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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Entertainer Class proposal


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Your assuming that these arnt tied to the SIS, and whos to say they arnt part of imperial intelegence, the fact is that they are and that is who hired them in the 1st place and who they work for and whilst they are leveling they are being trained, everyone starts at some point. Also the sis have an agent discussed as an entertainer outside cora spaceport.


If they are going to add a SIS class, then that is one thing, but to try and get Ent added now to SWTOR is not likely. This game is not SWG2, granted I loved SWG, and would love to see another game in it's mold, this isn't it.


Havoc squad go after the old havoc squad whilst leveling, and kicking the door in isnt the most subtle of methods also the bulk of havoc squad arnt exactly soilders and more mercs and a crazy droid. It is funny blowing a senator up on the seat though.



Play Trooper past ACT 1



Players want features, they want options, they want alternative game styles, This feature is not aimed at everyone, it was never intended to be as such. And plenty more wont play space, i dont play pvp but im not crying about ranked or new battlegrounds, its swings and roundabouts, one set get something then another set do.


People want good, fun options. Ents pre NGE where even more of a chore then they where post NGE. It was the true AFK Profession, as that was the only way anyone ever leveled it. Now you want to bring it back and avoid the AFK parts? Please stop.


To you it maybe unacceptable, but not to all, no character is capable of doing everything and stating they can is just a myth your beileving. And whilst every char is capable of doing all content that doesnt mean all players are forced to nor do they. Its the option you take when playing. Also they arnt pacifists they are just no where near as strong as combat classes with no companion. Also players cannot have all crafting profs, so some may have biochem, others cybertect etc etc they each have a bonus to being them but not everyone can have them as they have to pick one.


Actually you can have them all, you just can't have them all on one character.


Hasnt worked in wow. they follow the exact ideals your stating now to the letter.


No WOW does work, SWG which had a profession much like what you propose here didn't work.


How exactly, how can increased rested xp be gained in a positive way that can help promote community like this can, in the way this can promote the socialising of players in a none stress enviroment to just chat and have a laugh.


Didn't need to talk to anyone in SWG to get your buffs other then to tell the Ent what buff(s) you wanted/needed.


So why make any new classes, why make TKM's or Fencers. Why bother making any new classes at all, why make new companions, why add class story ?, bottom line is george lucas says they are viable gameplay within star wars.


Rest assured we will see more advanced classes, and I am sure that the first will be a light armored Tech user, probably melee class.


Because the point of increased regeneration of rested xp is to promote the socialising of players in rested areas across all worlds where entertainers are levling with people of the same level, not just the fleet. This is set so people watching gain a presence buff to help them whilst leveling or doing dailys and the entertainers can get social points for doing it.


If that is the truth then why do you gain more rested exp when your character is logged out?


Why not do that with this.


Why can't you accept that SWG is dead, and move on? I know I miss it too, but that is something that I will use to motivate me to make my own game.

Edited by SuperGrunt
Fixed a typo
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If they are going to add a SIS class, then that is one thing, but to try and get Ent added now to SWTOR is not likely. This game is not SWG2, granted I loved SWG, and would love to see another game in it's mold, this isn't it.


Now you see this is what makes me laugh, only time i hear swg2 heard ever is playerhousing or entertainer gets mention, funny that isnt it. because i mean entertainers were so bad aparently but the way people talk they were the bread and butter of the game. People lap up jtl space game style but aparently thats not making swg2. Maybe its time you got off the swg bandwagon my friend.

Play Trooper past ACT 1


You know what, i have, i especialy loved blowing the senetor up whilst he was tied to the seat, very funny, also gearbox's ride, that was sweat. Even better is when i was called back to the senate and just shot the guy in the head for accusing me of being a traitor such fun.


People want good, fun options. Ents pre NGE where even more of a chore then they where post NGE. It was the true AFK Profession, as that was the only way anyone ever leveled it. Now you want to bring it back and avoid the AFK parts? Please stop.


Ow look, another reference to swg, get over it already, leave it in the past, deep breath, come on deep breaths. And its amazing how you know exactly how everyone leveled it. Wierd that all the entertainers in my guild on swg, euro-infinity, COMM, guarded by SEF, lived on the mushroom mesa race track on tat with 3 bars all leveled whilst playing.


Actually you can have them all, you just can't have them all on one character.


Yes i know, thanks for agreeing with me, chars cant do everything but players can, dont have a clue why you brought that up though but thanks for backing me up :D


No WOW does work, SWG which had a profession much like what you propose here didn't work.


Your trying to tell me that wow has a good community, omg you cannot be serious and whilst we are on about WoW. WoWs active raiders have dropped through the floor, last weeks legendery on gamebreaker tv, what was it did now, ow yes close more then half of its servers in wow china and merged with no server cap increase, whats the other thing they did... ow yes thats it had to set battlegroups to regional to maintain rdf and battleground and arena q's in the western market. D3 is doing amazing too at the moment, you see that........


And that game you said didnt work didnt do 'well' due to soe not the original game, and you know what. it stayed open with a profit until it was shut down due to the license being removed and nothing else and always had a vibrant and friendly community. quite good that.



Didn't need to talk to anyone in SWG to get your buffs other then to tell the Ent what buff(s) you wanted/needed.

So your not a very social person, nothing wrong with that, everyone has there qwirks.


Rest assured we will see more advanced classes, and I am sure that the first will be a light armored Tech user, probably melee class.


Rest assured i agree with you, thanks for agreeing with me yet again, wierd how your in my corner without realising it, maybe you should read the context of what your quoting in the future. :D I also think the next classes out will infact be TKM's and Fencers, one for each side.


If that is the truth then why do you gain more rested exp when your character is logged out?


You socialise alot in game when your logged out then do you, telepathic are you or something, will have to explain that one to me btw go find a dictionary and look up the words increased and regeneration cos in a rested zone logged in or out it regens at the same rate..


Why can't you accept that SWG is dead, and move on? I know I miss it too, but that is something that I will use to motivate me to make my own game.


So from Darth_Halford saying "Introduce group quest chains instead of always doing one-offs. Create bonuses for random groups." and me saying "Why not do that with this." you came up with that, seriously, just let the ghost of starwars galaxies rest, i see it troubles you soo. Adding this class wont magically turn the graphics back 8 years or make this game swg2 just like the jtl space patch people are asking for wont. :cool:


So now everyone has done the but but but it was in starwars galaxies mumbo jumbo and it clearly states in the original post discuss the subject not any games it has been in ( should have gone to specsavers) can we get back into the discussion. Infact i proclaim that anyone hense forth to go 'its not swg2 wa wa wa ' is a numpty and to refer them them as hey bert..

Edited by Shingara
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I see this post, but it makes me angry, because it is so out of place, it would be like having a hello kitty style home in the middle of the empires fleet.


I want to see a class that utilizes Non-Lightsabre Melee Weapons, it is the only class that would fit in this game


But still, i feel every player should be demanding space battle upgrades, swoop racing and minigames like pazzak and dejark instead of suggesting out of place classes that would make the game seem like more of a joke than a serious war, personally i want to be a evil demigod taking power and destroying all those who cross me, still, a entertainer is EXTREAMLY out of place.

Edited by Daethorz
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I see this post, but it makes me angry, because it is so out of place, it would be like having a hello kitty style home in the middle of the empires fleet.


I want to see a class that utilizes Non-Lightsabre Melee Weapons, it is the only class that would fit in this game


But still, i feel every player should be demanding space battle upgrades, swoop racing and minigames like pazzak and dejark instead of suggesting out of place classes that would make the game seem like more of a joke than a serious war, personally i want to be a evil demigod taking power and destroying all those who cross me, still, a entertainer is EXTREAMLY out of place.

Thank you for your feedback, Also i would suggest that you look at the post in my sig. I also want tkms and fencers as a class in the game as they fit into the timeline and also would have a great combat role within the game. This isnt about playerhousing but i do agree that any form of player housing put into the game should not in any way shape or form be implimented in such a fashion that they impact upon the game world.


As for entertainer being out of place, not really as we have entertainers now ingame but they are played by npcs so all that would happen is that instead of blank none interactive npcs you would have players who enjoy that gameplay inside of rest areas and cantinas and populating those currently empty developed areas which is just an extention of tools provided to roleplayers.


Also stating this is like hello kitty is like me saying swoop racing is like mario kart and also doesnt fit into the game.


I do not agree that players should refrain from putting forward any suggestions as even the most out there suggestion posted by a player when seen by the devs who do read thse forums could spark an idea for a feature to be put into the game. Because thats how these forums work. People suggest things and then the devs adapt those ideas into a workable form within the game based on there ideas developed from the ideas suggested by the playerbase.

Edited by Shingara
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