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Corellia Problems


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Lvl48 Sniper, specced Lethality.


I never had a continuing problem with a specific mob until I hit Corellia. On the first class quest, I'm stuck against a mob guarding the shuttle i need to mark the Republic Bunker. The mob is a lvl48 Sergent (Elite Nemesis), and with all the damage I can throw out, I rarely get the mob below 25%. My equipment is reasonably up to date (lvl 40 pvp gear with some upgrades). I've tried upgrading gear on Larkin, Vector, and Scorpio and I am finding none of them effective.


Other than ask others for help, I am wondering if ya'all have had any issues at this point. I could of course, get to 50 and upgrade my gear then, but others have to had made better progress than me here and I'd like some insight.

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Yeah that guys a fair bit overtuned... took me several goes also. Heroic moment, orbital, legacy abilities if you have any, stim, medpack, adrenal. Use scorpio just to distract him for 15s or so (i hadn't upgraded any of her gear and she survived at least a little. Light V legacy ability works great if you have it.
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With orange gear modded with lvl 47 Arm/Mod/Enh (also Scorpio) and lvl 47 epic barrel in your rifle you should have no problem with this Mob. If not try to solve it by using this ways: group up with some friends or get more skill (sry).
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I did the entire Corellia agent quest line last night at level 46 with just levl 40 pvp gear. I dont really recall what mob the nemesis is. However, I do know that I didnt really have any issues with any mob. LoS tanking any ranged and kiting any melee. I was lethality so my dots ticked their health down and I remained fairly unharmed. I used Vector and he only had level 43 greens. Not to sound rude, but I gotta agree with the above poster. Rethink your playstyle, you shouldnt really be having any issues with any class quest mobs.
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I did the entire Corellia agent quest line last night at level 46 with just levl 40 pvp gear. I dont really recall what mob the nemesis is. However, I do know that I didnt really have any issues with any mob. LoS tanking any ranged and kiting any melee. I was lethality so my dots ticked their health down and I remained fairly unharmed. I used Vector and he only had level 43 greens. Not to sound rude, but I gotta agree with the above poster. Rethink your playstyle, you shouldnt really be having any issues with any class quest mobs.


He's the 1 elite guy in the walled off shuttle area. Not even a named mob just a general elite in your way. I guess it wouldn't be to bad if you cleared the entire area and had room to kite him round but when you can normally burn all other mobs down with your eyes closed and suddenly this guy is leaping to you despite cover, grappling you to him, knocking you out of cover and generally just hitting a hell of a lot harder than any other thing in that area its a bit of a shock. Now don't get me wrong i still killed him but I remember he was a lot more difficult and can see why the OP is having trouble

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I did this 1st class last night and I didn't have any problem with this elite guarding the shuttle to the Rep bunker.


I'm a fully MM sniper, I called out portable cover then ambush, instant snipe (activated by portable cover ans skill tree), followthrough, then he jumped on me to start stabbing so I used the cover pulse to push him back, then smoke grenade, exploding probe, normal grenade and then series of shots and there goes 60% of the elite's life.


Then I called out adrenaline probe and kept using "snipe" on him and some series of shots with a final ambush shot and he was down.


All my gear is custom with levels ranging from 45 to 47 mods, 47 purple implants and I was using Doc Lokin to heal me... Lokin was using mostly green or blue non-custom items, a few custom items (head / leggings) with level 45 mods and level 45 purple implants.


When I took down the elite, i was like 45% health ou of 11.350 hp.

Edited by Haggardbr
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