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what am i doing wrong? ended up going to focus spec.


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im 4/5 warhero, everything else BM with 1234 expertise.with rakata might stim. and i rolled with the watchmen spec for the longest time. it seem like ppl always have a way around my dot either it doesnt hit hard enough, they have defensive cooldown to reduce the damage or they cleanse it. and merciless slash rarely hits as hard as i need it to. and ive seen ppl like JT from the ruin gaming guild crush ppl with little to no effort using the dot spec and someimes i do blow ppl up with but i rarely do it enough.


ive be doing 120-150k damage and thats wen i go crazy and dot everything moving. thats absolutely terribad for a sent . in the focus spec i do that before half the wz is done. i know the rotations its just when i do it. the damage out put isnt the same. as i see from other ppl. i went by this video guide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euG-HCzG4rA . and like i mentioned before the damage just sux i rarely top the boards in dps as a watchmen spec sent.


watchmen works fine for me in pve tho the damage out put is insane no problems there.


so i switched to the focus spec cuz i pvp waaay more than pve, and i have been owning everything in site including 1v1. getting 4 and 5k crits all willy nilly lmao. and ive been at the top in dps for many wz's. the improvement is insane. i get invited to do rated's nd get notced by ppl now but when i was in the watchmen spec i was invisible.....


so my question how is it that my 1234 expertise show in the focus spec when i use force sweep but not in my dots?

and ive seen the damage get reduced but for the most part my force sweep by passes almost all def cd's i see.

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One thing just to keep in perspective here is that i'd be happy on my sent if i did 100k damage with like 25k objectives. if you can shut the team down in some way, then dont worry about the numbers. remember its huttball, not huttduel. If you are having both a numbers problem and you arent really performing much in the way of objectives then you should look at not only the spec, but your mentality. I hope this helped in some way.
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Whereas pvp is not all about numbers, 100k-150k is pretty poor.


The key to pvp is more than just doing your rotations. You need to adapt to every situation, know when to use certain skills, when not to etc.


Also you say you go crazy and dot everyone up, how do you do that? As far as I know sentinel has cauterize & overload saber, and usually, as a sentinel, you don't run away from a target that you just dot'ed up.


I'm certainly no expert but I'd like to think that i know somewhat of the sentinel class. And with the info you've given I think it might be that you're reactions are just a little slow or that you're not keybinding everything.

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