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types of damage


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Sorry if this is already posted somewhere....


I can do either kinetic or weapon damage it appears....


Which damage type is considered tech?..and which is considered range?


The reason I ask...I'm currently at 100% ranged accuracy...and 108% tech accuracy


which damage is which?


Thanks in advance

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Railshot, Rapid Shots, Unload, Powershot




This means they are weapon damage, they start with 90% accuracy, meaning you will get misses with these shots, and you need to collect some accuracy to help with that. They are also absorbed by armor, defensive stats, and cooldowns, meaning all of the above attacks are not great to use against tanks.


Missiles, explosions, fire damage




The missiles are considered kinetic damage, whilst the fire and burns etc are considered elemental, but both are still tech. Tech bypasses defensive stats and cooldowns, and starts with a 100% base accuracy.

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