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[Guide] Sentinel / Marauder PvP Basics


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Hello everyone, Dritzfury of The Watchmen has written a basic guide for you Sent / Mara enthusiasts out there! Take a look here:




Hope you folks find this information useful :).







"The combat must flow, if it doesn’t, you’re doing it wrong. I’m going to cover watchman spec because it has hands down the most survivability and can still contribute quite a bit to a group. Combat has multiple roots and fast transcendence, but you are extremely squishy. Focus is better left to guardians, although if we ran a complete focus train and needed sents to spec this there may be some merit.


spec 33/8/0 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501uMMZZbIrRMRrfs.2


Primary rotation is force leap, overload saber, zealous strike, cauterize, merciless slash (or master strike if your target looks dumb). If you’re against a healer or a target that you know is being healed, you want to apply crippling throw (20% heal reduction for 15 sec) either before or after cauterize. If you have a runner, apply it after. If you have ally dps already on a healer and you're late to the party, use crippling throw immediately after force leaping.





Dispatch – use it whenever it’s up. Against marauders who burn guarded by the force, do a 5 count and then throw.


Kick – use it against heals or channeled abilities. Use it often since it is on a 6 sec cooldown. Better to burn it and accidentally waste it since it will be up again so fast. Not useful against snipers in cover as they are immune, though it’s still fun to kick them in the face.


Pacify – use it against any attack class but a sage, highly recommended against warriors as soon as they ravage.


Stasis- best used on targets approaching the 30% health range if you have multiple dps on target, can also be used to save yourself from a ravage or if you need to buy some time for cooldowns


Awe – don’t waste it. Suffers similar problems of force sweep in that it can tend to be lagged out of by moving targets, best to use it on a group of mostly stationary targets whenever possible, and call it out in vent before you do so


Sweep/Cyclone Slash – expensive, only useful to prevent node capping. (really miss cheap aoe’s)




Resolute – cc break, ideally only ever use it when you absolutely need it and have full resolve (ie enemy is going to get a node or you’re stunned on a fire)


Rebuke – pop it at the start of all fights if you know you’ll be taking at least some damage.


Force Camo – high versatility on a relatively short CD, try and use it early in a fight when you’re getting attacked when most would use saberward. Also useful for closing in on healers, or if you get knocked back by a sniper.


Saberward – only use it when you’re being focused or standing in a nasty aoe


Guarded By the Force – use it below 30% health and immediately pop a health pot. Use Force Camo near the end to be a dbag.


Centering abilities – Inspiration +15% dmg/healing for 15 sec should be used whenever it is up, preferably in a larger battle.


-Zen, use it in one on one or group situations, it’s healing is small, but it affects the entire raid in range. Great if you don’t need transcendence.


-Transcendence – great to use around your healer’s, gives 10% defense and lets them kite w/ 50% run speed. Also great if you’re getting kited.


I usually use both Zen and Trans equal amounts in a game, just depends on the situation.



Edited by Xinika
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