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New/old marauder armor? or just more false advertisement?


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As scene here, http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20120710-0 is this armor new or old? Last I checked, this is heavy armor, which also, last I checked, marauders cant wear. Or could this be more false advertisement? (referencing initial pvp videos of SWTOR and the marauder wearing hooded robes)


I would love to see some new armor (for all classes) with custom mods that doesnt make me feel like a character from mad max and the thunderdome. And preferably something without a cape.


Out of all the posts, we've seen many requests for new armor, I dont think we are asking for much, other than liking what our characters are wearing as we play.



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As scene here, http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20120710-0 is this armor new or old? Last I checked, this is heavy armor, which also, last I checked, marauders cant wear. Or could this be more false advertisement? (referencing initial pvp videos of SWTOR and the marauder wearing hooded robes)


I would love to see some new armor (for all classes) with custom mods that doesnt make me feel like a character from mad max and the thunderdome. And preferably something without a cape.


Out of all the posts, we've seen many requests for new armor, I dont think we are asking for much, other than liking what our characters are wearing as we play.




Probably false advertisement, like the original progression video you mentioned. It still blows my mind how they gave the lighter hooded look to Juggs and marauders got the heavy plated imperial guard looking outfits. MAKES NO SENSE!

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I'm pretty sure that mask is even impossible for marauder's to wear since its a story item for the inquisitors or heavy armour. Unless they are going to bring more variety to the armour world (which would be fantastic) its more false advertising.
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why are they doing this what is the reason for this false advertising, or just one of the dev team screved everything up for us marauders and we ended with only one decent chest piece that you cant even get(xenotech weaponmaster chest) and every single other piece sucks all you can is pick the one that sucks the least plus all of them look like they were made for juggernauts since they are the ones who can have heavy armor, so bioware fix this mistake that you have made i mean even inquisitors can have such robes why cant marauders look the way we want them and they were advertised.
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