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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Entertainer Class proposal


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i still think my gameplay idea post is quite good considering how this game is built upon the power of war



hold on,,lemme fetch an article from the wiki to describe how i envision gameplay for these classes,especially the dancer,to work(note to obvious resemblences to a certain something,and how i altered the text to fit...this is ONLY for the purposes of demonstrating the power of this idea,so dont gripe at me about it being similar to something in particular please)


The basics of Entertainer classes are similar to past entries in the gameplay; each mission is framed around the killings of one or more individuals, which the main protagonist (The player) must accomplish. Standing between him/her and success are armed guards, security checkpoints, possible witnesses and other obstacles.


The player guides The Entertainer(dancer,or what have you) through the game's levels with the help of a satellite map which can be accessed at any time. The map indicates the layout of each topographical area of the level, the whereabouts of The player's main targets, and other CPU-controlled characters. In order to carry out his/her mission, The player may use any method at his/her disposal to eliminate his targets, regardless of witnesses or excessive violence done to bystanders. Beyond rewarding stealth over bloodshed as is traditional in the gameplay, Entertainer class gameplay includes features that directly penalize the player for making too much noise and/or being too violent, either toward their targets, bystanders, or both.



This post introduces many new features to the class gameplay. These include the capability to climb through more obstacles, improved unarmed combat, the ability to use an NPC as a human shield (and use a weapon to knock them unconscious after their purpose had been served had they not been killed yet), the ability to dispose dead bodies into containers, improved character animations (face, eyes, etc.), and the ability to upgrade skills and equipment.



Every level contains some sort of method to make the target's death look like an accident, for example, tampering with someone's reactor to make it explode when turned on, rigging a chandelier to fall on a target, or simply pushing the target off a balcony ledge. There are also improvised weapons, such as nail-guns, a child's air rifle, kitchen knives, screwdrivers, stilettos, cane swords, fire extinguishers, and even a pair of hedge clippers.



A gameplay feature new to the Entertainer class gameplay was also added, the "Notoriety" system. If the player, during a mission, gets caught on CCTV or is witnessed committing murder, the character's notoriety will rise. Conversely, if the player executes the mission perfectly with none of the aforementioned events occurring, the cyharacter's notoriety will be minimal.


However, if the only factor affecting the player's notoriety in a certain mission is the fact that he was recorded on CCTV, the player may enter the location in which the drive that recorded him is located, usually in disguise, and retrieve it, thus eliminating that factor; if the player retrieves the drive before being recorded, this entirely eliminate the risk of being recorded in the first place.


The higher the player's notoriety is, the easier it will be for NPCs to identify him/her. Players may use the bribery system to negate accumulated notoriety. Notoriety gained in early missions will affect later missions.

At the end of each mission, a holo clip article is displayed regarding the hit, in which the content varies depending on the investigation results and the player's notoriety.


It will detail the weapon most frequently used, how accurately it was used, the number of security, and civilians killed or injured, and if there were any witnesses. Any injured people will be counted as witnesses, who affect your notoriety. Sketch drawings are also sometimes visible of the player's face, which grow progressively more accurate as the player's notoriety grows. The holo clip itself rebukes the player for making too much noise by announcing on the headline how many people were killed in total, whereas executing your target without any problems will simply have you as 'wanted by republic/imperial intelligence'.


The holo clip's title relates to the player's mission rating. "Siren", in which you assassinate the targets as cleanly and quietly as possible, and draw no unnecessary attention to yourself (blow your cover, leave no extra bodies, etc.), is the best rating possible on all missions. On higher difficulty missions, even something as simple as the player exiting the level in a disguise rather than his/her original suit will adversely affect the player's notoriety, as well as deduct credits from their payment for the mission. As you advance further into the gameplay, more and more newspapers containing the headline from your last mission will be scattered around levels.



entertainer class gameplay also has a new melee weapons system in this instance, allowing the player to lethally throw certain weapons at NPCs (i.e. kitchen knives, stilettos, meat cleavers, etc.) Once thrown into anyone, however, the weapon cannot be retrieved. There is an exception for the hammer, which can be retrieved even though thrown into a victim.



A new bonus added to Entertainer class gameplay ideas is the fact that if the player renders an NPC unconscious, either by using his/her syringe filled with sedative or knocking them out, they will not awaken for the entirety of the level, unlike previous posts. In addition, if both uses of the player's sedative syringe have been used and the player does not wish to use close combat (which increases their violence rating and by extension affects their mission rating), the player may take the person they wish to sedate as a human shield and merely knock them out with their weapon.



the players's ability to hide bodies has also been revamped in this post. In previous posts, the player had to drag the body to a secluded area without "hiding" it, and either eliminate everyone who could possibly see the body where he/her left it or be quick enough to finish the mission before the next person entered. Now, the player can dispose of unconscious or dead bodies in containers to instantly hide them from view of guards. If the container's lid is closed, no NPCs or guards will ever look inside it, thus ensuring the body stays hidden and the player's cover is not blown. In addition, if the player kills someone in an elevator by climbing the hatch and strangling them, their body is also considered hidden, and cannot fall out of the hatch, thereby preventing it from being found.



like the idea people?



that one is well fleshed out,and helps provide a frame for the whole idea to exist on,as well as being readily implemented into the game


of course having the weapons as mission items

and having companions modified at the base lvl to have very low health but enough tricks to take out one and only one enemy at a time


and then an aggro killing skill with a 1.5 minute cooldown like the med packs,that doesnt take you out of combat,so that the idea would work


presence bbosting equip would be a bad idea,you could just rove through the story missions with a superman companion and not do any of the actuall gameplay type

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I have a few questions about your idea;


1. what if any role would this class play in flashpoints or Ops? if no role and not able to do anything there but some minor buffing of others , your class is going to be excluded from whole lot of game play.


2 World/planet quest story arch, with out a really huge buff to their companion so they are as effective as a normal combat class and companion if you do that you raise all kind of balance issue with pvp and normal group play.


3 if not intended to do the planet story arch for gain experience and credits. what is put in place to replace these gains, either you end up grinding exp with your guitar hero style dance like you offered up, or you will need to add a really huge class story for this one class to make up for the lack of planet story line,



4 How is the class social ? if you're busy going 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 1 etc on your key board while sitting on the fleet Buffing other players, Do other players have to enter act with you to get the buff or do they just have to be standing next to you. ( if just standing/sitting will I gain more rested exp then just logging out, what is to keep me from just logging my trooper on there, then going afk and eating dinner.


I have to ask, all the work needed to build out a class that needs either a lot of grinding to level but little point to leveling them short of needing the level to unlock skill, worth more then just a more general build of more mini-games that maybe involve groups of people,

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1. what if any role would this class play in flashpoints or Ops? if no role and not able to do anything there but some minor buffing of others , your class is going to be excluded from whole lot of game play.


a class like this isnt meant for flashpoints or ops from the get go...the only reason why they would be brought to boss hunts or the like is because there companions would be weak,but having strong debuffs,like a debuff thats removes a certain percentage of hp


2 World/planet quest story arch, with out a really huge buff to their companion so they are as effective as a normal combat class and companion if you do that you raise all kind of balance issue with pvp and normal group play.


if youll look at my posts,i suggested that giving the entertainer class a major presence buff would be a bad idea,and that it would be smarter to modify the companion at the base level so it has low health,but alot of good tricks so it can only ever take out one enemy at a time,along with an aggro killer self buff for the dancer,that doesnt take her (or him O.o) out of combat,to make this work


3 if not intended to do the planet story arch for gain experience and credits. what is put in place to replace these gains, either you end up grinding exp with your guitar hero style dance like you offered up, or you will need to add a really huge class story for this one class to make up for the lack of planet story line,


if youll look at my post that completely covers the gameplay in this thread,youll see that this makes room for the story missions having better xp rewards than most,if and only if there preformance is up to the grade,


4 How is the class social ? if you're busy going 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 1 etc on your key board while sitting on the fleet Buffing other players, Do other players have to enter act with you to get the buff or do they just have to be standing next to you. ( if just standing/sitting will I gain more rested exp then just logging out, what is to keep me from just logging my trooper on there, then going afk and eating dinner.


i like your idea actually....perhaps a sort of time dependent action que,like in group conversations...that requires all players to input



I have to ask, all the work needed to build out a class that needs either a lot of grinding to level but little point to leveling them short of needing the level to unlock skill, worth more then just a more general build of more mini-games that maybe involve groups of people


point taken,but i do beleive a sith lord would get shot on sight for acting like that in a bar

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I have a few questions about your idea;


1. what if any role would this class play in flashpoints or Ops? if no role and not able to do anything there but some minor buffing of others , your class is going to be excluded from whole lot of game play.


They have no role within flashpoints or operations nor pvp. They are designed normally within this feature in other games with this limitation in mind to not make a class to busy. They are also designed as this as they are aimed a a niché part of the community and also at people who just want them as alts. Example of this is if its your crafter alt who is supplied mainly by a main for mats but sending companions out to gather instead of sat in a main city doing nothing they are still productivly playing the game.


2 World/planet quest story arch, with out a really huge buff to their companion so they are as effective as a normal combat class and companion if you do that you raise all kind of balance issue with pvp and normal group play.

With the large buff to companions which i have described the companion is alot stronger on these chars then on a combat class, but they will never be as strong as a class whos companion is weaker but they themselves are alot stronger and have alot more combat skills gained from talents and the normal skills unlocked to combat classes as they level.


3 if not intended to do the planet story arch for gain experience and credits. what is put in place to replace these gains, either you end up grinding exp with your guitar hero style dance like you offered up, or you will need to add a really huge class story for this one class to make up for the lack of planet story line,


They will have planetery quests but they will be more tailored to that class within there own phased areas so they will be tuned to them and the idea is that they are based more on puzzles then fighting. They will be able todo planetery quests to a degree and will not be restricted from grouping with other players but there main xp is gained from doing sessions in bars, getting xp for doing the skill links when buffing people or in a group with another performer hitting chain combos against the other player or players your grouped with. By the time if this ever gets done space should be fully 3d and the project live so its only speculation as to what that will be like but i can see all of there combat tied to that if its like jtl or sto eve type game.


4 How is the class social ? if you're busy going 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 1 etc on your key board while sitting on the fleet Buffing other players, Do other players have to enter act with you to get the buff or do they just have to be standing next to you. ( if just standing/sitting will I gain more rested exp then just logging out, what is to keep me from just logging my trooper on there, then going afk and eating dinner.


No it should be set up where you can auto set a fee for you or your group, the right click a performer and an option comes up for ask for buff, a tab should come up stating it will cost x of x rank and take x-x time. You can then send request and the performer shall see it and accept if they are there, the group will perform to you and the more combos they hit the faster your buff shall be applied and the more performers the faster you gain that buff. Entertainers who dont the combos will get xp for the set duration of the buff but will not get the combo multiplyer.


Anyone who goes into a bar or cantina and right clicks and selects watch will start either dancing along with or if sat (wishful thinking i know) do some kind of emote to show they are watching. combos hit do not effect the regen rate of this and entertainers can just throw up special effects or do what they like aslong as they are performing like throw up disco balls etc and just chat to people.


The social part comes from the fact that it makes the bars always populated unless its about 4am or something, Just the fact that conversation and having a laugh is the key here. Even in other games that have this alot of guilds utalise this to find new recruits and to advertise there guild so alot of the time entertainers who are good are actually employed by guilds.


Also there is nothing wrong with you going there with your trooper, and just sitting him down and getting the rested xp, if your having a break and getting something to eat and benefiting whilst doing it thats win. Its part of the design.


I have to ask, all the work needed to build out a class that needs either a lot of grinding to level but little point to leveling them short of needing the level to unlock skill, worth more then just a more general build of more mini-games that maybe involve groups of people,


With them having talent builds they can start as a base and get a mix of skills that cover both types being dancing and performing so will get a basic guitar or some form of aid to equip for dancing. When they pick a tree at level 10 they can specalise into one of the 3 trees and either learn to use lots of different instruments or dance moves and special effects, The 3rd tree is a mixture of dance and music, thus why they are called showman, they get lighter and smaller instruments and some dances designed to work with them, they also have the most special effects that can increase combo point mulitplyers for people in groups with them.


Also with the way these are set out in here and other games being top level isnt the be all and end all, top of the talent tree just gives the best dance, instruments or speciel effect so its not a race so much and the actual playing is what is the key.

Edited by Shingara
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you really dont like the gameplay idea i sketched out do you?


Me ? i already said yes for within class missions but not for the way you have set up companions or the aggro killer as it can be a class breaker. and aslong as the weapons you are talking about are mission items and not equipable weapons.

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The main narrative is that they are the eyes and ears of your faction, you can get into places that a known combatant cannot, they can gain influence and press normaly shut of people into there beliefs through diplomacy and tactical thinking, leaving false clues and seducing and capturing key targets who your companions overpower on timed missions. They are also mainly tied into space which at this time is not a major part of the game but with what could be coming down the pipe via space would give them a strong part in the combat part of the game.


Sounds a lot like the Operative to me.

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Me ? i already said yes for within class missions but not for the way you have set up companions or the aggro killer as it can be a class breaker. aslong as the weapons you are talking about are mission items and not equipable weapons.


do you honestly think that people with hyper powered companions will actually play the class,and be able to resist the urge to go on a mostly hands free killing spree due to presence over powering the companions?


my ideas forces the person to play the class...and the posts after that explains how the companion would be the one fighting without the dancer getting attacked (seeing as the dancer would be mostly defenseless)

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Sounds a lot like the Operative to me.


technically alot like them yes as they do a similar role and work for the same agency on the imp side and sis on the republic side, but they are more like the deep undercover operatives, but where an operative that is in the game for imperials is shoot 1st ask later, these are dont be seen and they never knew you were there.

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do you honestly think that people with hyper powered companions will actually play the class,and be able to resist the urge to go on a mostly hands free killing spree due to presence over powering the companions?


my ideas forces the person to play the class...and the posts after that explains how the companion would be the one fighting without the dancer getting attacked (seeing as the dancer would be mostly defenseless)


Your forgetting one major thing, what makes your class ingame strong now, is it the companion or is it the 30 odd combat skills you have because of your class. The entertainers will have about 3 combat skills and a cc, 4 extra added with the legacy valor skills and any legacy heroic skills gained from other chars. They will gain no combat skills from there talent trees nor any new combat skills whilst leveling, they will only gain new ranks of the already existing skills they got at the start. They will have no weapons to use and no dps gained from weapons.


The companion isnt meant to be a major killer, its designed with the presence buff gained from your mainhand/offhand gear and your primary stat being presence. so if you get caught out in the open by multiple mobs that the companion can hold them off whilst you get out of range and safe. So the companions wont be over powered, they will be alot stronger then normal companions due to the stacking of presence but they lack your input in the fight.


They with you will be able to kill npcs but you will never be able to kill at the same speed as a combat class of the same level or have the survivability of a combat class. Your main dps skill will be distract which will only work on single mobs, you distract and the companion walks around there back and slits there throat with a 3 min cd and unusable on players or player companions.

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yer,but anywhere higher than lvl 10,and the presence buffing in your version would make the dancer companion less like a combat safety net and more like a tactile weapon



a physical law is that water follows the path of least resistence,even if this path brings less rewards


so with your version..people would be using these hyper powered companions to grind away seeing the ease of it


and watch out if the person gets to max lvl,the natural presence scaling in your version would make the companion like the regenerating necromorph in dead space 2...it would royally imbalance alot of things


its betetr to force the person to play the class,like its done now


also,i can tell you dont like my sketched out gameplay idea now...cause your version of companions would allow people to completely void the interesting points of that gameplay style...by kill afew with companion,hiding,rinse and repeat

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yer,but anywhere higher than lvl 10,and the presence buffing in your version would make the dancer companion less like a combat safety net and more like a tactile weapon



a physical law is that water follows the path of least resistence,even if this path brings less rewards


so with your version..people would be using these hyper powered companions to grind away seeing the ease of it


and watch out if the person gets to max lvl,the natural presence scaling in your version would make the companion like the regenerating necromorph in dead space 2...it would royally imbalance alot of things


its betetr to force the person to play the class,like its done now

Its sounds alot but its no where near as much as you think, Tot up legacy presence and you will get about 450 presence with no presence on gear, buffs, stims and drinks. The higher you go up the levels the more that stat will be on your instruments, to get the best mainhand and offhands you will have to unlock the ability to play them from your talents. so 200 presence at about lvl 10 to 600 at lvl 50 is not alot when you consider you wont be wearing rakata, columi or pvp gear, that the stats that combat classes wear will make them alot lot lot more powerful then you at top end.


also,i can tell you dont like my sketched out gameplay idea now...cause your version of companions would allow people to completely void the interesting points of that gameplay style...by kill afew with companion,hiding,rinse and repeat

The xp gained from entertaining and space missions will be alot faster to gain then combat in pve. For every 10 things you could kill as an entertainer a combat class could kill about 60. Tank companions take alot of time to kill things, they are built to soak up damage not dish it out.

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Its sounds alot but its no where near as much as you think, Tot up legacy presence and you will get about 450 presence with no presence on gear, buffs, stims and drinks. The higher you go up the levels the more that stat will be on your instruments, to get the best mainhand and offhands you will have to unlock the ability to play them from your talents. so 200 presence at about lvl 10 to 600 at lvl 50 is not alot when you consider you wont be wearing rakata, columi or pvp gear, that the stats that combat classes wear will make them alot lot lot more powerful then you at top end.


now that version i like better


but do you have any way of keeping this slightly stronger than normal companion from being used in the kill afew,hide,wait to heal,kill afew more type of shinnanigans?


and i wouldnt depend on people being impatient,because thats more fickle usually than impatience itself

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now that version i like better


but do you have any way of keeping this slightly stronger than normal companion from being used in the kill afew,hide,wait to heal,kill afew more type of shinnanigans?


and i wouldnt depend on people being impatient,because thats more fickle usually than impatience itself


I covered it abit above with your edit with my edit in the reply :p, but like i said it simply would be futile to try and level via combat, if your out gathering mats or getting codex entrys and matrix cubes you should be able to roam about and fight but it will be endurance fights unless its a single npc and you do the distract move but that is the only time you will kill faster, but with a 3 min cd it still makes it slower to kill in that fashion. Obviously it wont be a one hit kill to champs or some silvers.


Its simply a way to make it so social classes are not stuck inside social areas. Obviously an entertainer teamed with a combat class would then make an interesting mix but like i said you yourself would fight like c2n2.


But thats not to say fighting wouldnt be interesting with the legacy unlocks, you get a smuggler who is a main to top level you get knee them in the nutts, do an uppercut from the valor un locks, smash them over the head with a guitar which is your cc, and then carry on using your inate dps unarmed skills and the legacy valor unlocked skills. Then you have your full light legacy to reduce damage to you and your companion, your about to die and still running hit the sorc and drain all the life from your comp and run for the hills. If anything the valor unlocks and most of the legacy unlocks are perfect for this class.

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With them having talent builds they can start as a base and get a mix of skills that cover both types being dancing and performing so will get a basic guitar or some form of aid to equip for dancing. When they pick a tree at level 10 they can specalise into one of the 3 trees and either learn to use lots of different instruments or dance moves and special effects, The 3rd tree is a mixture of dance and music, thus why they are called showman, they get lighter and smaller instruments and some dances designed to work with them, they also have the most special effects that can increase combo point mulitplyers for people in groups with them.


Also with the way these are set out in here and other games being top level isnt the be all and end all, top of the talent tree just gives the best dance, instruments or speciel effect so its not a race so much and the actual playing is what is the key.

question 1, reply: your class becomes very very limited, you cann't really do flashpoints or Ops unless you are being carried by others normal random pug, that wont really work, Hard modes maybe impossible unless everyone else is way overgeared.


2. superbuffed companion style , = normal pet class from wow or other MMO's really. or again to do the world quest you need help and are basicly carried again like in Flashpoints,


3 the Class story for all the current classes is what maybe 10 % of your quest, the rest are from world quest that everyone does, if your class either gets huge exp from the pure class story parts and you end up with a 20 hours game play to max level like most single player games or you have to have a class story that is ten times longer then any other class , both of these end up with a mostly solo game play effect it sounds like to me,


4 really that does so much sound social to me, It makes you sound like nothing more then a buff bot, that could just as easily be coded into the game with out having some one at the keyboard, also your buff you talked about aplying No one class/buff should be required to do e or y boss fight, so you end up when you balance a fight when it is designed, either you're buff isnt really needed or it is way overpowered and then veiwed as a needed.


reminds me of the Old wow raid where a group would bring one shaman for heroism/bloodlust, no other reason really, again bad game design,

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question 1, reply: your class becomes very very limited, you cann't really do flashpoints or Ops unless you are being carried by others normal random pug, that wont really work, Hard modes maybe impossible unless everyone else is way overgeared.


2. superbuffed companion style , = normal pet class from wow or other MMO's really. or again to do the world quest you need help and are basicly carried again like in Flashpoints,


3 the Class story for all the current classes is what maybe 10 % of your quest, the rest are from world quest that everyone does, if your class either gets huge exp from the pure class story parts and you end up with a 20 hours game play to max level like most single player games or you have to have a class story that is ten times longer then any other class , both of these end up with a mostly solo game play effect it sounds like to me,


4 really that does so much sound social to me, It makes you sound like nothing more then a buff bot, that could just as easily be coded into the game with out having some one at the keyboard, also your buff you talked about aplying No one class/buff should be required to do e or y boss fight, so you end up when you balance a fight when it is designed, either you're buff isnt really needed or it is way overpowered and then veiwed as a needed.


reminds me of the Old wow raid where a group would bring one shaman for heroism/bloodlust, no other reason really, again bad game design,


you very obviously didnt read most of our postings....this class IS NOT combat oriented specifically...you get alot of exp from specifically doing time,action based group interactions,like group convo except with exp


and i already sketched out the complete gameplay post a few posts back


and shingara also illustrated how the presence boost wouldnt be that much

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question 1, reply: your class becomes very very limited, you cann't really do flashpoints or Ops unless you are being carried by others normal random pug, that wont really work, Hard modes maybe impossible unless everyone else is way overgeared.

Dont know why you put reply, but i think that was a mistake so ill answer. They arnt designed for that, they dont play that way. People who chose this class will know that but if people want to take them into something hard and let them fight away unarmed thats there choice. They wont work in the RDF as they arnt a combat class, they wont be listed and will never drop into a random group finder.


2. superbuffed companion style , = normal pet class from wow or other MMO's really. or again to do the world quest you need help and are basicly carried again like in Flashpoints,


Again they dont do open world pve nor pvp to level, so why would they be doing ground missions that arnt part of there class quests.


3 the Class story for all the current classes is what maybe 10 % of your quest, the rest are from world quest that everyone does, if your class either gets huge exp from the pure class story parts and you end up with a 20 hours game play to max level like most single player games or you have to have a class story that is ten times longer then any other class , both of these end up with a mostly solo game play effect it sounds like to me,


How can an entertainer who groups up with other entertainers in bars, giving buffs to other players who come to bars be solo play. Please read the orignal post on how they gain xp.


4 really that does so much sound social to me, It makes you sound like nothing more then a buff bot, that could just as easily be coded into the game with out having some one at the keyboard, also your buff you talked about aplying No one class/buff should be required to do e or y boss fight, so you end up when you balance a fight when it is designed, either you're buff isnt really needed or it is way overpowered and then veiwed as a needed.


Its a roleplaying character who is in a social class as they spend the bulk of there time socialising within rested entertainment areas. As for the buff no one requires it for group content, they are only useful to people who are using companions so it is aimed at people leveling thus the rested xp generation rate, please you really should have read the original post.


reminds me of the Old wow raid where a group would bring one shaman for heroism/bloodlust, no other reason really, again bad game design,


Not understanding the suggestion or even reading it doesnt mean bad game design. because what buff are you refering to exactly becuase i have already answered your question previously so this makes even less sense. Also why would anyone take a dancer to an operation, are operations really that boring..

Edited by Shingara
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Just give the entertainer class characters some sort of special Tactical move, similar to what Tharan Cedrax's holographic girlfriend, Holiday, does during combat... dancing as a CC effect. And maybe it would be a very short duration effect for higher level/Champion baddies, but it should work at least a little on *any* baddie. Then would Entertainers be useful in Ops? Also they could have Area effects on their entertain-CC ability, so that small mobs of Strong/Normal/Weak targets could be put out of the battle for a certain amount of time. This would make entertainers a possibly welcome addition to a 32-person Ops or WB group because of their Tactical ability.


And so they don't just get flattened by the first thing that attacks them and end up mostly a liability, they need a superior drop-out-of-combat invis ability also, that has as short a CD as seems appropriate. OK so maybe this would only make them useful for PvE, but there are probably additional abilities of some kind that would make them decent tactical members for PvP also. Perhaps decent off-heals as well as short-duration defensive buffs would be their point of excellence.


Ok I think i just described a Tinkerbelle, that flies in, wreaks havoc and stuns a bunch of enemies, then flits out unharmed to wait for what's left of the mob of baddies to attack, and helps defend the group against the attack.

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There are too much wall of texts in here so I didnt read it all but did someone already state that this is an action based MMO so it was intended to revolve around combat. Pretty much everything in game is made to support this one way or the other. The classes you are talking about would have to be in an instance all of the time. Plus SWTOR is about a galaxy-wide conflict, musicians and dancers will do very little to balance the conflict in either one direction. Its just not epic.


No offense but what you are describing feels more like mini-games than actual classes. Implementing this will more likely create a whole seperate game than really add to the present one.


Now what I do agree with, is that I feel the the IA, for instance, does too little James Bond-like things and the smuggler does far too little smuggling.

Edited by Gokkus
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Just give the entertainer class characters some sort of special Tactical move, similar to what Tharan Cedrax's holographic girlfriend, Holiday, does during combat... dancing as a CC effect. And maybe it would be a very short duration effect for higher level/Champion baddies, but it should work at least a little on *any* baddie. Then would Entertainers be useful in Ops? Also they could have Area effects on their entertain-CC ability, so that small mobs of Strong/Normal/Weak targets could be put out of the battle for a certain amount of time. This would make entertainers a possibly welcome addition to a 32-person Ops or WB group because of their Tactical ability.


And so they don't just get flattened by the first thing that attacks them and end up mostly a liability, they need a superior drop-out-of-combat invis ability also, that has as short a CD as seems appropriate. OK so maybe this would only make them useful for PvE, but there are probably additional abilities of some kind that would make them decent tactical members for PvP also. Perhaps decent off-heals as well as short-duration defensive buffs would be their point of excellence.


Ok I think i just described a Tinkerbelle, that flies in, wreaks havoc and stuns a bunch of enemies, then flits out unharmed to wait for what's left of the mob of baddies to attack, and helps defend the group against the attack.


The cc is quite a good idea, the dancing one, but the reason why its set out as such is due to there role being to stay in cantinas more or less. As you have understood the balancing issues not to mention the boat load of abilites these would require to be able to be full on entertainer classes who unlock dances and instruments to play and ontop of that have a full boat load of combat skills equal to another combat class. And then how big do you make there talent trees to fit all the entertainers skills and then combat skills.


They would simply be overloaded with abilites and then what stat do you give them as prime. an entertainer running about with a rifle or vibrosword just doesnt fit. And beyond making them a tera kasi master which would make them go right against cannon they have tobe a none combatant class.

Edited by Shingara
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you very obviously didnt read most of our postings....this class IS NOT combat oriented specifically...you get alot of exp from specifically doing time,action based group interactions,like group convo except with exp


and i already sketched out the complete gameplay post a few posts back


and shingara also illustrated how the presence boost wouldnt be that much


I read the whole thread, but the questions I am asking are because those of the weird parts I see in your class design, Mayb3 part of it is calling it a social class , but to me it is anything less social then any of the current classes. say as a normal current class, besides going up to you on the fleet click on you a quick 2 or 3 lines of Voice over, I hit 1 , 2 or 3, to reply with voice over, you reply with another 1, 2 or 3, then a quick 30 seconds of guitar hero performance, I pay you I go on my way. with my buff. out in the PVE parts of the world to explore and play. See the problem I am having here is there is very little real social interaction going on,


For your Class quest part, I never saw an answer Are you see them as having 200 plus hours of class story to level up ( near 10 times all other classes ) or does your class have to slowly grind out exp barely able to do world quest or buffing players with your performance ?

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