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RE: Class Feedback


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Since they don't want us to post more than 2 or 3 sentences, I'll post this here, and hopefully we can have a thread for them to look at.


*crossing my heart that this is read and taken into MUCH consideration*


This post is in regards to PVP, as I don't PVE much, but when I do, i think arsenal mercs are pretty solid for PVE


I play mostly pyrotech in PVP (because arsenal in PVP is garbage when you're easily interrupted / controlled), and bodyguard (the best spec to play in PVP for a mercenary)


1. Personally, I have a valor 67 assassin (3 or 4 piece WH) and a 79 almost full WH merc. When rolling with guildies in ranked warzones, they prefer for me to play my merc as a healer because they'd rather have a powertech playing pyrotech instead of a mercenary playing pyrotech, and I don't blame them; on paper and in real world applications, powertech pyro > mercenary pyro, if only because of 90% armor ignore vs 60% armor ignore, and spammable flame sweep with 100% proc on combustible cylinder.


When playing my assassin (or even lower valor marauder), I literally LAUGH at the site of a mercenary (at any level) trying to 1v1 me, and I feel bad for when I catch them alone, they have ZERO chance of beating me because of how much I can control Arsenal mercs in pvp, and because of how much damage I can put out without them being able to do much other than punt and pop energy shield.


When they punt me, I can force leap or force sprint back to them, EASILY, and when I can't, I LOS them until I can close the distance without them hitting me, once I get back to them their punt will be on a long cooldown and I can do a lot of damage, probably kill them quickly and without hassle.


When they pop energy shield, big deal, they take 25% less damage, I can very easily last through that and still pump out enough damage because on my sin I have force shroud and deflection, not to mention stealth. On my marauder I have stealth, deflection, cloak of pain, undying rage. They're dead, EASILY.


That being said, I understand this is not a 1v1 game, but more importantly a team game. The fact of the matter Bioware is, there are a LOT of situations where being able to 1v1 or 2v2 is going to determine whether or not you win a warzone, for instance: defending a turrent in The Civil War, or helping to defend / maintain middle in huttball, help defend a door in void star, plain and simple you cannot rely on a mercenary to be able to 1v1 in these situations, and sometimes not even 2v2 if going against a better matched group (powertech pyro & assassin tank vs assassin tank & merc pyro, for example).


TL;DR, they're laughable when playing other classes, no one that is educated on the current state of classes wants to roll mercenary for ranged DPS when they can roll a Sniper or Powertech, maybe even Sorc (although I think they're on par if not worse with mercs for ranged DPS). So easy to close the distance on mercenaries (with lack of cover mechanic and any sprint).


TL;DR II, as long as operative healers exist in their current fashion, no team really wants a merc if they can A. get an operative, B. get an operative and a sorc. Merc healers are usually last resort in ranked teams. Don't get me wrong though, merc healers are pretty beast when played right (I am usually top heals in numbers, but that's because healing doesn't count absorb shields planted by sorcs and operatives) and anchored with a good team, they just won't be able to survive as long as an operative (practically infinite instant cast heal, absorb shield, 2 energy replenishing abilities) or sorc (bubbles, better instant casts and aoe heals).


2. I love playing pyrotech on my merc, only because I know my rotation and can usually kill a lot of people when I use my surroundings correctly and CCs/heals. Unfortunately, I dread being left to 1v1, I better hope my opponent is not a full health sniper / powertech / assassin / juggernaut / marauder / operative healer / sorc healer, because i'll be dead or won't be able to kill them (unless the disparity in gear level is big enough for me to bust out more damage than them). Self heals become irrelevant in DPS mode because of the fact that while you're casting them you're being hit or interrupted or LOSd, they are very VERY situational.


An interrupt (for the love of all that is good in video gaming, why are mercs/commandos the ONLY class without an interrupt?) is very VERY much needed for this class. It is not as big a game changer as you guys seem to believe. Especially if you make it the same as a sniper interrupt, or powertech interrupt. puts abilities on 4s cooldown, but itself has a 12s cooldown. Mercs need this, badly, it will improve their group utility and overall attractiveness as an AC.


Healing, I prefer to play this spec because I feel this is our bread and butter, and I can help sway the warzone into a victory for my team. I think healing is very much fine for mercenaries, save for lack of great mobility. Heat management I never run into a problem unless I'm being focused by 2 or 3 enemies, or an ally is being focused. Rapid shots should be castable on self, but that's ulimately a quality of life issue IMO.


*PVP bodyguard/pyrotech* (not even gonna bother with arsenal, as long as tracer missile and power shots have cast times, that's purely a PVE spec imo)



- Great healing output

- Great DPS output when left alone\

- Good AOE with DFA



- Healing output is easily shutdown with all the interrupts and CC available in game

- Great DPS output is diminished in quality (and desirability from ranked wz groups) because of BETTER DPS output by other ACs (sniper, powertech)

- ONLY class without an interrupt (inane to be honest, especially this far into the game's life)



- Make our punt root enemies instead of slow, with a slightly lower cooldown

- Add a sprint ability, with a 30s cooldown, or allow us to break and gain some immunity to snares

- Fix DFA for PVE already, you broke it when you made it knock enemies OUT of the the AOE range, just knock them down where they currently are

- Add some sort of cover mechanic (but not the same as snipers because this will make us terribly OP), perhaps uninterruptable tracer missile for a certain amount of time, or instant cast tracer missile with a penalty in dmg output, something to add mobility to arsenal in PVP.

- Seriously, give them an interrupt already, I don't know how many threads have already been created (and seemingly ignored) about this

- Allow rapid shots (as a bodyguard spec, from talent tree, and probably with a diminished overall heal) to be castable on ourselves

- Maybe bump pyrotech DPS up a bit, or add a higher/better proc for CGC

- Make Kolto Missile a smart targeting heal....IIRC, you guys said you want us to think 'smart' ourselves about where we cast it, and it heals whoever is closer to the middle? (or to closer to the outer area?), either way, the fact of the matter is there is A LOT of movement in PVE and PVP, you cannot throw out a kolto missile expecting your allies to remain in the same place where you expect them to be, people inside the inner circle might end up in the outer circle and those in the outer circle might end up inside the inner circle, thereby ruining any "smart" healing we can do by ourselves...just add smart targeting to it, seriously


I understand we can't have best of both worlds as a mercenary (or any class IMO), but ultimately you as a game company need to decide whether you want to force people to roll more than 1 class or have 1 class and be able to provide adequate utility to the group in ANY spec (tank/heals/dps). If the former, then why have three different spec trees at all?




Related to your disengage suggestion, here are some of my own. I copy pasted this from class feedback.



(a) Add More Procs To All 3 Mercenary Advanced Classes.

Example: 30% chance to proc instant cast free heat heal / damage abilities. Such As: kolto shell, kolto missile, tracer missile, powershot, rapid scan, healing scan, reduce cooldown of jet boost for every unload crit.


(b) Add a jump-to-area ability with a 30sec-1min cooldown. This would allow the merc to leap ahead with his jetpack to an area designated by placing a reticle on the ground, visible by the enemy, and the merc can then use his knockback ability after landing. This would also give the enemy time to move away from it as a small counter while giving mercs more utility. You can even add a reverse effect to this ability where the mercenary would jump back to his original location before the jump after 5 seconds.


© Multi-Spec needs to be added right away for this class. I frequently spend 300k-1million credits PER WEEK respecing between pve and pvp for both healing and dps. This is ridiculous.

Edited by rotatorkuf
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Add a "Disengage" ability to Suggestions please...I dont own the idea but it is a very great one.

Disengage would be a "Jump Back" abilty AKA a Gap Maker on the Same CD as say Grapple our other AC's Gap closer.


Merc is the onlyt class that does not have a unique skill that lends to their specific role..In Mercs case ranged.


Jugg=Charge/ Intercede

Marauder=Charge/ Group buffs/ vanish/ Invulnerability

PT=Grapple/ Specced charge

Sorc= Sprint/ SPecced pull

Assasin= Sprint/Stealth/ Specced pull

Ops= Stealth/Vanish

Sniper= Improved cover mechanics


Why not Merc= Disengage..Player jumps to target reticle, or even jumps backwards a certain amount.....

Edited by Soljin
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Add a "Disengage" ability to Suggestions please...I dont own the idea but it is a very great one.

Disengage would be a "Jump Back" abilty AKA a Gap Maker on the Same CD as say Grapple our other AC's Gap closer.


Merc is the onlyt class that does not have a unique skill that lends to their specific role..In Mercs case ranged.


Jugg=Charge/ Intercede

Marauder=Charge/ Group buffs/ vanish/ Invulnerability

PT=Grapple/ Specced charge

Sorc= Sprint/ SPecced pull

Assasin= Sprint/Stealth/ Specced pull

Ops= Stealth/Vanish

Sniper= Improved cover mechanics


Why not Merc= Disengage..Player jumps to target reticle, or even jumps backwards a certain amount.....


interesting, how would that be any different than a rooted knockback though? or are you saying in addition to

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interesting, how would that be any different than a rooted knockback though? or are you saying in addition to


If you dont want to add it dont...You named this thread "class Feedback" and the Disengage ability request has been floating around for quite some time. Its different in the sense that its a unique skill...MOre then likely it would be an addition especially since a root on KB currently is only given to Sorcs specced into it...its not universal to all Sroc builds....and they also have Sprint as well.


If you only want your listed items in your post I think my post represents whoever first brought the "disengage" ability suggestion to Mercs. Thanks.

Edited by Soljin
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If you dont want to add it dont...You named this thread "class Feedback" and the Disengage ability request has been floating around for quite some time. Its different in the sense that its a unique skill...MOre then likely it would be an addition especially since a root on KB currently is only given to Sorcs specced into it...its not universal to all Sroc builds....and they also have Sprint as well.


If you only want your listed items in your post I think my post represents whoever first brought the "disengage" ability suggestion to Mercs. Thanks.


whoa, easy, i'm anything but close-minded, i was just asking how you would approach adding it, by addition or subtraction

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Related to your disengage suggestion, here are some of my own. I copy pasted this from class feedback.



(a) Add More Procs To All 3 Mercenary Advanced Classes.

Example: 30% chance to proc instant cast free heat heal / damage abilities. Such As: kolto shell, kolto missile, tracer missile, powershot, rapid scan, healing scan, reduce cooldown of jet boost for every unload crit.


(b) Add a jump-to-area ability with a 30sec-1min cooldown. This would allow the merc to leap ahead with his jetpack to an area designated by placing a reticle on the ground, visible by the enemy, and the merc can then use his knockback ability after landing. This would also give the enemy time to move away from it as a small counter while giving mercs more utility. You can even add a reverse effect to this ability where the mercenary would jump back to his original location before the jump after 5 seconds.


© Multi-Spec needs to be added right away for this class. I frequently spend 300k-1million credits PER WEEK respecing between pve and pvp for both healing and dps. This is ridiculous.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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