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Easy Sage Healing Buff Idea


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Hey people I do not play a sage myself but I have spent considerable time helping my poor noob father learn to play his healer sage. After tinkering with it a little I found that complaints about survivability are not unfounded. So my Idea was that the devs could buff that force bubble ya'll have considerably and at the same time make healing uninteruptable while it is up, that way sages don't feel so locked out of a battle. What do the sages think?
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Hey people I do not play a sage myself but I have spent considerable time helping my poor noob father learn to play his healer sage. After tinkering with it a little I found that complaints about survivability are not unfounded. So my Idea was that the devs could buff that force bubble ya'll have considerably and at the same time make healing uninteruptable while it is up, that way sages don't feel so locked out of a battle. What do the sages think?


A better idea would be to put it on a timer (with 100% damage absorbtion) and change the TK/Lite talent to make casts uninterruptable. Then I would drop the insistance that we need a DFCD...

Edited by L-RANDLE
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