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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Entertainer Class proposal


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There are too much wall of texts in here so I didnt read it all but did someone already state that this is an action based MMO so it was intended to revolve around combat. Pretty much everything in game is made to support this one way or the other. The classes you are talking about would have to be in an instance all of the time. Plus SWTOR is about a galaxy-wide conflict, musicians and dancers will do very little to balance the conflict in either one direction.


No offense but what you are describing feels more like mini-games than actual classes. Implementing this will more likely create a whole seperate game than really add to the present one.


Now what I do agree with, is that I feel the the IA, for instance, does too little James Bond-like things and the smuggler does far too little smuggling.


They wouldnt have to be instanced on there own as you and me both know outside of heroic areas on planets you can get about relativly safely. And whilst yes the galaxy is in conflict just like in any conflict each side has real spys. In real life those spys dont make themselves known, they work covertly and have a cover story and actualy work the job there cover is based on.


And they wouldnt create a whole dif game when you think about it. it will create a new element to the game and a different dynamic for which roleplayers can get there hooks into. And this isnt designed for everyone but how many people who just craft on the fleet wouldnt be happier having one of these chars and earning money somewhere else like nar shadda casino or slippery slopes cantina. They will still be able to craft, they will still be able to gather and they will still be playing when all there companions or out on missions.

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I read the whole thread, but the questions I am asking are because those of the weird parts I see in your class design, Mayb3 part of it is calling it a social class , but to me it is anything less social then any of the current classes. say as a normal current class, besides going up to you on the fleet click on you a quick 2 or 3 lines of Voice over, I hit 1 , 2 or 3, to reply with voice over, you reply with another 1, 2 or 3, then a quick 30 seconds of guitar hero performance, I pay you I go on my way. with my buff. out in the PVE parts of the world to explore and play. See the problem I am having here is there is very little real social interaction going on,


For your Class quest part, I never saw an answer Are you see them as having 200 plus hours of class story to level up ( near 10 times all other classes ) or does your class have to slowly grind out exp barely able to do world quest or buffing players with your performance ?


Is this at my idea or baps ?


Cos if its me this is the basic just of what you will see when dueling or playing with other entertainers

when in combo mode. if it was to me ill expand my reply. Edited by Shingara
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I read the whole thread, but the questions I am asking are because those of the weird parts I see in your class design, Mayb3 part of it is calling it a social class , but to me it is anything less social then any of the current classes. say as a normal current class, besides going up to you on the fleet click on you a quick 2 or 3 lines of Voice over, I hit 1 , 2 or 3, to reply with voice over, you reply with another 1, 2 or 3, then a quick 30 seconds of guitar hero performance, I pay you I go on my way. with my buff. out in the PVE parts of the world to explore and play. See the problem I am having here is there is very little real social interaction going on,


For your Class quest part, I never saw an answer Are you see them as having 200 plus hours of class story to level up ( near 10 times all other classes ) or does your class have to slowly grind out exp barely able to do world quest or buffing players with your performance ?


on the first part,maybe not so much for you....but im talking about the dancer....lots of interactions to be had there,and rapid fire too..cause not just you will want the buff,but other classes wil lwant the buffs


also on that note...go to most other long lived mmo,youll literally see females dancing with crowds gfathering around them for no other purpose than to watch


on the second part,its kinda of involved with the first part...the class mission lines would have boosted exp,but not a whole lot...a large part of the dancer`s exp would come from interactions gained by dancing (as you so put it with your method,thanks,ill keep that for later)


and also,the better the dancer preforms on the class missions,the more xp is rewarded due to the mind numbing complexity of it,as per my really long gameplay post abit back

Edited by Baphomet_x
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Only if you bought the one specifically for the PC.


I can sense where your mind is going, and no, it's a bad, BAD idea.


if halford is thinking what im thinking right now...


then id have to agree with him....pressing buttons in atimed reaction sequence is just fine...but using the actual guitar hero controller for star wars is about as bad as trying to merge the playerbase of warcraft and star wars



basically ill put it this way halford..i know that it`d probably be less work intensive,and easier to expand the social aspects of existing classes...ill grant you that


but look at my really long gameplay post awhile back....im talking about the traditional assassin,the kind you see in 007 movies (the older ones),the hitman video games,assassin`s creed (though thats stretching it quite abit)


as it stands now we already have a sith assassin...that doesnt even fit the notion of assassin...i dont really call it traditional assassin when your brutalizing your way through most of the game with noisy lightsabers and force powers


im talking about the more complex and traditional things,things you can read about in old books,see in some of the better movies


we got the casual going for sure now....but we need something for the more time vested of us,something that is beleiveable and intelligently done


it can be done,and all of these dancing skills and what not would be byproducts of what this traditional type of assassin does to make the kill...it would also fit in with the storyline if you think about it,a dancer has to dance for awhile to get noticed,and so on


and i ask for this because the current classes and there way of combat can be described like this (fry things,brutalize,fire and forget,boom?)


every good capitalist knows that in order to run a successfull platform in the long run,you must cater to the casual people with little attention span,and the people with more refined tastes who enjoy the more difficult and intelligent things


and i dont think that a 150 million investment warrants not looking into the longterm,especially considering that this is pretty much the flagship mmo for the entire franchise,and the fact that the star wars movies are basically space operas


maybe you and i could put aside our differences and work together on this one no?



plus,never forget the snickering problem adding more social aspects to the existing classes poses for the purity


a jedi is caught doing this,there out of the jedi order most likely,for good....a sith lord is caught doing this,they would probably be shot on sight

Edited by Baphomet_x
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The distinguishing characteristic of this proposal is "I want XP when other players pay attention to me, and I want an in-game ability that makes them want to pay attention to me!" Everything else in the proposal is "make it fit SWTOR so I can make other players pay attention to me".


Therefore, the proper name for this class (and the immediate nickname I will publicize for it should it ever actually see implementation) is Attention Whore.

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The distinguishing characteristic of this proposal is "I want XP when other players pay attention to me, and I want an in-game ability that makes them want to pay attention to me!" Everything else in the proposal is "make it fit SWTOR so I can make other players pay attention to me".


Therefore, the proper name for this class (and the immediate nickname I will publicize for it should it ever actually see implementation) is Attention Whore.


bah,its been that way since humanity existed,so its very valid in here


tell me..how far can you wander on the internet before encountering what we all already know,a woman dancing in an attractive manner is a very old and well known tradition...and makes money too o.o



also,whats with the social commentary?translating for us? XD

Edited by Baphomet_x
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bah,its been that way since humanity existed,so its very valid in here


tell me..how far can you wander on the internet before encountering what we all already know,a woman dancing in an attractive manner is a very old and well known tradition...and makes money too o.o



also,whats with the social commentary?translating for us? XD


Anyone can do the equivalent of what you referenced, as follows:


1. Level a female took to the point of getting a Dancer or Slave Girl adaptive armor set.

2. Go to the cantina of your choice.

3. Spam the /dance emote.

4. Collect tips from other players, if they choose to provide them. (Let us know how this works out for you.)


What the original proposal asks for is a level of incentive (buffs, whatever) be provided to encourage players to pay attention, with the reward to the dancer (or whatever) being XP.

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Anyone can do the equivalent of what you referenced, as follows:


1. Level a female took to the point of getting a Dancer or Slave Girl adaptive armor set.

2. Go to the cantina of your choice.

3. Spam the /dance emote.

4. Collect tips from other players, if they choose to provide them. (Let us know how this works out for you.)


What the original proposal asks for is a level of incentive (buffs, whatever) be provided to encourage players to pay attention, with the reward to the dancer (or whatever) being XP.


nice one..but i prefer something abit more elegant and purposfull than my character looking like she is having a seizure....i can get a wikipedia page on dancing to make my point super obvious if you`d like


plus you ignored my traditional assassin idea



ok here it is




see? O.o


also from the wiki page on this : "Professional dancers are usually employed on contract or for particular performances/productions. The professional life of a dancer is generally one of constantly changing work situations, strong competition pressure and low pay. Professional dancers often need to supplement their income, "


maybe through being a traditional assassin?

Edited by Baphomet_x
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And I'm sure the entertainer class will be so balanced in PvP, "Fear my singing voice you lightsaber wielding one man army"


XD you just made my entire point about why this class will not work under any circumstances in pvp...which was the intention

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I'm sure they would have a lot of CC though, be hypnotized by my pop lock and drop and be stunned at my chest shake.


what part of "is not meant for pvp" did i not get across?


the pvp environment of this game just plain wont work for entertainer classes

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what part of "is not meant for pvp" did i not get across?


the pvp environment of this game just plain wont work for entertainer classes


I hope to god you didn't think I was being serious and supporting this class in anway, especailly in the pvp aspect with the comment I made. If you did, you have no sense of sarcasim or humor in your body.

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I hope to god you didn't think I was being serious and supporting this class in anway, especailly in the pvp aspect with the comment I made. If you did, you have no sense of sarcasim or humor in your body.


oh stop you...your flattering me...of course my social circuits are about as cobweb filled as alot of people`s imaginations


and also my english is pretty lousy >.> im the kind of person that ruins most peoples jokes within 5 seconds,without intending too


but yeah,i do have humor however,but the kind of completely non causality based humor i have wouldnt make much sense to anyone not readily affiliated with nuclear physics and monty python


now can we get back on topic?i think darth halford has fallen asleep,so we need another long poster up here

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I hope to god you didn't think I was being serious and supporting this class in anway, especailly in the pvp aspect with the comment I made. If you did, you have no sense of sarcasim or humor in your body.


(also i couldve sworn that was you shooting toxic spit at me on deadspace 2 solar array map last night)

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Only if you bought the one specifically for the PC.


I can sense where your mind is going, and no, it's a bad, BAD idea.


Your senses like most of your abilitys are lacking, i just got the guitar hero game downloaded onto the pc and trying to hook my 360 controller to the pc and wondered if it needed an interface program.

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Your senses like most of your abilitys are lacking, i just got the guitar hero game downloaded onto the pc and trying to hook my 360 controller to the pc and wondered if it needed an interface program.


can we pwease keep the cross-fire to a minimum?im chicken of the orbital lasers cannons that spoke last time

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The distinguishing characteristic of this proposal is "I want XP when other players pay attention to me, and I want an in-game ability that makes them want to pay attention to me!" Everything else in the proposal is "make it fit SWTOR so I can make other players pay attention to me".


Therefore, the proper name for this class (and the immediate nickname I will publicize for it should it ever actually see implementation) is Attention Whore.

So basically what your saying is this class will be exactly the same as top level pvpers in war gear who wanted there ranked shown and people who only do hard mode operations and wear shiney epics and ride about in compensating mounts. kk ye makes sense. go with the norm.

Edited by Shingara
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Anyone can do the equivalent of what you referenced, as follows:


1. Level a female took to the point of getting a Dancer or Slave Girl adaptive armor set.

2. Go to the cantina of your choice.

3. Spam the /dance emote.

4. Collect tips from other players, if they choose to provide them. (Let us know how this works out for you.)


What the original proposal asks for is a level of incentive (buffs, whatever) be provided to encourage players to pay attention, with the reward to the dancer (or whatever) being XP.

No what the original poster wants is a way to populate cantinas and bars, to introduce a more social aspect to the game, to help to encourage breaks, to give a bonus to combat players who activly take a break from combat every few hours, to entertain others and help introduce some more minigames and roleplaying options for players whilst at the same time trying to improve the community in the game.


Also the original poster would much more prefer to create a sith republic showman, play my guitar and earn some credits for helping players whilst i send companions out to craft, to have a laugh and a joke with other players who will play entertainers and have a form of head to head duels based on the type of gameplay seen in guitar hero.


The original poster wouldnt mind a use for the legacy valor unlocks and likes the thought of smashing people around the face with a guitar to knock them out. The original posters doesnt want to spam emotes to roleplay and is not a begger.


The person im quoting doesnt care about roleplay or anything that doesnt involve shooting someone in the face, the person i have quoted doesnt realise that the bad attempt at trying to put this suggestion down is just making me laugh.

Edited by Shingara
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