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Bots, saw my first group of them today


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I was in a Alderaan, civil war, and saw two characters standing right on top of one another. They never said a word and after each death went back to the exact same spot. They would go there from the middle speeder to the left node after landing, usually it was capped for our team. These two never attacked, never healed, and would only run to one spot. If this is not botting I do not know what else it could be, perhaps really stupid players.
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they did 0 damage, 0 healing, and 0 protection. They ran to the same node every time, died every time we did not have the node, and stayed in one spot facing the same direction every time. I have only seen them one time, they were Imperial so it was easy for me to spot. I presume Republic side has Warzone Bots too on The Bastion. I would name names, but like I said, I have only seen them the one time today for one match. I am thinking this was a test run for someone new to Bot use.
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they did 0 damage, 0 healing, and 0 protection. They ran to the same node every time, died every time we did not have the node, and stayed in one spot facing the same direction every time. I have only seen them one time, they were Imperial so it was easy for me to spot. I presume Republic side has Warzone Bots too on The Bastion. I would name names, but like I said, I have only seen them the one time today for one match. I am thinking this was a test run for someone new to Bot use.


The one good thing about Warzones is the lack of reward for doing 0/0/0, etc. Botting really doesn't work in WZ's unless you have a bot that fights/heals and can earn medals. They wont hit 8 medals or even 4 (might get 2 or 3) without taking part. Not to mention WZ XP isn't that great, nor is the credits you get. It's more or less a waste to try to bot WZ's.


I wouldn't worry about it. Report them and carry on. Chances are, the botter will figure it out.

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vote to kick /thread.


Cannot be kicked if you are defending an objective. You would have to lose the objective first on purpose just for the sake of kicking them.


To the OP: it stinks of botting. I would report both of them.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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The one good thing about Warzones is the lack of reward for doing 0/0/0, etc. Botting really doesn't work in WZ's unless you have a bot that fights/heals and can earn medals. They wont hit 8 medals or even 4 (might get 2 or 3) without taking part. Not to mention WZ XP isn't that great, nor is the credits you get. It's more or less a waste to try to bot WZ's.


I wouldn't worry about it. Report them and carry on. Chances are, the botter will figure it out.


they get exp and valor/comms on 3-4 characters while being completely afk. you obviously don't know the intent of botting.

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with all the gear grind that's needed before you can start actually having fun in WZs as a fresh 50 I actually understand these guys. Noone wants to spend 15 mins of his time getting devastated in his recruit gear over and over again.

Pitty for the rest of the team ofc..


Maybe BW should introduce PVP missions for companions to grind those commendations for us and the players won't have to do something like this :)

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with all the gear grind that's needed before you can start actually having fun in WZs as a fresh 50 I actually understand these guys. Noone wants to spend 15 mins of his time getting devastated in his recruit gear over and over again.

Pitty for the rest of the team ofc..


Maybe BW should introduce PVP missions for companions to grind those commendations for us and the players won't have to do something like this :)


Then you have a bunch of PvE scrubs who are worse in battlemaster gear than those in recruit gear.

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they get exp and valor/comms on 3-4 characters while being completely afk. you obviously don't know the intent of botting.




You should really read before you quote. Since I already covered your argument. You get very little XP/comms for botting. End of story. Go into a WZ and only get 2 or 3 medals, since as the OP said, all they did was stand there and did nothing else. See how great the reward is.


This isn't WoW, where you can afk the entire match and get even more Honor due to poor mechanics. There's a reason in WoW you have bots in every BG match. This game has been out for over 6 months and I have NEVER seen a bot. Not to mention the OP said that this was the first time he'd seen them.


You have to participate in WZ's to get rewards. If you don't, you'd get at most 30 comms. Not to mention a community aware that you botted and if they have any sense, would report you till BW did something about it.

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with all the gear grind that's needed before you can start actually having fun in WZs as a fresh 50 I actually understand these guys. Noone wants to spend 15 mins of his time getting devastated in his recruit gear over and over again.

Pitty for the rest of the team ofc..


I didn't think its that bad in all recruit, nor are you in recruit for all that long. That said, getting geared definitely adds to the fun factor :cool:

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