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Star wars the old republic: The great galactic war


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This story is about the great galactic war. But it is more than that. It is a study on sentient emotions and how they change, and how war itself changes people. The characters and situations in this story you will find react realistically, and they act how, if this were a real event, how beings with self awareness would act. This book is an ambitious project, and I will be adding chapters weekly, Most of the chapters are already finished, but since it's so long, I thought it prudent to release the chapters one by one weekly, so that readers would not be overwhelmed.


Well, without further ado, I am pleased to introduce you to the world of the GREAT GALACTIC WAR. (english isn't my first language so if there are errors please be not too brutal) COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED/NEEEEEDED



The harsh orange sun of Korriban beat down on the brow of the young halfbreed Sith, Vais.


With Sith and Zabrak heritage, the youth wore both the red skin and horns, four of them, poking out from his head, full of dark raven hair that ran all the way down to his waist. He lacked the face tendrils of his father, but shared the same eagle-like profile, albeit with a flat nose and slanted eyes that glowed a dull yellow.



Was it always this hot here? Vais wondered as sweat threatened to seep out of his body. He was wearing the garments of a sith prospect, gray robes that covered the body from neck to dark boot- heavy material that did not allow the occasional breeze to slip through its tough fibers.

His yellow eyes looked up to the sun. It seemed to grow closer, larger and more violent, Vais could almost see the heat exploding from within it, rolling balls of orange flame that constantly consumed each other in an undying and violent dance.



“Don’t lose your focus.”


Vais turned to his right, to see his fellow trainee, Durma, looking at him with his stern blue eyes and thin lips, looking almost invisible due to his mouth constantly being in a frown.


“I never lose focus.” Vais answered, turning his gaze away from the sun and back to Korriban’s bleak landscape. The Sith had returned. They had established the training grounds on Korriban shortly after it was reclaimed, a mere six months. As such, Vais, Durma, and seventy other young sentients were among the first students of the newly revealed Empire. Every force sensitive, even slaves, as Vais noted when he first arrived a month ago, were being trained as agents of the dark side.



“People die here. Make sure you aren’t one of them.” Durma said grimly. They all stood in the Valley of Kings, a dusty open area filled with nothing but fallen statues, rocks, and massive crumbling tombs. Vais had heard the sith traps still functioned, and the beasts begotten by the forgotten art of Sith Alchemy still roared within the dark halls... Vais shuddered to himself, but smiled to Durma.


“I think I’ll be ok. I was born for this. This planet is my legacy.” Vais said, grinning, revealing his sharp canines. Durma scoffed and turned his attention away from Vais. They stood outside, waiting for their instructor, a man named Mereen. Vais had seen glimpses of him while carrying out freshmen duties in the academy. Mereen was a small, almost comical man with a high-pitched voice and a head beret of hair. He had a stocky build, with large muscular arms and thickly muscled legs that looked clumsy in the tight black leg-garments of a high-instructor.


And this was the man they waited for, out in the open, the Korriban sun rising and gaining strength and further cooking the students. Earlier, they had all stood still and silently, but as time passed, some began to sit, growing lax in the absence of leadership. Vais watched them with little interest, not wasting his thoughts on those he deemed unworthy. He stood, not allowing the heat of the sun break his will.



Soon, a man appeared, walking towards the group. Vais smiled to himself as the heard the scuffle of several students rising from their seated position and wiping the dirt from their tunics. As the man marched closer, Vais saw that he was holding two training blades, each one taking up home in his left and right hands. The students inched closer to him in unison, each one, even Vais, taken in by curiosity. They met the man halfway, and he, in turn, stared at them, each one, before sitting down and putting the two blades out in front of him. He remained silent, and closed his eyes.



The students all looked at each other uncomfortably, but none of them spoke. It passed like this, the young trainees watching their mentor in confused silence, each of them too meek to rouse him. Suddenly, however, one youth stepped forward as a silent gasp spread throughout the crowd of adolescents. Vais knew the boy’s name to be Arris, a lanky Human with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. He walked forward, slowly, his head bowed submissively, his hand before him in a weak stance of defense.


“Master...?” He started, inching closer to Mereen, who looked like a small, impish garden statue rather than a master of combat. Arris stepped closer to the man, saying “Master ?” beggingly, his hand still stretched before him. Suddenly a metallic object, made white with light from the sun, flew from Mereen and into the boy’s groin. Arris yelped loudly, doubling over. The object removed itself from the boy and again attacked, this time butting him on the head, dropping Arris' face first into the harsh earth.


Mereen then stood, the object, which Vais now recognized as a lightsaber, returning to Mereen’s open hand. The mentor’s short stubby hands closed over the hilt of the weapon, and then with one motion, hid it from view. He clasped his hands behind his back and took three steps toward the toppled Arris, who was rolling around on the ground and whimpering silently. Mereen looked at the boy before him, his mouth twisted into a smile.



“What is your name boy?” Mereen asked, and waited for Arris to respond. But Arris didn’t, he was unable to talk, his body racked with pain and humiliation. Arris simply whimpered. But Mereen waited, his eyes locked on the crumpled form before him.


“Arris, his name is Arris.” Vais said loudly, but with respect, not defiance. Mereen shot a heated glance at Vais, glaring at him. Vais stepped back, surprised, but as quickly as Mereen’s face had painted itself with anger, the emotion disappeared.

“Be sure to let the infirmary know.” Mereen said as he ripped his hand from his back and unleashed a torrent of black lightning from his open palm. Arris was wakened from his pain induced stupor by an even greater torment. He screamed loudly, his voice distorted by the crackling of the electricity. Vais saw Arris’ bones flash from within the human’s own body, saw as his skin began to melt and literally fall off of his person. The lightning attack gradually died down, culminating with a few dark sparks going off from within Mereen’s closing hand. Arcs of dark lighting traveled Arris’ still body. Mereen stepped over the body with a hop and stood closer to the group of students. He smiled at them again, and bowed.



“My name is instructor Mereen, but I think many of you knew that already.” He said warmly.


“My job is to prepare you for war. Yes, we are at war. As of now, we are outnumbered by the Jedi” Mereen declared. He smiled deviously, however, and continued, “But I’m sure you all already knew that. Do not think just because we need Sith, your lives are valuable to the empire.”


The short man’s eyes glazed over the crowd, before honing in on a young human girl, who looked even younger than the rest of the group.


“You! girl! come here.” Mereen barked. The girl looked around nervously and Mereen sighed, rolling his eyes.


“Yes, you girl. Come here.” He said. The girl shuffled towards him, and bowed weakily.


“H-hello, my name is..” She began, but Mereen threw his head back and erupted into a fit of harsh laughter. The girl smiled sheepishly, and the rest of the students slowly began to laugh as well. Mereen wiped his eyes with his pinky finger and chuckled to himself a few more time before looking at the girl with dead eyes and a flat smile.


“I didn’t ask your name, girl.” He said. Mereen whipped his head towards the group of students, who all jumped.


“Did I ask her name?” Mereen looked at them intently.


“You!” Mereen yelled, pointing at another student, this one a zabrak.


“What is your name?” Mereen asked. The Zabrak boy was nervous, but he did not show it. He raised himself higher and answered with a deep, flat voice.


“Ataga, former slave of Lord Onden.” Ataga said. Mereen raised his eyebrows, impressed.


“I know Onden. Tell me, does he still test the consistency of his blade on his servants?” Mereen asked.


Ataga smiled, as if he remembered a recent occurrence of this happening.


“Yes. Lord Onden said that lightsabers feed on the blood of the weak.” Ataga answered.


Mereen erupted into another fit of laughter, to which Ataga remained silent but allowed his smile to grow wider as he bowed his head.


“You must be of some use to him if he kept you alive. I guess I should too, then.” Mereen said.


“You see? this is the type of student we need. You all would do well to follow... What was your name?” Mereen asked, pointing. Ataga nodded,


“Ataga, instructor.” He said, bowing. Mereen smiled.


“Yes, yes. Ataga. I will remember that name. Why should I remember anyone elses here?” Mereen said. The group remained silent.


“In..instructor?” The girl stammered. Mereen turned his head back to her. As she shuddered and held herself Mereen’s mirth disappeared.


“There is nothing worse than weakness.” He said simply. Before she could open her mouth to respond, his lightsaber flew into his hand, and with one stroke, he removed her of her left arm and a portion of her left leg, cutting at her knee. She screamed, and Mereen watched as she, much like Arris, rolled and blubbered in pain.


“What is her name?” Mereen asked. He waited, looking into the group.


“Does no one know? You! halfbreed!” Mereen shouted. Vais eyes shot open as the attention of the collective turned to him. A few silent laughs could be heard among the group. halfbreed.


“You seem to know everyone’s name. What is hers?” Mereen demanded. Vais answered instantly. “Zaela.' Vais said flatly. His eyes found themselves on the girl’s still smoking wounds. And then the cut portions of her body that were dusted by the red sand. Did she wake up today expecting to be crippled?


“Answer me this, halfbreed, why do you know everyone’s name?” Mereen inquired. Vais again, answered mechanically.


“We were given profiles of all our fellow students. I overviewed them and learned their names, as was requested of all the students when we arrived here.” Vais said. Mereen nodded.


“And why would you go through all of that effort? trying to make up for your savage blood?” Mereen asked, a mocking tone taking his voice.


“A sith mixed with a zabrak..i’ve seen everything.” Mereen said. Vais remained silent.


“At Least Atapa know’s he’s a slave. He knows that he is nothing but a tool.” Mereen said. Ataga raised his head and opened his mouth to correct Mereen about his name, but then closed his mouth before his voice left it, and smiled.


“But you. Just because you’re a sith you think you are better than us, don’t you? despite your obvious beast parentage.” Mereen goaded. Vais looked at him with yellow eyes and remained silent. Mereen laughed cruelly.


“I don’t know why everyone loves purebloods...like your father. They seem to forget that it was humans, humans who created the sith culture. Your father’s people were nothing but savages before we arrived here, on this ground.” Mereen said, tapping his foot on the dusty earth.


“Do you even know who your father is?” Mereen asked. Vais didn’t shake his gaze, and nodded simply.


“Well? who is he? some low-born pureblood with a fetish for animals?” Mereen asked, smiling when some laughter was heard among the crowd of young students.


Vais returned Mereen’s smile. “My father is Xel Cavith, dark lord of the Sith.” The laughter dissipated and Mereen’s smile fell from his face at the drop of this. Silence gripped the students, the teacher, and even Vais as he let the revelation of his heritage settle.

His father was dangerous. His father was well-known throughout the Sith Empire. While he did not sit on the Dark council, he had his connections, with a large estate on Dromund Kaas that was said to rival the emperor’s own home. House Cavith was of the strongest families in the Empire. Xel had many children, many who were entering young adulthood- Many who would take up victories and ravage the galaxy.


“But..” Mereen began, after he had recovered, his smile returning.


But..”, He continued, his voice retaking the banner of mockery. “You’re a bastard, aren’t you? why else would you be half zabrak..why else would you be here? You may be Xel’s son, but you have none of his inheritance. You were probably sent here in the hopes that you would die, so the Dromund Kaas nobles could forget about his lapse in constitution..” Mereen spat.


In one fell swoop, Mereen removed any power that Vais had hoped to attain. He had hoped to become something great here, but it seems that when you’re a bastard, that follows you for life. He would never be great. He would always be the halfbreed. The monster with impure blood.



“Let’s see how well you fight, Halfbreed.” Mereen said. He lifted a training blade with the force and guided it to Vais. Vais snatched it from the air and held it tightly in his hand.


“Come forward.” Mereen ordered. Vais step forward, the training blade held at his side.


Mereen took up the spare training blade, and upon looking at it with a bemused smile, charged.



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The training blade buzzed past Vais face as he shifted his body to the side, a movement that was not trained, rather an instinct of survival, as Mereen snarled and pulled his weapon back to his chest, and then stabbed at Vais again, this time aiming for his stomach. Vais inhaled deeply and jumped backwards, just enough so that Mereen’s blade pointed at him harmlessly, and then he swatted it aside with his own.


The training blade vibrated in Vais' palms, and he went on the offensive, his nimble legs moving in accordance with his forward strikes- Left, right, up and down, he unleashed a barrage from all directions, pushing Mereen back and causing the dust of korriban to rise up and begin to cloud the two fighters. Vais swung his blade violently down at Mereen’s face, and the man was able block the blow, locking the two weapons in a hissing embrace. Vais poured all of his strength into the struggle, could feel his arms strain as they pushed against his mentor's. Mereen was a small man, but he was strong.


Years of fighting had honed his muscles and his reflexes, as opposed to Vais, whose own training was limited to watching his half brothers duel with their masters. He was able to memorize some of the exercises and techniques, but that was no substitute for an actual sparring match. Mereen roared suddenly and threw himself at Vais, pushing his own blade forward and causing Vais to cut himself on the nose with his respective weapon.


Vais snarled as fresh warm blood began to trickle from the wound and into his mouth. Mereen continued the assault, swinging his blade at Vais chest. Vais, however, was fast, and in an extraordinary move, ducked backwards, his eyes watching Mereen’s blade pass over his chest and head in a white flash. Mereen scoffed in surprise and flourished his blade, preparing to bring it down on Vais body, but the young sith recovered from his feat, swinging his own blade in defense to meet Mereen’s attack. The blades once again howled violently, And Mereen pushed in, removing his weapon from the struggle and unleashing swinging blows to Vais’ feet and legs.


Vais grunted in effort as he danced away and blocked, the heat of Korriban began to cook Vais, the sweat of his body pouring freely and mixing in with the blood of his wound. The blade in his hand became slick and almost untrustworthy as it slid in his palms. But Mereen was relentless. He pressed the attack, with an artful brutality, hacking away at Vais’ defense strike by strike. Vais attempted to keep up the wall, but in one stroke, Mereen found Vais’ defense lax, cutting his shoulder and disarming the young sith with a flip of his wrist.


Vais watched as his weapon was flung from him and fell uselessly in the sand. Vais stood still, his left shoulder numb and his nose bleeding, possibly broken. Sweat dripped freely from his face and gave his skin the appearance of light red paint. He struggled to regain his breath as Mereen did not have a bead of sweat on him. The small instructor laughed quietly and turned his face to the mass of students.


“This, children, is the difference between a fool and a master.” He said with a smile. He charged again, to which Vais was instantly brought back to his wits.


“I yield! I yield!” Vais cried, but Mereen just laughed, stopping, for an instance, to mutter,


“Sith do not yield.”. Mereen pounced on Vais, striking the defenseless youth at his legs, causing the halfbreed to fall over, his leg turning numb as the training blade’s toxins took effect. Mereen then began to beat him with the blade, indiscriminately attacking his body with such a gusto that Vais began to hear Mereen grunting with effort. The pain was immense, the numbing toxins taking effect only blunted the otherwise sharp edge of the blows. Vais could feel his blood leave him, he could only lay there, like a dumb animal, as his grip on consciousness left him, seeping from in between his closed fists. As the beating continued, Vais only repeating one thing in his mind:


I will kill Mereen.


Then everything went dark.

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Vais' eyes slowly opened, his mind and body roused to awareness by the methodical beep of the dozens of machines that crowded the infirmary. He took in a deep breath, his body still racked by the beating Mereen had given him. His body protested his every breath, and every movement, even one as simple as turning his head to look at the brightly colored bacta tank feeding the precious substance into his body. He watched the thick liquid travel down a tube, leading to a large syringe stabbed into his forearm. The Infirmary was quiet, for the most part. Soft moans of the dying and wounded became almost as hypnotic as the bacta machines.


How long have I been here? He asked himself. He tested his body slightly, raising himself into a sitting position. The pain was dull and deep, but it was a healing pain, a pain that, after it passes, makes the body stronger. He looked to his left and found dozens of beds, some occupied, more of them empty. He scanned the occupants and noticed with a grim smile that most of the wounded initiates were alien. The empire may have ordered that all force-users be trained, alien or otherwise, but it seems that the instructors had their own ideas as to who should let the Sith armies into battle against the republic. He turned his attention to his right.


Zaela was bedded next to him. And Arris after her. Arris was still comatose, or dead, or sleeping, Vais didn't know which. But Zaela was wide awake. Her bright big eyes, a violet sheen, burned a hole into the ceiling. Vais' own eyes traveled down to her body- Despite the fact she wore a blanket he could see the depressions where her limbs ended. The scene of Mereen maiming her replayed in his mind.



"I still don't know why." She said suddenly. Vais jumped beside himself, blunted pain flaring in his chest. He looked at her with a shocked expression as she turned her head to look at him, curly black hair gaining a brighter sheen from the medical lights that illuminated the infirmary.


Vais remained silent, and she turned her attention away from him. She laid like that for some time, Vais remained sitting up, no thoughts crossing his mind. He felt like he was decaying in this room- He felt like this place would be his grave. Mereen's face burned in his mind.


"You've never talked to another girl, have you?" Zaela asked suddenly, too which Vais was pulled from his thoughts, inhaling so deeply it was audible.


Zaela smiled.


"I guess not. I'm from the rim territories." Zaela said absently.


More silence.


"I'm guessing you're from Dromund Kaas?"


"Yes." Vais answered simply. He turned to look at Zaela again, and she had returned her gaze to the ceiling above them.


"What is it like?" Zaela asked. Vais closed his eyes and returned himself to Dromund Kaas- The jungles, the city, the beasts. The smell of plant and rain and refuse.


"Big. Very big." Vais said with a smile.


"Big? that's a little vague. Give me some details! or something." Zaela responded.


"Dromund Kaas.. it's a jungle. Almost all of it. My father lived away from the city, deep in the brush. His estate was almost an autonomous city within itself. He had his own army, his own acolytes. He is very powerful." Vais said with a tint of pride.


Zaela nodded, her eyes shifting to Vais.


"What is he like?" She asked. Vais had to think again. He didn't have much interaction with his father.


"I honestly don't know. He allowed me to live and fed me within his own house, and gave me an education. Other than that he didn't speak with me outside of questions related to my studies. The same with my brothers and their mother. Although I think they truly hated me. My father didn't hate me.. I think he is too filled with pride to hate anything he sired himself." Vais said.


"Your mother was a Zabrak?"


"Yes. a slave."


"Did you know her?"


"No. After I was born My fathers mistress, a pureblood named Juahze, demanded her death." Vais said matter-of-factually.


"I'm sorry.." Zaela began. Vais nodded, but a smile was painted across his face.


"What is it?" Zaela asked, her eyes burning with brightness.


"It's just.. I feel like I should be sad. But I don't know her. I don't even know what she looks like. She..gave birth to me, yes, but I know nothing of her. Not even her name." Vais reflected.


"So you didn't love her?" Zaela asked.


"How can you love someone you've never met?" Vais asked.


"I can't argue with that logic." Zaela agreed.


More silence. Zaela still looked at him, and Vais found his gaze drifting to her missing limbs. Zaela scoffed bitterly, "The doctors are replacing them tonight."


"That's good. At least you'll still be able to train. You will become stronger from your weakness." Vais said.


Zaela laughed aloud, "You sound like.. I don't even know. One of those crotting instructors."


"But it's true- Your hate gives you focus, more power... you'll be able to lead troops into battle, focused on the power of the dark si-"


"You don't get it do you?" Zaela said suddenly, cutting off Vais from his speech.


"We're expendable. All of us. All of the real students were sent to Dromund Kaas or another training facility that is already established. Here? This was republic territory not even a year ago." She said bitterly.


"So that's why I'm here and my brothers remained on Dromund Kaas to train." Vais said.


Azaela nodded. "That's the way it goes."


"Do you hate Mereen?" Vais said suddenly.


"More than anything in the galaxy. Right now, anyway." Azaela answered.


"When we get out of here.. we are going to kill him. We're going to kill Mereen." Vais said.


Azaela laughed again, her white teeth gleaming. "I would love too, but if you haven't noticed, neither of us are strong enough to defeat him. And you don't need to avenge me- I like the effort however."


"I'm not doing this for you. He humiliated me before our entire class. Sent me here. He's not going to get away with this." Vais said. His voice growing cold with hatred.


Azaela remained silent, and Vais continued. "I'm not saying right away. We will train. Harder than any of our peers. When we see that bastard again, we will do whatever he wants. But while the others sleep, we will train again, every day, honing our skills until the two of us together will be able to end him."


"Deal." Azaela said.




"Deal. We're going to kill our teacher."


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It had been three days since Mereen beat Vais. His body was recovering, growing stronger.





He flexed his five fingers and closed them in a fist as he walked down the halls of the Korriban Academy, which itself was a re purposed center- Vais could tell from the various statues, stone engravings, and sith writings scribbled on various places on the cobbled floors that this was once a temple of some sort.


How many Sith roamed these halls?


Vais asked himself as he walked to his room. The Academy was surprisingly cold, despite the great heat outside. But the cold itself was not a relief, rather it was another extreme- A bitter element, that chilled the tips of your fingers and toes- As opposed to the burning sun of Korriban, which baked your blood and brought it to a boil. He was not looking forward to facing the outside world.




His smug face was etched into his mind like the runes the Sith carved into the walls of the temple. Vais knew what he had to do to regain his personal honor, but he just didn't know how. Mereen was a trained warrior, and he himself was untested and barely knew how to swing a training blade- let alone an actual lightsaber. Zaela was even worse than him. How were they going to defeat him?


Vais shook his head, his black hair waving around his face, and he dispelled the thought. He would find a way. But now, he needed to return to his room and rest. He was training with Mereen and his other students again tomorrow, and his body needed to be ready to face the various torments that Mereen may unleash.


He passed a few other students on his way, some of them acknowledging him, most of them ignoring Vais completely. He came to his room, which had no door, just three walls, a bed, and a drawer for his belongings.



And a woman dressed in night-black robes sitting on his bed.



Vais froze, his mind instantly alert as the woman pulled back the hood of her robe and revealed her face. She was pale, and very beautiful, with full lips and wide dark eyes. Her hair settled on the sides of her face and into the dip of her breasts- Silver colored hair that seemed to be able to shine in any lighting.



"Hello, Vais." She said. The boy stood still, not talking, his eyes staring at her, looking at her up and down. Even he could sense the woman's power- It was subtle, but vast, the numerous tricks she used to hide noneffective as her power slowly churned and bubbled.


"Who are you?" Vais questioned. The woman motioned him to come closer, and he hesitated, instead backing away from her. The woman frowned darkly, and smiled.


"I'm not the type of person you want to annoy." The woman threatened, and Vais limply walked towards her, his head hanging low. The woman smiled, and if Vais didn't suspect the woman as a sith, he would say she smiled warmly .


"The empire is beret of Purebloods like you. How does it feel to be here? to breathe in the air of your ancestors?" The woman asked.


Vais laughed silently. "I'm no pureblood." He said simply.


The woman's face took a look of genuine surprise.


"I can tell from your face- You are Sith, are you not?" The woman asked.


"Only half." Vais said, the insults of Mereen began to echo in his mind. halfbreed.


The woman smiled, her face growing warm once more.


"The greatest Sith in history were of mixed lineage." She said. Vais looked up at her at this, and she rose from his bed. She was the same height as him, and although her form was partly obscured, he could see from the hints her hips and shoulders gave away that this woman was of a strong stock, powerful and well-curved.


"I have eyes and ears across the unknown regions. Even here. The animals...the insects. They report to me. My children." She began.


"I know what you plan to do." She said simply. Vais shot his eyes open but remained silent. He allowed fear to grip him as he looked into the woman's dark gaze.


"Don't worry. I don't care what happens to him. But you... I had to come and see for myself. You are quite an oddity, and frankly, the underdog." She finished by reaching into her robes and producing a beaten datapad, crusted with dust and grime. Vais looked at it with disgust.


"What is it...?" He began. The woman's smile silenced him in his tracks.


"This, my dear boy, is all that you need. I advise you to read it." The woman said. With that, she brushed past him, almost too closely, and then left his presence. As she did, he felt like a dark cloud had passed over him, and the sensation that she gave him gradually passed away as she walked from his room and down the dark halls. He looked down and saw the Datapad on his bed. He touched it tentatively, and with a hurried motion, opened his drawer and hid it deep within it.


If this was the secret to defeat Mereen, it was a very dangerous secret. One that, if discovered, would be removed from him.


He sighed and retrieved the Datapad again, sat on his bed, facing opposite of the invisible wall that separated himself from the rest of the academy, And began to read.


The first words read: My name is Yura Jakakis, and I am a Jedi Knight of the Republic.

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The order has decreed that the Jedi shall not assist the Republic against the Mandalorians. My master agrees with their ruling. But How can I? My family is on the outer-rim. How can I just sit idly by and wait as the Mandalorians pillage and burn? I do not know what I will do, but I refuse to sit and take no action. The Jedi council has failed today.


Yura Jakakis.



Vais put down the datapad with a sigh. He had been reading it for hours- But there was little information that he could see would help him. The Jedi, this 'Yura' simply talked about his day to day life, his training with his master, and other menial activities. The Jedi training techniques that Yura had outlined seemed useless in Vais situation, and he skipped over those. Further reading revealed Yura's affections.


Some Jedi woman named Killian. More skipped material.


It wasn't until he finished reading for the day when he reached the portion that shocked him- The Mandalorian War.


How old is this datapad? Vais thought to himself as he put it in his hiding place- Deep within his clothing drawer. He needed to find a safer place for it, but he didn't have time for that now.


The Mandalorian War.



The Datapad is easily over 300 years old. How the dark woman retrieved it, Vais didn't know- But guessing from the massive waves of power he sensed off her, He didn't think he wanted to know. And that thought, led in turn to another-


How come no one else sensed her? Someone with that much power simply walking through the Academy would have alerted the teachers and anyone else with even an ounce of force sensitivity. But as far as Vais could tell, only he could sense her.


Why am I special?



Vais shook his head and dressed himself. He was returning to Mereen today. The thought of the small man simmered a dry hatred within his mind. The Datapad had failed him, he was no stronger than he was when he came to this world. He even dared to curse the dark woman. He pulled on his boots and clicked them tight, so that they were snug against his feet and lower portions of his legs. He tied his long hair into a tail, and it hung from the back of his head all the way to his waist. His four dark horns poked defiantly from their bedding of hair.



"Vais". The Sith turned to meet Arris, and despite himself, gasped.


Half of the boy's face was viciously mutilated. The left side of his face was scarred and peppered with depressions, holes as big as small coins. His left eye had melted over itself, the infirmary doctors had effectively yet cruelly- returned his vision by simply cutting the melted skin away from his left eye. The result was a ghoulish appearance- No eyebrow, no eyelid- Just a baneful brown eye that never shut. Never blinked. Even his mouth had not been spared- It snarled and twisted- the left corner of his lips curled in a constant grimace. Strands of blonde hair lazily fell from the afflicted portion of his head.


Arris, physically, had been ruined by Mereen.


The boy noticed Vais disgust and looked away, angry and dejected. Vais himself looked down, ashamed for Arris.


"They want us to return to the class together." Arris hissed. Vais noticed now that even Arris' voice was distorted- He was forced to snarl out his words instead of speaking them gracefully.


Vais nodded and walked out of his room, Arris walking in step behind him. The Academy was silent as always, the scuffling of boots on the stone floor the only noise. Vais walked gingerly, trying to ignore the monster that walked beside him that was visible from the corner of his eye. As Vais was about to walk down the flight of stairs to leave the dorms, Arris stopped.


"What is it?" Vais asked. Arris was silent for a moment, and then spoke.


"Infirmary". He said gruffly.




" Infirmary! " He barked, sounding like a literal animal.


Vais glared at him.





Arris shook his head and turned from the stairs, walking instead into the hall that lead to the infirmary. Vais followed Arris now, and watched as the young human stiffly walked- Not because of weakness, but in shame. All of the people they passed looked at him with surprise or disgust- or a mixture of both. Vais could fell the hatred and feelings of rejection that swam in Arris now.


Could he be a future ally? Vais thought to himself. Only time will tell.


As they walked into the infirmary, Vais could see why Arris had lead him here. Zaela stood before them, her back turned- Mechanical limbs gleaming in the Infirmary's light. Mereen wanted them all to return to the class together.


The sound of whirring mechanical crackling was heard as Zaela turned to face Arris and Vais. She smiled brightly.


"The fun thing about limbs is that they can be replaced." She said sarcastically and took a step towards them. Her mechanical leg lagged behind her real one, but she was able to move around almost normally. It would take time for her to master the use of her new limbs.


"The gangs all here!" She yelled and patted them both on the shoulder- Arris shuddering as her metal hand clasped around his a little too hard.


"Sorry" She said impishly, and turned her gaze to Vais, who in turn looked at her with an empty expression.


"We shouldn't keep Mereen waiting." Vais said suddenly, and broke away from her and Arris, walking ahead of them.


"What's his problem? Are all Sith crotholes?" She asked Arris, and Vais, despite away from them, heard the Young man scoff loudly.



The real training began now. And Vais wasn't sure if any of them would survive.


But he knew one thing- If he is going to die here, he will make sure that Mereen dies with him.


And so Vais, followed by Zaela and Arris, returned to the Valley, To Mereen, to be honed into weapons to fight against the Republic.

Edited by Klannad
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Korriban Sun



Vais followed Arris out from the shade of the shadowy temple and into the dusty red valley underneath the brutal gaze of the burning star that lighted the planet. Zaela followed Vais closely, he could hear the whirring of the miniature engines that powered her new limbs. Arris was a few steps ahead of them, his broad shoulders glowing from the light of the sun. Vais looked past Arris and saw a group of his fellow students at the base of the valley, all of them sitting. Waiting.


For Mereen.


The face of the man that had humiliated Vais resurfaced in his mind, his anger towards the man now controlled, cooled over, like magma that has hardened into black stone. As he followed Arris, he noticed the sound of Zaela's limbs had ceased. The young sith turned, strainds of his long black hair freeing themselves from his ponytail and waving about in the wind.


He saw that Zaela had froze, unable to move, reverting back to the scared little girl that stood before Mereen days before. Her face was smooth and unmoving, like a pool of water undisturbed. Vais turned back to look at Arris, who had also stopped and was looking back towards them, a look of annoyance painted on his destroyed face.



Vais turned his attention back to Zaela, who had still not moved, remaining still and silent.


"We need to go down there." Vais said, his voice quiet but stern. He looked at her with pity, a dangerous emotion on Korriban.


"I..I can't." Zaela whispered, her thin lips barely seperating as she spoke. Vais ears twitched as he heard the sound of Arris approaching them. The young man glared at Vais and Zaela both.


"Now is not the time to test Mereen's patience." He barked out, and tried to continue, his body still firguing out how to speak with his limiting disability.


"He is expecting us." Arris snarled as Zaela regarded him coldly.



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