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What would it take?


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Despite all that speaks against the AC and my 3 other characters that would perform way better in their roles than my Merc I still am not willing to give up.


So what do you think would it take to fix the class ... or rather each specific spec.


Bodyguard is simple I think. The outrage was rather loud once the heat nerfs were thrown our way and rightfully so.

  • Reverting all changes done to Supercharged Gas and Kolto Shell in addition to making Kolto Missile a smart target heal might be enough to make the spec competitive in all regards.


Arsenal. A long list of things that are missing here ... overall damage is lacking since the hammer hit us, there are no roots or snares, no noticable defensive cooldowns, no interrupt, no group buffs, no escape ability.

For the damage part it's just tweaking numbers.

  • Like reducing the cooldown on HSM and RS - which also adds mobility as well.

  • Tracer Missile can no longer be interrupted.

  • Power Barrier wasn't broken and should return to 10%.

  • A basic root attached to either Barrage, Unload or Heatseaker Missile or as a new ability.


Pyrotech is a big one since it's the shared spec with one of the best damage dealers available right now and it's still quite gimped. For PvE even subpar to Arsenal and that really means something.

  • Power Shot keeps it's animation and roots the player for 1.5 seconds but is instant cast. (Yes, alacrity will no longer benefit Power Shot, something I'd like to think no one will miss.)

  • Cylinder proc raised to a level where it is guaranteed - as long as this doesn't happen Pyro PT will always be better than the Merc version.

  • Fusion Missile get's it's heat cost reduced to 16 and cooldown set to 20 seconds in order to make up for all the special stuff Powertechs have that Mercenaries lack while being the same spec (eg taunts, Explosive Gas, grapple).


Stuff any spec could really use:

  • New ability that launches us 30 meter backwards away from where we're facing - makes sense in any way you look at it.

  • A basic interrupt ability

  • Power Surge cooldown cut in half to 60 seconds and it increases the augmented ability's effect by 10-20%.

  • Kolto Overload - cooldown and effeciency should be revaluated for Mercs as well as Powertechs.



I hope the readability is fair enough and despite the recent lack of yellow posts I still hope that as long as we throw sufficient masses of feedback and ideas at them they might come up with something that makes Mercs more fun to play again. (As in: not knowing that your just dragged along.)

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Too much "stuff". Don't go overboard when trying to suggest buffs for us, or it just gets silly.


Pyro - 100% combustible proc chance on powershot.

Bodyguard - Bit of a buff or change to kolto residue which is a lame talent atm.

Arsenal - Shift the bodyguard talent that makes you immune to interrupts whilst energy shield is up to a lower, accessible tier so all mercs can take it.

Edited by Sinsavz
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Too much "stuff". Don't go overboard when trying to suggest buffs for us, or it just gets silly.


Problem is, there's a lot wrong with the class ... and Interrupt ability and protection for filler skills is already 2 points. The fix to survivability and healing is just revert it to where it was before getting nerfed (what genius had that idea I really don't want to know).


And the Powershot nerf? I thought I misread something when reading it in the notes ... breaking a spec that doesn't need any attention and no nerfs at that isn't very fun.


Good thing for me (and Bioware to some point) is that I'm part of the playerbase that has a lot of twinks ... and my sniper is nearly geared up with BH stuff and ready to roll if 1.4 is as disappointing as 1.3 was. I'm just a little sad about all the mounts and cyan/white crystals I got for the Merc. :(

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I agree on the DPS points, but not heals.


Putting back the healing nerf wouldn't be right. We were OP. I'm tough enough now, but before I was an unkillable monster.


Operatives healing output is currently a little too strong and I'm quite sure that will be tweaked, if that happens then the healer classes will be fairly balanced. I have no complaints about our heals now.

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Lol good joke...


Ignore this guy...He is the most vocal person in this forum against helping Merc utility/Survival skills. He apperently plays a Merc and I dont know what his deal is but he doesnt want Merc DPS to get any help at all.


I play a Jugg as my main and can tell you Mercs DPS are the easiest class to destroy for a melee in this game by a long shot....Merc DPS doesnt need DMG, but they very much need a root, a dependable snare, and an interupt there is no reason they shouldnt havve these things...PT has a gap closer, Merc doesnt have a root? really?

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