's is enough. For me this is because there are eight different class's but one of the things that keeps me playing this game is playing that same class again but making different decisions this time. Eight just isn't enough plus there is the fact that we can't change advanced classes. Perhaps I played a Marauder and now want to play a juggernaut so I have to make a new character which just uses up one of my limited eight slots.


5) Less Legacy Cred Sink-

I feel that the legacy perks cost too much while not offering enough of a bonus. Perhaps lowering the cost or increasing the bonus gain from the perks. I'd also like to see some aspects of legacy not gained by credit's but perhaps by achievements of feats of strength. I pulled the ears off a gundark so now my alts have a ability or title because of that.


6) Guild Capital Ships-

Guild housing in the form of capital ships offers a lot of new opportunities for interactivity among guilds and guild members. Guild capital ship's should have functionality such as the use of GTM, Mailbox's, a quick travel point/hearth, as well as other useful tools. But, I also think there should be the inclusion things that are not so much a utility, but more of a way of entertaining players or creating a sense of immersion. I would for the capital ships to be moveable. The gm or whomever the gm allows could pilot the ship so that it is orbiting a certain planet and players could simple fly down to that planet from the ship. It would also be interesting if there were space missions for the capital ship which would involve multiple players perhaps manning turrets or other aspects of the ship while someone pilots it. I think that also creates some interesting opportunities for new pvp aspects, perhaps being able to board enemy capital ships in pvp events and taking over parts of that ship such as capture points which affect the ships ability to travel or fire at the opposing teams ship.


7) Swoop Racing-

That's something people have been wanting for a long time now. What a thrill that would be and it would add something else to do in the game. I don't think there are really any issues for people to take up against swoop racing except maybe some people might think it would be a waste of development time. But, I think would it would a new and interesting aspect to the game. As some people have said it could be a new form of pvp in-which you are pitted against other racers on dangerous race tracks on different planets. As with your ship, you should be able to customize you swoop bike as well as being able to change the colors of it.


8) Pazaak!-

I personally was really surprised that this was not in the game. It seemed as much a staple of (KO)TOR as Lightsabers are. I think it would just be an interesting mini-game and a nice little distraction when we aren't doing anything of particular importance or are just waiting on a queue to pop.


9) Sitting down-

My Marauder's back is aching from all this pwnage, but he has no where to sit!


10) Chat Bubbles/Squares?-

So often I don't notice when something is being said to me or about something relevant because the chat system in this game is so subtle. If people don't like the idea of chat bubbles then there should be a option to turn them off. Also, this isn't so much to do with the lack of chat bubbles, but I think it would be cool if our characters using their voice could actually talk to other players. Nothing complicated like a life conversation, just maybe something along the lines of greetings or something of that sort. Like when we are having a conversation with npc's. Would be cool too if they could implement holo's in that way perhaps with the guild ship, for example: The GM want's to call a meeting so he gets on his holo-phone, tell's everyone to meet up on the guild's cap ship, and appears to all the people as a big holo and has several different things he can say such as 'Greetings allies!' and it would be said by the characters voice like when he usually talks to npc's. That's just a minor addition I'd like to see.


Anyways, that just several things I'd like to see added to the game.

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1. More Playable Races


Races such as the Nautolan, Cathar, Devaronian, Gand, Gran, Kaleesh, Kel Dor, Mon Calamari, Rodian, Togruta & Weequay to become Playable.


2. Multiple voice choices


Hearing the same voice from someone from the same class & sex as you can be weird and take you out of the story, It also makes your character feel much less unique. Sometimes you create a character who really doesn't suit the voice that has been recorded. Multiple voice recordings for each class/sex would be required, or at least give the player a small amount of control over the pitch, maybe even have a different voice for each character size.


3. More Armor


Whether it be Adaptive Social armor or custom armor sets & schematics, we want more of it!

It feels like there is really too much armor where the only difference is stats & colour, which gives you little feeling of being unique in a world with so many other players in.

With the introduction of social armor to make the player feel unique, you start to realise that everyone is wearing the same armor either cause it's easy to get, or it's the one everyone is trying to get. I feel the new Custom armor sets in 1.3 like the vendetta set for Agents was a step in the right direction.


4. Less fancy pants armor designs


As interesting and conceptual as the end game armor looks, I think I'll give it a miss.

Just give us cool armor.


5. Battlemaster & Rataka Buffs from Armoring


Please let us take the buffed armorings out of these armor sets & into custom armor like the War-Hero ones. Or at least have someone who you can exchange your armor with for new stuff


6. Learning schematics


I feel that when you reverse engineer an item and don't get the next level schematic from it, the next time you RE it your chances should be increased by a small amount each time up to a certain amount, say 3-5% up to 40% on 20% items & up to 2-4% on up to 30% on 10% items.


7. Crew skill solo Flashpoints, with multiple companions


The mission on the trooper story where you get to utilise your squad as a whole against waves of enemies is great fun. I feel that Solo flashpoints would be a great addition to the game, using up to 3 companions at once, Players who may only use one type of companion for the majority of their pve will get to be able to see the rest of their team in action.

It seems strange that you spend all this time building a team to only have one companion with you at all times.

Of course as the Companions are not Players themselves the bosses & difficulty will have to be reasonably low, which means there is unlikely to be any huge loot available.

This is why I think that these missions should be to fetch Crew skill materials, this would be specifically for the skills Archeology, Bioanalysis, Slicing & Scavenging. The bosses in these flash points should drop commendations that players will be able to trade in for new Crew skill themed armor & rare Crafting ingredients.


8. Companion combat progression


We all love a good skill tree, now why shouldn't that apply to our companions as well, I feel it odd that the companions gain skills as you level up and not them.

This Is why as well as having the companion affection meter, each character should have a combat rank & their own personal skill tree so that you may customise them further to your play style. Instead of having the set skills that they are given when you level up, you should be able to choose from a progression of Passive & Active skills for your companion to use.

Of course these tree's will not be as advanced as the tree the player has, maybe with 2 branches instead of 3.

Companion Combat rank will not level up through gifts or any type of given item, but through active combat, so the more you use the companion the better they will be. However I feel like the companions affection meter should have some effect on the combat one, maybe increasing the amount of combat xp the companion receives on the field (Presence may also affect it as well).


9. Legacy Bank


One of the best features of the Swtor bank is the functionality of being able to use your rescources without having to put them in your inventory first.

But a problem that a lot of players have is loosing track of how many rescources they have over all of their alts.

This is where the Legacy bank comes in, whether it be a place where you can put your items where all characters on your legacy can see & access. Or a place where characters can deposit resources into an unlimited pool with allocated spots for each item, that can be accessed in the same way as the standard bank.


10. SPACE COMBAT!!! & Warzones


As much as I enjoy the space combat now it could be so much much more, people want that free roam space feel, I feel like the space part of the game just feels like a bit of a mini game rather than a core part of the action.


What about Space PVP? or even Incorporate it into a warzone, having some people flying about in space granting bonuses to the people on the ground if they do well.

On the subject of Warzones, some 4 Vs 4 maps would be cool, or maybe even 16 Vs 16 all out brawls.



And finally to DarthCDiv, The guild capital ship & swoop bike racing are really good ideas, I used to love the pod-racing game for nintendo 64, something like that would be epic ;)

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