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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why my knockbacks don't work


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It gets really frustrating in warzones when neither of my knockbacks - the standard one everyone gets and the talented Aimed Shot one - work.


Now I know that sometimes this is a matter of lag andI can generally recognize when this is the case, and I know about the characteristics that certain classes have that could produce this result at times, namely, Vigilance Guardians (and whatever the Juggernaut equivalent is) and Shadow/Assassins with Resilience/Shroud up.


However, I find that its happening against powertechs and marauders, and I don't know of any items that should keep them safe from it. Someone suggested that the powertech shield prevents it, but the only thing I'm aware of is that tank specced PT shields remove some CC - not that it makes them immune, and I seem to see it in pyrotechs. In any case, I could be wrong about this and would appreciate any help. Marauders, on the other hand, confuse me even more.


Any help?

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Are they pyrotech or are they Tactics/Whatever? Because Hold the Line will make them immune to all physics, knock backs, stuns, everything and give them 30% movement speed once every 30 seconds. It last 1 second, but if they time it they can beat your pulse or aimed shot knock backs. That's the only thing I can think of except a full resolve bar.
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