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General Purpose Annihilation Spec.


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Mind you this is my first attempt at taking the Marauder seriously and this is what I have so far for when I hit 50.




Now, when I said General Purpose, I mean that it's a spec that can be useful anywhere, PVP and PVE. I feel it's the best way to save credits and still start progressing at 50. What if anything can I alter to improve upon the spec?

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Mind you this is my first attempt at taking the Marauder seriously and this is what I have so far for when I hit 50.




Now, when I said General Purpose, I mean that it's a spec that can be useful anywhere, PVP and PVE. I feel it's the best way to save credits and still start progressing at 50. What if anything can I alter to improve upon the spec?


take the points out of seeping wound, put them in subjugation. A 6 second cd interrupt with a 4 second CD is great in pve and pvp, and obfuscate should be something that is always on your bar for pvp. You can use crippling slash for your slow in pvp, and in general I dont even need to use that. No min range force charge makes it hard to run away from marauders anyway.


I woud say theres no need for anything in carnage besides the 3 in dual wield mastery, unless your accuracy is below 100 melee and 110 special, then you kind of need to take narrowed hatred. If thats the case youre sort of pidegeonholed there til you get better gear. If that ISNT the case, take your last 7 to rage and max Malice, Ravager, and Brutality.


Ravage does ridiculous damage and should be used whenever its available in pve, and when its prudent in pvp (close range fights, you can pivot while using it and still have it hit someone even if they go behind you, just hold down right mouse and turn with them, and it has a fairly long 'range' once you start channeling it before they can run out of it) Vicious slash is your big rage dump so having it crit 30% more is great too.


If you have to/want to stay in the rage tree, i'd say put the 2 points from stagger into defensive roll instead, since honestly, the extra 1 second from force charge isnt that noticeable, i tried it out a few time, and its completely useless in pve. Extra AOE dr will help in both pve and pvp.


Hope that helped :)

Edited by CrankyBuddha
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