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The Quest for the forums!


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The trailers for the game were released in descending order; starting from the last, to the first. That got me thinking...what if there was a secret way to play the actual game to get the full story. Did BioWare intertwine all the class stories where only the person with the time and effort can get the full experience?


I wish I knew the answer to that question, but that is what a forum is for! So my quest to the people of the forums is to figure out BioWares hidden story through the class quests. Combine them, like the trailers, in the correct order to get the full experience of The Old Republic.


If we can gather the information together and combine the stories of the Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, The Trooper, The Smuggler, The Sith Warrior, The Sith Inquisitor, The Bounty Hunter, and the Imperial Agent, I am sure we can find something truly incredible.


Good luck to all and may the force be with you!

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There's no certain order but many classes mostly the companions tie into together like how vettes best friend used to be Risha. Or when your talking to pierce he will talk about taking over the bastion and general rakton which these events would tie into the trooper story. Edited by Newyankalt
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