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The holonet log of a so so padawan


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I have never written any fanfic before and I just thought I would dip my toe with this, to see what much better writers think. If its not terrible I will try to do a few more logs and hopefully slowly get better! Glob = galaxy holo log


Glob entry one:


Just to make you aware that if you are reading this, I am writing it under duress. My master has decided that due to a slight mishap with some twileks, I need an objective way to express my emotions so I can focus on bringing them under control, or something.


I swear it wasn’t my fault, I just happened to mention to one of the local twileks that I was sure I had seen her or her sister on an ‘artistic’ holo show and if it was her, could I have her autograph as I thought she was a star, and very flexible. I wasn’t to know she was the big matron/ boss type. Anyway they caused a bit of a curfuffle with the order and again I am ‘requested’ to spend some time in my chambers meditating on my actions and expressing my feelings.


Haven’t done a glob before but it seems to be the trend with every emo sith and needy BH writing about their lives and feelings I thought I would give it a go, and I can truthfully say I am expressing my emotions.

Ermmmmmmmmm this is hard, I mean what do you write about, ermmmmmmmm. My name is Ryallia and I live on Tython, I was sent/selected for padawan training after it was noticed I was a force sensitive, Quick tip don’t try to cheat a Jedi using mind tricks, they will nail you!


All I have ever wanted is an easy life, don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the order as much as the next man, or twilek, its just deep down all I want to do is stay in, play online on the holonet and eat junk food. Unfortunately my master doesn’t share this view. In his eyes all of us jedi should be paragons of virtue and go across the galaxy spreading diplomacy, or where that fails chop their arms off with a sabre and pebble dash them. Seems a bit cut and dried to me, but he said that I would understand in time. He always says that when I ask a question, like when I asked why we couldn’t have ‘relations’ he gave me some long answer about passion and stuff leading to the dark side, I only hope he doesn’t check my search history then or I will be in big trouble.


Anyhoo laters, I have to go and centre myself, which is a lot less fun than it sounds, then sweep the floors of the training chambers, because you know in years to come, that will save the galaxy, my ability to sweep floors and hide dirt under carpets, actually now it comes to it maybe that will be a useful skill....

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Entry 2

Tython sucks! *cough* sorry there is no emotion, right, Tython challenges me in new and unexpected ways..................and it sucks!


I have a new master, nice to be consulted on the matter! It seems that the council weren’t overly impressed with my discipline record and decided I need a new master with a better track record with their padawans. Master Frude looked remarkably happy considering the whole there is no emotion thing.


In another wonderful development, she isn’t meeting me here I have to trek off to the training grounds to find her, I’ll need to scrounge together a few credits for a taxi, there is no way I am walking, its miles, and humid as korriban!


WHY ME! I get to the training grounds and get to meet her, first impressions, hmmm nice she looks like she could be a bit of a cougar, maybe this change in master isn’t such a bad thing. Before I know whats happening though shes told me to pop off and find a load of holocrons that have been sitting around for centuries but now they are getting stressed that some locals might be interested in them. Do I look like I am a caretaker? force sensitive, diplomat in training, floor sweeper extraordinaire, and now it would seem holo collector. From what she said it’s not like they are going to be even good holocrons, just some thousand year old masters waffling on about the force. What about Tweeka the twi’lek does nar shadda, now that’s a holocron that I would go out hunting for!


Anyway she got me on the usual, don’t question just trust, catch 22 and so I decided to make my way out and go holo hunting. Only then did they decide to mention the hoards of ravenous flesh raiders that were running around the countryside. If you haven’t come across one before the name should give you some clue, cute and fluffy they aren’t, imagine 6 feet of angry flesh with a mouth as wide as its head, whose main interest in life is eating padawans. I tried to mention that I was a diplomat in training but they just waived it off telling me to trust in the force and my light sabre lessons.


Which would be helpful if they had given me a light sabre, but no I had a training blade, not exactly going to inspire fear, and so far the only lessons I have learnt are swing it one way then the other, whilst keeping my eyes closed! I do know a nifty trick for throwing pebbles at people, but HELLO six foot of angry flesh raider!!!!


Anyway after being threatened with toilet block duty for the rest of my training I decided that I wanted to be heroic! I walked out bravely onto the training grounds.......nah just kidding I scuttled out and waited until one of those jedi knights turned up. Man those knights are keen, they would leap straight into a bunch of flesh raiders and just start hacking away. No thought for whether they wanted to fight, some of them were just sat around their campfires looking like they were chilling when *wham* in jumps goody McJedi and the killing begins. I am not complaining as it made my life simple, I followed a small distance behind and carefully collected the holocrons as I went.


Boy those holocrons are dull, everytime I went near one it wanted to tell me about the mysteries of the force, and they would not shut up, even when there were some flesh raiders on their way! Dunno who the jedi was but he kept getting really hissy that I wasn’t killing my own flesh raiders, I don’t know why he looked like he was having a great time, and you know what Knights are like, all perfect hair and shiny teeth, he probably hoped he would get on the cover of Goody McJedi weekly for all his heroism.


I will admit to one moment of stupidity/ heroism I found some padawans locked up in cages so I thought I would at least pop in and release them, and did I get any thanks nadda not a jot, all of them just ran off and left me to deal with the flesh raiders. Well screw em next time they need saving someone else can do the work! I even had to fight one of the flesh raiders, I won, although not sure how, it ran at me, I squeaked (I think I might have had a slight ‘accident’ as well). And followed my training to the letter, I closed my eyes and swung my blade back and forwards. Eventually I opened them to see that it was dead, and I was covered in flesh raider goo and blood!


So here I am back in my chambers, not a word of thanks and I am trying to get flesh raider blood off my clothes, it stinks beyond belief and all I have to show for my day is Master Yuon telling me she has some more tasks for me to carry on tomorrow. I want Master Frude back, sweeping floors is fairly nice compared to this.

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