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Commando,the good,the bad and the ugly.


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What a load of bollocks. I'm level 31 now and I've tried pimping both M1-4X and Dorne out in gear and M1 is still useless, I spend more time healing him then doing any actual shooting. I don't get enough ammo left to damage with M1, whilst if I let Dorne heal me I can freely destroy the mobs in question, and that includes champions in 2 man quests. Ranged I take down by Line of sight dodging and melee I push away and kite. Dorne is more then capable of healing the damage.


Sorry but no matter how you put it, M1-4X takes more damage then you do, He is a tank, I'm a dps, he should take far less, and yes, I do have all his tanking abilities activated and he is still useless. Just tank it yourself and since Full Auto crap anyway, just spam Grav Round and High Impact when you've got 5 stacks.


Liar, liar, pants on fire. There is no way in hell you have 4X pimped out and are getting that result. I have 0 problems at level 36 soloing anything but 4 mans. Maybe your dps rotation is terrible and you are unable to kill anything before 4X dies. Cause I take on entire groups at once and they easily die due to 4X being able to aoe tank. Seriously, you need to look at your playstyle, cause tanking all the damage is not only slowing your dps down, but it slows your leveling considerably. I might have to heal 4X 1 time if im taking on a gold and 2 silver.


He was fine last beta build up to level 50 and he is fine now if you can support his upgrades.

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