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Future Ideas for SWTOR


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Some ideas on how to improve SWTOR


Before I get to far, let me state that this game is awesome. I played WoW for over 2 years and was told to try this game by a friend. Essentially this game takes the bext parts of WoW and improves upon them with things like companions, cinematic quest givers with different possibilities based on your choices, and the newest big thing that WoW is missing... Legacy. So keep in mind I'm writing this not as some complainer saying "this game sucks unless you do the crap I want to happen!". That being said, here are some things I'd like to see in the future:


-Legacy Banks

This is certainly the easiest thing to implenment in the game. It would work the same as the stash in Diablo III. A character puts stuff in a bank that all other characters in that legacy can access. I would be surprised if this isn't already in the works, but if it isn't please do it.


-Legacy Crew Skills

Essentially allow me to access the crew skills of one toon on my legacy from another. I'm not asking that you give every toon on the legacy the perks you get from that one crew skill, but allow me to craft or gather on a toon in my legacy that I'm not logged into at the moment. This already happens, but instead of mailing stuff and logging into a toon just to do some crew skills, you do it from any toon on your legacy you want. It would just make it easier and faster.


-Legacy Character Perk Access

Again, this is a convience thing, give all my legacy characters the ability to view and purchase character perks for all my legacy character. So instead of mailing credits to my lower level characters so they can buy perks, allow my main to just buy the perks for them. This would make sense since they are legacy character perks.


That was the simple stuff, now for future stuff SWTOR should look into:


-New Class Ideas

These ideas were brought up in general chat on Dromund Kaas the other night and would prove to have great storylines. A Dark Jedi class for the Empire and a Light Sith class for the Republic (Revan anyone?). These clases would be fairly simple to create, they could be simply cut and paste of a jedi class for sith and a sith class for jedi (it already is that way, but this would offer different graphics etc). But the storyline for these classes could be unique and exciting. I haven't put much thought into the story, but there is clear potential here.


-Guild XP and levels

WoW already has this system (released with 4.0) and I thought it was great. Guilds can gain XP and level based on it's activity. Doing groups with your guildies was more than just helping out your friends (though a guilding leveling system would encourage that). It was a way to improve your guild and thus give the players access to many great perks. This does nothing but encourages the community and guilds to be active.


-Buy your own Ship

The ability to build and create your own ship existed in SWG (though SWTOR is already much better than that game, it can still learn some things from it). Each player can buy there own ship and customize it. This would include changing the very appearance of your ship. With alot of options. A good way to think of it would be that the ship can be your character in space. You could also create new crew skills with this, Shipcrafter. Player can get better and better ships upto probably about the size of the Millenium Falcon. What about bigger ships?


-Guild Ships

Guilds can get there own ships probably up to a Death Star. This could be mixed with the guild leveling system. Players could dock there personal ships on the guild ship and if enough guild members are online at one time, you could do special space missions with your massive guild ship, or perhaps with your guildies in their personal ships all together forming a fleet. Or maybe both. These big ships can be costumized much like player's personal ships.


The past two ideas could be very helpful in improving the under developed space portion of the game. Space is fun, but there's maybe like 4 actual missions that just get more difficult and no multiplayer. Having a feature in an MMO with no multiplayer allowed seems like a missed opportunity to me. Anyways, like I said this game is great, these are just ideas that once developed could make the game even better.

Edited by bobsetlock
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A Dark Jedi class for the Empire and a Light Sith class for the Republic (Revan anyone?).

No. Not only would this throw the morality system out the window, it breaks canon. The duty of the Jedi, both dark and light, is to serve the Republic. Helping the Sith would make him a Sith. Revan became a dark Jedi when he fought the Mandalorians, but became Sith when he attacked the Republic.

Same with the light Sith. Sith fight for the Empire. My SI is light. He just wants to make the Empire a better place.


Other than that, the other ideas seem pretty good.

Though this should have been in the Suggestions Box...

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Overall, I liked your ideas. Except that I'm not too sure about the Dark Jedi/Light Sith idea.


One additional idea I'd like to see is more interaction between the player's characters in cutscenes. All of the scenes involve the party talking to generally 1 NPC, but they never have a conversation between themselves. Occasionally, I'd like the opportunity for my smuggler to tell Jedi Knight what I think of his plan (with options, of course).


JK: "We'll make a frontal assult on the Sith castle!"


Smuggler (Disagree): "Yeah, that's a terrible idea. Mainly because it consists of me being in extreme danger. What's plan B?"


Smuggler (Agree): "Sure. Why not? I wasn't planning on living forever, anyway."


I realize incorporating something like this into the existing scenes and storyline might be difficult or impossible, but maybe FPs and Ops as they are added?


Just a thought.

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Dark Jedi, are not duty bound to anything and in most story arch's tend towards imperial tendencies rather than republic principles. Granted they may fall with the intent off empowering/improving the inherent perceived flaws in the Republic.


Revan did not become sith when he attacked the republic, he was converted to sith principles by the Emperor when he discovered Drummond Kaas, with his aprentice/cohort/buddy.

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No. Not only would this throw the morality system out the window, it breaks canon. The duty of the Jedi, both dark and light, is to serve the Republic. Helping the Sith would make him a Sith. Revan became a dark Jedi when he fought the Mandalorians, but became Sith when he attacked the Republic.

Same with the light Sith. Sith fight for the Empire. My SI is light. He just wants to make the Empire a better place.


Other than that, the other ideas seem pretty good.

Though this should have been in the Suggestions Box...


Not really sure if it would throw the morality system out the window. A Jedi/Sith could have perfectly honorable or evil reasons for working with the other faction. I suppose the class names would imply that, but they could call them Imperial Jedi or Republic Sith. And I would call them Jedi or Sith based on where they received their training. I simply think there are great storyline possibilities with these classes. Might be a good idea to require a legacy level with these classes, since these class storyline will have more impact if you already have a fair idea of the basic stories.

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