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New ability ideas for level cap!!!


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Ok folks i wanted to start a thread with ideas for sniper/gunslinger new high level abilites for 51-55. Please get creative and let's see if BW here's what we want!

I'll start off:

Sniper: Lightspeed Jettison / Gunslinger: Catch me if you Can


Instant cast

35m range

2 min CD

Instantly transports the Sniper/Gunslinger to the targeted destination. Breaks movement inabilities, snare and root effects. Cannot be used while Entrench and Ballistic Shield are up.


let's turn it UP A NOTCH! I'm not trying to get another force cloak that crap is old news i want snipers/gunslingers and ONLY snipers/gunslingers to have a 35 m teleport that you can target your destination to that has a 2 or 3 min cd. this would be great to get away with and maintain our distance from our foes since we are ranged dps. Also, this is NOT op since other classes have means of jumping or speed boosting to us. I want it to have a 35 m range since snipers/gunslingers have the most range dps in game so lets meet that standard. I want it to be able to be targeted onto a ledge that i can port myself up to if i so choose. Whether it's to strategically position myself to get in the passing lane for a huttball, perch myself on top of a ledge so i can feel like a REAL sniper and shoot peeps down below or to get away from a horde of enemies, this would be FANTASTIC in all aspects of the Sniper/Gunslinger arsenal

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I agree to a point with this. I think it needs a much shorter cooldown like 45s a min tops, and I would love it to be a roll to target area, not just a teleport, and you land in cover, but it does not have to be behind natural cover, and it shouldn't require us to get up out of cover to do it. We should also not be able to roll across anything that you cannot walk across, ie gaps or levels like in huttball.


It should probably have a min/max range maybe 10m to 30m.


I have been wanting this a long time and it would really complete the cover system in my opinion.

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yes i like your additions with the 10-30m range I also like the idea of a rolling mechanic or a launching into the air and into into cover mechanic. However, i'd much rather see this ability to be able to jump gaps and other things. otherwise we really cannot climb up into spots and snipe like i would prefer. if we had the ability to jump gaps then i'd reckon we'ed have this on a 1 min CD. Just imagine how neat it would be in a VOidstar to jump onto the bridge and cover pulse (Agent AoE 360* knockback) people off rather than running up all slow like to do it. I mean assasins can speed boost in stealth and do the same thing.
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yes i like your additions with the 10-30m range I also like the idea of a rolling mechanic or a launching into the air and into into cover mechanic. However, i'd much rather see this ability to be able to jump gaps and other things. otherwise we really cannot climb up into spots and snipe like i would prefer. if we had the ability to jump gaps then i'd reckon we'ed have this on a 1 min CD. Just imagine how neat it would be in a VOidstar to jump onto the bridge and cover pulse (Agent AoE 360* knockback) people off rather than running up all slow like to do it. I mean assasins can speed boost in stealth and do the same thing.


I am unsure what you mean here. You can walk across the bridge so you would be able to roll to the middle of the bridge and knock people off. The reason why I suggest that it not be able to go across gaps and levels is that I don't think it should be too similar to leap. We need our own thing. And force speed cant go across gaps, although you can run and jump far because you are going fast.


Personally I would rather this be a shorter cooldown, evasive/strategic maneuver that keeps us in cover.


To keep the feel of a slinger/sniper who is trying to stay out of sight, finding the perfect position to snipe from.


To me roll up onto the rafters in huttball or civil war doesn't feel very slinger/sniper. But rolling around objects, trying to use LoS stay out of the fray. Our opponents always wandering where we are rolling to. That would.

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correct i see ur point but i still like the idea of using the terrain in a different manner than most classes and by having the ability to get to higher ground or any other advantageous point would be awesome. and its only like force leap if u chose to use it in that sense. which btw it does nothing dmg wise, does not generate a class resource pool nor does it even target a player since you would be targeting the terrain to do so. also not many snipers are going to be using this ability to JUMP to people since we want to be at a distance, this would be a rare chance that i just thought of. i mean i would prefer an ability that has may open ended possibilities in which it can be utilized. i just want one bad *** move to use like this and im as happy as can be. as for civil war it would be awesome to jump on the turret in mid field and snipe down below having the whole map available for target practice. and of course this can be a bad thing too cuz you present yourself to many other players that can shoot and or stun>jump to you.
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I just don't see it being very realistic or balanced to be able to teleport or roll up terrain. Teleport is more of a magic thing and we don't use any magic or even the force. To be able to roll up walls or onto rafters doesn't seem realistic either. Snipers get up into their vantage points by sneaking around, not by jumping high into the air.


Sure some snipers get to vantage points with graples or by scaling rocky terrain, but with the fact that we cannot be leapt to, people would find ways to roll up somewhere either no one could get to, or would be extremely difficult to get to. Coupled with 35 m range, this just seems like it would be op.


So there are my arguments why the ability should really just be rollable across walkable terrain.


We can agree to disagree here if you do not agree.

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I really like the idea. But my Head, trying to visualize it shows me a Smuggler who tipes something in his armcomputer. Than his ship shows up and he jumps into it Mario-Style :)


But I appreciate this! just better realized than my head is trying to^^

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Ya some type of movement buff would be great...then again there are plenty of things they could do with existing skills.

In no order of importance:


Add a way to spec into having Pulse Detonator work out of cover....compared to the other knockbacks gs/snipers knockback is nerfed because it takes longer to use.


For the Incend Grenade, make it work like the rest of the fire in the game....if you get hit by it you get a burning debuff/bleed...the longer you stand in it the more stacks you get.


Un-nerf legshot back to where it doesn't break the snare on damage taken


Add a smoke bomb or tear gas ability that would allow for some cover to get away (I agree with the OP that stealth is already done) . I envision it to be similar to the smuggle ability, but obviously once you ran out of the smoke you would be seen and targetable. One could do the tear gas ability pretty easily...just give us the ability that the trandoshan battlemasters have in explosive conflict that drops everyone's accuracy way down (yes I know that already exists in the Flash Powder...but 20% is pretty weak)


Maybe a backflip/rollback ability? While in cover one can roll back lets say 10m their current position and retain cover?

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Well for the teleport is isnt so much magic as it would be tech. And yes people will find ways to get to a spot that is a pain to get u down from but keep in mind, that other classes will be getting new abilities as well and I see no issue with someone being able to trump this to balance things out. Of course all we need is a diversion to take us outta cover or get stunned and lept to or pulled down. So it's truly not that difficult to over come if ur the opposer. Just more fun to use the terrain in an interesting style. The teleport is just what it is, technology that shoots you (blinks you ) into a different location to maintain distance from foes. A 1 min cd or 2 min is plenty long for such ability. The more complex it is the longer the cd. U cannot use it while ball carrying or while in entrench or ballistic shield is up. Still wanna note that on the sniper forum someone came up with a deploy cover mechanic. Check out those threads too. Edited by Bonanzas
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Someone suggested something similar to this for improving Infiltration Shadows, but I think it would fit right in with the Gunslinger/Sniper "lore." Basically, an ability that does something like this:


"Fires a piercing shot at the target, causing any guard to be ignored for the next 6 seconds. "

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  • 4 weeks later...

For the Incend Grenade, make it work like the rest of the fire in the game....if you get hit by it you get a burning debuff/bleed...the longer you stand in it the more stacks you get.


Maybe a backflip/rollback ability? While in cover one can roll back lets say 10m their current position and retain cover?


Love these ideas! I like to use incend nade on my self for when im attacked by melee players, make them leave me alone or take the extra hurt! Compounding the dot would just be strait up nasty for them :)


Using the roll back after the traited aim shot kb would be a sweet way to get some distance between you and the target


Another idea could be that Sabotage would make xs instant cast... but that maybe op...:rak_01:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll take a crack at this.


Gunslinger: Run and Gun/ Sniper: Fire from the Hip or Scope-less


Instant cast

3 min CD

Allows the GS/Sniper use abilities that would normally require cover while moving for 10 seconds.


I would love to have an ability like this to finish off those players that manage to get out of my max distance or play the LOS game.

Edited by TyraelJedi
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