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(L,F&E Interlude) The Taming of the Shades


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<A few hours later>


Cyare sat in his house, cleaning one of his pistols. It always relaxed him, to do such a simple thing. And right now, he really needed relaxing. It had seemed like such a good idea, to back off, let Shades see what else there was in the colony. He hadn't counted on what it would do to him however. Seeing Shades talking to other Mandos, men he knew were interested in her... It hurt. A lot. More than he had imagined. She didn't need him. That was clear. She really didn't. No one in the colony would hurt her now, and, well... Truth be told, there were other men in the colony, men Cyare admired, who might be a better match for her than him. After all, he was a foul up... A kin slayer... A coward... She deserved better. He shook his head slowly. Then he froze as the chime rang on his door. He shook his head and stood quickly. Who...? He froze as he opened the door. His unarmored face mirrored his surprise as he saw his sister standing on his porch looking... He blinked. Had she been crying?


“Jirina...?” His voice was tentative. Jirina was such a rock in his often turbulent world. He knew she was human of course. But... “Are you all right?” She smiled at him, a wan and tired smile.


“Yeah, Weasel, I am okay, can we talk?” Her voice wasn't much more confident than his. He nodded and waved her in. She entered and moved to her favorite chair. He nodded and started towards the prep area.


“You want tea?” He froze as she shook her head.


“I want something stronger, but I can't...” At that he turned back to face her. Jirina didn't drink a lot. And now that she was expecting again, she didn't drink at all. He shook his head slowly.


“An herbal?” He asked. She looked at him and then nodded slowly. He moved to the prep area and sighed. “What's wrong?” She slumped.


“This is hard for you. Even Trava doesn't know how hard it is for you.” He stopped as her tone registered, but then he continued with fixing a special blend he had found while working a bodyguard job on Corellia. Quickly, he had two steaming cups and, taking one to her, sat the other down beside the pistol that was still in pieces on his table. Her eyes lingered on the weapon for a moment and then she sipped and smiled. “You do have the knack for tea. Thank you vod.”


As always, the sound of her calling him brother sent a small thrill through him. He had missed it, so much. For ten long years he had worked for the highest bidder. Away from clan, family, friends. The only Mandos he had encountered had been adversaries, strangers. And then she had come, out of nowhere. To this day, he didn't know how she had found him, although he had suspicions. Especially since several of his clients had mentioned a certain Hutt as a friend. She had dragged him right off a job. Truth be told, it hadn't been much of a job. It seemed his reputation had been set. As soon as he showed up, anyone with designs on hurting his clients packed up and moved away. FAR away. It had been excellent work, both in money and in pleasure at a job well done. But it had been hollow without the clan. To be alone. To know that he was going to die eventually, alone and unremembered... It had been almost more than he could bear. More than once, he had found himself clutching his pistol, willing himself to have the guts to end it. To show his contempt for the universe. But in the end, he had always persevered. And that had led him to here, sitting with his sister as night fell on the colony where he had been born more than twenty-six years previous. He sipped and studied his sister. She looked awful. Haggard.


“What is wrong Jirina?” His quiet words brought her face up and she looked him in the eyes.


“You know don't you?” He froze, and then nodded slowly. Jirina spoke slowly. “Trava may be an Elder, Maria may be older and wiser than me, but...” Cyare shook his head slowly and she stopped talking. Then she snarled at him. “Don't you dare!” He blinked and she continued in a tone that could have cut durasteel. “Don't you DARE close up on me. You are the only birth family I have left. I am not going to let you do anything dumb.” He flinched, and she continued. “You know she likes you. Why are you dancing around her?”


Cyare shook his head slowly. When he spoke, it was quiet. “She deserves a chance to see who else is available.” Jirina froze.


“What?” Her quiet word was forceful enough he wouldn't have been surprised to see things falling in its path. He shook his head again.


“She deserves the best. Not someone who is a disgrace...” He broke off as Jirina stood suddenly, he blinked as she walked towards him and then he froze solid as she slapped him. Hard. When she spoke, it was cold and hard.


“What did I tell you about saying that?” He didn't move. She looked him in the eye and then she was crying. He stood, ignoring the tea that fell and spilled. His arms found her shoulders and she came into them. For a time, it could have been moments, or hours, two siblings stood, holding back the pain and rage of the universe. Together. Finally, Cyare broke the silence.


“I don't know what to do, vod.” He admitted. Jirina sighed as she held her brother.


“Talk to her. She has a good heart. And she is very confused right now.” Jirina smirked slightly. She wasn't about to tell her brother everything she knew. She didn't have the right.


“I don't want to hurt her Jirina.” She laughed outright at that and he held her at arms length as she chortled.


“You won't.” He arced an eyebrow at her and she just smiled. “Partly, because you know what I and others will do to you if you do. But mainly, because you love her.” Cyare looked at the floor and then met her eyes and nodded. “I have to go vod, I have to get back. But... if you get the chance, talk to her. Don't push, just talk. Be a shoulder if she needs one. And a hand if she needs one.” Cyare nodded and then dropped his hands. Jirina picked up her cup and finished her tea quickly. Then she was gone. Cyare slumped, and then started cleaning up his mess.

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“That's very nice of you to offer Jiriad but I am just exhausted from my day,” Amie said with what she called her customer smile in place.


“Well...if your sure...”


“Positive,” she told him. “Thanks for the offer but just really not interested.” "And if you haven't caught on by now I'm going to be forced to bash your helmet in,” she thought to herself.


Finally she closed her door to the man and gave an aggravated sigh. She just could not get a moment of peace anymore it seemed. Minute Cyare left for home she'd have people knocking on her door and inviting her places. All seemingly harmless at first till one thought about it.


Jiriad had tried to invite her down to the firing range of all places. With the sun setting one wouldn't be able to see the targets with how it would hit off the metal. Added to that with the exception of the night patrols everyone was calming down to get some shut eye. Amie could however imagine that the range was a good place for necking or the like. Lots of things to hide behind and in, no one around after a certain time, and a nice view likely. Sure some folks got the range for night exercises but those were scheduled and it wasn't hard to look them up if you went to the range. It was a list left out for folks to sign up on for Creation's sake! It wasn't hard to remember the open nights.


Some might have called her anti-social, Amie thought of it as survival, right that minute though she was feeling like a trapped rat. She was practically confined to her house and the shop, for going anywhere else might send out the wrong impression. She needed a haven right then where folks wouldn't bother her and she could only think of one person who would make sure of that.


As odd as she felt sneaking out of her own home, she felt just as odd sneaking around the camp. Perhaps sneaking was the wrong term for it though. She didn't hide from the patrols or folks living in the homes. She duck and hide from familiar voices that were admirers though. Since none of them were really looking or expecting her to be out and about, none found her but she was still edgy about it.


Still took her fifteen painful minutes and a carefully phrased question when she stumbled on Cubar of all people to figure out where Cyare likely was.


The answer she supposed should have been obvious. He was at home.


Her guardian's house certainly didn't look any different then the rest but to Amie's mind it seemed almost like a fort as she walked up to the door. Nerves were assaulting her stomach just then thinking that Cyare might have company over, even if she didn't hear anyone inside. After all, they could be in the back...and female...with a naked blue pest of hers...


”Creation he's not property dammit! This is Jirina's fault...”


She gave a quiet, almost meek knock at the door at first before cursing herself. When did she turn into such a coward here? Telling herself to stop being an idiot she knocked on the door harder. Creation this was Cyare after all, it wasn't like she was knocking on the door to a rancor's lair.


Her appointed guardian froze as he opened the door. "Amie?"


She almost bolted seeing him there. He looked rather like she was the last person he expected at his door. "Hi," she said with a grin instead reminding herself not to be dumb, even as she called herself an idiot for not having a good reason to pop up on Cyare's porch. "I uh..."


He simply looked at her with concern flashing across his face. "Is something wrong? You look... a bit harried."


"Yes, I mean no...er...I mean it's not an emergency, just wanting to kill people. Uh not that I am going to to I mean I just..." Creation why couldn't she seem to put a coherent sentence together?


"Come in." The blond man simply gave her a smile, "You want some tea? I was just making a fresh pot."


Amie barely resisted the urge to cringe. He was likely laughing at her and she couldn't blame him really. "Please, might help me retrieve my brain from whatever pit it fell into before it rots more."


"Oh, one of those days..." Cyare shook his head slowly as he moved aside and waved her in. "I have some Correllian Herbal tea steeping, but if you would like something stronger I have that too."


The kiffar had to grin a bit at that, "Maybe if you add a drop or two of that stuff you make. What do you call that anyway?" She started to just walk in before she hits the mental brakes and backed up to put her boots on the mat by the door like she'd noticed people did around here.


Cyare blinked then he grinned a bit foolishly. "I never called it anything, just my brew and the others call it 'Cyare's brew'." He nodded as she took her boots off, "Thanks, less mud to clean up is a good thing." He waved her towards a seat. Of course there were only three in the small, somewhat spartan room. One in front of a terminal, the others near a small table. All looked comfortable.


Amie scratched the back of her head nervously. "Your welcome, though it's the nature of floors to get dirty," she commented as she sat at the table. "So couple drops of your brew there in the tea would do me good I suspect." At least that was her hope, or it would make her tipsy enough that she didn't feel like she'd been dropping the middle of a mine field. Even as the analogy popped into her head she booted it out. This wasn't a life or death situation after all, she just wanted to escape the hordes of admirers she suddenly had. Just because Jirina seemed to think there was more between them didn't mean there was.


Cyare didn't speak again until he had a cup filled for her. A cup that he, on looking at her again, poured a bit more than two or three drops of his brew into. "You look like you need it."


"I look that bad huh?" she asked as she started patting at her hair like she was worried about it sticking up and had to stop herself. When did she start caring about her hair here? Oh yeah when Jirina start making comments about it.


"No." Cyare blinked as he filled his own cup. "You don't look bad. You look like something is bothering you. Drink up, no one is going to bother you here."


"Thank Creation for that. Next person to pester me with invitations to be social I might have to murder.” She cringed a bit then, realizing her words made it sound like she didn't want to be around anyone. "Well I mean...people I don't know that well you know?"


Cyare looked rather non-plussed at that. "Are people bothering you?" His voice became low and dangerous.


"Yes," Amie answered automatically before realizing that might not be the best idea to tell her sometimes overzealous guard. "I mean no! I mean they aren't meaning to here," she ran a hand through her shaggy hair in frustration then. “I'm not use to suddenly being miss popular. Certainly never have been that. Even as a kid."


Cyare was stone still for a moment before he sighed and grinned sourly. "I know the feeling. I saved a certain person from an assassination attempt once and then everyone wanted to be my friend. It's... overwhelming."


"At least I could understand that. I'm popular for beating up the neighborhood bully," Amie pointed out with an amused grin as she took a swig her tea.


Cyare sipped his tea before responding, "Among other things."


Shades raised a brow at that for a moment before giving a dismissive snort. "I just keep reminding myself that interest will die down quick enough. I'm just the visitor everyone's gotta poke at you know? Though it makes me feel like I'm in a zoo mildly," she grinned then, "Better then feeling like I'm in front of the firing squad though."


Cyare shook his head slowly, and then he sighed. "Amie, I am going to say some things. Please do not take them the wrong way," He sipped again before he continued. "In some ways, yes. You are new, a curiosity. We do not have all that many new people come through. You, however are distinct in a number of ways."


She actually felt herself turn pink some from the praise and had to resist the urge to be foolish over it. She was not going to be stupid and go twisting his comment into anything but what it was. "I ain't that grand here Cyare."


"You are smart." He continued. "Smarter than I am. That is a fact. Education is one thing, I have an education. I could never work on tech the way you do." There was no flattery in his tone, just simple facts. “Now I have a question for you. What is more important, to you? Physical strength, the ability to lift and carry, or inner strength, the ability to take whatever the galaxy throws at you and keep going?"


Amie blinked in confusion, "What's that got to do with things?"


"Think about it." Cyare smiled gently, "Just think about it. Which is easier to see and understand? And which do you think is more important?"


“Well the inner strength is more important, I don't know about easy to see or understand though on that. Not like there's a way to show that off," she replied.


"No..." Cyare gaze was far away for a moment before he answered. "No its not. Mandalorians take it for granted. Thinking every Mandalorian has that core of strength but... not all do. Just like any group. So when we see someone who does have it, we take notice. That is one of the things we see in you. The others were not sure about you, heck I wasn't..." His grin was wide. "But I learned."


Amie snorted then as she sipped her tea. "Your making me sound all impressive again. I haven't gone through anything that bad...least not that some of you guys don't go through on a daily basis. I mean Maria and Sara went through nastier things. You too come to think of it. I seem rather...plain from where I'm sitting."


Cyare shook his head slowly, "What you went through is not any less horrific. I have known Mandos who couldn't bounce back from such injuries. You are anything but plain to our eyes." He lifted a hand in a stop gesture, anticipating her response, "To many of us, you are pretty. That is our point of view, no one else's."



((Posted by Setie))

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Amie frowned into her tea and resisted the urge to let her hands go messing with her hair from the pretty comment. "I just...don't see that I guess. Keep trying to see what you people are and failing at it here." She grinned a bit then, somewhere between shy and sad, "Guess I look a bit better without the mechanical parts though huh?"


Cyare looked at her and when he answered it was kind. "Different. I wouldn't say better or worse. Just different. Others may disagree, but then again, I saw you without them first, if you recall..."


Amie chuckled then giving an annoying lock of hair a shove back behind her ear and reminding herself for the tenth time that day that she really needed a hair cut. "True, the first time you saw me I was certainly not at my best. Wires hanging everywhere and some old wrench to club people with."


"Yeah." Cyare grinned fondly at the memory, "Strange how things work out sometimes..."


"I'll say. I rather thought you lot were gonna riddle me with holes when those lift doors opened. Still surprised sometimes that no one did put a hole in me." She grinned then, "Though not from lack of trying there. Guess it helps to have a really good guard."


"It can." Cyare agreed. "So, how can I help you tonight? You want me to glower at some people for you?" His smile was conspiratorial, as if he relished the thought.


She laughed at that. "Hiding me works just as well. I just really did not want to deal with people again. Got enough on my mind here after all without guys lining up with offers I keep having to politely decline. I mean it's flattering they are interested. Just...I don't know I'm a mess so it doesn't seem right to go letting them think they might have a chance you know?"


"I see." Cyare shook his head slowly, "Mandalorians can be a lot of things. We do tend to be a bit pushy when we see something we like. I know we can get overwhelming. Heck, I get overwhelmed sometimes and I grew up here."


"Pushy is a drunk guy that thinks he's Creation's gift to women. At least you guys hear the word no without having it jammed down your throat."


"Amie..." At that Cyare burst out laughing makes Amie's stomach tie into knots and her heart jump."Can you imagine what one of our women might do if one of us didn't take no for an answer?"


"Considering most women have pack mentalities...somewhat yeah," Amie said with an evil grin. "Guys, it's like you must prove your manliness by handling things on your own."


"If its sanctuary you want I will give it to you. Although..." He trailed off as he shook his head. "I better make it clear that nothing untoward is going on in here, before Maria hears," he said as he cringed. He keyed his com and smiled as he typed in a code. "Training for battle conditions makes some things easier."


Amie opened her mouth to say it wasn't any of Maria's business before she closed it. She doubted Maria would be looking for her or care that she was at her guardian's house. She was sorely tempted to snap at him to just leave the older woman in the dark but stayed silent while he was busy with the comm.


"Amie, it's okay." Cyare looked up as he closed his com. "All I did was tell Maria that you were here and talking to me. So she doesn't come here looking for my privates with a spoon in hand."


Amie snorted a bit, "I find it hard to swallow she thinks you'd do something like that. After all everyone says your married to your job there."


Cyare shook his head slowly, "Amie..." Whatever he was going to say, he rethought. "Mandalorians have a certain reputation throughout the galaxy. For many of us, it is deserved. Tell me you didn't think I was a brutal scum at first. Who was going to hurt you or worse..." He grimaced slightly.


"Hurt, maim, and otherwise kill sure. Ironically it never crossed my mind that any of you lot might go into...er...nastier departments and use the fact that I'm female against me," Amie said wrinkling her nose. "I'm meaning you specifically here though, not the rest of your clans. You never put a toe out of line. I think you'd sooner choke on your integrity then side step in order to breath better."


"Sort of." Cyare smiled and spoke quietly, "It's my job and part of my training. You have to be able to deal with things and stay professional if you want to succeed as a bodyguard."


Amie could almost feel herself deflating some, she was after all...his current job. "And your not one for throwing the rules out the window and making up your own ?" Though she phrased it as a question it was really more of a statement.


"Well..." He snorted at that, "Sometimes, the rules are rules. Sometimes they are just sort of... guidelines. I..." he looked at her and there was something in his eyes but he didn't speak.


"What? Come on you can tell me here. Promise not to rat you out," she said with a grin that she hoped was trustworthy. Curiosity jabbing needles into her about what he would possibly not want to speak to her about. After all, she knew about the nastiest points of his life.


"Ah..." Cyare looked at her and shook his head. When he spoke it was sad, "Please don't ask me, Amie. Please... Neither of us is ready for what I want to say right now."


Amie blinked in confusion for a moment before frowning some. "Oh...ok. I didn't mean to bring up a bad memory or anything. Sorry."


"I..." Cyare shook his head and gave a reassuring smile. "It's not that, just..." He chuckled sourly then, "Neither of us is at our best tonight."


"It's ok, I'm being nosy which is rude of me. Specially when I don't share things myself half the time," Amie said leaning forward enough to set a hand on Cyare's. She kicked herself some as she realized what she did. "Then again, not many folks ask me questions," she said with a shrug and wave of her hands to cover her retracting her hand and her nerves.


"I can understand that. Blue statues are not normally good people to talk to." Cyare looked for a moment as if he wanted to move, but didn't. He sipped his tea and grimaced as he found it cold. "How is your tea? I can heat it up if you wish."


Amie blinked some down at hers. "It's very good. Even cold from us chattering away." She looked curious at the thought of spending an evening just talking with the man sitting across from her. "I'm sure that would amuse a great many people considering how chatty we are usually."


"Very true." The blue mando snorted at that, "Very, very true. Well, we both have work tomorrow. You want me to walk you home?"


She grinned some then, "Always the gentleman there eh? Sure I'd love the company. Might keep anyone with ideas away too."


"Well, then. Lets go while we still have light," He said as he pulled on his armored gloves. "By the way. How did you find my house? It looks the same as most of the others. Not that I mind..."


The black haired kiffar looked embarrassed for a moment. "I asked directions. Ran into Cubar and asked him where you might be cause I figured if anyone could hide me from the admiring horde it was you. Plus I didn't want to bother Maria, she's busy enough you know?"


Cyare nodded and smiled as he pulled on his boots, "I understand. Cubar huh? Well, good for him and for you."


"Not annoyed? I was worried you might not like me invading. I mean this is where you come to relax and not have to deal with me." ”Not to mention you might have been busy with some girl you were sweet on.” She kept the last part to herself but the thought plagued her.


"No I am not annoyed. With you anyway. The people who have been hounding you though..." His face took on a much more serious cast as he pulled his helmet off it's rack and examined it.


"It'll die down I'm sure. They just need to realize I'm not interested in them. Till then I'll likely be pulling my hair out dealing with them and reminding myself that murdering them is not polite. I would think you'd find it ironic justice considering how I snarled and snapped at you about keeping them all away and now I'm running to you to do just that. Creation I hate being a hypocrite," she grumbled. She eyed the helmet in his hands and wrinkled her nose some but said nothing. She debated telling him to leave it off but kept her mouth shut. It was how he worked and she had no right to even try and change that, even if she had wanted to.


"You can be a hypocrite if you want to." Cyare said with a smile. "I am one myself on occasion. We all are. I don't think I will need this to walk four hundred meters." He grinned at her as he put the helmet back on the rack before picking up another one that was suspiciously damaged. "Although, I might send this one to your shop.”


Amie couldn't help it as she started laughing and took the dented helmet from him. "I can't believe you haven't had this fixed yet. Would think Motor Mouth would be the one for that though. Certainly was not one of my better moments." She flushed some in embarrassment as she remembered. A curious look crossed her face then, "Can I ask something? I mean if you don't want to answer that's fine. My Ma always use to say you can ask questions but that doesn't mean folks have to answer."


"You can ask. I may not answer,” he stated as he put the helmet back up on the rack.


"Well...I was wondering if you remember what you were thinking when you had me pinned. I mean you were ticked I know. Thought for sure you were just gonna murder me but you got this look..." Amie could feel her face turning red, maybe this was to personal a question.


Cyare froze for along moment, it was unclear whether he was fighting to speak or fighting not to. When he spoke it was quiet, "I didn't want you to leave. I knew you were hurt and I didn't want you to leave." He gave a smile then, "I am glad you stayed."


Amie seem to think about this for a minute before smiling shyly to herself. "Me too," she whispered to herself. "Well...shall we?"


Cyare extended his arm in a very old fashioned move that delighted her internally as he held the door for her, "Lets."


((Posted by Setie))

Edited by kalenath
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Cyare grabbed a pair of bottles from a rack by his door and smiled at Shades. "You need your own supply of brew. When these run out, feel free to ask me for more."


Amie grinned some then. "Should I fix your helmet in return there...then again I'm the one that broke that..." She snagged one bottle from him with a smile. "Thanks though. So many times I'll be itching for something stiff and just don't have it."


"If you want to," He handed the bottles to her. "Technically, I could ask for a favor in return, but I think you will need this stuff more than I do. After all, I brew it, so I have more."


"Not entirely sure what I got to give you anyways. Not like you have al ot of broken tech sitting around needing repairs," she pointed out.


Cyare snorted. "Most of what I have that was busted, I already put in the stacks. And Robilon says the helmet is totalled. He wasn't happy with me." But the grin belied the serious words.


Amie cringed some now. "Sorry. Did he lecture you badly?"


Cyare snorted. "Of course he did. And then he lectured me on cleaning my armor too." Then he grinned again. "but that is Robilon. If he isn't lecturing somebody, he isn't truly happy."


Amie had to laugh at that one. "The little nit picker. So what do you want that I can actually give you here huh?"


Cyare thought hard for a moment. "Well, were there any rangefinder pieces in those piles? I am looking for a new one." He grinned though, as if that hadn't been what he had wanted to say.


"I'd have to check that. That would cover 1 bottle, how about the other?"


Cyare glanced at her, and then spoke quietly. "I might... um... well..."


Amie raised a brow looking curious. "Might what?"


Cyare licked his lips and looked away at the ground before speaking. "I might be persuaded to trade the bottle for... well, something like we did on your porch the other night..."


Amie was red in the face then. "You...want me to kiss you?"


Cyare froze. "Not if you don't want to..."


"Yes, I mean no! I mean I'd love to...er I mean like to," she cringed then. "As soon as my brain forms a whole sentence here certainly."


Cyare shook his head. "I didn't mean to embarrass you. We can find something else for you to trade for the bottle."


"No! I mean...It's a perfectly fine trade... unless you really didn't want to," she seemed to deflate some as she added the last part.


Cyare smiled. "I truly wouldn't mind. I was worried you would."


"Cute guy who isn't drunk as a skunk asking for a kiss off me. Oh what a terrible fate that is, whatever will I do," Amie stated with heavy sarcasm. "Next he'll want my shirt and then it's extortion for the underwear..."


Cyare had to laugh. "One set of panties or the bottle gets it?"


"Well you already saw those on me...I think. Then again I was busy trying to imagine disappearing into a hole at the time," Amie said with a grin.


Cyare snorted with supressed laughter. "You know those two will never live that down. right?" His grin was evil. He muttered under his breath, but still audible. "Sending them back in dresses..."


"Yeah..." Amie said as she stopped and frowned looking rather shamefaced just then. "Not one of my better moment...actually...seems like you've been around for a lot of my nastier moments."


Cyare stopped and looked her full in the face. "Hey, it wasn't your fault. Smile, Amie. They survived. You survived. That is a good day in my book."


"True...It just makes me wonder how you or Maria can think me worth while when I turn into a rabid dog like that. I'm not proud of it, never have been proud of half the things I did. Most of them aren't as bad as some things I've heard but at the same time...they seem like things I would likely shot myself for if I ever came across them you know?"


Cyare stopped and turned so he looks Shades in the eyes. "Amie... We are what we make of ourselves. You are a survivor. Me, I am a guard dog. It's what I do. I know about acting like that, heck so does Maria. I have done things I am proud of and things that to this day make me wake in a cold sweat. It's part of being mortal and you know what? It sucks. But I wouldn't want to be any other way. I have seen people who..." He broke off. When he spoke again it was quiet. "...who terrify me. The best man I know would say he is the absolute worst monster you will ever meet. And you know what? Sometimes I think he is right."


Amie looked thoughtful at that. "Makes sense I suppose. People are...well extremes it seems. Just makes me wonder how you guys saw anything in me though with all those bad spots." She smiled a bit, "Not that I'm not grateful you guys did, or I probably never would have made it to Nova Ordo."


Cyare smiled. "We have seen enough of the really bad types to know when someone is only mostly bad. Or has to pretend to be totally bad."


"You guys have good gut feelings on folks huh?" Amie asked as she started walking again.


Cyare fell in beside Shades and nodded. "We tend to be fairly good at it, yes. We are taught to trust what our instincts tell us. They usually are not too far off."

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"Really? So what was your first impression of me here?" Amie asked with a grin.


"Amie..." Cyare smiled. "Do you really want to know?"


"Well I'm sure it was less then flattering but I'm a big girl, I can take it."


"Well..." Cyare looked at her and spoke carefully. "I thought you were pretty, had guts and no sense." He snorted. "Of course I have had the same said about me on occasion, minus the pretty part of course..."


"Your kidding right? I half expected to knock on your door and you have a hot date going on," Amie teased. "I'm sure you've had a few girls visit lately."


"No." Cyare shook his head. "Not really. I hadn't ever found the right girl." He grinned at her. "What about you? Any guys waiting for you in distant ports?" It was highly unlikely that she heard or comprehended the word 'hadn't' in his sentence.


"Your kidding right? Aside from most guys not being into metal, I never bothered. To busy with other things," Amie stated. "My Ma would say I didn't sit still long enough to really look at what all was around me." Cyare snorted in amusement but didn't speak. They were close to Shades house by now. She grinned then and flushed some. "Guess she was kinda right...don't seem to mind the view here."


Cyare looked Shades over from head to toe. "Me neither." He was grinning. Cyare stopped at Shades door and turned to her. He held out the bottle. "You don't have to do anything. Unless you want to."


"Well there in is the problem I guess. I want to, just...not sure what I'm doing in this department," she confessed looking shy. "Not like I had a lot of time for...well...guys when I was busy scrambling for credits all the time."


Cyare nodded. "I understand. I had no time for anything when I was being a bodyguard except work. Do... Do you want to try again?" It was obvious he wanted to, but equally obvious he didn't want to push her too far.


Amie gave a comical look then. "Cause you know that first time was so terrible. Mandos everywhere would have laughed at you over it for not having me physically melting into a puddle at your feet here," she teased lightly, trying to lighten the matter.


You..." Cyare had to laugh at that. He waved finger at Shades. "You, Amie... are bad..."


"Think that's one of the things you like about me here," She pointed out with a smirk.


"Oh?" Cyare laughed again. "And you are just now figuring that out?"


"No if I can figure out the art of kissing and the like I'll have you wrapped around my fingers," Amie stated with a comical evil laugh.


"Eek!" Cyare cringed dramatically. It was comical, an almost fully armored Mando warrior cringing.


Amie had to laugh for real. "Cause obviously your so easily caught by female wiles. Specially by those who have no idea what that term means exactly."


"Wiley, wiley..." Cyare carefully set the bottle down and waited. He wouldn't press.


"Must be the scar look," she said with a grin as she ran a finger over the one on his face. "Makes that pretty boy face seem just a bit dangerous. Bet it drives the girls nuts still."


Cyare smiled again. "Does it drive you nuts?"


"I never thought so. After all see enough guys with scars in my usual line of work. No definitely not the scar...though that does add definite appeal," she looked curious then with blue eyes trying to bore in and figure him out like a puzzle. Her fingers drifted as if trying to find a flaw somewhere on his face. "Definitely not just the looks. Seen lookers aplenty after all and never really gave them much though. You...just kinda invade the brain at the oddest times."


Cyare snorted. that was exactly the way he felt. But then he opened his arms, and waited.


Amie bite her lip then. "You'll let me know if I'm doing this wrong right?" she asked curiously.


Cyare smiled and his voice was teasing. "You better believe it."


"Well you know, I can only get better here," she pointed out as she stretched up and and nervously laid her lips on his. Hands on either side of his face as if to hold him in place.


Cyare waited patiently, but he smiled as he spoke quietly. "Practice makes perfect." Cyare stood there while Shades felt her way through what she wanted to do. She was a quick learner of course. He let just enough of his reactions show to let Amie know she was doing a good job, no need to scare her off with his actual feelings. No need to let her know that a that particular moment he wanted nothing more than to stand there with her in his arms until all the stars of the galaxy died. She was such a marvel, so strong and tough and at the same time, so vulnerable, so... timid about some things. He let her do what she wanted. This was her learning time, not his. She was trying, he gave her that. It was patently obvious that she hadn't had a lot of experience in this kind of thing, but she was trying. He held her as she tried and at the same time, sternly forced his body to relax. It wouldn't do to terrify her any more than she already was.


Now if only he could find a way to discuss the real point of her being here without driving her away...

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Even with Cyare reminding himself to relax Amie could feel the stiffness in him. His hand would seem to twitch in his gauntlets, as if they wanted to tighten on her waist or drift other places. The thought heated her blood and had her hoping he might allow it. She let her own hands have that freedom, roaming from the shoulders and dancing up his neck to his hair. She almost grinned hearing the giggle as a finger lightly stirred hairs at the base of the neck, the fingers on her waist seemed to clench a second too.


Then it occurred to her that grown men did not giggle.


Amie pulled back just an inch her eyes narrowing suspiciously. "You hear something?" she whispered.


Cyare met her eyes and there was anger in his, "Yep." He pulled back from her and looked around. The giggling cut off as if with a knife, but he focused on a set of shadows beside the nearest building. A gasp was heard, then two form took off running, by the shape, young mandos, by the forms, female. The blond man slumped with a sigh.


Amie groaned as she slapped a her hand to her face in embarrassment, "Ah the joys of curious kids..."


Cyare snarled and looked disgruntled, "Curious kids who need a good thrashing to remind them what privacy is."


"I hate to be the bearer of bad news here Cyare but...we're standing outside. Hardly a private place," she grinned evilly then. "If you really want one though..."


The blue armored mandalorian shook his head slowly, "Amie... Maria would hurt me, slowly, for a long time. Then she would kill me just as slowly."


Amie gave an annoyed sigh then. She certainly did not see how who she slept with was any of Maria's business. She wasn't marrying the man after all and Maria knew she was clean of any potential problems. Creation she was twenty five and could pick her bed mates herself...even if she'd never had one before. She could take care of herself just fine in that arena. "Is there any particular way around that here?"


Cyare smiled sadly, "Not that I can see. She doesn't mind if we... experiment with what we were doing. I.. er..." His face turned an interesting color then, "..asked."


Amie raised a brow at that, "Can't pass the horizontal mambo off as an experiment huh?"


Cyare snorted, "A kiss yes... anything more... no." he sounded mournful, but his eyes were twinkling.


She would have been appalled if she would have seen herself but still Amie pouted. "Wonder if I can stuff her in a closet for an hour or so..."


The blue mandalorian laughed at her tone, "I wouldn't recommend trying, and she does have a point. I... I don't want to scare you or hurt you." He took the girl's hands in his armored ones and gave a squeeze.


Amie blinked some and looked puzzled over the thought. She couldn't imagine what he would possibly do that could hurt her. Sure she had heard that the first time hurt for girls but he couldn't know that she was...well lacking in experience. Even then just the thought of him hurting her in any way was foreign to her. "I...I don't think you would," she said carefully.


Cyare grinned. "I hope not. But... I am not perfect. I am sure that sooner or later I will say or do somethign that angers you. And my job...I am here to protect you. I am here for you to talk to if you want. But..."


"Not very...uh...professional is it?" Amie asked. Though her face was neutral enough her tone sounded slightly dejected. Perhaps that was why Maria had issues with the pair of them? It might not be the best idea for a bodyguard and his protected to be involved.


Cyare shook his head slowly, "I don't... I am sorry, but...I should go... No one else will bother you tonight."


She picked up the bottle he had set on the ground for lack of something to do. "Thank you for...well for tonight," she said with a small smile.


"Anytime," Cyare smiled as he held the door for her.


Amie bit her lip again thinking. From that evil little glint in her eye it was not a good or innocent thought either. Whatever it was though she didn't say as she stepped into her house. "Thanks. I'll see you in the morning I'm sure." Better he not know about the little fantasy she had in her head of just dragging him into her house and pulling that armor off him no matter what he said. It wasn't like she would have managed it anyways, not with him.


"Good night Amie." it was hard to tell if the tone of his voice was regret or relief as he closed the door after her and started off back to his own place.


She listened to the clanking of his armor as he walked, part of her wishing he'd turn around pound on her door and come in. Maybe he wouldn't even bother with the knock, just kind of burst in and ravish her on whatever was handy at the time. That idea definitely help an alarming amount of appeal she suspected it should not have. Still him coming in would lead to him being out of said armor though and while she certainly had no qualms about this, he did. Didn't he?


Amie mentally ran over the night as she put the bottles away and headed for the refresher to get cleaned up for bed. Sometimes it seemed like he wanted her and other times as if he was holding back from her. It struck her as strange that Cyare would be so, indecisive. She doubted it was Maria's edict keeping him away from her either. As Cyare had said, sometimes rules were just sort of guidelines.


Curiosity over what he had been going to say after that statement prodded again.


“Neither of us is ready for what I want to say right now.”


She itched to know what he had almost said. He was like a puzzle she was compelled to figure out and it drove her crazy at times not to have all the pieces. It was like he would only give up assigned ones so she couldn't see the whole picture, and nothing she could do would get him to move on the matter.


She switched on the light as her mind drifted back to her front door, replaying the expressions on that pretty face of his. She'd been truthful that it wasn't the whole scarred look that pulled at her. It was that cool control of him that made it so his fingers didn't move an inch to grab anything while a girl kissed him. It was like armor and she was driven to strip it off him so she could see what he really looked like underneath it all. She knew there was a good man hiding in that shell and she wanted to pull him out.


It confused her as well though. She was so driven to pull him out of his shell but at the same time hide in her own as if she was some ugly monster.


Then again...she wasn't ugly anymore here was she?


Amie blinked a bit and gave herself a good look in the mirror. Sure her black hair was shaggy and in her eyes now but her complexion has always been good, in spite of all the grease and grim she'd get on it. Her teeth were straight, her tattoo made her look kind of exotic, and her eyes seemed almost impossibly blue at times. You couldn't tell one was a cybernetic.


She straightened some and looked down at herself then. Sure she wore jumpsuits as the main staple of her wardrobe, but that made sense for a mechanic. No one would notice if she maybe...left an extra button undone or maybe wore some of the tighter suits? She didn't have much in the department of curves, not like some women she had seen. They weren't anything to sneeze at though, just...compact.


There was an evil little grin on her face as she turned her attention back to her reflection. Cyare seemed to be having problems deciding if he should follow those guidelines or not. Maybe she could nudge him just a bit. Not really push or pull, just a slight poking. After all if he really was not interested or prefer her firmly in the job department, he'd keep her there and then she could go right back to how things were.


What was the worst that could happen?


((posted by Setie))

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<The next morning>

It was Shades day off and Jirina had decided to visit her friend. She knew she would have to watch her tongue, but... she liked Shades. She hit the admittance chime and waited. When Shades didn't answer the door, Jirina became a bit worried. It hadn't been that long ago that a bounty hunter had managed to infiltrate the colony. So she opened the door slowly, and her blaster was in hand. What she saw stopped her in her tracks though. She smiled a bit as she holstered her blaster. Shades was sitting at the table she used for repairs, but instead of tech gear... Jirina smiled as she saw the scissors in the girl's hand. The girl was staring into the mirror and the thought was obvious. Jirina came fully into the house and spoke quietly.


“Ground control to Shades, come in Shades...” Shades jumped a bit and turned to face Jirina with an odd expression on her face.


“Oh... Hi, Preggers... what...?” Her face turned an interesting color as Jirina smiled at her and shut the door.


“I got worried when you didn't answer the door. What's up?” Jirina's trained eyes didn't miss the box of stuff open on the table that included makeup and the larger kit that she was sure contained more that was half hidden under the table.


“I was... um...” Shades broke off, obviously embarrassed. But Jirina just smiled gently. Shades seemed to relax just a bit as she realized the Jirina wasn't going to make fun.


Jirina looked at the small pile of stuff on Shades table and smiled a bit. "Hair getting long?"


"I did say it was getting to shaggy," Amie stated.


A friendly smile was on Jirina's face as she came closer. "What I would give to have hair like yours..."


"I believe we have been over this. You're the one that has a kid here and likely a doting significant other somewhere."


Jirina shook her head. "My 'significant other' as you put it, is off being a heroic warrior type, leaving me to raise the kids and keep the hearth warm. And intact for him to return to. Not that I am complaining, after all, what he is doing is keeping us fed, so..." Jirina snorted. "Listen to me prattle. I came by to see what you were up to, and I see you are up to girl stuff. So... You want some company?"


"Sure, you can check my sanity while you are at it," Amie huffed glaring at herself in the mirror. "You know I sliced my own hair off for years cause it was cheaper and I figured with mechanical pieces it didn't matter how I looked. Now I find myself nervous, Creation I'm a wuss."


Jirina raised an eyebrow. "In what universe are you a wuss? It can be very hard to cut your own hair. Believe me, seeing what some of the men do to theirs makes me want to weep. Weasel has such nice hair and he keeps it cut so short most of the time... Its sad..."


"Makes sense with helmets though, like why I don't have my long hair from when I was a kid. I believe my Ma might have a few incriminating holo's around somewhere."


The Kiffar picked up her scissors again and just as quick put then down with an aggravated sigh. "This is ridiculous. Why the heck am I fretting about my blasted hair...maybe I should just shave my head now and be done with it."


Jirina smiled a bit mischievously. "Maybe because you have a reason to want to look good?" She looked under the table and grinned wider. "You look like you are pretty well prepared."


Now Amie's face turned pink. "Just uh...experimenting is all. Never got to and figured since the prankster punks gave it to me it's been gathering dust so..."


Jirina smiled evilly remembering what the stupid kids had been forced to do in community service for their attacks on Shades. "Turnabout is fair play. They deserved what they got and more. A good use to put the stuff to then.” She looked at Shades then at the scissors that lay on the table. “Do you... uh.... want some help?" Shades looked indecisive but then nodded.


"Please? Never touched the stuff in my life so it's not like I have any clue what I'm doing."


Jirina sat down beside the younger girl with a gentle look on her face. "I am not the best judge of things like that myself. I know what I think looks good and what doesn't. But I do know hair. I cut my kid's hair and some of the others hair as well. May I?" She motioned towards Shades head.


"Have at," Amie stated holding out the scissors. "Can't do any worse them I have for the last number of years."


Jirina took the scissors and smiled. She pulled a comb out of the pile of stuff and nodded to Shades. "This may take awhile, but I can make it look good. You want long, short or middle length?"


"Somewhere between short and middle works. Just need to make sure it's out of my face. Nothing is more annoying then hair hanging in one's face and getting in the eyes in the middle of a fight. Or gears when your working on something." Jirina nodded and began to cut carefully.


"I can do that, its what I usually wear, when I am able to get in my armor that is." She smiled a bit self consciously as she clipped. Shades didn't move, but after a moment, she spoke.


"Just sensible all around. Make me wonder how anyone manages it long, helmets on or not."


Jirina snorted. "One word. Ponytails. It also give more cushioning inside a helmet sometimes." She carefully measured a lock and clipped it expertly. “I have had long hair on occasion, but it is a pain to deal with.”


Amie grinned a bit. "My people preferred braids. Smaller ones that is. Sometimes we'd have a whole head of braids and sometimes we'd mix it up with normal hair. I stopped with them when I started having my hair so short though, just looked silly."


Jirina clipped another lock and then looked at Shades hair clinically. "Its long enough to braid now, You want me to cut it so its easy to braid?" Shades scoffed.


"Nah, it would take hours to braid it all and I got better things to do, so do you so don't even think about it."


Jirina sighed. "But it would look so nice..." She shook her head. “Braids can be very nice, but you are right, they can be a royal pain. Especially those high society styles that the city folk affect. I mean... why would anyone want to wear buns on the side of their head?”


Shades laughed at that. "No idea. Who would keep their hair that long? Then again only folks you see with those styles are politicians and we all know what they do. Sit around and waste air."


Jirina laughed with her. "Yep, pretty much. But when you have that much money and time I guess you have to find something to do with it, even it it is just to find strange things to do to hair..." She finished clipping and, after picking up a soft brush, swept the loose hair off of Shades neck and back. She smiled. "There."


Shades looked in the mirror and for a long moment, just sat, speechless. Finally she spoke, and her tone was warm. "Better then anything I've done with it...ever."


The Mando woman smiled. "I have had a bit more practice than you have had and its a lot easier if someone else does it. Now... what did you want to know about the other stuff?"


"Well...I guess experiment with it," Amie stated, a bit worried. "Least your here to tell me if I look like an idiot in it."


Jirina laughed hard at that. "Oh Shades, you have no idea... The first time I put makeup on... I got the lipstick and eye gloss confused. I thought my dad was going to blow a gasket and my mom..." For just a moment, old pain shone deep in here eyes, but then it vanished, hidden by years of training and discipline. “I thought my mom was going to rip me apart with her bare hands. But then again, I er... borrowed her stuff... I was all of... ten I think...”


Shades snorted. "At least you didn't take anything apart on your ma. Mine came home once to find I had taken apart a few minor appliances."


Jirina laughed aloud at that as she pulled a compact case out of the box of stuff. "Yes, I can just see you doing that... Well, one thing I learned early on, less is more when it comes to cosmetics. if you put too much on, it looks far worse than if you have none on at all..."


Jirina smiled as she looked at the younger girl and carefully hid an evil grin.


I so want to see Weasel's face when he first sees her now...

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Jirina smiled as she finished working with the makeup. "There, check that out."


Amie gave a suspicious look as she grabbed a mirror and blinked at her reflection. She wouldn't put it past the pregnant mandalorian to make her look ridiculous as a joke. Still the face blinking back at her looked...surprisingly feminine and kinda pretty. "Holy nerf droppings! Look Ma I'm a girl!"


The blond woman laughed, "You always were. But now you are a pretty one."


"I was ugly before huh?" Amie asked with a mockingly insulted look.


"No." Jirina shook her head. "Actually you were not ugly. No matter what you tried to portray. Now you won't ever win swimsuit contests, sorry. You don't have the form of one of those vape brained models. Which is a good thing."


The kiffar gave an evil smile then, “Why waste ammo? Just plant the latest brainless heartthrob in the middle of a minefield with a good correillian pie and watch the carnage."


Jirina laughed hard, arms wrapped around her stomach as if to make sure the baby wouldn't pop out from it all. "Oh, Shades, don't ever change," she said as a knock sounded on the door.


"Come on in!" Amie called as she twisted in her seat, "Be warned there are crazy women in here!"


The door opened and Sara poked her dark haired head in. "One here too," She looked at Shades and froze, then slowly shut the door. She walked up to the older pair and shook her head slowly. "You look good Shades. Very good.”


"Jirina did it, but I lost my mind enough to let her," Amie stated with a grin though it didn't quite reach the eyes. Mentally she fretted, knowing that if Sara was here, so was her mother. Naomi would be whole and healthy as well otherwise Sara would have been frantic instead of calm and joking with them.


Amie watched as Sara looked at Jirina who was trying to look innocent for some reason, and failing miserably. Another knock came on the door and had Sara snickering. "That is likely to be Cyare. You want to go... talk to him Shades?"


The red tattooed girl blinked giving both of them funny looks as she completely missed whatever inside joke was passing between them. "I kinda have to since no matter what I say he refuses to just come in when I yell. You'd think I was naked in here whenever he shows up," she commented as she stood up and headed for the door.


Jirina and Sara both shared a glance and rolled their eyes.


Amie simply stuck out her tongue at them as she opened the door and looked at Cyare. "Thank Creation your here. I have a feeling those two are conspiring against me."


Cyare had been speaking when she opened the door. “I saw Sara come this way. Is she...” His words trailed off as he got a good look at her and froze mid-sentence. “Amie...” he started again. His helmet was off and his eyes seemed to glitter as he took in her appearance. “You look...wow...”


She could feel herself starting to turn pink from his reaction. Wasn't it amazing was a haircut and a bit of face paint did? “You like it? Guess it's a...bit sudden," nerves had her fidgeting with her hair a bit. "Needed a good haircut since it was getting kinda shaggy."


The blond man smiled at her making her feel like her heart did a slow roll in her chest. "I do. You look good," He shook his head then, as if worried that the image of her would vanish and frowned. "Is Sara here? I thought I saw her."


Amie simply nodded and moved out of the way so Cyare could come in. "Yeah, I suspect she was about to make a report."


Cyare moved beside her and stood near the door with his back to the wall as he took in the scene. Jirina sitting and Sara standing, both looking like nexu cats that had just eaten something very tasty. Amie barely resisted raising a curious brow as Cyare sent Jirina a glare who simply gave a smile back.


“We found her, picked her up and brought her her. There were a few tense moments, Yinran and the Exchange were watching her, but she is settling in fine," Sara stated slowly. As if not sure how much to say.


Amie seemed to relax a little bit though was still horribly tense, rather like she expected a fire fight to break out any minute. "That's good. Thanks again for this Sara," she said with a sigh.


Jirina looked at Shades, then at Sara a question forming in her mind before Cyare sighed. "Jirina, I need to talk to you."


Amie gave a grateful smile then. "Thanks for the crash course in scissors and paint Jirina," she said. Part of her kicking herself for not wanting Jirina to know about the mess with her mom. Then again the pregnant mando's opinion of her seemed somewhat bendable and Amie wasn't sure how the tale would effect her stance.


Jirina stood up and gave Shades a hug. "Anytime," she stated with a smile before she stepped outside. Cyare gave Shades and Sara an unreadable look before following her out and shutting the door.


Amie blinked at the door with a curious frown. "Did I do something?" she asked Sara with a confused look.


Sara shook her head. "Other than startle him, no. I think they just need to talk. I know we do... Shades... Your mom is fine. Physically..." She broke off, unsure of how to proceed.


"Well as fine as she can be anyways," Amie stated thinking of her mother's legs. The need to burn nerves had her cleaning up the mess she and Jirina had made in their experimenting.


Sara nodded. "Well... Yeah... I'm sorry. I should... Well..." It was painfully obvious the girl wanted to say something but was fretting that Shades would get angry and while she debated speaking she started helping to clean.


Amie sighed then, sounding weary. "Just spit it out Sara. I'm a big girl and I can take it. I'm sure she was full of piss and vinegar about my failings and how I'd mixed her up in an unholy mess."


Sara shook her head as she picked up a trash bin to collect the junk. "Actually, she was worried about you and mad at Ren for causing the problem in the first place. I told her what you told me. There was no other way to convince her."


"Right..." Amie stated, not convinced. She waved a hand then quickly remember what happened the last time she had left a mandalorian with the impression they were lying. "Not that I don't believe you Sara. It's more I know my Ma. She keeps things...well internal I suppose. She doesn't talk to others about situations, just those who are responsible for it. If that makes sense."


Sara nodded, "It does make sense. She was very angry though not... I think at you. Well, not mostly at you. You need to talk to her. i think... You both need to talk," she sniffed. "It's really none of my business, but... I think you do..."


Amie sighed again and rubbed her temple. She could already feel the headache brewing there. “I'll be visiting her later today." She decided against mentioning family duty demanding it. Besides her mother would never let her hear the end of it if she didn't.


Sara nodded. "Cyare will fly you. You will have to leave your weapons at the entrance, and he will to. I wish...I could wave my hands and make this better, make the pain go away, but I can't."


Amie gave a grin then thinking it sweet Sara would fret over something like her relationship with her mother. "Likely won't help much. Some people just don't get along, and sometimes those folks are blood relations," she replied, having no idea how much she sounded and looked like her mother just then.


Sara nodded, but her face was sad. "Yeah, I know but just remember, you have a place here." She pointed to the floor, but was meaning far more.


For once Amie didn't reply with a smart answer. Instead she frowned and looked to be figuring out some puzzle in her head. She had caught the meaning of Sara's words but didn't feel the same way the younger girl did. She didn't feel she should be there, trash among the gems as it was.


Sara held out a card with a com-code on it. "If you need me, I can be reached on planet at this number."


The kiffar nodded as she took the card, "Thanks again for this Sara."


"No problem." Sara smiled. "I don't have many friends Shades. I like to think you are one. If you want some exercise to burn off the frustration when you get back, we can work out some."


At that Amie had to laugh. Leave it to Sara to find a positive way to use a bad situation. "Sounds like a deal."


((Posted by Setie))

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Jiriana shook her head slowly as Cyare led the way out of the house and shut the door behind him.


"What now, Weasel?" She asked softly. Cyare stared at her for a long moment before speaking.


"What are you doing?" His voice was quiet so as not to be easily overheard. Not that Sara was likely to let Shades eavesdrop on them. Jirina shook her head.


"She was going to hack her hair off." Jirina said soberly. "I thought she could use some help with that. She wanted to look good. For you." Cyare recoiled a bit.


"Jirina, she is not ready. She..." But Jirina was moving. She moved right up to him and stared him in the eye.


"They are waiting for you to make a move." She snapped softly. "What the flarg are you waiting for?" He shook his head slowly.


"Jirina..." Cyare tried to shake his head but her eyeslit would not release his. "If she finds out that Trava and Maria set her up, what will she do?" Jirina scoffed.


"I am so tempted to break out a baton to beat a clue into you." She snapped. Cyare winced a bit. That was not a euphemism. Not from her. "Do you think she will care? If she really feels what I think she does, do you think anything is going to drive her way?" Cyare bit his lip.


"If she thinks we betrayed her, manipulated her into this..." Cyare said sadly. "Which we did if you haven't figured it out yet." He froze as she slapped him, lightly.


"Wrong answer boy, try again." He stared at her. When Jirina started slapping people... When he didn't respond, she hit him harder. "Don't make me hurt you. Answer me."


"Jirina... I can't... I... I just can't..." The older Mandalorian stared at the younger one and then she was embracing her brother.


"Oh, Weasel..." She sighed as she released him. "You wait too long and you will miss your chance. I know you are worried about this, about hurting her, only a fool wouldn't be. Which you are not one. But you won't hurt her. You better not hurt her. Or you will answer to me. And this... scaredy nerf waiting is hurting her. Do I make myself clear?" Cyare nodded, but Jirina snarled. "Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" Each word was colder than the last and against his will, Cyare flinched as she finished.


"Yes, vod, you make yourself clear." Jirina nodded and smiled. But only someone truly stupid might call it friendly.


"Then get off your shebs and do something. Soon." With that, she was gone, striding away. Cyare stared after her, shaking his head.


As if I didn't have enough problems, now my sister is on the prowl for Shades too

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<Inside Shades' house>


Sara gave Shades another tight hug and then released the girl. "Dinner later?"


"Who's cooking?"


Sara smiled. "I am."


"Ah great we'll all die of poisoning," Shades teased as she grinned.


"Di'kut." Sara slapped at Shades arm playfully, and didn't connect. "That's right, insult the cook..."


"Stating the truth is not an insult," the kiffar pointed out sticking her tongue out.


"Brat." Sara snorted, but smiled as she stuck her tongue out as well. "it will be ready when you get back."


"Who's all coming to dinner or just us?"


"Just us." Sara smiled, just a bit. "You, me and Cyare. Maybe Jirina, if she is free. No one else. You... probably will need some time... And that is one of the few things I can give you here. I can absolutely guarantee that no one will bother you while you are at my place." Shades simply nodded, somewhat lost in her own nerves and thoughts


Sara gave Shades one final hug and then Cyare was coming back into the house. His posture was a bit stiff, and Sara snarled at him. "You. Behave." He looked at her and then nodded slowly.


"Um..." Shades snorted from her spot. "When has he not?"


At that Sara had to snort. "Not very often, but then again..." She fixed the eyeslit of his helmet with a stern gaze and he nodded again. "He has never met your mom either. It will be all right, Shades." With that, Sara was gone.


Shades looked puzzled for a moment. "Not sure what my Ma has to do with you behaving here. After all, your so professional usually without people around."


Cyare sighed. "I... well... some people remember that my mom and I were... estranged for along time. And when we did talk, when Jirina threw us together, there was a lot of shouting involved."


"True, you have mentioned this. Maybe Sara thinks your cursed to always have angry mothers around you?"


At that Cyare actually laughed. "Well, I have gotten Maria angry with me a time or two as well, so..." He shrugged. "Maybe. We don't have to go tonight."


"Rather go and get it over with," Amie stated. "Otherwise I'll just be cranky and jumpy."


"Okay." Cyare nodded and then, laid a gentle hand on Shades shoulder. "I'll drive."


Shades gave a glare then. "Trying to say there's something wrong with my driving?"


At that Cyare shook his head, but there was a distinct note of teasing in his voice when he spoke. "No one around who deserves to be used a shockball."


"I only did it once," Shades grumbled.


"And what did you do with that speeder?" Cyare asked as he started off towards the motor pool.


"Almost passed out at the wheel cause it was a piece of junk?" Shades supplied hopefully.


"And where did you wind up?" His question was also teasing. "We like our speeders uncrashed thank you." Amie scowled and stuck her tongue out at him. Cyare laughed, but then they were at the motor pool. "The green airspeeder, I already signed it out." He waved her towards the passenger seat as he moved towards the driver position. Cyare looked at the controls and spoke to Shades quietly. "You look really good."


"Really?" Amie asked patting at her hair some nervously. "I...really needed a hair cut so...thought might as well try something to go with the new parts."


Cyare nodded as he powered up the speeder. "You do." He sighed a bit. "I will hang back and let you talk to your mom alone. She is unlikely to want to kill you."


Amie scowled now, "She always said she brought me into this world she'd take me out."


Cyare sighed again. "Do you want me there?" He sounded a bit unsure as he brought the airspeeder around and arced it into the air.


"Please? Least as close as I can get you," she snorted then as if annoyed with herself. "Probably think I'm foolish to be scared of a little old crippled woman when I've had Mandos shoving guns in my face huh?"


Cyare snorted at that. "Shades, she is your mom. If you were not scared I would worry about you... More than I do anyway..." This last was quiet, almost inaudible.


Amie raised a brow at him. "You worry about me?"


Cyare jerked just a bit, but the speeder didn't so much as quake. He shook his head. "Nothing wrong with your ears, huh?"


The kiffar turned pink then in the face. "Sorry, I just...like that thought is all."


"Of course I worry about you. You have the sense of a nerf sometimes." Now his voice was teasing as he guided the speeder through the sky.


"And you have so much more obviously here," Amie teased back. "Do you know a hydrospanner from a high caliber barrel?"


Cyare snorted again. "Matter of fact I do. But... " He shook his head and didn't continue whatever he was going to say, concentrating on flying.


"But what? I swear for people who supposedly speak their minds you do a lot of cutting yourself off."


It was a long moment before Cyare replied. "I do know the difference between a hydrospanner and a high caliber barrel. But I wish sometimes I knew more."


"Well we all have our strong points," Amie replied. "I'll never shoot like you here after all." She sat silent for a moment then. "I could try and teach you some things though if you want."


Cyare nodded. "I would like that, and I might be able to give you some more pointers for shooting that Jirina hasn't yet..."


"It's a date then," Amie said with a smile before flushing. "Er...that is..."


Cyare laughed. "Done."


Amie tilted her head to the side curiously. "So...um..." she was gnawing on her lip as she turned something over in her mind.


"What?" Cyare asked as he banked tehs peeder slightly to avoid a large flying creature that was also turnign ponderously away from them as they hurtled by.


"Just curious but uh...not sure you'd be comfortable with the topic."


"I may not answer, if it is that uncomfortable, but I won't bite your head off for asking. Promise." Cyare's voice was quiet now.


"Well, I know about the whole offer deal, T'ad explained that a bit. Do Mandalorians actually date or just go giving gifts? Then again the system could be completely different I guess..."


Cyare nodded. "Well, we can do both. The giving of gifts is kind of more... well, more important. But just going out to have fun with someone is not a bad thing either."


"As long as both parties are satisfied, no one is going to mind. And get your mind out of that gutter." He snickered a bit.


Amie snorted a bit at the gutter comment but still looked to be pondering. "So...there's more to the whole giving deal then the actual going out deal for you guys?"


Cyare nodded. "For each clan it is different. In some clans, giving of gifts is tantamount to a declaration of marriage. But in our clan its more a... well... a statement of intent."


"Certainly explains why I was warned about those. Is that all gifts there though or are there actual guidelines hiding somewhere?"


Cyare laughed. "Mostly its just common sense. If you like somebody, you can accept the gifts, or not as you choose. If you don't, tell them to take a hike." With that, conversation seemed to stop as Cyare threw the speeder through the air. It wouldn't be long. Not nearly long enough at all. For either of them...

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Cyare landed the speeder on a barely visible pad and nodded to Shades. "We are here."


Amie blinked at the building before them looking like she might simply bolt. "Can hardly contain my excitement," she commented dryly.


Cyare shook his head, then laid an armored hand on Shade's shoulder. "Courage Amie. I will be right behind you."


"Oh I'll be...uh isn't this place suppose to be bigger?" Amie asked suddenly taking not of building's size.


Cyare sighed. "It is, but... Most of it is underground." He hurried to continue. "You won't notice. I have been here before. And if you need it, I got a sedative from E'hn. It will let you function, just calm you down. I don't think you will need it though."


Amie could simply swallow the knot forming in her throat and surprisingly grabbed Cyare's hand as if it was a life line.


"Amie, you won't believe it. I don't approve of this place. I don't approve of hiding from my foes. But they knew what they were doing when they built it." Cyare let Shades cling. "Come on, I think you will be pleasantly surprised." Amie gnawed on her lip but nodded. She didn't let go of Cyare's arm though. Cyare helped her out of the air speeder and started towards the entrance of the building. He steered Amie carefully. Careful not to control, just trying to help. Amie did her best to concentrate on breathing and just let Cyare lead her. At least till they got to the turbo lift where she froze up and looked like be might be ill.


"It will be okay, Amie..." Cyare let the girl cling and then when the door opened, light flooded in. From... windows? All around the area were windows, and the views from the windows were breathtaking. Of the world outside in all its green splendor. A bird flew by, then another.


The whole area was well lit and airy. There was nothing cramped about the area, except the security checkpoint where two guards stood watching the two approach, no they were looking at Cyare. "You know the rules Mandalorian."


Cyare snarled, but unbuckled his gun belt. He turned to Shades. "No weapons in here." he handed the guard his guns but the guard shook his head. "All of them..."


Cyare snarled again, and started pulling weapons off of his armor.


Amie pulled off her carbine and handed it over somewhat meekly. She looked about looking somewhere between confused and scared. Her brain trying to compute the conflicting inputs of the birds and windows along with the underground part of things.


Cyare continued to divest himself of weapons, grumbling all the while. A belt of grenades, a pack of throwing knives, two vibroblades, a folding vibroblade that was almost as long, three hold out blasters, finally, he took off his gauntlets.


The guard looked at him and Cyare shook his head and pulled something out of a pocket. On inspection it was a small slugthrower. Finally, Cyare stepped forward and the guard ran a scanner over him. Nothing happened.


"Walking armory," Amie commented as Cyare sighed.


The guard stepped up to Shades with the scanner and the device beeped at her eye and arm. Both guards tensed. One waved her to a scanner booth. "Ma'am...?"


Cyare nodded to Shades, "Do as they say or we don't get in."


Shades blinked in confusion for a moment. "Didn't realize replacements were dangerous," she commented as she worked a minute to get the eye out before working on her arm. She wasn't quite use to pulling them off yet but she managed.


"Whoa!" The guard spoke fast. "We just need to scan them. People have put the darnedest things in prosthesis..."


Amie grinned then, "Hence why I figured you would need to really take a good look. Specially if you'd heard anything about me."


The guard nodded to her, but looked a bit sheepish. "Put them in there..." He pointed to a bin. "Are you going to need help to get them back in?"


"I'll manage."


"Oh yeah..." Cyare snorted, "She will..."


Amie gave Cyare a one eyed glare then. "You make this sound like a bad thing here."


Both guards laughed. Sounds that broke of abruptly as Cyare turned his eye slit in their direction. The guard who had spoken before shook his head. "Scans are clean Ma'am. Sorry for the inconvenience. Welcome to the Enclave."


Amie nodded and took a couple minutes to work her arm and eye back into place. Making sure they worked and weren't going to fall off before moving.


"You know..." Cyare snorted as they started off, "I think you unnerved them more than I do... and that takes some doing..."


"They're likely somewhat use to Mando's where as I'm a weirdo," Amie pointed out.


"Shades..." The blue armored man tapped her nose in response, "Stop that. You are no weirder than anyone else." Amie simply rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue as she stepped onto the lift. Cyare serving as a good way to keep her mind off her surroundings. He sighed then as the lift closed behind them, "What do you think? Is it what you expected?"


"No. My brain can't seem to decide if it's in a hole or in a building.


"Good." Cyare nodded, “That is the whole idea. You are not the first person to come here who has a fear of being buried. Its not uncommon actually. Yours is stronger than most and you have good reason for it. Just think of it as a strange building and you will be fine. I will be right here too."


"That does help. You being an elaborate distraction," she said.


"Oh? Okay." Cyare laughed softly, "Just part of the scenery. that's me."


"But such a nice piece of the scenery," Amie commented with a small grin. "Besides you voice is better then the chattering of birds. Think the last time I heard a bird before I came here was back on the farm."


They came to a larger room and inside, a number of people were sitting. The view out the windows as just as incredible, but the people there didn't seem to notice, as if they had seen to so long it wasn't something they noticed any more. Some were working at computer terminals, but the largest group which was mostly composed of children, were gathered around a chair where a woman sat reading aloud from a datapad. It was only on close examination that one realized the chair had wheels. But the similarity between the woman who was reading and Amarath was striking.


Amie immediately focused on the chair and grumbled something that sounded like "Not maintaining it properly."


Cyare looked at her and then at the woman in the chair. A sound suspiciously like a soft sigh came from his helmet. One of the kids looked up and suddenly all of them were looking at Amarath and Cyare. A bunch of them looked remarkably similar. Matter of fact, most of them looked a bit like Sara. Same eyes and hair.


Amie blinked at the kids looking at a loss. She hadn't had much experience with children since Karina was taken in by the Jedi.


Naomi however was not so lacking, "Seems we have a visitor children. Might I get a moment with her if you don't mind?"


The children smiled and nodded, in unison. That was just plain creepy. One of them, a girl, spoke to the others. "Go on... and be original...!"


Most of the crowd broke up them, with most of the kids stopping by Naomi to thank her quietly for the story. But soon, only one was standing by Naomi. A cute little girl of about twelve years. She looked oddly worried and Shades felt her hackles raise a bit. What did the kid think she'd beat her own mother or something?


Cyare stayed quiet, but he moved a bit closer to Amarath.


Amie swallowed the lump in her throat again as she stepped over. "Hey Ma..." she said and let the words hang, not having any idea what to say to Naomi.


"Amarath..." Naomi trailed off having no more a clue then her daughter.


Silence stretched on painfully before the little girl finally shook her head. "Can I get you something to drink Naomi? Or you?" She nodded to Amarath.


Amie blinked at the kid for a minute, "Water will do me fine thanks."


"Tea please Marta," Naomi replied with a grateful smile.


Marta walked to a dispenser and came back quickly with two glasses. One of tea, the other of water. She handed the water to Amarath and held the other so Naomi could reach it.


Naomi gave a sincere and grateful smile that had Shades's hackles trying to pop up again. Instead the younger one drank some of her water and did her best to bury her rather unexpected anger.


Marta sighed as she stepped back. "No hitting," her voice was matter of fact laced with worry.


Shades gave a sneer and looked about to say something when Naomi cut her off in a cold tone. "Amarath how about we take this conversation to another room. No sense disturbing everyone with our chatter."


"Yeah sure, cause heaven forbid people know we're related and hate each other..." Shades grumbled as she followed her ma with the air of someone going before the firing squad.


((Posted by Setie))

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As they walked, Naomi leading with Marta beside her,Cyare's voice was quiet, almost inaudible. "It will be okay." Marta glanced at him and nodded slowly as she followed Naomi close. Cyare's voice was even quieter now. Pitched so it just reached Amie's ears. "She didn't mean it that way. She is scared." But the younger Kiffar gave no sign that she even heard him, let alone understood. He shook his head minutely as he followed the strange cavalcade.




The two shades women vanished into a room with the door closing behind them. The beep of it closing seemed to hold to the air like the bell of a fight ring. Marta stared after them before turning to Cyare with a worried look on her face.


"I just insulted her, didn’t I?” The little girl asked anxiously. Cyare nodded. “And anything I say or do now will just make things worse won't it?" Cyare nodded again. Marta slumped. “I should go…” Cyare held up a hand.


"Stay." Cyare said gently. "Naomi will likely need you. But yeah, stay away from Amarath. That was really the worst possible thing you could have said to her.” Marta stared at him and he sighed. “I know her. If her mother were to decide to beat her to death, Amarath wouldn’t raise a hand to defend herself. Anyone else, she would fight tooth and nail. But not her mom. Naomi is the only kin she has left.” Marta looked… devastated.


“Oh my god… I need to... I have to…” Cyare held up a hand and Marta froze again. Obedience to authority was still built into her after all.


“You can’t." Cyare said sadly. "She won’t accept any apology you give. You stung her, badly. And she holds grudges. Oh boy does she hold grudges.” Marta winced at that, and then they both sat down on a bench in the hall near the door and waited.


It was a long minute before Marta spoke. “Is it…” She broke off unsure. Cyare shook his head.


“I don’t bite Marta.” The Mando said with a nod. Marta grinned at that.


“Is it always this hard to figure out what to say and do?” Cyare sighed. “It was so much simpler when all I had to do was obey.”


“No." Cyare said with a sad sigh. "Most of the time it is far, far harder.”

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“She didn't mean to insult you Amarath,” Naomi stated as soon as the door closed behind the pair of kiffars.


“Yeah, right,” Shades snorted back and her eye twitched when the older woman's chair squeaked. It aggravated her that she hadn't said a word and already the old woman was leaping to Marta's defense. She certainly didn't remember the old bat ever doing that for her own daughter, at least not the elder one. “I thought Thalo was suppose to visit every month to help you maintain that?”


“It works fine Amarath, enough for my needs,” Naomi stated doing her best to keep her irritation out of her tone. As if she would accept charity from the barkeeper of the small town she lived by.


“Yeah till it breaks down from lack of lubricant or the like. I'll see what I can do.”


Naomi's lips pulled into a thin line then as Amarath crossed her arms, silence falling between the pair again.


“So....uh...what's with the brat pack out there?” Shades finally asked.


Naomi's eyes narrowed at that, angry at her daughter's poor choice of words. “They are not 'brats' they are children. It is certainly better company then you keep.”


Shades's eyes narrowed then, a replica of her mother's expression. “The company I'm keeping are in charge of this place here. Would you rather go home and deal with the other undesirable elements? Since you're being ungrateful, as always.” she snipped in a heated tone that normally would have told others to back off or risk a black eye. She might not have been a mandalorian and she might not understand all of how they worked but she rather thought them a step up from the last people she had to deal with. Psycho's and force wackos were certainly not her idea of a good crowd.


"I am tempted. At least there I know where I stand mixed up in your problems. Idiot girl, I raised you better than to deal with people like that..."


Shades ground her teeth together at that. She didn't care if her mother meant The Exchange, Yinran, or the Mandalorians. She didn't think the old hag had any place to complain about where the money used to keep food in her belly came from. “That's funny I seem to recall you lecturing me day in and day out about putting up with those that pay me,” Shades said drumming her mechanical fingers on her arm, though it was impossible to tell the two limbs apart anymore. She could remember often enough how Naomi had fumed and screamed whenever Shades got fired for telling off customers who treated her as if she was a lower form of life.


"When they are a legitimate employer, yes. When they are slavers, drug runners and scum... Oh, wait I'm sorry. That's your main clientèle these days s isn't it?" Naomi stated, the last part dripping with sarcasm. "Speaking of scum, whats with the blue mountain that was following you? Branching out?"


“Hey! My main clientèle is not slavers or drug runners thank you,” Shades barked out. After all, since she'd been released from the hospital she'd been running from the organization steeped in those. She didn't count her temporary heading of Yinran since that was all under Zelkin. The position hadn't been hers at all, she'd just been something of a figure head. “As for the...blue mountain. No I'm not branching out...exactly.” She really had no idea how to explain the situation with Cyare to her mother of all people.


“Ah so he is...what? Some kind of...what is the term? Muscle? Enforcer? You sure are getting up in the galaxy now. On day a two bit mercenary and the next, almost a crimeboss?” Naomi asked watching her daughter's reaction. The girl seemed awfully nervous about her paying attention to the blue armored man. A sudden thought had Naomi mentally cringing. “Do not tell me he's....Oh Amarath you could do so much better. He isn't your...”


Shades saw red for a moment then and cut her mother off with a murderous look as she snarled. “Hey! Don't insult him like that or I'll....I'll...” the daughter struggled with a good threat for her own mother that didn't include maiming and failed. “...do something you'll really really hate!”


"Like what? Ignore me? Not speak to me? Send me more charity? You think I didn't know who sent those things? Or had the house redone?" Naomi threw out angrily. It certainly gave her pause that Amarath got so angry over such a comment about the blue man. She'd have to think about that one later.


"What you'd rather I left you to crawl down the stairs every morning? It had to get done and it's not like Karina was around to do it and Ren...” She almost snapped about how Ren had never had the money. How he had always brushed off helping their parents when the money could be used for themselves. “He was busy."


Naomi snorted at that fixing her daughter with a look, "Two years girl. Two years. No visits, no calls, no nothing. One might think you had a guilty conscience."


Shades cringed some at that. She had felt guilty after all, even if others said it wasn't her fault. Still she recalled what her mother had said the last time the two had talked. "You're the one who told me to never set foot on the farm again."


Now Naomi scowled in aggravation, she hadn't after all expected her daughter to actually listen and heed her words. "And for the first time in your life you actually obeyed? Incredible..."


Shades threw her hands up with a frustrated snarl, "I believe your exact words, while I was sitting in a hospital bed after finding out I was missing parts mind you, was "If you ever step on the farm again I will put a rifle muzzle to your head and pull the trigger.” I don't know about you but I take threats of death kinda serious,"


"I actually figured ten minutes after you got through your sulks you would be back on the doorstep just to spite me," The older kiffar said crossing her arms now.


“Oh you know me Ma. To busy off selling drugs and whoring myself out to...my enforcer as you call him,” Shades snapped with cutting sarcasm.


"So I have heard. They don't think I can hear, being old and crippled but my ears work just fine. Oh yes, you are big, bad and tough. You even have new parts that look real. Oh yeah, you can take perfect care of yourself." Naomi fought fire with fire as her own tone sliced with equal sarcasm. "Its everyone around you who tends to pay isn't it?"



"You wanna talk about who pays? How about who's been keeping the roof over your ungrateful head since Dad died?"


"Don't you talk about your father. You up and left. You wanted adventure. Have you found it? Is it worth it?"


That had the younger kiffar running her hands through her hair and wanting to tear it out. It just went to show that her mother never paid attention when Shades had tried to explain why she left. "Of course, as usual it's my fault that an old tower fell on you,” she said instead with a long suffering sigh. “The damn thing was long past it's prime and I told you both that for years! As usual no one fracking listens to me!"


"You were not there!" Now Naomi is snarling, "How were we supposed to replace that thing? Just your father and me? With what help?"


"I sent back what I could! Not my fault someone blew it on useless crap instead of saving it up for things needed." Shades napped back.


"Useless? USELESS? You call food useless?" Naomi fumed, "What you sent back was a pittance. It barely covered groceries. I wonder what YOU spent your money on? Bigger guns? You could have made more than that here,anywhere as a tech. All you would have had to do was learn to keep your mouth shut. Then maybe your brother would still be alive."


"A pittance!?” Shades roared even as the comment about her brother drew blood. “What the frak Ma do you need a babysitter to keep track of your transactions!? Oh of course you, who's never set foot off the farm, know EXACTLY how the job market is and the cost of living on other planets!"


"I have the common sense to ask people before I go running off at the first cool job. Its called research girl. Ever hear of it?"


"Cause obviously the bills will sit and not pile up or go to collections while I hunt for perfect job to spare your sensibilities! Ugh! Why in Creation did I talking to an aggravating old shrew like you was a good idea?" Shades spat.


"Why did I think my daughter might actually have found some sense somewhere. All you have ever been good for is causing trouble, girl," Naomi retaliated.


"Least I'm not a waste of hot air like some people. Maybe when I get to be your age I'll master the art of leeching like you and Ren did."


The slap cut across Shades's face hard enough to have her seeing stars and wondering if her mother had dislocated her jaw. Naomi simply sat in her chair with rage in her blue eyes. "Don't you dare speak ill of the dead and calling ME a leech... You will never learn. Better a waste of air, than a waste of time. You are wasting mine. You are still the stuck up little arrogant brat who ran off to be a merc because she wanted adventure. Go ahead, be a mercenary,hoard your credits, bed your paramours. Enjoy your life, Amarath. Leave. Me. Alone.."


She turned her chair away from her daughter then and moved to the side of the room. "Don't let the door hit you on the rear on the way out. And make sure to count how many children you kill, wouldn't want to lose track, would you?"


Shades clamped her teeth together stomping to the door and wishing it was a manual one she could throw it open and slam it. There was definitely murder in her eye as she stormed past Marta and Cyare at a quick pace. If she didn't get out of this hole she was likely to go back and seriously rip into her Ma, physically as well as verbally.


In her room Naomi simply closed her eyes and let the tears roll, while Amarath did her best to keep hers contained.


((posted by Setie))

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Marta, a worried look on her face, went to Naomi's door. "Miss Naomi...?" Her voice was hesitant as she peered into the room, not wanting to intrude, but wanting to make sure Naomi was okay. She froze as she saw Naomi crying..


"I'm alright Marta," Naomi said even as tears dripped down her face.


Marta came close to her, her small face sad. And tears were falling now. "No you are not. No you are not..." She reached out to Naomi, hoping. Naomi hesitated a second before taking the child’s hands in hers.


"I can tell she cares about you. And you care about her. So... How can you say such things to each other? It doesn't make sense... I… I can hear your pain. And I… I want to help. But I just keep making mistakes…"


Naomi sighed some then, "Even though we care does not mean we always agree, dear. Since we care we know right where to cut each other. I doubt Amarath and myself will ever agree on things, but it's always there so we always pick at each other like itchy scabs.”


Marta broke down and cried. She hugged the older woman tight."I am sorry... I insulted her. I… Did I start this?" Her voice was worried. For Naomi.


Naomi blinked in surprise and petting the girl's hair. "No sweetie. The pair of us have been fighting like cats and dogs for years now. You didn't start any of it."


“I am sorry Miss Naomi. This hurts you and I can't help..." Marta hugged her again, and her tears fell like rain.


Naomi gave a small smile, "I'll be fine dear, no need to worry."


"Isn't that what friends do though?" Marta asked seriously. "Worry? I... Maybe I shouldn't presume, but I think we are friends..."


Naomi chuckled at that giving the girl a hug. "Definitely friends dear. I am however, here and to be safe and snug while you are off doing Creation knows what. If anything I will be fretting more over you."


Marta returned the hug. "I will check in on you. And we should be back soon. The other kids will be here. The normal ones. "Marta grinned a bit self consciously.”Take care, Miss Naomi. I should see you again in a couple of days."


Naomi nodded and hugged the girl again. "You come back in one piece, or I'll be most displeased.


"As you command." Marta grinned as she returned the hug and then moved towards the door. She looked like she was going to say something else, but then just nodded and left the room.


<On the way out>


Cyare led Amarath to the security checkpoint. He ahd to remind ehr to pick up her carbine as he strapped on his arsenal. But then he shook his head. He looked at the guard. "We need to blow off some steam, like... now..."


That was an understatement since Amarath practically snapped at both Cyare and the guard as they reminded and handed over her carbine. A rabid wolf looking for a fight came to mind looking at her.


The guard looked at him, and then at the seriously fuming Amarath and nodded. "Third door, left. Code B-L-A-S-T. No explosives please..."


Cyare nodded. "Come on Amie..."


"Got work to do," Shades muttered under her breath. "Bills to pay for ungrateful huttspawn hags..."


"Amie..." Cyare didn't touch her, he just stood there. "Come on, you will feel better..."


"Fine," she snarled. Cyare flinched. For her not to argue meant she was beyond angry. Way beyond angry…


Cyare led her to the door the guard had indicted and punched in the code he had been given. The door opened to a training area, heavily reinforced walls, floor and ceiling showed signs of serious wear and tear. Cyare nodded. "I am going to activate some training drones, do what you want, but no explosives, like the guy said. What a spoilsport..." Cyare hit a command on the console by the door and a group of hovering bots flew out of a wall. A pair of walking bots moved out as well.


"What I want...never was about what I want..." Shades growled though it was obvious she wasn't referring to the drones.


Cyare sighed. "Amie... Please, just let it out. No one will..." He paused, then quick as a flash drew his right hand pistol and put a shot through a barely visible security camera. "No one will hear you here..." He continued in a quiet voice as he holstered his blaster. “No one will judge you. This is for you. No one else. You need this. You need to let it out. Believe me... I know..." His voice held something, something deep and worried. "You need this. You don't want it, you need it... Scream, yell, shoot, hit, do what you have to do... That is what this place is for."


"Maybe I don't wanna!" Shades screamed out grabbing the nearest drone and pitching it into another, not realizing her actions were in direct contrast to her words. She punted another drone that was rolling by sending it into a wall as she kept ranting, "Maybe I'd rather do something productive! Oh wait I never do that, I just sit in cantina's with the scum of the universe getting plastered and whored out by my enforcer pimp! I don't actually work for a living or do my best to keep her provided for!"


Cyare kept talking, low and calm. "That's right Amie, let it out. Get it out of you..."


Shades kept raving until she'd smashed all the drones into pieces. By then there were tears running down her face and she just seemed to look around like a lost child. She heaved some, as if trying not to sob and losing the battle.


Cyare removed his helmet and walked up to her slowly. "Anger is a fact of life Amie. If you let it stay inside, it festers and grows. If you get it out, you can see it, cope with it. I am sorry Amie. I am sorry..." He stood, just out of reach.


Cyare's comment seem to crack Amie down the middle and she just flopped onto her rear on the floor and started crying. "What did I do wrong? Why does she hate me so much?"


Cyare sighed and sat down beside her. His arms enfolded her and he lay her head on his armored shoulder. "I don't know Amie. I don't know. For what it is worth though... I don't think she hates you. If she hated you, it wouldn't hurt nearly as bad..."


Amie let out a bloodcurdling scream but Cyare just held her as she screamed her heartache and pain out until her throat was raw. He held her as she sobbed, cried and cursed, until finally, she lay quiet in his arms. Finally she had cried herself out. Shades sniffed rubbing at her eyes and just taking in the comfort of sitting with someone at least that cared.


Cyare just held her. "I am sorry Amie. Family can hurt you worse than anyone else. I know that. You don’t have to come back if you don't want to."


Amie sniffed again looking miserable. "Should have known better then to come in the first place...”


Cyare sighed. "Amie... You had to see her. You knew it would be bad. But you had to be sure she was okay. You ready to go back? Sara will have dinner ready for us." Amie nodded as she scrubbed at her face. Cyare stood up and extended a hand to her. "Come on then... let’s go..."


Amie nodded but didn't move from her spot. Right that minute she just did not have the willpower to pick herself up, much less walk to the speeder. Cyare sighed, reached down and picked Amie up. "Come on, let’s get you back and fed..."


"Mmm..." was the only sound to come from Amie as she settled some more, her head on the blue man's shoulder. "Should let her chair fall apart at least...specially for the insult....not good enough for me my foot..."


"Rest Amie, you have had a busy day..." The door hissed open and a pair of guards were standing there. Cyare snorted at them and tossed them a coin with his free hand before returning it to help hold Amie in place. "Sorry about the mess..."


As he carried Amie out towards the speeder landing area, he hear done of them speak. "Fracking Mandos...”

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The speeder touched down gently and Cyare looked over at the dozing form beside him. "Amie, we are here."


Shades grunted a bit in her sleep and seemed to try and curl up some more. "Was all comfy..."


The blond mandalorian sighed, but then touched her on the arm. "Sorry Amie, but... We are back, and dinner awaits..."


Amie grumbled incoherently again but stretched. "What's for dinner?"


Cyare shook his head. "I don't know actually. Sara said it was asurprise. And, to tell you the truth, that kind of worries me... Oh it will be edible, for sure... but... this is Sara we are talking about here..." He opened the hatch and stepped out of the airspeeder. Then he walked around and opened the door for Shades.


"Yeah...so it might be blackened a bit from the fire," Shades stated climbing out. She stopped for a minute to grin a bit at Cyare's manners. "Still the gentleman eh?"


Cyare snorted, "You bring out my worst Amie..."


"Does that worry you?" Amie asked curiously.


There was a grin in Cyare's voice now, "What do you think?"


"Hmm," she said looking him up and down. "I'll let ya know."


Cyare only laughed at that, "Come on Amie, lets eat."


The kiffar grinned and headed for the door, knocking politely. "Two starving folks for dinner!" she called out.


The door opened and Sara stood there. she looked Shades up and down and shook her head. "Come in, you look like you could use a drink or two."


Amie cringed at that, "Is it that obvious?" She had after all been trying to put a brave face on so folks wouldn't fret over her.


Sara shook her head, "Actually, you hide it well, but... Don't just stand there. Come in, come in..." She waved them both in. Cyare stood and held the door for Amie before stepping in himself.


"Apparently not well enough. Just point me towards the bottle and I'm good."


As soon as they entered the building, smells hit them, savory and good smells. Cyare took off his helmet and boots and laid both by the door. He sniffed appreciatively. "Smells good," he said as he smiled.


Sara waved them both towards comfortable looking chairs.


Amie was blinking a bit as she pulled off her boots. There was a tray of familiar looking pastries sitting on a cooling rack. "That what I think it is?" The kiffar crept around sniffing, following her nose towards the kitchen.


Sara looked a bit sheepish. "Well... I have never made it before, so... Check it out... Let me know how I did." Cyare just smiled as he followed the kiffar. Sara made a face now. "Hands off the trays though. The cakes haven’t cooled yet."


"Creation you pried the recipe for jolt cakes out of that hag?" Amie said sounding as if Sara had said she created life.


Sara smiled but didn't answer. Instead, she set a bottle down on the table. A full bottle of Mad Mrelf.


She waited a moment till Sara went to check dinner before snatching a cake, tossing it from hand to hand in an attempt to cool it.


Sara snorted, "You know... you could have asked... There ARE some cooler ones." She grinned a bit then, "Not as many as there were... They tend to vanish around here. HEY!" She said as Cyare snatched one of his own grinning as he took a bite.


"Best ones are right out of the oven though," Amie said with a mischievous grin. "Would drive Ma crazy cause I'd always burn my tongue."


Sara smiled again shaking her head at the pair, "Come on, sit down, I want to eat the main course...I have been smelling it for an hour. It's driving me crazy."


"That does smell good too," Amie stated as she sat, she'd consumed her jolt cake in record time and now slammed a shot of the Mad Mrelf before measuring out a proper drink.


Sara doled out the food, placing generous portions on each plate before sitting herself. She poured herself something else. "That bottle is for you since you need it. Eat something first though and tell me if I got the recipe right."


Shades blinked down at the plate, her mouth watering, "Wu shu nerf!" She eyed Sara suspiciously then, "What did you blow up that I'm gonna have to fix?"


Sara shook her head, "You just went through the wringer. You deserve the chance to relax. And... I won't be here after this for a while." She turned to Cyare then, "We finally got a lead on the slimes who hurt Mom." Cyare tensed at that, the slimes had hurt Sara too, although she rarely spoke of it.


Cyare's voice was cold when he spoke. "You want any backup?


Sara shook her head, "It's a Core World, I should be able to get in, meet the contact and get out with no problems. Then... we hunt." Cyare's face had a feral cast to it now and Sara shared his evil smile.


"If they weren't such scumballs, I might have felt bad for them," Amie commented as she took another swig of the Mad Mrelf before taking a bite of her dinner.


Cyare smiled at Shades, but Sara was distant now. "Yeah. Scumballs who are going to finally get what is coming to them. Ah well..." She smiled looking at the kiffar, "You like?"


Amie nodded and took another swig. "Might not be mando style, sorry Cyare, but still dang good to me.”


Cyare took a bite and smiled, "You know... I could get used to it. Add a bit more spice and even the most dyed in the wool Mando would appreciate it."


Sara stared at him in shock and he winced dramatically. "I know, I know... A Mando who doesn’t HAVE to have his food super spicy... the horror."


Amie grinned a bit swirling the alcohol in the bottle, "Quick Sara we should make sure he's not a shapeshifter!"


Sara grinned at Shades and then Cyare recoiled as something went clang under the table. Sara grinned wider. "Nope, that's beskargam... So… A Mando… If a REALLY crazy excuse for a MAndo..."


Cyare's eyes narrowed at the girl,"Who are you calling crazy?" They were glaring at each other but smiling as well, obviously just having fun.


Shades grinned a bit at the pair, "Believe she's calling you crazy here Cyare. Then again look at who all you hang around. Suicidal kiffars and kids that like to play with fireworks."


Cyare chuckled at Shades. "You know you might be right. However I have this well developed sense that tells me that if I reply in kind, I might get hurt... so... I will refrain."


Sara actually managed to keep a straight face through all of that. Then, with a dignified look, she stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry at him.


Amie simply raised a brow at that and sat silent, curious what Cyare would say about the whole tongue thing with Sara. He rather delighted in telling her to do things with hers after all. She almost debated following Sara's suit but part of her brain was still functioning enough to point out that Maria might not take well to such displays in front of her daughter.


Cyare shook his head. "If I retaliate... I know this night will not end well," he sighed. "What is a poor humble, defenseless Mandalorian to do when assaulted in this way but respond in kind!" He stuck out his own tongue and rolled it at Sara, who smirked.


Amie blinked and started looking around, "There's a humble and defenseless mando in here? Where?"


Cyare turned a hurt look at her. "You ganging up on me too?" Unseen, Sara filled Shades' glass again.


"Nope, just pointing out you are neither humble nor defenseless," Amie said with a grin as she picked up her glass and gave an evil little look over it to Cyare. "So I'd say watch where you aim your weapon of choice there, you might bite off more then you can chew."


"You... You..." Cyare looked at Sara and shook his head. "You... are bad, Amarath Shades. I LIKE you..." Sara smiled.


Amie simply kept a sloppy grin and leaned her head on her hand as she finished her food. It was feeling kinda heavy for some reason. "Yep, you seem to like trouble...which is amusing given your line of work and that being a bad thing in it."


Cyare looked hurt again. "What? I can't like bad girls?" He pouted extravagantly and Sara laughed.


The black haired woman seemed to have to think about that a minute. "Isn't that the definition of most mandalorian women?"


Sara looked at Cyare who looked at a loss for words. She smiled an evil smile, "Well?"


He looked at the younger girl and shook his head. "No comment..."


Sara laughed, "Wuss."


Amie got that evil look on her face again. "Now you got me all kinds of curious." She giggled a bit to herself, "Wonder what I could do to make you talk..."


Sara smiled as she filled Shade's glass again. "If you want to, You COULD..." She froze as Cyare caught her eye. His head shake might have been involuntary, but Sara recovered quickly. "...you COULD ask Jirina." Her grin was evil now and Cyare flinched.


Cyare shuddered, "You would, wouldn't you?" His voice was plaintive now, "I never should have introduced you to her..."


Amie seemed to think about this a minute before shrugging, "Nah, what can I say I prefer getting my hands on the subject myself." She frowned then and seemed to be trying to think if her comment made sense. It certainly sounded wrong on a whole different level to herself. Though the thought of getting her hands on current said subject...


Sara smiled. "Well... Anyway... You want any more? I have more. Wasn't sure how much a recipe made..."


"More is good...missed lunch," Amie commented. Her voice was a bit off. It wasn't hard to realize she'd drank at least a bottle of mad mrelf already...on a mostly empty stomach.


Sara nodded to her as she got up and served some more, "I do like this recipe. I will have to make it again."


Amie practically attacked her plate as it was set in front of her. She felt rather like she hadn't eaten in a week. "Mmm...meat."


"Amie..." Cyare smiled, "Relax, it isn't going to run away..."


"Hungry, plus can't gnaw on the meat I wanna try," Amie replied and there was a devilish glint in her eye. She pursed her lips then as if thinking and annoyed as she inspected her glass, as if it was a puzzle then. She had a feeling her sudden inability to keep thoughts in her head was linked to it.


Sara looked at Cyare and he made a face that Shades wouldn't be able to see. The younger girl nodded. "Well, if not that, we will keep you fed, and fed well."


((posted by Setie))

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Cyare looked at Shades and his voice was kind. "Finish your food and I will get you home."


"I get to take you home?" Amie asked innocently though the look in her eye was far from it.


"Not tonight Shades." This from Sara, who looked... sad.


"Aww..." Amie said with a pout setting her chin on the table making one think of a dog begging for scraps.


Cyare was just as kind when he spoke. "You need sleep tonight. It will be okay though." Amie snorted and gave Cyare a measuring look.


Cyare shook his head. Sara sighed. "Come on Shades, let’s get you home."


Amie scowled but stood up only to stumble and go crashing for the floor.


Cyare caught her before she could hit the floor. "Easy there..."


Amie squinted a bit, "I might...be a bit tipsy here."


Cyare snorted. "More than a bit, but... You needed it. Come on... Let’s get you home..." He steered her towards the door and her boots.


Amie grinned a bit, "Aww...my hero. This mean I owe you the same treatment from when I saved you?"


Sara looked at Cyare who looked turned a bright red under her regard. But his voice to Shades was quiet. "Only if you want to...'


"Heh, the things I wanna do to you here...are best not discussed in front of youngsters," Amie slurred.


Sara smiled as Cyare looked anywhere but her. He helped Shades into her boots and pulled his own on.


Amie blinked and seemed to be starting at Cyare's armored form, she was still squinting as if trying to focus better.


Cyare looked at her. "What Amie?" He asked quietly.


"Wondering how quick I could get you out of that..." Amie muttered.


Cyare blinked, and then he put his helmet on. "Let’s get you home before you fall over again."


Amie glared at the helmet but said nothing as she did her best to stand and walk again, though she was weaving badly. Cyare extended his arm silently. Amie's face screwed up in concentration. "I ain't drunk...more sensible then that stuff..."


Cyare nodded. "Come on Amie..."


"Can't see why Ren loved it so much..." Amie scowled. "Then again he wasn't always just on the bottle."


Sara came up behind Shades and spoke quietly. "You better get home Shades. And here..." She pressed a tray of jolt cakes into Shades hand.


"Mmm...jolt cakes," Amie said with a grin, though her eyes went sad.


Sara gave Shades a hug then. "It’s all right. I should see you in a few days. I hope you feel better in the morning." The Kiffar seemed to stiffen a bit, but then relaxed into the hug. Sara llet go and then with a wave, walked back into her hosue. Cyare nodded.


“Lets go.” Shades nodded as well and almost fell over. If not for Cyare’s steadying hand she would have.


“Whoops…” Shades grinned as he set her back on her feet and gently guided her towards the distant hill that was her own place. She sighed, but started off dutifully.


Cyare walked beside her, his mind whirling.


She can’t mean what I think she means. She is drunk. She can’t mean that. And I won’t press. If I do, and hurt her, well… A whole lot of people will get steamed at me. So I will just get her home and settled. It has been a long day.


The short walk from Sara’s house to Shades’ house seemed to go on forever. Mainly because Shades was so drunk as to be very unsteady on her feet. And every time he steadied her, she seemed to want to… well…cling was probably the best word. And she was trying to elicit a response. Her hands kept winding up places he wished they wouldn’t. He wanted to fulfill her wishes, oh how he wanted to. But he couldn’t. Not now.


He gently moved her hands again and she pouted a bit, but didn’t speak as he guided her gently on her way. Finally, they were at her door. She was speaking in low tones now, words that he hoped and prayed that no one else could hear. He was so glad his helmet was on, so no one could see his blush.


“We are here, Amie.” Shades looked at the house and grinned.


“So we are… now… about that reward…” Cyare bit his lip, but then nodded and removed his helmet. But he wasn’t ready for the onslaught that was Amarath Shades. He could only stand, slack jawed as she essentially tried to suffocate him. But then he lost himself in a timeless moment of pure… something. He had no words. Shades though backed off and started talking. His eyes went wide as he realized what she was saying. He slapped a hand over her mouth, and she stared at him, bewildered. His voice was gentle.


“Amie… I am honored you would want to do that with me. But… the chains and whips might be a bit much. Even for Manadalorians.” The girl pouted as he released his hand. “Come on Amie. You will feel better after some sleep…” She mumbled something that he HOPED he misheard. She wasn’t ready for this, not yet. Then her eyes rolled back and she collapsed.


Cyare sighed as he caught her. He wanted to, oh how he wanted to. He wanted nothing more right that moment than to fulfill every desire and dream that the girl had. But… not when she was drunk as a Correllian skunk. He carried her into her house and laid her on her bed. After a moment’s thought, he took off her boots and covered her with a blanket. As he was leaving, she cried out in her sleep, her voice sad, scared and alone.


“Ma…?” The slumbering girl begged. Cyare froze, and then he slowly and carefully kissed her on the forehead. She relaxed back into sleep and he left a hangover remedy on the table beside the bed. She would need it. He sighed as he left the house, saddened. A family was meant to be a good thing, not a cause of pain.

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There was absolutely nothing worse then knowing you did something wrong and being unable to find out what it was. Particularly when you know you likely insulted someone.


She had a feeling it was Cyare too, but whenever she ask what she had done she was told roughly not to worry her pretty head over it.


As if that wasn't bad enough, the man's endless patience was starting to make her itch badly. She wanted nothing more then to kick him along. The problem was she wasn't sure how to manage that.


A knock came at the door of the workshop interrupting her musings then.


"It's open," Shades called from her bench, working away again to whittle down the never ending pile of tech.


The door opened and Sara walked in. A very different Sara from the girl Shades had seen before though. Synthflesh bandages were in evidence on parts of her body and she moved a bit stiffly. Her smile as genuine as ever as she looked at Shades, "I see you are busy... Is this a bad time?"


Shades looked up with a grin that fell when she saw Sara's state. "Creation! What happen to you!?" she demanded as she snatched a chair and came running. "You look like a mando ran you over a few dozen times."


Sara smiled as she came into the shop. "Nope, no mandos. I wish..." She actually took the chair Shades offered and sat. "Thanks... Everyone says I should stay in the clinic, but... I can't. Too many memories."


"Well I can't say a thing,” Shades pointed out. “I hate hospitals myself. Comes from spending to much time in one. You are however to sit and rest. Did you want something?"


Sara snorted, "What is it with all you older people? I have been through worse." She sighed. "But... This time I do think it’s over. Finally..."


"Yeah you've been through worse...doesn't mean the body doesn't need rest. I believe I got screamed at a few times by folks around here for things. I certainly don't feel like having Ratchet or your Ma after my head for things. So you get to deal with my version of fretting over you," Amie stated firmly.


Sara smiled sadly, "Nope, they have yelled at me already, and..." She indicated her arm where a medical sensor armband was visible. "It's not like I am running around loose, now is it?"


"Nope. So what happened and don't worry no detail is to bloody."


Sara smiled grimly. "We caught the slimeballs who hurt mom and killed dad. All of the remaining ones in one swoop."


"Nice," Shades said as she fished out some water for herself out of a smaller box she turned into a cooler.


Sara shook her head. "Not really. I was the bait and I forgot what usually happens to bait. Ah, well, it was my plan."


"Bet your ma and folks went insane over the matter."


Sara smiled slightly. "You could say that. If you wanted to make the understatement of the year. Mom... uh... well... One of the slaver scum... Well, the Republic didn't want her and Mom got her. No one argued, which was smart of them."


Shades cringed some at that. She could just imagine what Maria did to the scum. "One of the reasons I count myself lucky that your ma wasn't having a bad hair day when I woke up in that cell."


Sara nodded. "Yep. Very true. I actually have a pair of good reasons to talk to you today. One tech related and one not."


"Alright we'll do the tech talk first, since I am technically at work after all."


Sara smiled again, "Ok, I need a device, actually about fifteen of them, that will burn through heavy droid armor, incinerate the insides of the droids and then stop burning before it burns all the way through and damages the surrounding area. I need it able to be remotely detonated and I need them as small and undetectable as possible."


"I think I can manage that. Minute Mouth will hate me haunting his armory I'm sure but I think I can pull it. Gimme a couple days and I should manage it," Shades stated, her brain already off trying to work out the puzzle.


Sara smiled grimly then, "Tell him its for me, and he will let you have what you want. I scare him." Her smile turned sad then. "I hate scaring people..."


Shades raised a brow at that, "It's more people get intimidated likely. Then again our first meeting was hardly threatening in any way."


"Don't tell me I don't scare you," the younger girl asked looking pensive now, "I scare everyone who is sane when I get mad. Hell, I scare myself..."


"Most people are scary when mad. I seem to recall making a couple mando kiddies want to soil their armor."


Sara laughed at that, a more normal sound. "Oh yeah," she said with a grin. "Um... DO you have a few minutes. I have a few... other questions."


Shades blinked in curiosity as Sara turned pink but gave what she hoped was a reassuring grin. "Sure, I can talk and work at the same time after all."



Sara fidgeted, and that also was weird. The entire time Shades had been around her she had never seen the girl sit and fidget. "Well... Um... When the docs were putting me back together, they found some odd things. One reason I have been so messed up was that my system was in what they call homeostasis. I wasn't going through puberty like I should. They have treated me, and now... well... I am..."


Shades looked confused, she wasn't that good as medical deals but she thought she understood the concept of what Sara stated. "Well...good for me I thought you were in the middle of it anyways."


"Wait... It gets better. Since it was arrested... probably by what those blasted scientists did to me when I was a kid, now that it has happened, it’s happening fast... I...Uh... um..." the young mando broke off unsure.


"Got all kinds of weird things going on?" the kiffar supplied.


Sara laughed sourly, "I thought I was dying this morning when I woke up and there was blood all over the bed... Do these weird cycle things ever go away?"


Shades had to laugh at that, "Not till your much much older...or pregnant but that depends on the person I think."


Sara groaned, "I almost wish I was back the way I was. Almost... Ah well, I hope I don't have some of the problems I have heard about." She shivered a little bit then, "What little I have heard about PMS really, really sucks."


"Eh, you won't notice it at all. Everyone else around you will. Just watch the raging hormones though. I'm sure you'll be turning your Ma's hair white chasing the boys."


Sara shook her head slowly. "I dunno... I have seen way too much drama around and I am not attracted to them. Not like that..."


"Eh, you're young yet. Plenty of time on that front," Shades said with a grin as she bent back to the droid she had been fixing. "Good to be picky in that department after all."


Sara shook her head slowly. "I better get back to the house before Mom comes looking for me. If you could have those charges ready for me as soon as possible. I really need to be absolutely sure those droids are going nowhere."


"You know you could remove the power cores of the droids too. Though I'm guessing these will not be friendly droids?"


Sara stopped and turned back. her grin was feral. "I want the droids powered but they lack motivators for movement. You see, the people who hurt my mom and me, the intended me to go in one of those droids. And they put other people in them against their wills. So when we caught them, guess where we put them?"


Shades looked furious at that. "Son of a...nerfherding...hutt licking.... Please tell me the bastards died painful and long deaths?"


Sara smiled. it was not a nice smile. "Oh no... They will live a long, long time. Unable to move. unable to talk. Unable to do ANYTHING, but sit there inside those droids. Which is why I want to make absolutely sure they won't get away. I want some... insurance. Just in case."


Shades gave a nasty smile of her own then. "Consider it done." Sara shared the smile, then with a jaunty wave, she was gone.


((posted by Setie))

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<that evening>


As Shades was finishing locking up her shop, a figure in a dress walked up. "Hiya Shades." Jirina smiled at the younger woman. Cyare looked at her and she made a gesture. He shook his head slowly, but backed off a ways, to give them a bit of privacy.


Shades blinked up from where she was scrubbing grease off her hands and grinned. "Hey Preggo. How you holding up there?"


Jirina smiled. "One day at a time, but it can't be soon enough. I want to see my feet again, and wear my armor again someday..."


"I'm sure you will again...I think," Shades said appearing to think about it.


Jirina smiled at Shades, but then her face turned serious. "Can you keep a secret?" She asked with a sly gleam in her eyes.


"Surprisingly, yes I can. I require money before I open my mouth about things," the kiffar said with a grin, reminding Jirina of her other profession to tech work and blowing things sky high.


Jirina leaned close. "Tomorrow is a pretty special day for a pretty special young woman. Sara turns fifteen tomorrow. We want to surprise her with a party. Tonight."


"Sounds like fun...er...as long as Sara's lacking a gun at the surprise part of things. I don't feel like getting shot."


Cyare shook his head from where he was. "Easier to pull a Retu's fangs..." Jirina glared at him.


"You volunteering?"


"If you broadcast this, or even just run it through the grapevine, boys from all the settlements are going to show up." Jirina's smile was vicious.


"Which is why its tonight, instead of tomorrow, and it’s all girls. And I will answer the door, she won't shoot me. I figure she needs some down time and less puppy dog eyes from a bunch of immature boys."


Shades chuckled some at that. "No need to play big brother really here Cyare. I'm sure Sara would demolish most of them...granted she might take a chunk of the place with."


Cyare sighed. "That is what I am worried about. Can you IMAGINE what might happen if Sara's toy were to get loose? With boys vying for her affections?" He shuddered.


"She'd sit and laugh while they punched each other to prove who's more macho and light them on fire?" Shades supplied with a grin.


Both Jirina and Cyare shuddered. "Um... What if SHE has to prove she is more macho than them?" Jirina asked quietly.


"Isn't that what the lighting them on fire part is for? I have yet to see a grown man not scream like a girl when on fire."


Jirina stared at Shades and then burst out laughing. "You know, I can just see her doing that..."


"Can even see her going last and pointing out that the machoism isn't about taking the pain but having a brain."


Cyare snorted at that and Jirina smiled. "Well, you up for it?"


"Yep, so long as I got some cover for the whole yelling surprise part," Shades said with a grin.


Jirina smiled. "That I think we can handle. Tonight, her place. Her mom is keeping her busy until later so we can... decorate."


That had Shades giving Jirina a funny look. "Decorate?"


Jirina smiled. "It’s traditional..." With that she walked away, smiling. Cyare stared after her and shuddered a bit.


Shades pursed her lips then. "I just walked right into something bad didn't I?"


Cyare tuned back to her and there was laughter in his voice. "Not really. We don't decorate a lot, so when we do, well... It’s kind of like we do everything else..."



"To excess?"


Cyare snorted. "Yep, pretty much... Come on. Lets get you back to your place, if you are heading to Sara's you will likely need to change. And you might like a shower too, it might be a long night."


"Likely...I know I'm staying away from any and all booze though. Since you know I don't remember the LAST time that happened and someone won't tell me," Shades said fixing Cyare with a glare.


Cyare sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you? Nothing happened."


"Things always happen when someone is drunk. They make total idiots of themselves. I'm just pondering how I did."


Cyare shook his head. No matter what he said, she just wouldn't let up. He shrugged and started off towards Shdes house.


Cyare led the way to Shades house and opened the door for her in silence.


"You know you're going to have to tell me what I did in my drunk state eventually here," Shades grumbled.


Cyare sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you?" there was a bit of bite in his tone. You got drunk, I got you home, and you went to bed. Nothing. Else. Happened."


"Yeah right, I did absolutely nothing stupid?" Shades asked with a glare.


Cyare snorted. "You stuck out your tongue at me and Sara, does that count?" Shades scowled and gave a suspicious glare. Cyare shook his head. "Shades... Amie... You were drunk. Yes, you were a bit silly, but you did nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing."


Amie scowled. "This is me, I ALWAYS put my foot in it when sober. I gotta be worse when drunk."


Cyare shook his head. "You think I would let you?" his voice was teasing now.


Shades opened her mouth then snapped it shut in thought. "I suppose not," she amended dubiously.


"Being my mando in shiny armor huh?" Shades said with a grin as she opened her door.


Cyare didn't respond, but his bpdy language said he was amused as he took up position beside her door. Amie gave him a suspicious look, but entered her house, leaving Cyare to sigh silently in relief. It was so hard now. He wanted her, so bad it hurt. Even when his plumbing wasn’t involved doing things inside his armor that he didn’t like, he hurt. Then he tensed. Jirina was walking towards him. He staretd towards her, he really didn’t want Shades to hear his sister. Jirina had all the subtlety of a Ronto with a sore tusk at times.


“Jirina…” She just looked at him and he slumped. She shook her head.


“He who hesitates is lost Weasel, and if you let this one get away,…” He nodded. She snarled. “I will shoot you myself.” He nodded again. “You are going to stay away. She needs to unwind some more. And YOU need to relax a bit.” He shook his head, but Jirina was having none of it. “There will be no guys there at all, it’s a girl’s night. For Sara and for Shades. Which means no eavesdropping or I will shoot you. Clear?” Cyare sighed.


“She got plastered the other night I thought that would do it, but…” Jirina shook her head.


“She wanted to, didn’t she?” He nodded. “Weasel…” Her voice held resignation. Now Cyare’s voice was fierce.


“She was stressed and drunk as a Correllian skunk. If I had taken advantage, what would you have done?” Jirina snorted.


“Danced a jig. I am her chaperone tonight since I can’t drink until the baby comes. Won’t be soon enough.” Cyare embraced his older sister and then shook his head.


“Take care of her, Jirina, I…” Jirina nodded.


“I will, Weasel, but remember what I said. Don’t wait too long, or she might get the impression you don’t want her.” Cyare nodded, and they walked back towards Shades’ house in silence.

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Amie was quick to pull off the grease smeared flight suit she wore. It she was going to be social she should at least be clean. She reminded herself of that as she scrubbed her face and hands in the refresher before dashing to a locker for a clean shirt and pants.


She was just pulling the shirt over her head when she spotted it sitting on the bed. A full set of armor, complete with a helmet.


Shades frowned as she stepped over to inspect it. She certainly hadn't put it there and after hanging around mandalorians she was pretty sure it wasn't any of their's. It was made of durasteel and was lighter then the armor of most mandalorians. It looked to be mandalorian make though.


She picked up the helmet, studying the visor on it. It wasn't a T, but it did stretch far enough to give good peripheral vision. It made her think someone had been trying to make beskar'gam without actually making beskar'gam.


Creation the whole thing had to cost some credits. She might not have been around enough to know the quality of the craftsmanship but she knew the prices on used armor suits. This one looked brand new and was heavier then the light suits she had worn. Adding in the helmet...it had to be at least four figures in credits.


What in the blasted galaxy was it doing sitting in her bedroom?


She looked for a note or a package, something to tell her where it was from or who put it here. Maybe it was a gift for someone else and the delivery folks got the wrong house?


She was forced to concede defeat in finding clues this way. It made her suspicious as she tucked the helmet under her arm to go ask Cyare and Jirina if they knew anything.


She opened the door and gave them both a look stating she was unamused as she presented the helmet to them. "So which of you is gonna tell me where this and the rest came from?"


Cyare stopped where he was. "What?"


Jirina tilted her head to the side. "Something wrong, Shades?"


Shades frowned some then. "Well...aside from a full suit of armor popping into existence in my house complete with helmet...no."


Jirina blinked and looked at Cyare, an odd look on her face, but Cyare shrugged. "I don't know anything about that. Does it fit?" His voice was teasing.


"I didn't try it on," Shades confessed. "I mean...it could be here by mistake after all."


Jirina snorted. "A full set of armor appears in your house, by accident? Try it on. You never did get that other set fixed did you?"


Cyare looked from Jirina to Shades. He shook his head. "You do need a new set. Someone must have anticipated you."


"No...Ratchet pitched it before I could try. Likely could have salvaged it for a lighter set." The kiffar looked a bit nervous, "And uh...I'm not sure I should wear this. I mean I don't think I'll get shot for it but it kinda looks like beskar'gam...except not."


Both Jirina and Cyare snorted in unison. Jirina smiled. "No one will say its beskargam, not anyone who knows anyway. but... Let me see that..." She held out a hand for the helmet.


Shades let the pregnant lady take it. "Just like to check you know? I'd rather like to know if I'm insulting folks or stepping on toes."


At that Cyare laughed. "If you are not insulting people, you are not breathing..." He grunted as Jirina elbowed him in a soft spot.


Jirina took the helmet and looked it over professionally. She nodded. "This will work for you, and I think it's your size. If there was no note, whoever sent it wanted to be anonymous. So there will be no obligations involved."


"Well at least I know I'm not unknowing agreeing to a date or something here now," Shades scowled. "Still feels like a hand out..."


Cyare sighed as Jirina handed the helmet back. He spoke just a hint sharply. "Yeah, like no one EVER rewards a job well done with anything more than a harder job?" He threw his hands up in exasperation and walked away, obviously muttering under his breath.


Jirina stared after him and then sighed and turned back to Shades. "You might want to wear it. After all, I know Sara won't shoot ME..."


"Yeah..." Shades stated looking at Cyare a moment before retreating back into the house. She got the distinct impression he was aggravated with her and it made her


Jirina followed Shades into the house. "You need some help with the armor? Sara is 'distracted' at the moment, and the others are already at her place, making it messy."


"Sure...can't hurt," the black haired woman stated as she walked into her bedroom where the armor was laid out. "...He's mad at me now isn't he?" she asked as she put the helmet down and grabbed the body stocking.


Jirina laughed,a merry sound. "No, if he was mad, you would know. There would be no question whatsoever. He is just...well...you do get on people's nerves. Tell me you don't. Even Weasel isn't perfect. Lets get you set up." Jirina smiled as she looked over the armor. "And this isn't charity. You need it, so its a business expense. One you have worked your tail off for."


"Never thought of it like that," Shades commented picking up the chest plate with a sigh. "I'm far to use to price tags it seems..."


Jirina sighed as she took the chest piece from Shades to help her into. "I can understand that. Get into the bodystocking first. Let me see that... I think I can... Hmmm..." She looked it over and smiled. "Yeah, this set will fit you nicely."


Shades simply nodded and headed into the refresher to change, though she left the door open a bit so Jirina could hear her. "So do I need to bring anything with me here aside from shiny new armor and my aggravating personality?"


Jirina shook her head as she worked on the armor. "Nope. Just you. This isn't really a birthday party, more an unwinding. Word of warning however. Sara doesn't drink, or didn't before..." Jirina corrected herself. "And she shouldn't, with all the mess her body is at the moment, And I shouldn't drink either. but the others... Well, Rina is going to be there and she always has her drinks with her."


Shades grinned a bit remembering the one time she dealt with a drunken Rina...or more accurately, the mess Rina had left behind at Maria's. "I'll make a note of that."


Jirina nodded. "we will try and keep her under control, because she is expecting too now. but she just will not cut back. Says it makes her tough. Di'kut..."


Shades frowned at that. "Nothing folks can do about that?"


Jirina shrugged. "Her life, her kid. If T'ad won't stop her, its none of our business. Although Maria had an evil gleam in her eye earlier when she was talking about it. As of life for certain people was about to get more interesting"


Shades chuckled as she stepped out of the refresher. "I just bet. I wouldn't want to be in Rina's boots."


Jirina nodded. "Here..." She held out the chestplate, ready for Shades to climb into it.


Shades squirmed into the chestpiece easily. "Think this fits better then what T'ad gave me. Creation this had to be expensive.." she muttered as she reached down and adjusted the pendent around her neck.


Jirina shrugged again as she helped Shades tighten straps, and adjusted the fit a bit. "You pay for quality, or you don't get it. And take it up with whoever gave it to you. If you ever find them." Jirina smiled a bit. "Whoever it was probably just thought you needed some. Only so many ways to reach down a maalraas throat after all."


Shades laughed at that. "Hey I just granted it's wish to gnaw on a piece of me."


Jirina laughed with Shades and then helped her get the arm pieces on. "Yep, that you did. Cyare was impressed and he is hard to impress."


"And here I wasn't trying to impress...actually I don't think I've ever tried doing things to impress people," Shades commented as she checked herself over. "Do I pass inspection Sergent Preggers?"


Jirina laughed again, then looked Shades over. She shook her head. "You are missing something." She handed the Kiffar the helmet. "Not that you are likely to need it tonight.”


Shades eyed the helmet a moment. "I might not be using it tonight, but it's missing something." She grinned a bit and dug into a storage closet, pulling out the red paint she and Cyare had used during their campaign against the pranksters. She grabbed a brush and painted on it before setting it on the table. "There. Should be dry by the time I wear it here," she said with a grin. A copy of the tattoo on her face now on the helmet.


Jirina smiled. "Personalizing your armor. We will make a Mando of you yet."


Shades raised a brow at that. "I was thinking it as more a pride thing myself. Then again I don't know how the marks you all wear on your armor work. I just know my kind's," she said pointing at her tattoo.


Jirina nodded. "Everyone had their own marks. Cyare, well, he doesn't mark his armor. The others, well, wait till you see what some of them put on theirs."


Shades lead the way outside and looked curious. "So it's not something you all do or the like? Just all personal preference?"


The female Mando nodded. "Yep, we have some markings that we have to have ID and such, others, well, we do what we want."


"Huh, suppose it's not to different then us. Our markings basically tell our mother's clan while the last name tells our father's."


Jirina nodded. "Makes sense. We use tattoos for much the same thing, just generally not on the face. And our names say the same, once you know how to decipher them that is." She grinned.


Shades seemed to ponder this. "It does kinda get confusing with all of you being Ordos."


Jirina nodded. "Well, technically, we are,and we are not. It's... complicated. And it gets worse when you have people like Maria and her brood."


"I can see how that would be," Shades said with a nod. "Makes me glad my kind don't do that. Not that we don't like new people though."


Jirina sighed. "Yeah, we... Well, We needed the new blood. We got a bit too close when we were stuck out here alone."


"Likely doesn't help that new people are likely hard to come by. All those rumors and such just paint you guys badly,” the blue eyed kiffar pointed out. "Not that I can talk."


Jirina smiled,a bit sadly. "We all have our duties, don't we?"


"True," Shades said looking sad herself. "Bah, we're gonna get depressed here when we should be mentally prepping for fun."


Jirina clapped Shades on the shoulder. "Yep, lets go have some fun."



((Posted by Setie))

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Jirina led Shades toward Sara's house with a smile on her face. "This is going to be good."


"If we all survive the first few minutes without Sara shooting us anyways," Shades pointed out. She wiggled a bit suddenly as she walked, as if testing out the armor to see if anything was going to shift and be someplace it shouldn't.


"Its normal." Jirina smirked. "Just walk naturally, it will settle. And stay behind cover until she realizes no one is going to shoot at her."


Shades scoffed. "And pray she's out of grenades."


"Come on." Jirina laughed. "Quitcha worrying. She doesn't carry many of those around with her when she is here. Ah, here we are..." She led the way to the door of Sara's house and smiled as she pointed beside the door. The telltale signs of command detonated mines were barely visible beside it. "The others are here already, they have disarmed her traps."


Shades grinned a bit at the mines. "Interesting..." One could almost see her mind going off and experience stated one should move her or she would be out there all night.


"Shades..." Jirina snorted. "You and your explosives... Come on..." She gave Shades a somewhat gentle push as the door opened and a number of forms in Mando armor were seen inside. "Hello all. Look who I brought!" All of the forms in armor, females from the looks of it, stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Jirina and Shades. Two red heads, a brunette, three blondes and one girl had black hair. Jirina made introductions. "You have met Rina I think..." Rina smiled and went back to what she was doing, which looked like using a device to blow up balloons.


"Way to throw me in the search light Jirina..." Shades muttered under her breath before give a nervous smile and a small wave.


Jirina whispered back at Shades. "Only way to learn girlie, deal with it."


"Yes I have met Rina and I know to not let her mix the drinks," Shades said with a grin


An amused laugh spread around the room and Rina scowled but then smiled to show no harm done. Jirina continued. "Illiana you have met I think, Ciara, Siana, Helen, Kora, Brianna, and last but certainly not least... Dawnie." This last was a Rodian female who gave Shades an appraising look before returning to her work, which looked almost as if she were mixing explosives...


Jirina smiled as she started into the room. "Any problems?" Several heads shook and she smiled wider. "This is going to be good."


Shades looked about then. "Anything I can help with?:


Jirina looked around and nodded towards the Rodian who looked from Jirina to Shades and shrugged. The Rodain spoke Basic oddly, but it was intelligible. "We want to make noise, make smoke, no make anything fall over. Sara get mad if happen." The Rodian shuddered dramatically.


Jirina laughed. "Dawnie is our resident chemical wizard. If it can go boom, she can make it. If it can't go boom, she can make it go boom."


Shades laughed a bit at that. "Sounds like another rodian I knew. What do we got?" she asked looking at the chemicals as she settled next to Dawnie like she'd done this a million times with the alien.


Dawnie showed the layout she was working with. "Smoke, no fire, no boom. Pretty colors? Sara like. Need three sets. Noisemakers for later over there." She waved towards a pile nearby. "You know explosives." It wasn't a question. "noise only, no shrapnel, no fire. Need more."


Jirina laughed from where she was working on something. "Yeah, Sara would get a bit annoyed if we burned her house down."


"Smokebombs...I use to have to buy them as a kid. Loved freaking out my teachers in school that there was a fire to get out of class."


Dawnie laughed. "Me see you do that. Me do. One hour. Enough make plenty for big party."


Shades grinned a bit and started mixing. She shared a few other tales from her school days with folks and even a couple from her mercenary days. Jirina and the others were good company and this was a good thing. She had to keep telling herself that. Sara wouldn’t really shoot anyone, would she?


For her part, jirina was exuberant. Shades was opening up, finally. Showing the true character of the person she was, not the hard bitten tough as nails, devil may care merc that she showed the galaxy. No, this was the real Amarath Shades, the one that Maria, Jirina, Cyare and Sara had caught glimpses of occasionally. And Jirina hoped to see more of it. She liked this version of Shades.


<An hour later>


Jirina stiffened in her hiding place as she heard voices outside the house. She put a finger to her lips and all of the other Mandos stiffened into immobility as well. Maria's voice was audible.


"You know no one would dare mess with your things, probably someone came by and didn't reset the traps. Come on, let’s eat."


A halfhearted protest was heard and then the door hissed open. Sara stood framed in the doorway and hit the light panel, but it had been gimmicked so it didn't work on the first try and Sara cursed, but then she entered the building. The lights came up at the command of one of the waiting Mandos and Jirina shouted "Surprise!" The other Mandos joined in with variations on the word in various languages.


Shades simply popped out and said surprise like Jirina and grinned. "Alright we haven't gotten shot yet...I think we're safe."


Sara stood frozen in complete dumfounded shock, the blaster in her hand lowered. "You..." She looked at Jirina who smirked and then at Shades. Then she turned to where her mother was entering the building. Her voice was amazed. "You set me up..."


"Yep." Maria came forward and gave her daughter a hug. "Happy birthday Sara. I will be back later. But there is some business I have to take care of. You all..." She waved a stern finger at the group of grinning Mandos. "Behave..." Then she was gone.


"Oh we'll behave..." Shades said with a mischievous grin. "Badly."


A laugh spread around the room And Sara shook her head as she holstered her blaster. "You are a dikut, Jirina. I could have shot you. And you Shades... You know better... But..." She grinned, a bit sad and forlorn. "Thanks..."


Jirina took the young girl in a rough embrace. "Oh, don't thank us yet, you haven't seen anything yet..."


“Yep. Besides, why do you think I stayed behind something while you came in," Shades said with a snort. "Personally I'm surprised I was allowed to come at all since I'm sure the thought of you shooting us occurred to the blue mountain otherwise known as Cyare here."


"Well..." Sara smiled. "That is why Jirina was the one to speak first. I wouldn't kill her. Wound maybe..." She shuddered for dramatic effect as Jirina hugged her again.


Jirina sighed and then gave Sara's nose a playful tweak that had the girl squealing. "No you wouldn't and now, come on, time to eat..."

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<Two hours later>


The meal, by Mando standards anyway, was fairly bland. But since Sara was still sick, Jirina and two of the others were expecting and Shades didn't have the cast iron stomach of a Mando, the meal was less spicy than normal. But it was still good. Mandos wouldn't put up with slop to eat after all. Cooks who didn't perform, well... they generally didn't last very long. Sara smiled as she finished her second helping. and looked around. She barely recognized the room. The smoke was nice, but the streamers were vivid. All wild colors, but instead of creating upset, they soothed her. She chalked that up to being messed up in the head. She looked to where Shades was chatting with Dawnie and shook her head slowly. Now that she wouldn’t have expected. Dawnie was so introverted as to be a total clam most of the time. But this was fun. Yes it was.


She smiled as Brianna cleared the dishes. Sara had tried to help with things and been brusquely told not to move from her seat and truth be told, she didn’t have the energy. The gifts were nice, and being Mandos, were not frippery or pretty, but functional things. She lay back on the couch and sighed, but then she tensed as Rina spoke to Shades. The girl had hit the sauce early as always.


“So… Shades… What is Cyare like in bed?”


Shades choked on her drink and barely managed to keep from spraying it out her mouth as she turned red. "Sorry?"


Everything seemed to stop in the room as Rina's words flew. Sara froze solid. And Jirina... Her face was a mask, and her fingers twitched as if she contemplated holding a gun. But Rina spoke again. "Come on, girl. You playing hard to get? Good for you, but... What a catch that one would be. Meow..."


Shades frowned some. "I'm sure he is...when he wants to get caught. Except I'm not playing hard to get here Rina."


A couple of the other girls nodded, but all of them looked puzzled. Rina spoek slowly, and her words were slurring a bit now. But there was no mistaking the incredulity. "When he wants to get caught? By Mand'lore girl, ain't you seen the way he looks at you? If my man looked at me that way... Oooo... I would jump him right then and there..." Both Sara and Jirina exchanged a worried glance. Then they both looked at Shades.


Shades's face was still very red and her eyes flicked a moment as if thinking. "Well...I er...not everyone likes getting jumped...tempting as it is."


Rina stared at her, and then her face turned red. "What? Uh... um...."


Jirina spoke slowly. "Maybe we should talk about something else?" But no one seemed to hear Jirina.


Shades sighed. "Besides, Cyare very much goes his own pace like anyone else here. However slow it is..." There was an odd not of impatience in her tone.


"Slow?" Rina's voice was dumbstruck. "Girl you could have him for the asking. Oh, if only T'ad would look at me like that... Oooo..." Her words cut off abruptly as another girl, clamped a hand over her mouth.


Ciara hissed at the woman she held immobile now. “Enough Rina, we are here to help Sara relax, not talk about anyone’s private lives.” But both Sara and Jirina were looking at Shades with appraising expressions.


Shades grinned a bit reminding herself of how loose tongues got when drunk. "It's alright. Small communities do that. Besides it's not like it hurts anything here. She can go on about how I should jump Cyare all she wants. You all know how stubborn the man is I'm sure. You've lived with him longer."


Finally, Sara nodded slowly. "I think... I think this may help. To talk about this. Here. No one here is an enemy. No one here will talk about ANYTHING that happens here." There was a distinct aura of threat to her words and all teh other Mandos nodded.


Shades grinned at Sara then. "Maybe you should get a datapad and take notes. Think I'll join you since the rest of them are such experts on jumping their men. They got the babies to prove it."


Jirina sighed and then moved her non-alcoholic drink and carried to with her. She sat down beside the Kiffar and spoke quietly. "What's wrong? You hide yourself as well as Sara herself does, but I can tell you are bothered by something. This is the place to talk. We all know about men. And man problems... And..." She filled Shades glass and handed it to her. “This is the night to get hammered, where no one else can hear.”


Sara nodded. "We will not judge you. Whatever you say. You are our friend. Or you wouldn't have come here. And was it YOUR idea to fill my refresher with balloons?"


Shades laughed, "Nah, that was Kora." The girl in question winced as Sara's glare slid to her, but then everyone laughed when Sara did. "And I'm not...bothered exactly. Just...impatient."


But then all of the girls looked at Shades and Jirina spoke for them all. "He is delaying?"


Shades rubbed the back of her neck in a nervous gesture. "I don't know. Do I look like a guy?" She glared then remembering her short hair and that she wasn't nearly as endowed as some of the women there. "No smart comments... I just mean I don't know how the male brain works...not mando males anyway and I'm pretty sure this particular one is just as...puzzling."


For once, none of teh girls made any smart comments. No one spoke for a moment, but Jirina finally broke the awkward silence. Her arms were around Shades now, offering gentle support. Her voice was kind. "Shades, none of us know how the male brain works. And its different for every different male. And he can be puzzling. So I am going to be blunt. Do you want him?"


Shades gave the blond mando a glare then. "Jirina, I know he's your brother and all. Even you have to admit though that he's prime A meat."


Jirina smiled and gave Shades a hug. "Oh yeah." A murmur of agreement went around the room. Jirina shook her head and leaned close. She whispered into Shades ear. "I am going to tell you a secret. He is scared. Of hurting you. Of failing you. Of not living up to what he thinks you deserve." Shades blinked as if confused as she tried to process this. Jirina held Shades full glass out to her. "Drink up. This is not fun for you. So, relax, just for tonight. Let tomorrow deal with tomorrow. For tonight, be yourself."


Rina chose that moment to let out a monstrous belch. "I know how to liven this bunch up..." She pulled a helmet up from the floor and it sloshed. "I bet I can drink more than all of you put together..."


Shades rolled her eyes. "No Rina. You're already slurring while the rest of us talk normally."


Rina snorted. "I can still drink YOU under the table."


Shades raised a brow at that and there was a glint in her eye. "Ok then. One condition though. I mix the drinks."


Sara laughed at that. "Good one!" No one sane let Rina mix her own drinks.


Rina nodded and put the sloshing helmet on the table beside her. She patted it fondly. "For later then."


Jirina shook her head. "I can't and Helen, Kona, you are both excused as well, so... we are the judges... Sara...?"


Sara smiled evilly and moved to sit near Rina nd Shades. "Start it up. I may not finish, but I find I need some relaxation tonight..."


"First things first. Water, to help with that whole dehydration deal. I'll get it." Jirina gave Shades a wink.


Shades was back in a few with big glasses of water. "I worked at a cantina once and the owner Thalo always told people if they were going to do heavy drinking to chug a big glass of water ahead of time," she explained setting one in front of Rina.


Rina nodded to the water and set out shot glasses. "Serve it up, I can drink anything you throw at me." A couple of the other Mandos looked at her and then looked away. Jirina though, had a secretive smile on her face.


Shades gave Rina a smile then and lifted her water glass in salute. "To your health there Rina," she said before chugging her water. "Now then...what booze do we have here..." Shades picked up bottles, inspecting them and asking about a few she didn't know. Taking her time in matters.


"Alright, everyone find a seat. Rina I vote me and you get the couch."


Rina smiled as she chugged her water. And then she moved to where spaces had been vacated on the couch. Shade smirked as she watched Rina.


Rina sat downa nd was weaving as she did. Then she leaned back. "Bring it on, girl."


Shades eyes Sara then. "I know this is likely wasted breath but last chance to back out with your organs intact and your mother not hunting for us all for making you sick."


Sara snorted. "I am already sick... I want to relax..."


“Alright then. In honor of our young upstart here then...Fireballs for all," Shades stated as she started pouring into the small glasses. It wasn't hard to tell she'd done this before as she poured half the line with a bottle in each hand before tossing and catching them and continuing back with the bottles switched.


All of the Mandos, including Sara cheered as Shades performed. Rina would have grabbed her drink, but a glare from Jirina had the woman stop and wait. Sara picked up her glass and nodded to the others. Her voice was tart. "Whenever you are ready."


Shades smiled some then. "Alright who knows a good toast?"


Sara looked from Rina to Shades and there was something odd in her eyes. "I haven't been many places where they did toasts. You give us one, Shades."


"Man I gotta do everything here don't I?" Shades teased. "Alright I got one good one but then you guys gotta teach me some mandalorian ones or something." She took a breath then. "Here's to you, here's to me, forever friends we will be, and if you find we don't agree..." She tilted her head back, dumping the liquor down her throat and smacking the glass back down on the table. "Frack you! Here's to me!"


“Works for me!” Rina threw back her own shot, Sara and the others drank without flourishes. All four of them set the glasses down upside down as Rina set hers down. No one commented that Rina’s hand shook.


Sara looked around the table. "Again?" Rina nodded, but she looked out of it. The others looked at her and smiled.


Shades had an evil smirk on her face as she pulled out more bottles and started twirling them. "Knew I should have applied for being a cantina girl. Problem was I'd have to shoot half my customers when they got to wasted," she said with a laugh as she started pouring. "Alright something from my planet this time I think. You guys aren't likely to know many of our drinks but you got the basics so I believe I can manage. We call it Thunderstruck since we're all proud of our lightning farms." Though she grinned and was having fun the though made her think of her father for a moment. She grinned a bit as she picked up her glass, staring into it.


Sara smiled as she picked up her glass. "My turn to toast? I think I can come up with one."


"Sure thing," Shades said.


Sara thought for a moment, then smiled. She reached out with her glass to tap rims with Shades' glass. "I'm not above you." She tapped the bottom of her glass to the bottom of Shades'. "I'm not below you." She tapped the sides together now. "I'm right with you." Then she threw back the shot.


Shades grinned at the words. "I'll have to remember that one," she said before throwing back her own shot


The other mandos followed suit and Rina managed to get her shot in her mouth, but then, she fell over. Sara was on her feet, but a snore came from the woman on the couch. A muffled laugh came from around the circle as Sara checked Rina’s breathing. Sara smiled. "Nicely done, Shades." Sara wasn't sure what Shades had done, but if it kept Rina from making herself sick or hurting her kid, well, that was a good thing.


Shades gave an evil smile now not even looking at the woman. "Night night Rina. You can punch me in the morning," she said. Shades moved herself off the couch so Rina had plenty of room to rest.


Jirina smiled. "Remind me never to drink with you when I can. You cheat."


Shades snorted. "At the least not when in a delicate state. Now then," Shades said turning to the rest of the drinker with a smirk and a combative glare. "Who's next?"


Sara raised her hands in a warding gesture. "Two is my limit. Any more and this stupid med sensor goes off." She indicated the arm band on her arm with distaste. But the other two Mandos just grinned at Shades and indicated the glasses. This would be a long fun night. And Shades would enjoy every minute of it if they had anything at all to say about it.


((Posted by Setie))

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Shades knew the minute she was remotely conscious the next morning that she was going to regret every minute of opening her eyes that day. She hadn't yet but already she wanted someone to simply cut off her head and burn the rest of her to end her suffering. It hadn't been this bad even when she'd gotten drunk at Sara's after visiting her mother.


"Good morning, Shades." the quiet voice came from somewhere nearby. It was Helen from the night before. "How are you this morning?"


Th kiffar grunted, she didn't think she could get words out of her throat without other things coming out with them. She also kept her eyes closed, not looking forward to the stabbing that light would give them.


Helen's voice was compassionate. "Ah, like that. Well, you did drink more than any of the rest of us last night. Here..." Something cool wiped Shades' forehead and then laid on it. It felt like a cloth. Cool and damp. "I also have something for you to drink when you feel able to. it should help., It always works for my hangovers anyway."


Shades held out a hand for the drink. She'd force it down her own throat if it would help her feel remotely like she wasn't dying.


A glass found it's way to Shades' hand and Helen assisted Shades' holding it. "It has a straw. And it should work fairly quickly."


Shades nodded and found the straw, drinking slowly so as not to set her stomach off. “I might survive this," she muttered during a pause for breath. I smelled of herbs and tasted like blue milk. Slowly her stomach started to settle.


Helen laughed. "You sure tried hard enough to drown yourself last night. Wow, girl. That is all I can say. You drank more than everyone else. As bad as you feel, I bet the Kora and Brianna are feeling worse."


Shades grinned a bit, "True...and no cures for bruised pride." She was certain she remembered both the mando women passing out drunk before she did.


Helen laughed again, "Ok, finish it all, and you should feel better quick."


Shades nodded and drank down the rest. "I think I have a pulse now," she said as she risked cracking open her flesh and blood eye. She hissed some and clamped a hand over it. "I'm suddenly glad one is artificial..."


"Take it slow." Helen cautioned. "You had a lot more than one persons share last night." Her voice was rueful when she spoke again. "And I thought I could drink. But there is no way I could polish off twelve shots without passing out like you did."


"Trust me you feel every one of them the next day," Shades said giving a miserable groan. "Pain killers?"


A hand patted Shades' free hand. "Mixed in with the drink, you should be feeling the kick in soon. And your stomach should be settling."


"Thank Creation," Shades stated laying back down. "Think I might just stay in this bed all day long anyway."


Helen snorted. "Well, I am here until you are mobile. But you are scheduled to work today. Unless you want me to call Maria and tell her you are unwell. Which you are."


"Aw flaming hutt poodoo...I bet I'm running late," Shades growled to herself sitting up again and taking her hand from her eyes. Blue eyes squinting as she looked about. "Uh...How did I get home by the way?"


Helen blocked her from getting up. "Maria came by about an hour ago. She said something about overtime and working late. She also said something about Sara sleeping the night through for the very first time here. Oh and... Well, Cyare carried you back. You were out. WAY out."


Shades was about to stand up when she realized she was out of her clothes, just as Helen told her Cyare had carried her back. She could feel her face flushing thinking of him pulling clothes off her. "Er... are you sure on that one? Not that you're lying or anything, just trying to remember and I remember it was an only girls party."


Helen shook her head. "Like he is going to let anyone else do it? Jirina called him when you keeled over. We didn't have any booze, remember? We are both expecting." Helen sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed. "Did you have fun?"


"I do remember that," Shades said before grinning a bit. “And yes I had fun. Though I'm sure I'll kick myself for it once I find out what stupid thing I did while sloshed."


Helen smiled. "You needed it. You needed to let yourself go for once. As Sara said last night: Anything said there, stays there. No one will repeat anything that was said. Would YOU cross Sara?"


"No thanks, I like not being on fire," Shades stated as she looked about for an oversized tunic she habitually wore to sleep.


Helen smiled as she indicated a pile of clean clothes on a chair. "Cyare is nothing if not thorough. what you were wearing is likely in the dryer by now. You going to be okay?"


Shades nodded, "Hardly the first time I drunk myself stupid. Though I think this is the worst time. I'll be fine. Survived worse after all."


Helen looked at her curiously. "Why?" She asked quietly. "What makes this time worse?"


Shades wrapped the blanket around her as she got up, fully intending to get moving with her day, no matter how painful. "Normally I'm smart enough to do it when I don't have work the next day."


Helen sighed. "Maria won't mind you taking a day for yourself. But you have to keep busy don't you? You have to keep occupied." For a moment, Helen was staring not at Shades, but at something that only she could see. "Or it gets... bad..." The mando woman's voice was quiet.


"Ma always said I was never one to collect dust," Shades stated as she tested her mobility. "I believe I'm ok."


Helen nodded. "If you ever want to talk, feel free. But you might want to put some clothes on before going out, or people might get the wrong idea."


Shades chuckled at that. "I was thinking refresher first so I don't smell like a hutt. Folks might appreciate that as well."


Helen snorted. "Your breakfast should be ready by the time you get out."


"You are a life saver," the kiffar stated.


Helen grinned. "Sometimes..." She moved towards the food area, leaving Shades to do whatever she needed to do.


Shades was quick to clean up and get her clothes on. While she knew Maria wouldn't be angry about her being late or anything habit had her moving fast. Besides, going in for just a half day or something would be fine. Then she'd likely come home for a quiet night. It would do her good to recharge her own battery after last night.


Helen was waiting when Shades got out of the refresher. "I have my orders, from Maria no less. You are to eat before you go to work." She indicated the large breakfast that lay on the table.


"Far be it for me to argue," Shades stated sitting. "Though I'm not sure I can eat all of this."


Helen shook her head. "I was waiting for you. It's polite not to be eating before another is." She sat nearby and started on part of the food.


"Would be rude to eat on my own with a guest here too," Shades pointed out with a smile.


Helen nodded, but her mouth was full so she swallowed before replying. "You okay now? You... Um..." She broke off, unsure.


Shades raised a brow as she took a bite. "What? I still look like something that died?"


Helen smiled and shook her head. "No. You look a lot better. But you...Well... That is... You drank more than you probably thought. And you said a whole bunch of things you probably didn't mean to."She waved quickly. "No one will repeat any of them, but... we are worried... about you."


Shades cringed thinking of all the possible things she had spouted, "Well I had to make an idiot of myself somehow. What all did I say?"


Helen sighed. "That's just it. You didn't. But you need to talk to Cyare as soon as possible. Today."


Shades groaned then and held her head in her hands. "Oh that can't be good... Lay it on me then what am I apologizing for?"


"It's okay." Helen shook her head. "Nothing, look, just talk to him. You didn't do anything, or say anything. And that is the problem. You need to talk to him."


Shades rubbed her temple then in confusion. "Oh...kay... If I didn't say or do anything though what am I talking to him about?"


"Nothing..." Helen shook her head. "Just... talk to him..." She finished her meal, stood up and walked towards the door.


Shades blinked after Helen and finally just set her head on the table. "That's it...I'm never touching alcohol again..."


((posted by Setie))

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The door opened a moment later and Cyare stepped in. His posture and voice were both worried as he walked over to her. "Amie...?"


Shades jerked her head up, blinking up at him from her seat. "Uh, hey Cyare," she said suddenly nervous and very much unsure of her footing with him now.


Cyare looked at her and relaxed just a bit as he inspected. "You look a lot better."


"I'm sure. I'm told you got me home last night. I probably was a mess there for you."


Cyare nodded. "Yeah, but you survived. And you look, I don't know... a little happier."


"Really?" Amie asked as she patted at her hair. "Never thought I looked particularly miserable all the time."


Cyare looked at her and even through the helmet he radiated disbelief. "I will be outside." He turned to go.


"Wait," Shades said, standing up even as she cringed. Had she said something wrong again? Sure she hadn't been exactly happy before but she had moments where she was content enough.


Cyare stopped and turned back. "Yes?"


"Er...thank you for...taking care of me," she said. Filling in the space as well as she could while she tried to think. Helen had said to talk to him but she had no idea about what. "I mean...that's twice I'm been...er inebriated so bad and..." Creation she was babbling.


Cyare looked at her and then, removed his helmet to show the smile underneath. "It's okay, Amie. It's why I am here, right?"


"Er...right," Amie stated rubbing the back of her neck nervously. Trying to be delicate about the situation wasn't helping her here. She simply was not one for talking or sugar coating things. Well at least mandalorians were suppose to be blunt. "So...Helene said I needed to talk to you but she wouldn't say what I did last night."


Cyare growled at that. "Helen's being a nosy neighbor again, I see... Other than throwing up a few times you didn't do anything last night. Considering how much she said you drank I was amazed you didn't throw up any more. You DID get it all over my nice clean boots though, so I guess that would count as a bad thing." He smiled to take the sting out of his words.


"That would do it I suppose," Amie said thinking. She couldn't think of what else, at least not without trying to move Cyare on the matter or trying to get someone else to tell her. "Maybe she thought you would be upset or something. Either way, I'll clean the boots if you want."


She started picking up dishes then thinking. For some reason the explanation did sit well to the black haired woman's mind. Maybe it was because Helen had the same expression on her face as she had last night when Rina started trying to pry into her life. Which reminded her...


"Before I forget and so you know. I owe Rina one punch to my head."


"Say what?" The blond man looked at her with confusion and a bit like he thought she had gone made. It made her laugh that she had actually managed to dumbfound Cyare.


Shades chuckled as she put dishes in the wash. "You know how she is with drinking and her...condition right now?"


Cyare gave a long suffering sigh then. "Yeah... I do... And T'ad just will not control her... Maker knows he worships the ground she walks on, but still..."


"Well she's the one that started the whole drinking contest deal. I wasn't about to let her drink herself stupid though...so I drugged her,” she reported with mischief dancing in her eyes.


The blue mandalorian stared at Shades and then, without warning, he laughed. "You... You didn't...? oh... Amie...." His laughter continued.


Shades gave a wicked little grin. "Like I said. She gets one punch at my head," she said again as she headed for the door. Dishes set to clean while she was at work. Her mind already shifting around projects to get the most important and needed ones done first.


Cyare shook his head, still laughing as he started to follow. "You are just too perfect. I love every bit of you."


Amie froze in place for a moment. Had he just...said he loved her? She had to remind herself to take a breath before looking at Cyare. Her lungs didn't seem to want to work right. "Did...you..." she swore she had heard him right but at the same time she wasn't sure at all. What if she was taking things to seriously or something?


Cyare froze as well, his face stiff. "Um..." he slumped. "I don't mean to be... Forward or anything... I... I should go..." He turned towards the door, but as he did, she caught a glance at his face as it changed to a mask of sadness.


She bolted to the door, just managing to reach it in front of him and block the way out. She opened her mouth but couldn't seem to get anything to come out of it as she tried to think of something to say that didn't make her sound like an idiot. She couldn't think of anything to say at all but she could see that he was retreating. She was quite tired of that and wasn't letting him get away with it. Not this time. Creation she could barely believe she was seeing him retreat at all.


“By Manda'lore girl ain't you seen the way he looks at you?”


“For what its worth, I think he is just as confused as you are.”


“He's scared. Of hurting you. Of failing you. Of not living up to what he thinks you deserve."


She had not really seen what they meant till right then.


Cyare couldn't seem to meet her eyes, keeping his head down. He seemed to check his armor and guns though both were secure and impeccable as always. He was nervous, it was there in the jerky movements. When had she ever seen him nervous? Even when telling her about his mother and father. He stood for hours on end like a statue at times after all. "Shades, Amie... I..."


Amie reached out, making him look up as she cupped his face in her hands. "Cyare you never have had a reason to hang your head with me. So please don't."


Cyare met her eyes and was lost. He knew this was a bad idea. he knew this was wrong. A bodyguard didn't feel this way for a protectee. But he didn't care. "Amie... I... Please..." He didn't know what he was asking or why.


Amie gave a lopsided grin then and an evil little glint in her eye. "Cyare...shut up and kiss me."


((Posted by Setie))

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<A couple of hours later>


Maria paused at the door to Shades' house. The fact that that Shades wasn't at work and Cyare wasn't at the door pointed to one thing. And she was pretty sure she knew what it was. But she had to be sure. It wouldn't be the first time Shades had simply keeled over from stress or exhaustion. The door was locked of course, but the lock hadn't been made that Maria couldn't make sit up and beg when she wished and it clicked open with only a few moments worth of work. She stepped in and stopped.


She looked around and a low whistle escaped her lips as she saw the scene. Two pairs of boots lay lay near the door as if they had been tossed. A gunbelt was sitting on a chair mixed with enough other firepower for a platoon. Bits of Mandalorian armor lay lying about mixed with other clothes. And then she grinned widely as she saw the telltale sign of a Mandalorian's bodystocking thrown to hang on a closet door. She tiptoed towards the bedroom and had to smile as she saw two pairs of bare feet sticking out from under a sheet. She sighed and then she cleared her throat, loudly. The sheet twitched and then it moved so that Cyare's face became visible. He stared at her.


“Uh... Hi Maria..." His face was a study. Worry, embarrassment, and something she hadn't seen on his face before. Something deep and wide. Contentment maybe? She smiled at him.


There was a stream of huttese curses as the top of a black haired head and a pair of blue eyes glared over the edge of the sheet. One could just see the tops of bright red cheeks as the eyes narrowed. "You know doors get locked for all kinds of reasons but all of them are easily summed up in the phrase 'Do not disturb'."


Maria laughed softly, but then she sighed. "I had to be sure neither of you had died. I would tell you to behave, but you wouldn't anyway, and that’s a good thing, so... Cyare..." He stared at her and she grinned. "You and Shades have the day off. Enjoy." Then she was gone.


Shades snorted, "Blasted nosy grandma with guns..."


Cyare stared after her for a moment, and then looked at Shades, a disbelieving smile on his face. "Yes she is, and do you blame her? She worries about you.”


Shades grinned a bit as she tucked her head under Cyare's chin. Where it had been before Maria had checked on them. "I know. Times I wish she'd been my Ma instead of the hag."


Cyare stroked the black hair gently. "You can't choose your birth family, Amie. Although I like to think you have chosen us. And be glad it was Maria and not Jirina... I shudder to think what my vod would have said..."


"She likely would have known better then to cross the threshold. Probably yell from the door. "Have fun now weasel!"." Shades stated in a comical tone. "Why does she call you that anyways?"


Cyare slumped, but then sighed. "Well, I guess you have the right to know... I um... well... I borrowed a neighbor's pet once. I planned to give it back, eventually. It was a Ithorian weasel." He blushed. "Of all the places I could have hidden it; the inside of my armor while I was wearing it probably wasn't a great idea..."


Shade giggled then. "I bet not. Scratched and bit like mad?"


Cyare sighed. "Yeah... I um... Well, it wouldn't have been so bad if my dad hadn't wanted me to go hunting with him right then... I couldn't say no, now could I?"


Shades smiled a bit reminiscing. "Well we all do stupid things when we're young. Some more than others."


Cyare smiled sadly. "It wouldn't have been that bad except I collapsed halfway through the hunt. And when they brought me back to the clinic and popped my armor, guess what came flying out?"


Shades smiled evilly. "Pop goes the weasel eh?"


Cyare sighed. "Yep. At least it didn't kill me. And while most everyone else has forgotten about that, Jirina seems bound and determined to remind me every time she sees me." Shades wiggled her brows a bit and Cyare looked at her. His voice was quiet. "What?" Shades simply smirked to herself. Cyare shook his head. "Don't go there... please..."


Shades smirked wider and Cyare gave her an old fashioned look. "Our minds work too well together. Both in the same gutter." He grinned and tickled her a little. Shades jerked with a squeak and glared before sticking her tongue out. Cyare smiled widely. "What have I told you about sticking that out at me?"


Shades rose a brow at that. "Hmmm...endless possibilities here now," she said studying him. "Don't know where to begin." Her attention was distracted by the writing on his arm then and she remembered seeing it when he'd been in the bacta tank. She shifted some to get a better look at it all now. "Is this in Mando’a?" Her pronunciation was perfect.


Cyare smiled and nodded. He held his hand up where Shades could see the lettering. "Yes. It says. Mando'ad Draar Digu. It means 'A Mandalorian never forgets'." He smiled at her and touched her cheek gently. "And some things... Some things, I really don't want to. I had no idea Amie... I had no idea this was your first time. I am so stupid sometimes..."


Shades glared a bit even as she turned red. "You are not stupid. Not like I was advertising the fact here. I'm certainly not complaining about it here.”


Cyare smiled. “I am glad and you do know what they say. ‘Practice makes perfect’. You up for some more? Practice that is.”


Shades chuckled at that. "Well I'll get to do that licking you're wanting then..." Cyare smiled and pulled the girl… No, no she was a woman now… close. He would make the most of this free day. Waiting was over and he could enjoy… everything.


<The next morning>


Cyare lay back and just looked at the treasure laid out beside him. She was perfect in so many ways. No lickspittle or lapdog, no, this woman was a firebrand. So brave and at the same time, so hurt. He hoped he had helped her, even if just a little. He sighed as he saw the chrono in the corner. Time waited for no being. He eased Amie's hands off of himself and slipped out of the bed carefully. He used the refresher quickly and was buckling his armor on as he exited it.


Shades grumbled a bit as she sat up and pulled the sheet up to cover herself. "Why does morning always have to come so early?"


Cyare grinned as he finished buckling on his armor. "Because then it wouldn't be morning. And we would complain that it came too late." He put a leer on his face as he looked her over. “So… Are the stories true?”


Shades blinked in confusion at the question before her sleep muddled mind kicked in. "Oh...well I don't really have anyone to compare here," she pointed out. "You'll have to forgive me for leaving it unanswered. Not really interested in going off planet and becoming a streetwalker here."


Cyare looked at Shades and there was a sad look on his face. "If... if you want to... well... compare.... I won't mind. And it won't change my feelings. No matter what."


Shades blinked with a surprised look and smiled then. It was a soft one that had never been on her face before. She bit her lip a minute and then scrambled over to him fiddling with the chain around her neck as she went. Cyare blinked as well, but let her come, admiring the view.


Shades walked up to him and met his eyes. "You know... Kiffar...we have a kinda gift system too. Not...quite the same as how you guys have it," she said as she took the chain from around her neck, the little blue gem seemed to dance on the end. She twisted the chain around her fingers nervously. "These are...given to those we care about as something of a promise to see them again."


Cyare froze solid. When he managed to speak, his voice was hushed. "Amie... That is an heirloom of your family... I couldn't take that from you..."


"You're not taking it; I'm giving it to you. It's what I'm supposed to do. I guess it's a Kiffar thing," she said looking crestfallen. "I'm sorry, I guess...I just..."


Cyare took her hands in his. "And this is a Mandalorian thing. Mine." He swept her into a hug. "If you want me to have it. I will take it. But I have nothing to give you right now except my love. I..." he broke off. "I am no good at mushy stuff..."


"It's OK, neither am I. Besides I seem to recall getting last night branded into my brain by you," Shades said with a laugh. "And you've been an ear when I needed one and a shoulder too. Even a punching bag when I needed one. I'd say you gave me plenty." She smiled then, still a bit unsure. "So...will you take it then?"


Cyare looked her in the eyes. "Yes." He took the loop from her hands and put it around his neck. He slipped the gem inside his armor and then, without warning, hoisted Shades into his arms and kissed her thoroughly. When he finally came up for air, his voice was husky. "I have waited far too long for this. I am not going to let you go."


Shades seem to light up when he said that. It was a good thing he was dressed or she likely would have left bruises with her fingers holding onto him so.


Cyare shook his head. "I have to go report in. I... Would you mind if I came over tonight? We could... practice. Some more." He grinned.


She was still smiling when she nodded before kissing him again. "I’ll be here."


Cyare smiled as he put his helmet on. And was he whistling as he walked out the door?

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If it was one place in the galaxy Shades had never thought to ever see her, it was right where she was that minute. She still had a hard time wrapping her brain around it if she tried to think. The whole matter really just defied logic to her.


Then again, as T'ad had said awhile back, when were any affairs of the heart simple or blunt?


Cyare laid on the bed beside her running a hand through her hair. "Amie... I have a question for you, if you don't mind."


Amie grinned a bit and gave a "Hmm" from her cozy little spot curled up next to him. "The whips and chains were a joke..."


Cyare laughed and gave her a tickle making her squeal like a girl. She couldn't remember a day in her life when she squealed. "Are you sure...?" He leered at her.


She gave him a look before sticking her tongue out and settling back in her spot. "Anyway, you were saying?"


Cyare sighed, tightening his arms as he set his chin on the top of her head. "Amie... Would you like to join my clan?"


Shades had to blink a moment before shifting so she could get a good look at the man. "You mean get adopted or whatever the word is you use."


Cyare nodded actually looking a bit nervous to her. He was still very hard to read but he was tense and his eyes just a bit shifty. "When we find someone we like. Someone we can use, someone who fits with us... We can adopt them. Someone like you." He smiled and gave her a hug. "Look at me getting all mushy..." He growled in mock dismay.


"Eh you can go do some chest pounding if it'll help you feel all manly again," she teased mercilessly before frowning in thought. "What about my problems with the Exchange and what about my Ma?"


Cyare sighed resuming that soothing petting of her hair. "About your Mom, I don't know. I do know we wouldn't just throw her out on the street like some clans would. We have some scruples. Not many mind you..." He grinned, but then his grin turned savage. "And if the Exchange wants to bother you again, well, we could just let the clan argue it with them. All of us."


Amie laughed and hugged him hard then. "I would pay money to see that. Seriously I would." She eased her hold on him some then still smiling. The thought of having others besides herself...


"I'd love to sign up," she said doing her best not to be stupid and cry when she felt happy.


She was sure the man was going to break a rib or two with how he hugged her. "I will tell the Elders. I know Maria will be ecstatic. There are things to learn, but... I would be happy to teach you. And you are already swearing like a Mando," he said.


"Jirina said I did that anyways, I just had to learn to do it in the language," Shades said with a smirk.


Cyare cringed dramatically. "Oh no... what have I done? The two of you...we are doomed!" His voice was teasing and he tweaked Shades nose gently.


"Nah, just you. Have to hide in your house," she replied. "Unless we wind up living together or however things work here."


Cyare looked amused by the comment. "Well, that is your choice. I don't know what kiffar do for long term relationships. We are kind of flexible about that. Actual marriages are rare among Mandalorians, most just chose to live with who they want. We can do whatever you want."


Shades perked up with an evil little grin then, "Whatever I want huh?"


Cyare held up hands in a warding gesture but his grin belied his words, "Within reason...I should know better than to make open ended statements around you by now..."


<The next morning>


Shades was a not a dancer by anyone's imagination. That did not however keep her from doing a slight jig the next morning as she walked to Maria's house. She was by herself, Cyare having gotten called away from some reason or another, but she was hardly in danger. Unless you counted the wildlife and that was what the carbine on her back was for.


She was in love. Wasn't that a miracle? The thought still caused a flash of nerves, apprehension, and outright fear in her. That kept the words in her head instead of saying them.


Then again, sure a mandalorian would understand that actions spoke louder then words. Hence her handing her pendent over to Cyare.


She'd explain it better soon enough she supposed. When she was official part of the clan. That way Cyare understood exactly what it all symbolised and such.


Kiffar didn't have marriage ceremonies like humans did, but that didn't mean they didn't have their own customs on long term relationships. She'd debated telling him about it last night but nerves had stopped her.


Maybe she'd tell him tonight, once she knew if the Elders were all happy about the thought of her joining up like Cyare said they would be.


For now she turned her brain back to what she was doing as Maria's house came into view. The tattooed girl looking down at the cybernetic limb Maria had given her over two months ago to figure out how to improve upon. It wasn't the actual one Maria had given her, which was the point of course. This one, while looking suspiciously the same was lighter, smaller, and had improved motor connectors. It had taken awhile but Shades had managed it, she couldn't wait to show it off.


“I think it’s a good day, Trava. For everyone,” she heard Maria state as she walked past one of the narrow slit of a window.


Shades pouted a bit, she'd have to come back later since Maria was talking to Trava. While she likely could have interrupted she was sure whatever chat Maria was having with the elder was likely more important then them squealing over her tech accomplishments.


Trava's voice was smug as it reached Shades's ears. “I was sure you had flipped, Maria. But then I saw her. I saw what she was and how she acted. Not many people could have done what she did, said what she did, or acted as she did. You were right. Amarath Shades is one tough cookie. She is Mandokarla.”


Shades wrinkled her nose and had to mentally run down her still somewhat limited mandalorian vocabulary to remember the meaning of mandokarla. She wasn't positive of the exact translation but it roughly meant something about having the right stuff.


Some might have said it was rude to eavesdrop but the way Shades saw it as she hunkered down under the window was that it was just as rude to talk about people who weren't present. Besides, old habits died hard with Shades.


Maria’s voice was satisfied and the kiffar could almost see the triumphant smile that would be hiding under her helmet. “Yeah, and now, Cyare is also happy. I had despaired of finding him a match.”


Shades frowned at that. A match for Cyare? Since when did anyone go manuevering the blue mando at anyone. She'd have to ask Maria about that. She didn't know about Cyare but Shades had been manipulated often enough to have a bad reaction to it; first by Ren, then by Zelkin. Giving a heads up that she heavily disliked it would likely prevent issues later.


She'd also have to explain in no uncertain terms that Cyare was not on the market to people.


Trava’s voice was rueful, “I only saw the potential of the match with that other girl. I had no idea the girl was so poisonous."


Shades had to think for a scowling minute before realizing Trava meant Ruusaan. While she wasn't entirely clear on how the whole dar'manda deal worked exactly it seemed that Ruusaan's name was not allowed to be spoken anymore. The fact that Trava had pushed the dead red head at Cyare though made Shades angry. Just because the woman effectively ran the clan didn't give her the right to go managing people's personal lives here.


The elder continued on then, "But it turned out well in the end. What a warrior Amarath Shades is. Give her some training and she could match anyone.”


“Don’t go there, Trava.” Maria warned caustically. “We need her as a tech, not blaster fodder.”


“Maria…” Trava’s voice was soft but clearly audible. “Fine. Do you think she would accept?”


Maria’s voice was sad. “I don’t think she has many other options. From what I heard about her mother… I don’t want to push this too hard. She has been hurt enough.”


Shades sent a glare up at the window. No options? Of course she had options. Yinran wouldn't keep up the search forever. It had been three months already after all. It was likely they thought her dead and had moved onto to whatever new problem they had. She hadn't been anything but a physical threat to the lot anyways. They'd just been livid over her costing them so much money. After three months of hunting and finding nothing on her it was likely they would decide to stop spending money on the hunt and just move on. It was the smart thing to do in business when something was not bearing fruit.


She could likely go find work. She just didn't want to. She actually liked it here and it was a stable income and she earned every credit. She didn't want charity and she didn't need it.


Trava snarled, “Maria, from what I heard, her mother is a stuck up harpy of a woman whose only redeeming quality is the recipes she can cook. She wouldn’t even make decent blaster fodder, being a cripple and all. I don’t understand what Sara sees in the witch. She goes after any of my people with a wooden spoon and I am shooting her.”


Shades ground her teeth together. No body talked about her Ma like that. Not in her hearing. She did however remember how Trava had wiped the floor with her the last time she'd tried punching the mando elder's teeth out. Even with Sara's lessons she highly doubted she could take the older woman.


She wondered if her carbine had a stunt setting.


Maria’s voice was stern now, “Trava… You know better than any what that woman has gone through. Don’t you DARE tell me you can’t feel for her pain.”


Trava sighed, “She is not our problem, Maria. Let her rot in the Enclave. Amarath Shades is important, her mother is not.” She laughed making said kiffar growl under the window. “So she spent the day and night with Cyare… I had despaired of those two actually hitting it off, but you say they actually seem to fit?”


Now Shades went white and she had sinking feeling in her gut. Her brain buzzing to connect the dots of the conversation. They couldn't have...could they?


Maria snorted, “I think you and I managed to throw a round peg into a round hole this time. Putting those two together was probably a stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. We need Amarath in the clan and Cyare was the one who was best suited for her. Pushing those two together was a good idea.”


Trava snorted right back, “Yep, both of them are the same kind of crazy.”


They had.


Those hutt spawned hags!


Oh she could just break both their skulls open right then! They could have just asked her about joining the clan themselves, instead they manipulated her into it. Added to that they insulted her Ma and dragged Cyare into their manipulations.


She hissed to herself as she snatched up the cybernetic arm she'd spend two month of blood and sweat into and spiked it on the ground. More delicate pieces snapping and flying as she stomped away, leaving it a broken heap in front of the house.


Maybe she'd fix it later, when she wasn't inclined to biting Maria and Trava's heads off. If she was around either of them right that minute she'd pull the carbine and shoot them. It was bad enough they had pulled strings on her like a puppet but to insult her mother and then do that to Cyare...


"Amie...?" The quiet voice was worried as Shades snapped her head up to see the very blue armored figure she was thinking of standing in front of her.


Cyare took one look at her and immidiately led her into an alleyway between two houses. Not private by a long shot, but not right out in public either. "Amie? What is wrong?"


Shades fumed for a minute more. It took two minutes to manage a cohesive word and even then it was bitten out. "Trava. Sneaky little manipulator. She take lessons from a jedi? Should have punched her when I had the chance..."


Cyare stiffened obviously not expecting that to be her reply. "The Elder? What?" He shook his head, his body language baffled, "Shades, Amie, what has happened? I told them you wanted to join, they were ecstatic."


"Of course they were! They planned the whole thing,” she snapped. “Dancing on the damn ceiling I bet.”


"What?" Cyare's vocie was dumbfounded."Amie... Oh Amie..." He slumped, his posture going dejected.


"I don't like being played the fool and I sure as sithspit ain't gonna be one for someone that considers my Ma less then cannon fodder," she looked at Cyare then. "They assigned you my guard hoping we'd get together you know that? What are we ten that we need them screening who we spend time with? I mean how insulting can you get?"


"Aw sithspit..." Cyare's voice held something. Resignation, worry, but no shock. No bafflement now. "Amie... I..."


Blue eyes blink in surprise a moment, thoughts shooting through faster then a repeater spat rounds. The first one simply being that Cyare wasn't angry. She'd learned a few small things of how to read him when he had his helmet on. When he got angry he got all relaxed and fiddled with his guns, like he wanted to shoot someone. He'd always been like that around Ruusaan for instance.


Why wasn't he as angry as she was?


Cyare seemed to pick up on her line of thinking and slowly started getting tense. "Amie... I didn't know."


Now those eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Helmet," Shades said in a flat tone.


Cyare slumped but then he removed his helmet as directed. He wouldn't meet her eyes. He only did that when he felt guilty or was scared of what someone would see in his face. "Amie... I didn't know. Maria said a few things, but I didn't think... I didn't know."


Shades simply stood there, disbelief slow crawling over her expression. "Cyare?" she said quietly as tears started forming. Logic at war with a heart that was losing ground.


"I didn't know what they were planning, Amie. I had suspicions." His own eyes were glistening as he met hers. "but I didn't know. I was ordered not to ask. I... Amie... Please..."


Now there was anger slowly building up. It was in the eyes that glared, the teeth that ground together, and the hands that clenched into fists. Worse though was the low hissing instead of the normal loud yelling Shades was somewhat known for. "Suspicions that you couldn't have opened your mouth and told me? Didn't think to ask them about? Just sat on them?" Ordered not to ask? Who the in their right mind gave such a stupid order? Worse who just blindly followed any order someone gave them? If he was ordered to shoot her in the head now would he do that?


Cyare shook his head. "Amie... You asked once about the punishment for disobeying orders. It's death. That didn't scare me, it never has. I didn't want to... to fail you."


"Fail me?" she spat out, her tone colder then a vacuum. "Or fail your clan?"


She crossed her arms then and gave that sneering grin that had been a favorite when she'd arrived. Her whole demeanor seeming to switch to uncaring instead of hurt though the combative anger stayed. "After all, it was your superiors that were effectively wanting you to do something, I believe that's an order, even an unspoken one. Just another job..." her voice cracked on the last word and tears started rolling then.


She was just a job, just someone he was ordered to take care of.


Cyare actually recoiled from her, "It wasn't... I didn't... I..."


The arms dropped as did the uncaring mask she had tried to pull up. It seemed so much harder not to care. She looked rather like someone had sucker punched her in the gut. "Just a job..." she said sounding pained. "You son of a..." the armored fist into the face cut off hearing for a moment but it wasn't hard to supply the last word.


Cyare just stood there. His head snapped back from the impact of her fist with his face but if it hurt at all, it was unapparent. "Amie... Shades, please, listen. Maybe it started that way, but it isn't..."


Shades shook her head, not interested in hearing any more. "How could you?" she said on a sob before stepping around him, intent on getting away. She felt dirty and ugly right then, that he... It was all...


Cyare stepped with her, not blocking the way, but following her. "I was trying to protect you."


Shades ignored him and kept going keeping her head down as she tried to hide tears and sobs. She'd been an idiot. One would think after living who she had that she would realize when people were playing her. Instead she'd walked right into the mess. Hadn't she told herself time and again how he couldn't have wanted her? That she was just a job to him?


She hated every single one of them right then for doing this to her. They'd ripped the armor right off her and left her exposed. Chipped it all away slowly so she didn't even realize it.


She hated herself more for not realizing, not fighting back, for being so stupid as to actually do what they wanted and fall flat on her face for the man.


She'd rather have relived the incident with the thermal detonator then deal with all this.


She didn't notice as Cyare slumped and stopped where he was. His face working until he put his helmet back on. Then he turned and walked away, towards Maria's house.


((Posted by Setie))

Edited by kalenath
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