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What frustrates me about planets...


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I've played many classes including a 50 JK, 40 Trooper, 24 SW, 17 BH and there were a few things about planets that really frustrated me in my time in the game...


1. There is no uniqueness in any of the planets. Every single planet is a warzone, nothing else, there are no surprises, I know exactly what to expect with every planet because its the same thing, its "we are under attack please help us" in every planet. If I played any MMO, I looked forward to moving on to the next zone but with this game I felt like I leveled on the same planet from level 1-50. Balmora, warzone, Corellia, warzone, Quesh, warzone, Taris, warzone, Alderaan, warzone, Voss, warzone, Belsavis, warzone, Ord Mantell, warzone, Hoth, warzone, Ilum, warzone, even Tatooine is a warzone. So that leaves, Korriban, Tython, and Hutta. I find it odd that the 3 planets that are not warzones are the best planets in the game (my opinion.) It would have been a lot more interesting if I did not know what to expect in most planets. For example, lets say I am playing a JK and the Jedi Council sends me to a peaceful planet for some type of mission, and then suddenly the planet gets ambushed by imps or something like that. If I know what to expect with every planet, then the only thing unique about the Story in this game is my class story, and we all know that the class story will out level you if you dont do any of the planet quests. If the planets are all the same, then all the "planet unique" quests feel the same and they are just on the same level as the pick up this, kill that quests.


2. Planets are to similar in looks... Belsavis looks like Balmora, Ord Mantell looks like Balmora, Corellia looks like Balmora, and Quesh is an orange Balmora. Hutta, Quesh, and voss look similar, and because of all of this, it takes even more uniqueness of the planets.


3. There are not sandbox elements in any planet, you follow a linear path quest zone to quest zone. When there is only one way to get from point A to point B. it kinda kills the point of a Planet (especially an MMO planet/zone)


My final thoughts on this matter is that they need to add more surprises to planets, like unexpected attacks, or finding secret bases instead of "we are at war go kill this, help that, and do this" It would be nice if they added planets that were just peaceful hub planets like Naboo or even add a surprise attack on a planet like Naboo. It would also be nice to have more than just one planet to level up on for quests, for example, if I dont want to level up in planet A. then I can go to planet B. for leveling and planet bonus series quests really does not cut it.


Any thoughts??

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i barely made it past the "there is no uniqueness, i know exactly what to expect". Just wrong.


Prisoner outbreak on belsavis, Rhakghouls on Taris, white maw pirates and the downed dreadnaut on hoth, Czerka on Tatooine, Voss and the semi diplomatic war on Voss.


You are just wrong.


It would be natural for multiple plantes to be dealing with invadeing forces, since that is the major over arching theme in starwars....


just go away and keep your bad opinions to yourself please.

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Well it is Star Wars...



Star Warzones...


Anyway, there's a hook to most planets. How about some suggestions?


I think it would be cool if there was a race going on on Tattoine. A big race that might have some political advantages for The Empire and The Republic.

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I've played many classes including a 50 JK, 40 Trooper, 24 SW, 17 BH and there were a few things about planets that really frustrated me in my time in the game...


1. There is no uniqueness in any of the planets. Every single planet is a warzone, nothing else,


Really? Everyone a warzone? What would you expect in a time of war when both sides are trying to take over the universe.

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i barely made it past the "there is no uniqueness, i know exactly what to expect". Just wrong.


Prisoner outbreak on belsavis, Rhakghouls on Taris, white maw pirates and the downed dreadnaut on hoth, Czerka on Tatooine, Voss and the semi diplomatic war on Voss.


You are just wrong.


It would be natural for multiple plantes to be dealing with invadeing forces, since that is the major over arching theme in starwars....


just go away and keep your bad opinions to yourself please.




OP, I think the old saying 'be careful what you look for, you just might find it' applies here. It sounds like to me you've got a specific set of expectations that every planet is the same so you're looking for data (overtly or covertly) that supports those expectations and then thinking 'see? they are all the same'. You've 'stumbled' on the very conclusion you were looking for in the first place.

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i barely made it past the "there is no uniqueness, i know exactly what to expect". Just wrong.


Prisoner outbreak on belsavis, Rhakghouls on Taris, white maw pirates and the downed dreadnaut on hoth, Czerka on Tatooine, Voss and the semi diplomatic war on Voss.


You are just wrong.


It would be natural for multiple plantes to be dealing with invadeing forces, since that is the major over arching theme in starwars....


just go away and keep your bad opinions to yourself please.


Those all sound great in concept, but in reality, each are still the same thing and it is my opinion. I like to hear everyone opinion and I want people to disagree with me because I like discussion. If you dont like my opinion, thats great but do me a favor and show some repsect for peoples posts...

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OP, I think the old saying 'be careful what you look for, you just might find it' applies here. It sounds like to me you've got a specific set of expectations that every planet is the same so you're looking for data (overtly or covertly) that supports those expectations and then thinking 'see? they are all the same'. You've 'stumbled' on the very conclusion you were looking for in the first place.


Not really, I dont want every planet to be completely unique, but I dont want the same basic thing in every planet...

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Really? Everyone a warzone? What would you expect in a time of war when both sides are trying to take over the universe.


I get your point but when every planet has the same stuff to it, then it gets boring and repetitive really fast. It would be cool if I was sent to a planet and while I am there, suddenly an attack breaks out and I have to save people and defend the place. Most planets have flat dialogue with no emotional connect one bit. If a peaceful planet gets suddenly attacked by the imps then instantly I would have an emotional connection and it would enhance my leveling expierence

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I've played many classes including a 50 JK, 40 Trooper, 24 SW, 17 BH and there were a few things about planets that really frustrated me in my time in the game...


1. There is no uniqueness in any of the planets. Every single planet is a warzone, nothing else, there are no surprises, I know exactly what to expect with every planet because its the same thing, its "we are under attack please help us" in every planet. If I played any MMO, I looked forward to moving on to the next zone but with this game I felt like I leveled on the same planet from level 1-50. Balmora, warzone, Corellia, warzone, Quesh, warzone, Taris, warzone, Alderaan, warzone, Voss, warzone, Belsavis, warzone, Ord Mantell, warzone, Hoth, warzone, Ilum, warzone, even Tatooine is a warzone. So that leaves, Korriban, Tython, and Hutta. I find it odd that the 3 planets that are not warzones are the best planets in the game (my opinion.)

You forgot Nar Shaddaa, which is long, boring and not a warzone. It's a whole lot of "OMG THERE ARE EVIL HUTTS/GOOD HUTTS/GANGS".

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Well it is Star Wars...



Star Warzones...


Anyway, there's a hook to most planets. How about some suggestions?


I think it would be cool if there was a race going on on Tattoine. A big race that might have some political advantages for The Empire and The Republic.

As long as nobody has to race on swoops. That was the worst thing in the world in SWG if you had a low-end computer... And it was important to the main storyline!

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well, seeing as the entire galaxy is immersed in a massive war, it seems fitting that each planet is a warzone. that's what star wars is dude. war. if you look into what is actually going on on each of these planets, you'll see that the context in which the war applies to each is different. For example: Belsavis --> The Republic has established a network of prisons varying in security levels, and the Empire is attempting to stimulate a prisoner rebellion from the inside. Nar Shaddaa ---> Both factions are trying to make alliances with Hutt Cartel to gain an advantage over the other, thus swaying the balance in their respective favour. I can go on all day. Now, how this applies to you the player is how your characters story line plays into each of these different scenarios, which is wildly interesting.


How you can claim Corellia is the same as Balmorra is beyond me. Describe to me how Corellia, a planet resembling Coruscant in that it is predominantly city, is the same as Balmorra, a planet that is predominantly grassland and rocky mountains. Decribe to me how Belsavis, a planet that is approx 60% ice and 40% jungle, the same as Belsavis, predominantly grassland. Voss (lots of trees and unique species. the scenery is actually quite nice in places to be honest) same as Balmorra (a ****hole)? Please.


Where I will agree with you is that there could be dynamic world content, whether it be PvP or PvE content. This is not a huge issue to me because I love this game as it is (not saying I don't want new content. I believe any new content is good new content), but the masses would enjoy this kind of stuff. So it would be interesting if something like this gets implemented, but I also think they should take their time with it and not push it down the line too quickly. If it takes until christmas or beyond, that's A-ok.

Edited by Aaroneus
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Lolz wut?


That's like playing call of duty and complaining about it being a warzone. The galaxy is at war so not seeing your point.


Also, on hutta the hutts were at war with each other so that was a warzone. And, on tython the Jedi were at war with those flesh monster things or whatever. Not sure what else you would call that battle at the start of tython quest line if it wasn't a warzone.


Korriban the sith are mostly at war with each other, so there you go.

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I've a different experience OP.


The planet grind... well, yes, there are quest objectives and more quests that hardly seem unique. But I wouldn't say this is a planetary issue. There is a story that needs to be told and there is progression that needs to occur from a leveling perspective so, I view this as a game mechanic not as a planetary issue. I would like to see more creativity therein however.


The Planets being the same... Yea, I don't see that at all. Standing at the Dam on Ald and or the streets of Corellia is not even approximately the same as the battle fields of Balmorra. IMO, Aesthetically, this game is a marvel. The vistas on Alderann are as breath taking and unique as the vistas on Correllia. Just take a little time to look around. Hec every once in a while, just look up in the sky... you will see what I mean. However.... the game mechanics are the same OP, but the scenery is not.


As for the sandbox elements? Not really my cup of tea. I mean, cool if you can go fishing or become a farmer and grow wheat, etc. etc. But it is of little relevance for me personally. Just not interested in it. But hey, more power to those who champion it. I'm all for it if it brings more to the game in general.

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What bores me about planets is they seem lifeless people are always just standing around. Back in kotor the npcs were interacting with eachother and at least we're not statues.


This, while a minor gripe, is a huge thing for me. It kind of takes away a lot of the atmosphere when NPCs don't move around AT ALL.

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I should re explain what I mean, sure all planets are warzones and as well as they should be but what I tried to get across was that the intro to each planet is mostly the same. Every time you land on a planet you are just thrusted into the middle of it, there are no beginings at all. The intro's to the planets could have been done a lot more instead of just the "we are under attack help us" you can give me all the plots of each planet which is great the but the same general thing is in every planet "we are under attack please help us." It would be nice if at first you land on a planet knowing an attack was coming and before that attack comes, you try and prepair as quickly as possible and then later on in the story you see the attack take place, that would make the standard MMO quests more interesting. All planets should be a warzone, but what I am trying to say in this post is that the way every planet is executed is not very good at all. Its like starting a movie right in the middle, and if you just start it in the middle, then I have no emotional attachment to any character and without any emotional attachment, I could careless what happend on any planet. They have shown that they can use instancing (or phasing for you WoW people) and it would make the leveling expierence A LOT better if they started each planet with some surprises.

Overall It would be nice to see:


1. Planets "unique story" have a better beginning part instead of making me feel like I show up late to every planet in a middle of a war.

2. More sandbox elements

3. More emotional attachment to all characters of the planet

4. Mountains, lakes, oceans etc.

5. Better plot in general.

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I find almost all of the planets have enough distinctness to them, in both scenery/environment and story. I do think the games overall story is too weighed down by the war theme. In that sense I think the classes should have had more distinct paths in which they spent little to no time on certain planets. For example, for my trooper it might make more sense that 80% of the story is going through the war, or that my agent spends 80% of his time dealing with the republic, but I feel like my inquisitor is wasting time running around in a field full of droids, tanks and artillery. Those planets should have been much more optional and it would make each class feel different and reduce the need for common elements on most planets to justify all class stories running through them.
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The only thing I agree with is the fact that their are no sandbox elements to the planets. You are right, there is literally only one path to the destination which is frustrating because I was expecting more as well, but it is what it is.
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What bores me about planets is they seem lifeless people are always just standing around. Back in kotor the npcs were interacting with eachother and at least we're not statues.


Agreed, back during beta I already gave this as feedback but it was quickly shot down by the notion that players would fill in that role; obviously as I already predicted that didn't quite work out :p.


I definitely hope that BioWare will make some changes to that and revisit current planets to add some dynamic NPC elements to them.


Additionally I belief that they need to add some additional actual cities to planets, ones where all facilities are available such as GTN, crafting stations, etc as alternatives to the fleet. With in addition to that emergency transport tickets to those planets.


Lastly I think there should be some more features introduced for planet gameplay in a more less heroic aspect as well. Even heroes just want to have some time off, throw out a fishing rod and relax from time to time ;). That's just a thing in general however with BioWare, overall they're too serious. They should add a little bit more of the game aspect into TOR and its planets.

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Agreed, back during beta I already gave this as feedback but it was quickly shot down by the notion that players would fill in that role; obviously as I already predicted that didn't quite work out :p.


I definitely hope that BioWare will make some changes to that and revisit current planets to add some dynamic NPC elements to them.


Additionally I belief that they need to add some additional actual cities to planets, ones where all facilities are available such as GTN, crafting stations, etc as alternatives to the fleet. With in addition to that emergency transport tickets to those planets.


Lastly I think there should be some more features introduced for planet gameplay in a more less heroic aspect as well. Even heroes just want to have some time off, throw out a fishing rod and relax from time to time ;). That's just a thing in general however with BioWare, overall they're too serious. They should add a little bit more of the game aspect into TOR and its planets.


Completely agree, more interactive planets, I really like that revisting idea that makes the planets seem like they have purpose instead of just a leveling area...

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