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Server merging concerns


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So I bought and played SWTOR when it launched. Loved it (still love it), got a character all the way to 50 and completed the story (first time I maxed a character in any MMO). Then I took a break for a bit (though I never cancelled my subscription) before coming back last week to take another character to 50 and experience another story. My point with all that is that I've been away from the game and community for a bit so I'm behind.


I come back and see now that SWTOR is merging all their servers at the end of this month. I can understand that, my server is entirely empty even at night which makes certain aspects of the game tough. However, at the same time, I sort of like my server not being one of the ones that's Full or Heavy Load. I know this is an MMO but I like not seeing hundreds of other players everywhere I turn.


Ok, so I'm bringing this up because I see that all the destination servers on the list in the upcoming merge are, at least when I checked last night in the evening, completely overloaded. A few of them were at Full and the rest were at Heavy Load. I'm just curious if anyone knows if these are the only servers that will remain after the merge or if there will still be some other servers available. Obviously, I'm not going to transfer my characters to a server that's full in the evenings because then I can't even log in and play and that's baloney. I'd honestly prefer to end up on a server that got up into the medium load during the evening. My server was that way when the game first launched and I found that while I saw plenty of people it didn't usually seem too crowded. Does anyone have more info on this? I've looked over the Transfer page but let be honest, it's lacking info. I haven't searched through the forums for info yet so if someone has a link to more info please pass it on.


It's just annoying that I can't take advantage of the transfer offer since it seems stupid of me to transfer my characters to servers that end up Full in the evenings. Hopefully when they do the process they leave a couple more servers in the mix so that things can balance out among them.

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See what server is at "standard" population during the time you want to play and roll a character on that server and see if you like it.


I transferred to Canderous Ordo and I have never had to wait in a Q to logon. I have, on occasion, experienced a little overcrowding while out solo questing and get to the end and the boss cat I am supposed to smoke is already dead. They will usually respawn in about 10 min.

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I'm just curious if anyone knows if these are the only servers that will remain after the merge or if there will still be some other servers available. Obviously, I'm not going to transfer my characters to a server that's full in the evenings because then I can't even log in and play


Yes, it's likely that the 26 "destination" servers will be the only ones that remain. BW is working hard to get people to get off the other servers.


Let's look at the two biggest servers 24hr profile averaged over the last 7 days


The Bastion http://www.torstatus.net/the-bastion/24h/7d


The Harbinger http://www.torstatus.net/the-harbinger/24h/7d


Neither of these servers are full enough to have queues on a regular basis.


Before you decide you're not going to transfer, why don't you create a test character on your destination server and see how full it is and how long it takes you to log in during your chosen play time?



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I'd like to point out that there are no longer logon queues for Tomb of Freedon Nadd, the heaviest populated EU server. There used to be queues of one hour or more, so I'm guessing the server cap has been raised in the past couple of weeks. Can anyone confirm there are even any logon queues at any of the other servers?
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I'd like to point out that there are no longer logon queues for Tomb of Freedon Nadd, the heaviest populated EU server. There used to be queues of one hour or more, so I'm guessing the server cap has been raised in the past couple of weeks. Can anyone confirm there are even any logon queues at any of the other servers?


That's great to know about ToFN! :-D Can imagine how frustrated you guys were. I heard that the queues mysteriously disappeared after maintenance. Sounds like a capacity increase to me.


The only queue I've heard about on Ebon Hawk was the afternoon 1.3 came out - but I didn't log on til after 9 pm that night so I never saw it.




Edited by Scorpienne
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Well thanks for the information. I admit I did not try to log onto one of the servers that were listed as Full, I just assumed Full meant...well full.


Honestly though, as I said, I'm just disappointed that the only servers that will remain are all going to be so crowded. It is good advice and I will do what you guys suggested and create a character on one of them to see what it's like. But I think Standard or Medium or whatever is my ideal server population. As I said, I know this is an MMO but I mostly play for the story and to solo and having to wade through hundreds of other people in the same area, waiting to kill certain mobs, etc, is just not my idea of a good time. So I'm going to enjoy my empty server until the end of the month and then if the only servers left are always Very Heavy or Full I'll probably just end up cancelling.

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I share your concerns having played since the game started.


I am playing on two servers in the E.U, Tomb of Freedon Nadd PVP and Ludo Kressh PVE, I could if I wished transfer my characters from Ludo Kressh onto the Red Eclipse but have no wish to do so because it is so busy. I created a character there and leveled it up to see how busy it is and it is way busier than I want all the time. If I want company and a busy, and yes a laggy server I log into TOFN, and if I fancy a quiet lag free evening I go to Ludo Kressh. I like having the choice.


So the end of the month when they announce the remaining server transfers/closures which one assumes will be forced upon those remaining on light servers worries me. I have no wish to play on two busy servers, TOFN is great, but its nice to have the choice to play in peace and quiet too..


It is possible they may just lump all the remaining servers of each type together rather than force us all to go to the current destination servers.


And then what will happen to any players who aren't playing the game at the moment, what will happen to their characters when they resubscribe I wonder.


I guess we will find out at the end of the month...

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