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Smuggler and Jedi Knight one-shot


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(It will same as the Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread so all credit to them)

Excape U have to write for Smuggler or jedi knight.



1:No female Smuggler and Jedi knight unless is good story (Casue really way to many story about them)

2:Other class can be in but as long make the Smuggler and Jedi knight main chaceher

3:No harsh to me or other writers.

Edited by greyjedibp
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Jedi master'son


Captain Kim Hughes is on his ship sitting at the captain's chair drinking bottle of Wine and looking star of space


He is heading to Ord Mantell to deliver a cargo of weapons.


He sence this may not good well as he plan it and Kim's famliy has alway has alway got in trouble.


"Dad alway knew noting will turn out good as we plan and being son of Jedi master is alway being me trouble" said Kim chuckle at that and took more other glass of wine.


Kim's parents were both Jedi and his dad is a Jedi Master and his mum is Jedi knight. He knew some thing in the force but he trian as a gunslinger that mean he Carry two Blaster's on him instead of one. He alway ready help those in need that can't defend them self and that why no Kim real smuggler. This is the reason he why he is making this run.


Kim has not heard form his parent in 2 weeks he alway worried about his parent they may be jedi but they can still get kill out there.


"I should called them to make sure they are aright I won't be on Ord Mantell at least in 3 days anyway" said Kim getting up from Chair and putting his glass of wine down went to called his parent.


Kim is making called to his Dad. In few monment there some pick up and to Kim's suprise it's is his Uncle Doc.


"Hi there Kim what could old Doc do for you today" said in Doc in a funny tone that Kim found funny when he was a child.


Doc teach him few thing about Flirt with women (Much to Mum disapprove of Doc) and with Blaster. Kim alway love Doc's story as a child.


"Nothing much Uncle Doc just checking in with my parents can get them for me" said Kim cross his arms.


Doc looked at for few sec and then rub the back of his head and said "Bryan and Kira are busy at moment but I go get them and If Mum try to kill me you are taking the blame."


Kim help but laugh and said "Good thing on other side of galaxy then is it".


"Laugh it up boy" said Doc in sarcasm tone and then went to get Kira and Bryan.


In a few minture Kim could hear scream of his mum and sound of lightsaber and hearing Doc running like hell for his life and back on holdcall


"Bryan and Kira will be with you in few sec" said Doc catch his breath.


"Don't Make do that again Kim or this Galaxy will down one less Doc and there only one of me" said Doc aggravation.


Kim laugh at Doc and said "Don't Uncle Doc it won't happen again".


Doc look piss at Kim for few sec but then clam down and said "Aright I let this one go"


Doc left and in few minture later his dad show on holocall just with shorts and on t-shirt him


"Aright Kim this better be good your mom kind of piss and almost killed Doc" said Bryan with arm cross clearly not happy with his son.


"Sorry about that dad let just wait for mum ok" said Kim look guily at his dad.


A few minture later Kira appeared on holocall weairng long shirt reach to her knee and anybody can tell clearly that one of Byran's Shirt and Kim can tell his mum is very piss of at him.


"Aright Kim this better be good you have no idea how it is for Doc come and Interrupt us " said Kira angry at her at her son.


"Sorry mom but im just check up on you both casue just worry about you both" said Kim.


Kira and Bryan look at other and then Bryan sign and said "We are sorry about that Kim we should have knew check on your old man and your mum"


"Don't say you are old Bryan then you me feel old too" said Kira chuckle.


"eh don't worry I don't think old yet dad" joked Kim.


Bryan could not help but chuckle at his son joke and Kira aslo chuckle and said "You better think that or I come to other side Galaxy and give you a kick butt your youny man"


Bryan said "We fine Kim don't worry about us" put arm around Kira and then ask "How are you and ship my boy?"


"I am taking good care of her dad and im fine too" answed Kim set parents mind at ease


"I don't like trip Ord Mantell your are during it that place is just warzone" said Kira clearly worried about her Kim.


"Don't about me mum I can take of myself and I have force train to keep me safe" said Kim trying to set his mum mind at ease.


"I know you Kim but not your mum can still worry about you" said Bryan know Kim is trying to keep his mum form being worry about him and held Kira closer and Kira put her head on his shoulder.


"I know true me I be fine ok made force with you both" said Kim and could not help add in "I let you both get back what you are during"


Kira and Bryan shout together "KIM" and then Kim laugh very loud and Kira said "I blame Doc for this in fact i am going to talk to him right now."


With that Kira ran out of the called and Kim and Bryan look at each other they both knew what Kira is going to do to



"May with Force too Kim casue Doc going to need it " said Bryan with hand his forehead and holocall end clearly ready stop Kira from during something to Doc.


Kim know his Mum and Doc will never get along but can they try to get along for him.


He went back to deck of his ship and sat down on his chair and began to drink more wine and looking at star of space.


"Well let see what Ord Mantell got for me" said Kim as took his drink and laid back.

Edited by greyjedibp
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