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12 Pyramids of the Sith Empire


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I guess these could be Spoilers




I was wondering if anyone put any thought into what they could be. I have heard of these


■Pyramid of Assassins - ?

■Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge - Thanaton

■Pyramid of History - ?

■Pyramid of Military Strategy - Vengean

■Pyramid of Intelligence - Jadus

■Pyramid of Science - Hadra


but what are the others and who are the heads of them.

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I guess these could be Spoilers




I was wondering if anyone put any thought into what they could be. I have heard of these


■Pyramid of Assassins - ?

■Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge - Thanaton

■Pyramid of History - ?

■Pyramid of Military Strategy - Vengean

■Pyramid of Intelligence - Jadus

■Pyramid of Science - Hadra


but what are the others and who are the heads of them.


I've speculated about this before, but more about the members than the Pyramids themselves. Pyramid of History sounds like Vowran or Mortis. Pyramid of Assains Sounds like Marr (least likely) or Mortis.


Out of all the Dark Council members Darth Marr intriques me the most I'd love to know what Pyramid hes in control of - We may get an inside look of that In Drew's upcomming book:- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation as its featuring Marr.


I'd also like to see who has replaced Hadra in the Pyramid of Science as Hadra is supposedly dead now. I'd also like to find out whos replaced Jadus in the Pyramid of Intelligence now that hes been "detained" for lack of a better word. For the Pyramid of Military Strategy I know that Vengean is dead, aswell as Baras who was his predeccesor, and Darth Ahro who was Baras's prdeccesor. So It'll be intresting who takes over that Pyramid now - That to me sounds like Marr, but it wouldn't make sense as hes been on the council for decades and obviously has a Pyramid of his own.

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Actually after looking into this a little more. Apparently according the Codex entry "Hadra's forces" Darth Arctis is in control of the Pyramid of History.


The codex entry is:-


The twelve members of the Dark Council preside over twelve pyramids, or spheres, of influence within the Empire. The Dark Council member who presides over Dromund Kaas, Darth Hadra, is currently embroiled in a conflict with the Dark Council member in charge of ancient Sith secrets and history, Darth Arctis. Darth Hadra’s forces discovered an ancient Sith shrine outside Kaas City and claimed it in her name. Darth Arctis quickly challenged her claim to the discovery, arguing that the contents of the shrine were his domain. While the conflict over the shrine has not yet come to all-out warfare between the two Dark Council members, Darth Hadra has positioned her forces in the area around the shrine, with orders to attack anyone who trespasses. The rest of the Dark Council is turning a blind eye toward any fighting with Hadra’s forces while Hadra and Arctis “negotiate” for control of the shrine.


Hence ignore my speculation pertaining the Pyramid of History.

Edited by Brutanic
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I guess these could be Spoilers




I was wondering if anyone put any thought into what they could be. I have heard of these


■Pyramid of Assassins - ?

■Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge - Thanaton

■Pyramid of History - ?

■Pyramid of Military Strategy - Vengean

■Pyramid of Intelligence - Jadus

■Pyramid of Science - Hadra


but what are the others and who are the heads of them.


I am just pulling this out of thin air but perhaps their is a pyramid that handles finances? Someone has to be in charge of all of that money, that would sound like Vowran to me.

Edited by Tuscad
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The 12 Spheres an their leaders are:

The Sphere of Ancient Knowledge - Darth Thanaton

The Sphere of Biotic Science - Darth Acharon

The Sphere of Defense of the Empire - Darth Marr

The Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy - Darth Ravage

The Sphere of Imperial Intelligence - Darth Jadus

The Sphere of Laws and Justice - Darth Mortis

The Sphere of Military Offense - Darth Arho

The Sphere of Military Strategy - Darth Decimus

The Sphere of Mysteries - Darth Rictus

The Sphere of Production and Logistics - Darth Vowrawn

The Sphere of Sith Philosophy - Darth Aruk

The Sphere of Technology - Darth Acina

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The 12 Dark counsel spheres are:

sphere of ancient knowledge: thanaton

sphere of technology: mekhis

sphere of law: mortis

sphere of defense of empire: marr

sphere of military offense: vengean

sphere of biotic science: acharon

sphere of teachings: aruk

sphere of military strategy: decimus

sphere of expansion and diplomacy: ravage

sphere of logistics: vowrawn

sphere of imperial intelligence: jadus

sphere of mysteries: rictus

Edited by BacaWicket
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