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(L,F&E Interlude) The Taming of the Shades


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Shades didn't really understand things when all the mandos muttered about the helmet. Sure it wasn't exactly fair or an honorable deal but then again neither was a real fight. To be fair Shades had her mechanical arm still even if that really didn't do much to give her an edge.


Creation she wished she hadn't had plenty of time to stop and think about all this, doubt was never any fighter's friend. Now faced with a fully armored mandalorian on a battle field she was the rumored master of, Shades wanted nothing more then to bolt. Pride be damned she valued her life more.


Instead the kiffar clamped her teeth together. She'd been the idiot to step right into this mess, she could get her sheb out of it.


Shades knew there was trouble though when she stepped into the ring and a number of onlookers gave an angry shout. Ruusaan immediately charging and aiming to take Shades's head off. The kiffar had no idea who'd just done something bad and didn't understand all the words the mandalorians were muttering. It wasn't hard to figure out they were angry from the tone. She just hoped she hadn't done anything wrong as she ducked under Ruusaan's fist.


To Shades's mind it wasn't running as she got past the red head and danced about in the sand playing keep away. Running would have been bolting from the fight entirely. Right now Shades figured a tactical avoidance of fighting while she tried to figure out how the heck to get out of this with her brain cells intact was called for.


"Stand and fight coward!" Ruusaan spun on one leg and was suddenly airborne, swinging her legs to trip Shades as she landed near the girl.


The black haired tech barely managed to reverse her momentum in time. "Frak," she yelped as she took a step back. She glanced down quickly checking where the grass line was that marked the edge of the sand ring.


Ruusaan though was prepared for that and caught Shades in the side with another punch. The kiffar's armor was serviceable enough to keep her from broken bones but the blow was still strong enough to knock the air out of her lungs and slow her.


Ruusaan did something. It was almost as if she used the impact as a lever but suddenly she was in front of Shades again and her fists swung for the kiffar's face.


Shades could only brace herself some and hope her skull was as hard as her Ma always said. She was amazed she didn't feel her teeth flying. As it was her lip split painfully and another hit caused her nose to erupt before she toppled to the ground. Her head was spinning from the blows as she spat into the dirt and tried to collect her scrambled wits.


Ruusaan crowed with triumph as she spun her legs to hit a perfectly available target, the backs of Shade's knees. The one eyed girl could only clench her teeth against a yowl of pain. It would likely only encourage the armored red head.


Blasted mandalorian armor kept Shades from getting any good hits really on Ruusaan. If she could only get the woman to take some off and present a target, particularly the helmet. The head was always a good target. She blinked down then at the bloody mess of muck from the mix of sand and her blood.


Ruusaan chortled, "Come on, mutt. Make it hard for me. You are pathetic..." A disapproving murmur went up again, but she didn't notice. She also didn't notice a few new arrivals make their way to the side of the ring and a almost silent heated argument erupt.


Shades was slow to get up onto all fours, the mando woman kicking her and mocking her the entire way. She was sure she would at best have bruised ribs and at worst a few broken ones. This all certainly made her appreciate her armor more as it took the blows for her. Still with Ruusaan busy the mando didn't notice Shades grabbing the wet sand in one hand and clinging lightly to it.


When the kiffar was on her protesting knees with the viscous red head going for another kick she lunged forward as she stood. The handful of muck driving into that aggravating T-visor as Shades held onto Ruusaan's breastplate for a minute and made sure she scrubbed all of it in as good as she could. The mandalorian woman screeched and threw her arms up, trying to knock Shades away. Blow making Shades grunt but she refused to let go until she was done. Then the tattooed girl let go and wobbled back on two legs that ached from the knee abuse, telling herself to wait just a moment...


True to form the muck smeared and blurred the helmet's sight as Ruusaan tried to scrub it off her T-slit. With a snarl she popped her helmet off and dropped it into the dirt as the screamed at Shades, "You're to pay for that you schutta!"


One could see Shades's mouth move as if counting to herself before she crouched down some and then punched up. Her mechanical hand making a crunch as it met Ruusaan's jaw. "That's for threatening my little sister!" she snarled, spitting blood from her words and she tried to capitalize on momentum and kick the woman on the ground.


Ruusann snarled as she rolled away. Shooting up like Shades had before and grabbing the kiffar's right arm, pulling and twisting it behind her. When it didn't break or even dislocate as she had intended she stared at it, dumbfounded.


Shades calculated quickly. She'd hate to lose the arm but she doubted Ruusaan would be stupid enough to let the arm go when she could keep it pinned behind her and spend all day using that black haired head as a punching bag. She ground her teeth together as she twisted, connectors popping and nerves screaming as she twisted around until she had a clear shot at Ruusaan's head with her left hand, her normal one.


"What the...!" Ruusaan wasn't sure what had just happened, except she was suddenly left holding an arm? She blinked as she saw Shades fist coming, but there wasn't time to move. She jerked her jaw to take the hit. Even as her fist connected Shades pulled her knee up hoping to use her leg as a lever to push Ruusaan right out of the ring and end matters before she took much more of a beating from the angry mandalorian woman.


The red head's feet skidded close to the grass before she rolled to the side, away from the knee. Her eyes narrowed angrily. That blasted mutt had nearly tossed her out of the ring with that move. This was not how she had anticipated this fight would go. She moved in again, but this time, she maintained her crouch, careful and weary of what Shades might do. This schutta was full of surprises she was finding out.


Shades swore viciously as the pair circled each other. The fight was leaning more and more towards Ruusaan to her. Why did she always have to lose her arm in a blasted fight? She'd have to rely more on kicks now as she tried to find an opening in Ruusaan's defenses.


"You'll never get him mongrel, he's mine!" Ruusaan hissed in a low tone. It was unlikely anyone in the crowd would have heard her but it distracted Shades just enough to drop her guard. The red head struck aiming for the eyes, the mechanical one breaking and cutting into her knuckle as Shades stepped back to soften the blow.


The tattooed girl yelped as her mechanical eye broke and she saw stars with the normal one. Her normal would likely be black and blue later but for now she had the temporary problem of being effectively blind. She stumbled back, trying to get away from Ruusaan and let her normal eye recover. E'hn was going to rip into her for trashing both her arm and her eye.


Still, Shades had a well honed gut instinct, at least that's what she called it. It never lead her wrong in all her years and was solely responsible for Shades managing to survive in a word of cut throats and other scum. Instinct had always helped her stay away and never cross the more deadly powers in the underworld. It served her well as she stumbled to the right, a fist cutting just past the tips of her hair.


"Stand STILL you witch!" Ruusaan cursed as her strike missed by inches and she tried again only to have the same effect. How was the blasted mutt dodging strikes when she couldn't see?


Shades was relieved as her sight started coming back. She was to busy worrying about Ruusaan though that she didn't watch her footing. Her heel found the indentation left by her tactic to get the angry woman's helmet off. She toppled back with a curse though it saved her from a rather nasty armored boot to her head.


"Gotcha now Mutt," Ruusaan growled reversing it and pulling her heel down to smash Shades in the face.


Her vision might have still left something to be desired but Shades could feel grass tickling her ear while there was warm sand leaking into her armor. They were on the edge of the ring and she had a huge mandalorian boot coming at her head. Panic and instinct had her throwing her hand up to shove the boot up and away from her. She considered herself lucky she managed to catch it at all, much less redirect it out to the grass.


The move threw Ruusaan's balance off, her weight had been entirely behind her strike. She had the choice of following through and stepping forward, or doing the splits in full beskargam which would be horribly painful. Heavy armors were simply not made to bend like that.


The red head picked what any normal person did, opting to save themselves instead of taking the hit. She didn't even realize she stepped and rolled right out of the ring.


Shades stayed right where she was on the ground as a triumphant grin worked over her face. "Stick that in your pipe and smoke it you aggravating schutta..." She muttered as she closed her good eye and sighed. She certainly had no intention moving for a few seconds. She was going to enjoy every frustrated screech liable to come out of Ruusaan's mouth when she finally realized she was standing in the grass while Shades was still in the sand ring.


((Posted by Setie))

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“Shades is the honorable victor.”


E'hn's voice cut through the silence, but it was obvious to all that Ruusaan didn't hear his words. It was equally obvious that the enraged Mando girl had no idea that she had been tossed out of the ring of sand. She snarled and moved to attack Shades again, but the Mandos around the ring had seen enough. Two of them grabbed her as she tried to move back into the ring. They held her despite her struggles and bodily carried her away from the ring. Her protests became shrill but were ignored. Then everything stopped as a cold voice cut across the girl's half formed protests.




All eyes turned to a small group of Mandos who stood slightly away from the circle. More than one face froze as the group was recognized. Maria and Cyare stood with Sara beside them. None wore helmets and all three were staring daggers at Ruusaan. But it was the group of six standing beside the those who made everyone suddenly freeze. Mandalorians revered their Elders as sources of experience and wisdom. To become a Mandalorian Elder was no small feat. It meant having a family, a lifetime's worth of combat experience as well as the trust and respect of the clan as a whole. And all six of the Elders of the planet of Nova Ordo had their helmets off and were looking at Ruusaan as if they had discovered some kind of incredibly ugly bug crawling on their boot. Trava stepped forward, her face a stone mask. Her gaze fell on Ruusaan who flinched.


Trava spoke again. “After all the slack we have cut you, this is how you repay us? You di'kut girl.”


"I..." Ruusaan froze. “ I can explain Elder...” Trava sniffed. The sound was loud in the quiet that the ring had become.


“Please do. Please explain how you managed to disobey a direct order from the Elders as a whole to leave Amarath Shades alone.” All of the Mandos in around the ring stared at each other and then at Ruusaan, their postures disbelieving. But Trava wasn't done. “And while you are at it, please explain how you can possibly say you were acting with honor, goading a girl who has neither your training or experience into a fight. And then retaining your buy'ce when she had none. And then... attacking before she was ready... You disgust me girl. And if you have permanently hurt Amarath Shades, I will personally take it out of your hide, an inch at a time...” There was no question in anyone's mind that Trava would do exactly as she said and enjoy every minute of it. She waved and Cyare and E'hn darted onto the sand.


The two men reached Shade's slumped form and E'hn started scanning quickly, while Cyare moved to a position between the fallen girl and Ruusaan. His glare said it all, but the hands that rested on his pistols were almost as eloquent. E'hn studied his readings and relaxed visibly. He nodded to Trava and the Elder relaxed a little bit. When she spoke, it was still cold however. She looked at the Mandos holding Ruusaan. A mutter stared that cut off quickly as Trava spoke again.


“Get that... hut'unn... out of here. We will discuss this, later.” At the word 'Hut'unn', all the Mandos froze. That was the single worst insult in Mando'a. It meant coward. The Mandos grabbed her and she screamed in rage as they hoisted her off her feet. Then suddenly she was in motion. “Stop her!” Trava yelled as she darted towards the girl, who had her hands on one of her erstwhile captor's blaster now.


A single blaster shot rang out, followed by two quick ones. And everything stopped. Ruusaan stared up from the ground in horror at the blue armored form in front of her, who had interposed himself between her blaster and its target. A blaster burn showed on the waist joint of his armor. She screamed and her blaster went flying as the two Mandos she had slipped away from grabbed her again, this time ignoring her cries of pain as they lifted her up, her legs hanging useless below ruined knees. The whole group watched in horror as Cyare fell.


Cyare!” Maria was at his side and examining the wound as E'hn ran up.


“Crazy stupid... idiotic fool, I warned him that joint was weak...” He was only concentrating on Cyare, but Maria was on her feet as soon as she was sure the boy was alive. Her eyes were cold as she stalked towards Ruusaan, but someone else was already there. Ruusaan was crying now but no one was paying any attention to her. No, their eyes were on the small form advancing on the girl. Sara's face was... dead. No emotion at all. Her hand reached down to her belt and came up with her blaster. But she stopped when Trava spoke.


“Wait.” Trava said softly. Sara turned her dead eyes to Trava, who to her credit did not flinch. That look belonged on an assassin droid, not a little girl. Trava looked at the other Mandos, and then at the Elders. As one each of the Elders shook his or her head and stepped back. In unison they spoke a single word.


“Dar'manda.” At that word all sound ceased except E'hn working on Cyare. Dar'manda, the state of not being Mandalorian. Not an outsider, no, but a Mando who had lost what it was to BE Mando. A fate worse than death for any of the proud warriors. Trava turned to look at the other Mandos. As one they all shook their heads. The word resounded. “Dar'manda.” They started filtering away, in ones and twos.


"I..." Ruusaan stared around in shock. “No... No... You don't understand...” Trava laughed, a cold and menacing sound.


“What is to understand, aruteii?” At that word which meant 'traitor, foreigner, outsider' in Mando'a, Ruusaan went pasty pale. The two Mandos holding her dropped her in a heap and walked away, wiping their gloves as if they had been soiled. Trava shook her head sadly. “If you were one of us, we might forgive you even this. But you are not. You have proven that today.”


She turned her back on the girl. Ruusaan called out to others, but no one paid any attention. Trava walked to where E'hn was working feverishly and nodded as she took in the scans. The boy should live. Behind her she heard a cry of fear that broke off in a cry of pain. Then a cold, clear voice. Sara.


"Raise your head." Sara's voice was calm, clear and so, so cold. "You were a Mandalorian. We can't let you leave, you know that. Meet your death with some dignity."


Silence, and then... a single blaster shot. And then there was silence again. Trava ignored it as she spoke quietly to E'hn.


“We can use my speeder, it will be fast and more comfortable...”

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((Shades POV))


Shades had opened her eye as much as it allowed when she heard the clank of armored feet by her. She'd been relying on her ears to tell her what was going on and from the sounds of it, Ruusaan was in big trouble. She ignored it for now though as she heard scanners running and E'hn grumbling. She tried to figure out who else was with him but her battered eye couldn't make out details. Just darker blurs against the lighter blur of the day.


She laid there passively and quietly until she felt people grabbing her to move her. “I can move, I got it,” she growled lightly. Just because she'd gotten the stuffing bashed out of her didn't mean she was an invalid after all. She'd make it...even if she was a bit slow.


"Di'kut girl, lie down!" Jirina was not a happy Mando. "You are going to hurt yourself worse.”


Shades would have grinned at Jirina's scolding tone if her jaw hadn't hurt so much. "It was just a couple hits," she snorted as she sat up grinding her teeth to keep from groaning as bruised ribs protested.


"What?" The female Mando actually laughed a little at that. “A couple dozen... Shades you are stubborn, but I am going to knock you the flarg out if you don't let us take care of you."


The kiffar tried to get a look at Jirina's face to see if she was joking or not. She had the distinct feeling of not but you never knew. Her eye however was already swelling from the blow making it even harder to see. “It's just a flesh wound,” she replied. "You can carry me when I'm dead or my legs are blown off."


"A...?" She heard Jirina laugh then, "Don't you be quoting that stupid holopic at me. We are not going to carry you. We are going to put you on a AG stretcher and let you ride, while we have to slog. Lazybones..." the woman's voice was teasing.


"Well I can certainly manage to climb on a stretcher..." Shades trailed off on a groan as she manage to get to her screaming knees. She was blinking and trying to see where the stretcher was when she heard someone yell “stop her”.


The sound of the first blaster had Shades diving back into the dirt even though it was followed by two more and a lot of screaming from someone. She thought it might have been Ruusaan but she wasn't sure. She only knew that without a blaster or good eye sight she was better prone in the dirt then to stay up and present a target. She swallowed hard hearing Maria scream Cyare's name and started looking around vainly.


"Cyare?" She knew she sounded worried and scared but right that minute she was more concerned for her appointed guardian then anything.


Strong armored arms caught Shades before she could think to get up. “Don't move girl,” Someone said before they sighed and the arms relaxed and released her again. “They got her...”


"Yeah, it's over." Jirina's voice was close at hand. "Stay where you are. Let the medics work..." her voice held fear however.


Shades gave a slight growl and squirmed only to have a hand clamp on her shoulder and keep her in place before it let her go again. She could hear E'hn's scanners beeping and wanted to get over and find out what was going on when Jirina said to stay. "But..."


"Shades, stay down." Jirina's voice held sorrow as arms came around Shades shoulders. "Either of us will just be in the way. Oh no..." Her voice held worry now. "Shades don't move, don't even breathe... you might draw her attention..."


"What? Who's? Dammit Jirina why am I not seeing a big blue blur hanging over me all guard dog like?" Shades mentally cursed that shot Ruusaan had taken to her eyes. She knew it was only bruised and she'd recover but dammit there nothing was more nerve wrecking then being in a confusion situation without being able to see. Specially when you knew someone was hurt that you cared about but no one was telling you.


"Sara is mad." Jirian gave Shades a squeeze that might have been felt even through armor. "Ruusaan grabbed a blaster and tried to shoot you. Cyare got between the two of you. He's alive... Ruusaan won't be for long. Not with Sara looking at her that way."


"Why that little..." Shades started to try and get up but someone with more muscle planted and hand and held her down. She growled but stayed for now. "Is he going to be ok?"


"E'hn says so and he doesn't lie about things like that. Oh my..." Jirina trailed off as a word was spoken from all around. It sounded to the kiffar almost like it was chanted. Dar'manda? Shades tilted her head to the side as she listened and frowned. That certainly wasn't a word in her limited mando'a vocabulary.


"Okay..." Jirina's voice was quiet, "It's over Shades. The woman you fought won't be a problem ever again."


"Well a fist fight is a silly thing to kill her over," Shades commented. Not understand everything. She did however have a feeling that when mandos said things wouldn't be a problem it usually involved death or blowing something up.


"Shades..." Jirina's voice was kind, and gentle. "She was going to kill you. She was ordered to leave you alone. In the ring, she fought with her helmet and she didn't give you time to set yourself. Those alone are worthy of an ignoble death, then she shot Cyare. If Sara wasn't going to do it, I would.”


Shades cringed at that but decided not to spend any more time fretting about the red head. After all, in this case it was Ruusaan clearly stomping all over mandalorian rules, not a punk kid having a prank go horribly wrong. Cubar at least had been somewhat repentant. "How bad is he?" she asked.


Another voice came then, one that Shades felt she knew but couldn't quite place. The tone was clinical as the woman spoke, "He will live. It caught him low. She was aiming at your head. Are you going to let us move you?" The last comment held an undercurrent of amusement that sounded very familiar.


Shades tried her best to focus on whoever it was standing over her. "Maybe...since it seems like any time I try to get up on my own I got people grabbing or shooting at me. Might be fate telling me to stop pushing my luck..."


"Well, I am glad to know that something makes you sensible..." Maria's tart voice came from close by.


Shades visibly cringed hearing Maria, not realizing that she really should have been more worried about the other voice. "I'm in trouble for this mess aren't I?"


Laughs came from all around. Ironic ones. "No, well, a bit..." This from the unknown but frustratingly familiar woman. "You have a talent for finding trouble don't you? But your major problem will be the piles of junk will have grown significantly by the time E'hn lets you out of his clutches."


"Damn straight Elder," E'hn growled, his hands were gentle though as he checked Shades again for injuries he might have missed.


Shades snorted then. "I'll take the extra work and deal. No body makes remarks on my family and gets away with it...except that one that wiped the floor with me on your ship Maria," she grumbled in a disgruntled tone.


"I apologize for that Amarath Shades. I was trying to get a reaction, see what you were made of. It was uncalled for and incredibly rude." A hand touched her cheek then, directing her to the speaking blur "If you want to hit me for it, you are welcome to."


Shades snorted as her brain finally placed the voice. It was sorely tempting to hit the Elder, specially when said person had pretty much stated she could. However Shades really wasn't interested in the retribution some mandos would likely try to take out of her anyways. Besides, the older woman had apologized, unlike others and that was the whole point. "I'll take the apology since I get the feeling you don't do that much. Besides I'll likely break my hand if I hit one more durasteel skull today. Pretty sure Ratchet will be annoyed if I go doing that."


A chuckle made the rounds. "Smart girl." Maria's voice was kind though. E'hn had to add his two credit's worth as well. "You better believe it... Lets get you onto this thing and get you two to the clinic."


Shades behaved for a minute while they loaded her onto the stretcher before her mind processed that E'hn has said two. "You didn't take him to the clinic right away? Ratchet he got shot for Creation's sake! Aren't you suppose to be sticking him in bacta here asap or something?"


E'hn shook his head, not that Shades would see that and grabbed her arm. "We have one transport Shades, we are moving him at the same time we move you. He is stable right now. Now lie there quiet or I will sedate you."


Shades somewhat did as she was told, she laid still but she grumbled away anyways. When E'hn growled she simply pointed out that she was obeying orders...mostly.

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E'hn guided the stretcher bearing Cyare into the clinic and Maria guided the one with Shades. Amazingly the girl hadn't been too stubborn on the way. E'hn moved Cyare towards the bacta tank that sat in the back of the room. "Lets get you dunked..." He froze as Cyare rolled so he could see E'hn's face.


"Shades goes first."


"Oh dear..." Maria sighed. "Here we go..."


"...again..." Came Trava's resigned voice. The others in the room, Mando medics, looked at the group, shrugged and left. And of course...


"I heard that Carebear! You first!" Shades somehow managed to bellow this even though she was staying still and prone on the stretcher.


"I have been hurt worse." Cyare shook his head. "I can keep. Take care of her." Shades of course was having none of it.


"You got shot! I just got beat up by the school bully, think I've never had that before?" Maria looked from one to the other and then at Trava. E'hn chortled.


"We could dunk them together..." The medic said with a laugh.


"Stop that." Maria snarled. "Its a one person tank, Ehn, none of your silliness now...” She was not in the mood. Not after nearly seeing two people she cared for die. First Shades in the ring, and then Cyare.


"Hey." E'hn laughed. "It was just a thought, I could make a lot of money with the right pictures you know..." And of course, Shades was trying to get up now...


"Ratchet, I will hunt up a detonator to be put where the sun don't shine in you!" Three voices sounded. Maria, Trava and Sara.


"Want help?" All three said in unison. E'hn flinched from them and sighed, sounding dejected.


"A guy tries to make a little money on the side and..." He froze as he saw the two older woman and the younger one were all staring at him with the same expression. Praying he would finish the sentence. "Uh... never mind..."


"Well Ratchet...if Cyare goes first you get to oogle him in his underwear," Shades said sweetly, shamelessly abusing E'hn's preference to get her guardian in the tank first. The Mando doc seemed taken aback by that.


Maria laughed at the Mando's posture of shock and then sighed. "How about this... Shades, broken prostheses and kolto don't mix. So... Cyare goes in first, and you go under to get those pieces removed." Cyare instantly stiffened, but on seeing Sara and Trava glaring at him, he slumped.


"Victory is mine!" Shades called out holding her one fist up with a grin.


"Yep it is." E'hn agreed as he caught her arm deftly and hit the proper vein with a hypo.


"Ow! Hey! Cheater!" Shades snarled. Shades kept swearing at the man even as she floated off to unconsciousness. E'hn laid her arm back down gently and patted her cheek.


"I know he has told you about the first rule of fighting. If you are not cheating, you are not trying." He turned to the women. “Go on, I can take care of this.” Maria however, sat down beside the gurney Shades was on and E'hn sighed. there was no way he was going to be able to move her, so... He turned to Cyare. "In you go dreamboat..."


Sara and Trava left to go do whatever they had to. With much cursing, complaining and promising dire retribution, Cyare was quickly in the tank and then E'hn turned to Shades. He looked at Maria.


“It wasn't your fault, Maria.” He carefully probed around the eye socket and cursed as he found fragments. He removed them carefully and shook his head. “She is lucky she didn't lose the other one... I should have shot that ignorant girl, I should have...” Maria sighed. She didn't watch as E'hn probed and cleaned Shades' wounds.


“You would have started a feud." Maria said sadly. "The idiot is dead, lets just focus on now. How does it look?” E'hn looked up at her tired tone and shook his head.


“You haven't been taking your meds have you?” E'hn asked, not really questioning. She didn't meet his eyes. “Maria...”


"Yeah." She shook her head. “Don't start, E'hn. I know what you are going to say. But... I can't.” The medic pulled a piece of shattered mechanical eye out of Shades's eyesocket and snarled at the older woman.


“Maria, you will drive yourself crazy." E'hn said sadly. "You know this. Come on, what can I do, what can I say, to make you understand? You have to let it go. Maria, you will tear yourself apart.” His tone was sad, scared and worried all mixed into one.


“I know. But I can't...” The quiet words brought him up short. Another voice came.


“Mom, come on...” Sara stood at the entrance. “Come home.” But Maria was crying.


“I want to go home, Sara, I really do. But can't. It's gone, he is gone...” E'hn and Sara both came closer to her. They shared a glance and then hugged her tight. E'hn let go and watched as Sara moved Maria out of the clinic towards her own place. Trava came in as he was bent over the remnants of Shades' shoulder cursing that idiot girl who had started all this mess.


“How is she?” The Elder asked softly. E'hn shrugged.


“Mostly superficial and bruises." E'hn said soberly. "She was lucky. A few deep bruises. One that might have chipped a bone. Nothing a dip in the tank won't cure. The prostheses though...” He indicated the pile of junk on the table beside the gurney. Trava sighed.


“Replace them with the new ones.” She said flatly. E'hn looked at her.


“Those are a lot more expensive.” E'hn said, not disagreeing, simply stating facts. Trava snarled. And E'hn nodded. The honor of the clan was tainted now. And if this could repair part of it, well... so be it.


“Keep me posted on her and him.” Trava snapped. He nodded and she walked out.

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Shades felt weird waking up. She'd half expected her mechanical eye to be working and looking around but instead she saw nothing until she opened her actual eye. Her mind quickly pointed out that cybernetics and bacta usually didn't mix. Not unless you had the really fancy ones with skin, and sometimes not even then.


She sat up slowly rubbing her one hand to her head. She always felt fuzzy after hypos and right that minute she felt off balance from lacking her arm and eye. Still her brain functioned enough to point out she was in the clinic and remind her of everything that had happened.


"Cyare...I hope he's doing alright." She thought to herself as she carefully stood up. She didn't hear anyone really running around so maybe she could sneak in and see how her guardian was doing.


She really should have realized that with only one eye she literally had a blind spot as she looked about and stepped out of the curtained area. Then there was the swelling that limited her somewhat recovered sight.


"What the...?" A stream of curses sounded behind her in mando'a. Some she knew and others she didn't know, either way it wasn't hard to guess the speaker as he switched to basic. "Idiot Girl! What are you doing? Trying to give me a heart attack!"


Shades twisted her head some until she saw E'hn standing before her with his hands on his hips. She had a feeling he was glaring daggers under that helmet.


"What? I'm fine, little sore but I function," Shades snorted back. Granted sore was not the proper term for how she felt really. Like a speeder played shockball with her was more accurate. She'd have to remember to say sorry to Maria for that some day.


"Ah...!" E'hn threw up his hands, "Why do I even bother... Come on, he will be out in a few, time to get you ready."


Shades followed slowly but carefully and eventually stopped when she saw Cyare in the tank. She knew her mouth was hanging open but she couldn't quite convince herself to close it. She remembered when she'd check on him sleeping at Maria's. She'd known he had muscles from holding onto her and such but seeing them was another matter. She knew they'd be hard as any armor and her mind happily floated on a day dream of touching.


As they got closer she spotted the blaster wound he took for her along with a number of other wounds. There was a knife scar on his right arm, a couple of old blaster wounds on the chest and left leg, a burn mark that might have been a lightsaber graze on his left upper arm, and what looked like a slash from a vibrosword on his abdomen near the new blaster wound. It made Shades sad to think she added to that collection, even though she knew it was something that happened. After all she had replacement parts for that. Creation likely mandalorians considered a good scar like a medal.


It was the tattoo that made her most curious though. A mandalorian insignia on his upper right chest and small lines that looked like they might have been words going down around his left forearm. She wondered what they said even as her mind told her she'd likely never get a chance to ask.


Suddenly something flicked Shades's ear making her yelp in surprised and blinked at E'hn.


“I know he is a gorgeous hunk of man, but come on girlie, we don't have all day." E'hn said with a snort. "It's your turn in the tank,” He stated in an amused tone.


"Uh," Shades stalled for a minute blinking at the barely clothed Cyare. Her getting ready for the tank likely required her stripping down to her undies like he was. "Is he out cold in that?"


"For the moment, why? You think he is cute too?" the medic asked, his voice teasing.


Shades turned red enough to have her tattoo disappearing. "Well...um...that is...”


For some reason she got the feeling E'hn was smirking at her under that helmet. "You like what you see?" he asked seriously.


It finally occurred to Shades she really shouldn't have been staring. She made herself start looking about then for a chair she could use to sit on and get her boots off. "Well you know...not many folks get to see mandalorians without armor and all that," she said trying to wave off things. She was pretty sure she wasn't going to be getting a decent night's sleep for a month though without the mental picture of Cyare in his underwear dancing in her head.


"Right." E'hn motioned her towards a chair. "Come on, with only one arm that will be hard to get out of all that. Just once, let me have my wicked way with you?" His voice was kind though, no teasing or sarcasm.


Shades rolled her eye for a moment but humored the man for now. "Cause obviously I have no idea how to do things with just one arm."


"Ah..." E'hn sighed, "I didn't mean offense..."


"I know. Just not use to help really. Makes me edgy and think people are pitying which just pisses me off," Shades explained.


"I know." For once there was something a lot like pain in E'hns words, but he shook himself and motioned her to the chair. "We do not pity you,” then he laughed a bit more like his old self. "We pity anyone dumb enough to cross you."


Shades snorted as she wiggled her freed toes. "I'm not that scary."


"No?" E'hn set her boot aside and shook his head. Then he reached for her thigh pieces. "I am not being fresh here. So don't hit me."


Shades grinned a bit in amusement. As if she could really hurt the medic with one fleshy hand when he was in full beskargam. "Your lucky your gay or I'd think otherwise."


"I have been known to try the grass on the other side...." He was obviously leering inside his helmet.


The kiffar raised a brow and smiled wickedly. "I've been known to blow people up with well placed explosives."


"I like you girlie." E'hn laughed but his hands didn't stray as they removed the armor pieces. He shook his head as he looked at them. "You are going to need new armor."


"Or about a year to hammer this one back together. Not like I can really go buying another suit that fits easily," Shades grumbled looking at the pieces. She hated to say it but she thought the armor might be a total loss. Maybe she could make a lighter suit out of some of it?


"Technically since you beat her, Ruusaan's armor is yours,” E'hn stated piling the armor pieces to the side.


Shades wrinkled her nose at that, not understanding the situation. "No sense having armor I won't wear though."


"Huh?" E'hn was removing her glove now and was careful not to scrape her skin. "Why wouldn't you wear it?"


Shades raised a brow at that. "Not a mandalorian? Pretty sure a non-mando running around in your beskargams has a giant sign on them saying 'I want to be shot in the head'."


"Why? You earned it. No one here would say a thing." He cursed quietly as the strap holding her upper arm armor wouldn't come loose.


"Earned it?" Shades said, bemused at the thought.


"You beat her," E'hn stated simply as he fiddled with the strap for a moment before sighing. With a quick twist of his wrist a knife shot out. He cut the offending strap and the knife vanished just as quick.


Shades blinked in confusion. "That's it? I beat up a mando so I get to run around in their armor?" To her mind that couldn't have been right. A mandalorians armor was like their soul it seemed. They parted with it when you pried it from cold dead fingers.


"There is a little more to it than that, but essentially, yes..." He whistled tunelessly as he looked at her chest plate. "You are lucky you were wearing that but it is going to be a pain to get off. I should have skinned you out of the can while you were asleep, I'm sorry."


"Eh I likely would have woken up and swung at you. Better that I'm conscious," Shades stated. She stored the confusion over her getting Ruusaan's armor for now.


"Ok." E'hn laughed mirthlessly. "Lets see if we can do this," He mused as he loosened the straps as far as they would go. "If I hold this, can you get out?" He grabbed the shoulder straps and held them off her shoulders.


Shades wiggled some but managed to get herself out via sliding down to the floor. She resisted the urge to cover up reminding herself that being in a body suit did count as clothes...even if they might as well have been her skin.


"Good girl," E'hn said throwing the breastplate onto the pile of trashed armor. "You will want to use the refresher and there is a robe in there. I will be taking Blue Bells out in a few minutes."


"Good point," Shades stated as she headed for the refresher. She could hear beeping as she closed the refresher door. E'hn likely getting Cyare out of the tank so Shades could jump right in.

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It took her a few minutes to wiggle out of the bodysuit. With only one arm to peel herself out of it she had to do a lot of maneuvering and squirming to finally get out of it. At least now she'd have a robe with some room or so she thought as she turned to the hook on the back of the refresher door.


She froze as she literally, saw red. Namely a short, slinky, frilly little red number that was something for a strip joint and not a clinic. She looked about quickly thinking that maybe E'hn meant a different robe but turned up nothing, which did not help her temper.


"Ratchet!" Shades suddenly roared loud enough that someone likely could have heard her on the other side of the planet. She could hear armored feet approach the door as she snatched the poor excuse for a room off the hook and opened the door just a bit, hiding most of her form behind it.


“Whoa girl. What's wrong?” E'hn asked as he skidded to a halt in front of the door.


Shades glared out at him with her normal eye and empty socket as she stuck her arm out and held up the garment. She said nothing simply presenting the problem. If the medic made some crack right that minute though she would cut his heart out with a spoon dammit!


"What? That?" Instead though, E'hn froze as if in shock. “Oh no...If Cyare sees you in that he will kill me,” The man said sounding worried.


Shades raised a brow at that and glanced over the medic's shoulder to see Cyare laying on a nearby table. He didn't look like he was conscious yet but likely would be in a minute or to. She entertained the evil thought of the robe on and marching out in it just to see what her guardian's reaction would be. Like if he really would kill E'hn or maybe just drag her off and...


”Down girl.”


"Oh no..." E'hn saw the evil look in her eye though and waved his arms frantically. "No no no no no no no. there has to be another in there..."


"I looked! What you think I'm blind?” Shades asked then remembered she was missing an eye. “Don't answer that..."


"Oh crap..." E'hn was looking around in haste. He opened and closed drawers quickly. Finally he pulled something out of a drawer and threw it at her. "Patient gown, put it on, its less revealing."


"Smart," Shades growled as she chucked the red number at his head and snatched the patient gown from his hands. She closed the door muttering a number of violent swears in what languages she knew as she quickly pulled on the robe.


She heard Cyare asking where his armor was as the door opened again and she stepped out. She had the gown on backwards since she didn't have to hands to tie it in the back, but it would work for now while she held it together at the waist.


“No staring and drooling this time,” she told herself as she stepped over to the men as E'hn pulled out a box under the table that had Cyare's armor piled in it. "How you feeling Carebear?"


Shades asked as E'hn waved her to the tank. She did her best to resist the urge to pout as Cyare started pulling his bodysuit on. Just because she liked the sight of him in his underwear didn't mean she got to.


"Shades." Cyare looked at her and smiled making Shades have to keep her tongue in. Creation she was being such a twit lately! "I feel better. You will too," he stated.


Shades grinned a bit as she walked past him. Reminding herself that staring and drooling would not be polite and would likely annoyed Cyare. E'hn was checking the breathing apparatus as she reached him by the tank. “Ever try a tank before?” the medic asked.


"I did...technically. They had to put me in when...I've been in one before,” she answered her grin melting into a frown.


Cyare shot her a look of understanding before he focused on his armor. E'hn handed Shades the breathing mask. "You have had this done before. You know I have to attach this. I am not being fresh."


Shades nodded and hung onto the gown. She knew that had to come off soon but she was honestly nervous about Cyare likely getting to see her in her underwear. She had her own wounds and scars from mercenary living but she felt ugly, specially lacking and arm and with a gaping hole in her head.


"Easy, girl." E'hn attached the mask and checked it. "Breathe normally."


Shades did as she rolled an eye and muttered something that sounded like "It's required" into the mask.


"That it is." E'hn nodded to whatever she said and opened the hatch into the tank. One pretty much slid in through a tube like the spout of a tea pot. "In you go girl," he said as he took hold of the gown. "This has to stay out."


Shades mentally swore at that but didn't bother even trying to argue. She'd never be able to control where the gown flowed in the liquid anyways. Instead she closed her eye and shucked the gown off before sliding in. She jolted a bit at the differing temperatures but managed well enough.


E'hn nodded as he shut the hatch. He touched a control on the side and a sedative floated through the bacta. "Good night Shades. I wish you pleasant dreams."


If was somewhat muffled from the tank's sides and the bacta but Shades heard it and did her best not to fight is. At least with the see through tank she could tell her mind she wasn't jammed in a compact space. Besides, she knew she needed the soak in order to heal. Still it was a few minutes before her body and mind finally calmed and she drifted off to dream of delightful things. Namely a certain mandalorian in his underwear.


((Posted by Setie))

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E'hn turned away form the tank and walked to where Cyare was sitting with a mournful look on his face as he stared at the tank. "Come on boy, lose the long face. You know she will be out of there in a few hours." Cyare nodded. E'hn sighed.


"Cyare, we have a problem." E'hn said softly. "Trava told me to put the new prostheses on her."


"What?" Cyare blinked at him and shook his head. "She won't accept them."


"Huh?" E'hn froze. “Why not?” Cyare shook his head.


“She won't take charity.” Cyare said with a wry grin. He understood, but it did cause all kinds of problems. E'hn shook his head slowly.


“This isn't charity." E'hn said softly, unsure. "This is payment to her. For the pain done to her, for the way she has been treated. For the things that have happened.” Cyare shook his head again and focused on getting his chest plate set up right. E'hn waited a second and then shook his head. “Before you put that on, let me see the wound.” Cyare sighed, but undid the bodysuit that he had pulled on and lay back. He knew better than to argue with E'hn about healing. E'hn looked it over, ran a scanner over it and nodded. “A day or so of taking it easy and it should heal fine. And this time, armor that joint...” Cyare grunted.


“And if I want to be able to twist?” The younger Mando asked sarcastically. E'hn shook his head, but his voice was teasing when he spoke.


“That depends on what you want to twist.” E'hn said with a smile that showed right through his helmet. Cyare growled at him, but his heart wasn't in it. E'hn looked at him. “What's wrong Cyare?” The man didn't answer, just started pulling his armor on. E'hn sighed and spoke in a soprano voice. “Come on boy, tell your ba'vodu all about your problems...” At that Cyare had to laugh. Ba'vodu meant uncle or aunt and he knew exactly which one E'hn had meant.


"Ah, E'hn..." Technically, E'hn was his uncle, they were distantly related but... Cyare sighed and put his chestplate back down. “I don't know what is wrong with me. I feel strange, different. I have never felt like this before...” E'hn nodded and looked at him, the visor seeing to bore deep into his soul and Cyare shrugged. When E'hn spoke, it was quiet and serious.


“How does she make you feel?” The medic asked. Cyare blinked. He hadn't really thought about that. No, to be honest, he had been trying not to think about that. He sighed again.


“She makes me laugh." Cyare said softly. "She makes me cry. At times she is so infuriating I want to rip her mechanical arm off and beat sense into her with it. Other times, she is gentle, kind even. Like sparing Cubar. I don't know what to make of it, I have never felt like this before...” E'hn nodded.


“I hate to be the one to break it to you, lad..." E'hn's voice was concerned now. "But you are in love.” Cyare sighed and shook his head slowly.


“I know... but..." Cyare said softly. "I think they threw her at me. Trava and Maria. She deserves a choice. She deserves the best.” E'hn was looking at Cyare and then he sighed and sat. He took his helmet off and his eyes were sad.


“You haven't had it easy." The old medic said with a sigh. "Between what happened to your dad, then your mom. Then Ruusaan and your job. We worry about you. But you didn't hear the way she was calling for you after you were shot did you?” Cyare stared at him and shook his head. “You didn't see the way she was looking at you while you were in the tank.” E'hn snickered as Cyare's face turned red. Then he smiled. “I think this time, Maria and Trava have managed to fit a square peg neatly in a square hole. You are good for each other. Too bad you both don't swing. I would like to have you in my pack.” Cyare snorted again. It was an old joke. E'hn's preferences made him a bit of the odd Mando out, but he met all of the challenges life threw at him with gusto. He was also completely and totally committed to his mate. Who reciprocated. But then Cyare slumped.


“What am I going to do, E'hn?" Cyare asked, somewhat plaintively. "She doesn't want to stay. I understand that. I understand her views on family too...” E'hn nodded, his face somber. Both had heard Shades cry out in her sleep. Usually for Mama to take her back. To forgive her. “She don't understand us. If Maria and Trava want to adopt her... I don't think she would accept.” E'hn nodded, his lips pursed in thought. “She certainly doesn't understand what would be involved. Or why.” E'hn looked the younger Mando in the eye.


“There is a solution for that, but you are not going to like it.” The medic paused and continued when Cyare nodded. “Let her out. Let her meet others. Let her see us for who and what we really are. That does involve a certain amount of risk.” E'hn snorted. “For what it's worth though, I don't think you could pry her away from your side with a tractor beam.” Cyare smiled, but E'hn wasn't through. “Listen, this is going to be a pain. But, is she worth it?”


"Worth it?" Cyare nodded. “Oh yes. All that and more.” E'hn smiled. But then he sighed.


"Okay then." E'hn said soberly. "You have to fall back enough that she can see without trying to peer over your shoulder. You can't protect her from everything, you know that. At the same time, you can't get too far away, or she might think she has scared you off, you have lost interest or you were ever serious.” Cyare blinked and snarled.


“Of course I care...” He broke off E'hn nodded.


“You keep that in mind." E'hn said soberly. "This has been and will be rough, for both of you. But... talk to her, ask her questions, and listen when she talks. Those are the most important things. I have seen more relationships fail because of lack of communication than any other.” For a moment, E'hn s face was sad with memory. Cyare clapped the older man on the shoulder.


“Thanks.” His voice held gratitude. But E'hn snorted.


“Don't thank me yet." The medic said with a sigh. "We have to come up with a way to give Shades the new prostheses, or Trava will flay us.” Cyare shuddered. The Elder would, and enjoy it.


“Well, there are a couple of possibilities that spring to mind...”

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Something was wrong, Shades knew it even as sleep tried to keep her tied down. She could hear people talking in low tones before a slight sting to her right hand made her twitch again and grunt a bit.


"Whoa, girlie,” she heard E'hn say. “Careful there. Cyare..." Gentle hands locked over her shoulders and held her down as whatever was stinging her continued.


Shades blinked her eyes open as her hand twitched again. Confusion slowly creeping in as she blinked up at Cyare trying to clear her sedated brain.


"Its all right Shades, we put the new prostheses on while you slept, figured it would hurt less," The blue armored mando explained as he looked down at her. His voice was gentled but his hands didn't move from her shoulders as he held her.


"Ow! I don't remember torture being part of this," Shades grumbled as whatever stung again. Something wasn't right but she couldn't seem to put her finger on it...


"Be glad you slept through most of it girlie. Almost done..." E'hn's voice was kind, but a little distracted. He was working on her though and cybernetics could be tricky.


Shades willed her body to relax and closed her eyes, thinking not seeing would make things easier. Her eyes shot back open then as her brain caught up and computed that she was blinking and closing her right eye. It was suppose to stay open and looking about, not close along with her other one! If Cyare had not been holding her down via her shoulders she likely would have catapulted up.


"Shades, stay down! Until E'hn is done you can hurt yourself," Cyare scolded lightly. He sounded worried more then harsh with a reprimand.


"My..." Shades started to say before clamping her mouth shut. She rather felt like she was on the edge of a cliff. The question was if she'd go flying or if she'd be taking a nasty nosedive.


"Okay." A sigh came from E'hn as the stinging stopped. "All done, girlie. try that out."


"Am I allowed to sit up now?" Shades asked in a tone that sounded funny. There was fear in it but she couldn't have hidden it if she wanted to.


"Shades?" Cyare froze and he gave her shoulders a squeeze. "Shades... relax, deep breaths. Here..." He helped her into a sitting position carefully, as if she was made of glass.


Shades took a breath and closed her eyes as Cyare helped her up. Her gut telling her she was due for a universal boot to the head and part of her wanting to run from it.


"These were all we had left..." E'hns voice sounded apologetic.


Shades cracked open her right eye as she looked at E'hn. The sight wasn't any different then what she saw with her left one as she opened it. Her old eye and the one Maria had given her before had been older and as such sometimes grainy in the feedback, like an old viewscreen or datapad. Then she looked down at her arm and froze, staring at the limb that should have been metal but looked like her flesh and blood one.


She pinched at her new fingers now, as if trying to wake herself up out of a dream. She went as far up the arm as she could before switching and trying her real arm. Then she poked some at her face with both hands, as if expecting to hit metal somewhere or to feel it scratch up her skin.


Cyare and E'hn watched. The medic's helmet was on, but Cyare had his off and his face was worried.


"Shades?" The blue armored mando was worried. "You ok?" he asked as he stepped closer. Obviously her reaction was not one they had been expecting.


She blinked at him as if just seeing him. Conflicting emotions chasing each other over her face and in her one eye, since the prosthetic one still couldn't transmit emotions. She looked about for a second before spotting a shiny metal tray and pulling it to her. Her left hand at least was shaking as she brought it up and blinked at her reflection.


"I...I'm..." she muttered, at a complete loss of words.


At first her mind completely refused to believe that the face looking back at her was even hers. This wasn't Shades. This wasn't the hard bitten merc that lived through a thermal detonator going off and being buried alive. This wasn't the maniac that got chased through Coruscant and blew up a building after using a kid to hold off a bunch of angry pursuers. She wasn't even sure it was the cold hearted schutta that shot her sister in the knee and sent a small army combing Nar Shaddaa after said sister and her psycho twi'lek pal.


No...this face was more Amie. The girl that went to be a merc in order to help her family pay the bills. The one that always helped her brother out of the jams he got himself into, even when she would have happily strangled him for it. This was the face of a girl that taught her sister computers, and occasionally got into it with people who would look down their noses at her and her family.


"What's wrong?" Cyare asked as E'hn cursed.


“Shades,” the medic called. “Look at me. Not the reflection here, look at me.” The medic took her hands in his. He kept his voice gentle now that she was looking at him, like some child that suddenly found themselves lost. “You have only ever had the mechanical looking ones right?”


Shades nodded, "I'd....they were cheaper. I would just redo the connectors for droids parts so they worked with the ones the doctors put in.”


"I understand, but these... these are paid for. By the colony," he snorted. "Actually by Ruusaan and since she broke them, the least she can do was replace them." He shrugged then, "You didn't want her armor..."


Shades snorted some at that. "Her armor, not mine. Rather hammer mine back out." She frowned then, “But, it should be the colony's or her family's. I mean, next of kin and all that. I don't deserve it."


"Yours is scrap girl." E'hn replied. "We will come up with something for you. Anyway, the colony took the armor and priced it. Guess what? It covered these nicely," E'hn informed squeeze her new hand.


Shades's mind boggled at that. She'd seen things like these before, knew they cost an arm and a leg figuratively as well as literally.


“I could have use that money to pay...” she started to think before she cut it off. She'd always day dreamed of getting these type of cybernetic parts. Was she really going to look a gift horse in the mouth? Specially when everyone around her said she deserved them?


She felt like someone had suddenly stripped her to the bone for everyone to see. It had never occurred to her that she used those mechanical parts to hide behind as much as her reputation. As long as people saw her as just a merc, or half machine; she didn't have to deal with people. Never had to deal with being mortal more then routine maintenance of eating, drinking, and sleeping.


“You need to learn to live, not just survive.” Shades had scoffed when Maria had told her that, telling herself she lived just fine. She'd been lying to herself then, she didn't live at all, just survived like Maria had said.


“Do you even know how to live anymore?” she pondered to herself a moment.


“Come on Shades, you need to eat,” Cyare said suddenly, snapping Shades out of her thoughts.


"Ok," Shades said in a small voice that was odd for her. "Just need some clothes..."


"Well..." Cyare grinned, "Ba'buir is nothing if not thorough." He put a stack of clothes on the bed beside her. "She also brought some food, if E'hn here hasn't hogged it all..."


"What?" E'hn was probably looking offended under his helmet. "Hey!"


Shades grinned a bit at that. She caught herself before she went staring at her face again. Deliberately she put the tray back. She'd avoided mirrors since she'd lost her arm and eye and saw no reason to go suddenly turn into a narcissist. She just had to remember she was still herself, that Amie and Shades were the same person.


So why did she feel like she'd been turned into someone else she didn't know at all?


((posted by Setie))

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The meal was a quiet affair. Shades was a bit subdued for her, while the men made quiet conversation, joking at times trying to make her smile. Sometimes succeeding, sometimes not. Cyare finished his plate and looked at Shades.


"You look better." Cyare said gently. "The bruises have almost all healed. How do you feel?"


It took Shades a moment, as if she was weighing her answer. "Well...earlier I knew how Maria felt from me hitting her with that speeder and now I feel just a bit sore like Sara's been beating me up. I'd say pretty good then."


"Good." Cyare nodded. "Well, we can get you back to your place, and leave E'hn to clean up his mess." A aggravated sniff came from the other Mando who was already busy clearing the table.


Shades gave a grin to E'hn. "Doctor's work is never done huh?"


E'hn growled at her, but Cyare laughed. "He brings it on himself." The blue armored mando said with a smirk.


"Maybe, but you gotta respect the medic, otherwise they'll stitch you up without the pain killers," Shades pointed out.


An evil laugh came from where E'hn was working. Cyare shrugged. "Lets go..." Shades nodded but stopped and gave E'hn a small hug before following Cyare.


Cyare smiled as he put his helmet on. He led the way outside into the twilight. As he did he spoke quietly to her. "You going to be ok? With the arm and eye?" He sounded a bit concerned.


"I'm not sure...It's like seeing what I should have been like or something." She grinned a bit. "Or turning back a clock. It's like I'm not the same." Cyare nodded. But he had to say something. And not what was on his mind...


"It's still you. Whether the parts are metal, flesh or whatever, its still you..." Cyare's voice was quiet. "You are yourself and a good thing.”


"I guess I should say the old me," Shades stated. "Before I turned into the cold hearted schutta that is Shades."


"I..." Cyare shook himself. "I have been meaning to ask you something, but didn't want to seem out of line or fresh." He winced, that hadn't come out right...


Shades grinned then. "You? Out of line or fresh? Ever?"


"Well..." Cyare shook his head. "Maybe in a few years or so I will learn not to put my boot in my mouth..."


"How can you? That's what the helmet is for," Shades said with a laugh.


"True." Cyare laughed. "I don't mean to be forward or anything, but I wondered if I could call you something besides Shades. It seems impersonal, and I don't think you are a cold hearted schutta. Although you have had to act it. I know a bit about that. Bodyguards have to act that way a lot..."


Shades stopped in her tracks at that blinking at him and looking surprised before suddenly seeming nervous. "Really? Never picture a bodyguard as cold hearted. Certainly not you." She seemed to debate for a moment then over things before answering. "Amie."


"Ah?" Cyare smiled. It suited her. "Amie... Nice name. Come on Amie, lets get you back to your place so you can get some actual rest as opposed to sedated rest." She gave a small, almost shy smile then.


Just then a voice came from nearby. "Shades, good to see you up and around." This was a smallish Mando woman who wore armor but no helmet as she worked on something in front of her house. She walked up to them and nodded to them both. "My name is Illia, I wanted to introduce myself, but never had the chance."


"Oh...um, hi," Shades said. She sounded somewhat relieved, as if she had been straining her mind to remember who the woman was and failing. "Nice to meet you."


"If you ever need anything feel free to ask. I have to get back, that hide needs a bit more work. But I am glad to finally meet you." She nodded to Shades and walked back to her work. Cyare spoke quietly.


"Best tanner in the colony. If you need leatherwork done, she is the person to go to."


"Oh," Shades stated. "Would explain why I hadn't met her. Likely doesn't need me to fix anything for her."


Cyare snorted. "You might be surprised. She uses it for other things, just not the tanning, that she says needs a personal touch." Shades snorted a bit and gave Cyare a devious look then. Cyare was obviously glaring at her and his voice held JUST the right tone of severity. "Don't get any ideas..." It was spoiled by the humor that lurked under it however. Shades simply smirked and wiggled her eyebrows as she started walking again. Another voice came.


"Hey, is that...?" "Shades! We didn't think you would be awake yet." A pair of younger mandos stopped their sparring to nod to her. From their height and voices, they were older adolescents. One male, one female. The female spoke. "I am Naakla and this is Demar." Both nodded to her.


Shades seemed taken aback a bit by the younger ones running up to her. "Err, hi."


Naakla shook herself. "I'm sorry, we should let you get back home, but... We wanted to say hi." Demar spoke as well, his voice was openly admiring. "Good job in the circle."


"Oh, uh...no problem. Wouldn't want to do that again though." She seemed to flush a bit.


Demar nodded. "I know. But well done anyway." The two went back to their practice, the clang of armor against armor loud in the darkening light.


"Wow." Cyare snorted a bit. "You are popular."


"Apparently," she replied sounding like the idea was foreign to her. "Let's go before I start getting autographs demanded of me."


After several more people stopped to introduce themselves, inquire as to how Shades felt or compliment her on her fight, they made it to her house. It was full dark now. Shades spoke in a querulous voice. "Oi, when did I become some holopic star here? Ratchet made some dirty vids while i was out didn't he?"


"No." Cyare shook his head. "You trounced somebody that most of us disliked. And no, he wanted to, but I persuades him not to." Cyare cracked his knuckles. Shades shook her head.


"I didn't trounce anybody. I was lucky."


"You won." The quiet conviction in Cyare's words made it completely clear that there was a grin on his face.


"Yeah and got beat within an inch of my life while I was at it. Not like we were fighting for a prize or something. She stopped then and thought about it, "I correct myself. She was fighting for a prize. I was fighting cause she pissed me off."


"Force forbid I ever get you that angry with me..." Cyare shuddered dramatically


"Well unless you said doing badly veiled threats about killing my little sister. I think your safe."


"What?" Cyare froze. "She said that?"


"Yeah. Then again I think I was pissing her off too." Cyare sighed. Shades gave him a grin then. "Relieved? I mean she's not stalking you anymore here."


"Oh..." Cyare laughed. "You have no idea, Amie. None at all."


Shades chuckled then, "I can guess. She was rather angry and seemed to think...uh well that I was stealing you."


"Well..." Cyare's grin was obvious. "Just so you know, I think Sara wanted to talk to you sometime, about some of the moves you did. She likes learning new ones."


Shades groaned then. "I don't know half the stuff I did. It was all, try not to get hit."


"Amie..." Cyare laughed hard now. "What do you think any of it is? The best defense is not to be there when someone throws a punch."


"Yeah, which is hard to do when you can't see," Shades grumbled. "Yay for me being one lucky kiffar."


"Luck, skill, whatever... You won." Cyare bowed to her. "Hail the conquering hero." His voice was serious and teasing at the same time.


Shades laughed then. "This where the rescued party kisses me and I get to ride off into the sunset with them?" Cyare froze. That hadn't occurred to him, but technically he had been rescued by Shades actions... ergo...


"Well..." Cyare sounded as if he wanted to say something. He knew he shouldn't do this, but man he wanted to...


Shades tilted her head to the side curiously blinking at him. "Hmm? Well?”


"This is going to sound really stupid, but... would you mind? If someone kissed you?" As soon as the words left his mouth he wanted to reach out and grab them and pull them back in.


She blushed then looking shy again. "That...I think would depend on the who," she said. She shifted a bit as if nervous.


Cyare froze. Then he took off his helmet. "Would you mind...?" He asked quietly. "If I did?"


Amie blinked up at him, it seemed to take her a minute to find her voice. "No," she managed to get out just as quiet as his tone. "I wouldn't mind." Cyare's arms enfolded the girl then, slowly, carefully, as if he was afraid to hurt her. His eyes met hers and he smiled. Amie swallowed then nervously. Her hands fluttering a minute like she wasn't sure what to do with them before settling them on Cyare's shoulders. He took his time, slowly, carefully, so as not to scare her, he settled himself and then did it. A long slow, passionate kiss. It couldn't last long enough for Cyare and probably not for Shades either. Cyare broke it off after a minute or so, regretfully.


Oh... My... Cyare kept the thought off his face, but there was nothing he wanted to do more right then than grab Shades and hold her forever. And kiss her until his air gave out.


Shades blinked up at him with wide eyes then seemed to sigh and remember she had to breath. "I...definitely...don't mind that happening again."


Down boy...


"Maybe..." Cyare shook his head slowly, but not in negation. His voice held wonder. "Sleep on it Shades. We can talk in the morning, if you like."


Shades blinked some more and nodded. "Good idea," she didn't entirely sound like the liked the thought but there was a note of anticipation in it. "I should probably go in."


"Yeah... Sleep well." Cyare put his helmet back on and started off. It wasn't like anyone in the colony would dare hurt Shades now...

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"He kissed me..."


That single thought seem to keep her floating even when her door closed and she simply let gravity drag her to the floor. Her carbine clattering a minute before she thought to pull the sling off and set it down.


She tried to be logical about it but her brain seemed to have shut off at some point. Wasn't that a marvel in itself? That simply seemed to reinforce the matter to her.


"He kissed me..."


She'd been kissed a few times here and there in life. She had however always been able to keep her thoughts. She'd always kind of been detached from things and cataloging what happened. That had been one of the reasons she never slept with a guy. She'd be amused somewhat usually but never enough to bother with the rest of it. Better to leave it alone and not gamble bad odds on something lukewarm and rather plain.


She had wondered later if maybe there was something wrong with her. After all Ren had always seemed able to connect with people, maybe far more then she had liked but he did. How many times had she thrown out 'friends' of his? Her parents, for all her lack of understanding how they did it, were always happy with each other.


She figured she just had something to learn yet, or maybe it was just something she didn't have. Then she'd lost her arm and eye and it really hadn't mattered anymore.


She thought for a minute that maybe Cyare simply liked what he saw now, she did look more...approachable.


Even as she looked at her new arm though she dismissed the idea, remembering Cyare's comments and actions before the limbs.


"He kissed me!" Amie thought finally caving to the giddy little bubble that had been squeezing her slowly as her cynical side had worked and come up with no down side to this. She giggled and let out a soft squeal as she jumped up and twirled around her front room like a kid. She'd use to love doing that when she was small and out in her father's fields.


She replayed it in her mind all over again, something she'd never been able to do before, even with her first actual kiss when she'd been thirteen. Oh she had wanted to bolt the minute Cyare had brought up kissing, thinking she'd blurt out something stupid. Her mind pointing out as usual that she wasn't someone people kissed even as she told herself to quit being an idiot.


She'd been nervous and figured her face was as red as her tattoo the whole time but it was worth it. She smiled softly at the memory, pressing to fingers to her lips at if to hold it in place as she conjured up the feeling of those arms around her.


Quite suddenly there was a knock on her door, popping her dreamy little bubble and dragging her back to earth. Who would be visiting at this hour? Then again, she was far to wired to sleep right that minute anyway. Likely it was Maria checking up on her, or maybe Sara, or Jirina. She'd been half surprised they hadn't been haunting the clinic to find out how her and Cyare were. Then again they were likely busy, hence the late visit.


The knock sounded again and Amie sighed. "Alright, alright, I'm coming. Yeesh if you guys wanted to know how I was that bad you could have asked..."


The minute the door opened a crack though an armored hand snaked through and clamped over her mouth. A black armored mandalorian shoved her back several steps while she was still surprised and kicked the door shut behind him. Just as it occured to Shades to start fighting back though a heavy blaster pistol seemed to pop out of nowhere and point at her face.


"Your worth more alive Shades but I can settle with you being dead just as good," the guy said. "Just means I throw you to Yinran instead of Zim."


Shades felt her blood run cold, the words bounty hunter screaming in her head. How in the blasted universe had the guy found her? Maria said this place was isolated and off the beaten path. Then again, he had brought up two rather powerful organizations that wanted her. That might have helped the huttspawn out a bit.


"Now then," the hunter stated flatly. "I would recommend behaving. See if I don't show up with you in about a week here, Zim's gonna be collecting that collateral of yours."


Shades went white then. Creation of all times for this! Oh why hadn't she thought to grab her carbine first before opening the door.


"That's against the contract," she hissed as the black mando started to let go of her mouth only to have him clamp down again.


"Disappearance or death clause," the man stated. "Now. We're going for a little walk you and I. Don't do anything stupid or I'll put a round in you and then you know what'll happen."


The pleasant daydream Shades had of her and Cyare was shattered and replaced by a much worse one. Her mother getting a visit from one of the nastiest Exchange bosses on Coruscant. All by herself on the little farm that was kliks away from any form of help.


The blaster vanished again as the slimeball of a bounty hunter place a strategic hand on her hip, making her skin crawl. She could feel something sharp prodding and ready to stab right into her kidney if she did something. Obviously he was thinking to try and pass himself off as some guy she was sweet on.


"Want to rip out the throat..." Shades growled to herself but restrained it thinking of her mother. Sure she might have been able to get away and get help with the guy, but where did that leave her Ma?


"Move," the hunter sneered.


Shades could do nothing but obey like some whipped dog getting dragged home to master.


((Posted by Setie))

Edited by kalenath
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Sara was on her way to Shades house. She hadn't wanted to intrude. But when she had seen Cyare walking away, she had decided maybe it was a good time to talk to Shades. She carefully hadn't seen the small, touching scene play out between Shades and Cyare. She also carefully hadn't screamed at them 'It's about time you idiots!'.


Sara was meandering, taking her time. She didn't want to spoil the good mood Shades obviously had from the look on her face as she went inside. But then she froze.A black armored Mando was at Shades door. Black? No one wore black unless they were doing night infiltrations. And black kind of stood out anyway, a dark gray was always more preferable. Her brother wore black a lot but that was to make him look more scary, or so she kept telling herself. She watched as the door opened and then closed. But she knew no on in the colony would hurt Shades now. No one would dare. Sara shook her head. Something was wrong here. She found a convenient shadow and lurked. She lurked well.


Sara's eyes narrowed as the black armored form came back out with Shades beside him. But Shades posture was all wrong. And this wasn't anyone she knew. This wasn't a large colony, but she didn't know everybody. She did know everybody knew who was sweet on Shades, and if this idiot pushed Cyare... She froze as something glinted. Barely seen, almost imagined. She snarled silently. No, not a sweetheart. Sweethearts didn't have blades ready to strike the kidneys of people.


Sara hit her com, to summon backup, but paused. Who would dare snatch Shades? None of the Mandos on the planet that was for sure. None of the people in the small enclave isolated on a few hundred kilometers away, so what did that leave? Someone who didn't know what was going on here? But why would they be taking her...? Sara hissed silently. A bounty hunter? Here? She shook her head. She needed information. She skulked forward, careful to remain in the shadows and silent. Then she put on her helmet, activated her stealth systems and faded from sight. She hit a very special code on her com and followed the two in silence.


<In orbit>


Far above, a large mass shifted. The hangar crew of the Dia's Gift moved quickly away as the menacing form moved into launch position.


"Besu'liik A108-G4 ready Mistress. Awaiting orders." The Basilisk War Droid hunched at the edge of the hangar bay like a deadly shadow, a large deadly shadow. Ready to rend and kill at it's mistress' commands.

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Shades behaved until they hit the tree line. In the wilds she doubted any mandalorians would be around to see them. If she could just figure out how to clobber this blasted bounty hunter. He had to have a ship nearby, so she could use it to go make sure her Ma was ok.


She dug her heels in hoping to come up with something when he released her. No mandalorians meant no reason to bother with a charade. The hunter would simply shove her along though till she was tripping over her feet.


"I swear...I'm gonna cut you into little pieces and ship them to hutt as a snack for this you son of..."


"Do you want me to shoot you? Shut up girl!" the hunter snapped as he cuffed the back of her head. Cutting off Shades's rant of promised agony before she could really get started.


"If your gonna just shoot me anyways why should I? After all Yinran certainly doesn't care if I'm breathing. Think they actually prefer me dead," she snapped back.


"You are worth more alive and Zim isn't picky if you don't have all your teeth," the hunter growled. "If I have to shoot you to get off this planet I will, damn Mandos..."


Shades snarled then, "Zim still have that horrible crush on me? Tell him to take out an advertisement and leave me alone!"


With Shades being vocal and stubborn the hunter didn't notice the shadow slowly following in pursuit. It stopped when they did and only moved when one of them was talking or moving.


"Don't know and don't care. Shut up and get moving," the hunter said giving Shades a hard enough shove to leave her sprawled in the dirt.


The kiffar got up slowly, focusing on the hunter's waist in hopes of snatching his blaster or knife. There was nothing hanging from it though. Where was he keeping his weapons if not on his person? He could hardly go hiding them under armor plates. Something didn't seem right about this 'mando'.


The hunter was impatient though and grabbed her by her hair and yanked her up as she yowled. "Move!" he ordered.


Shades started moving again. "Zim can't enact that blasted clause! I haven't been missing three months yet!"


"No, but you vanished completely," the black man pointed out. "So he got a little antsy and who's gonna argue with him what he can and can't do? Don't know what you are worried about. Its not like he would kill you."


"I am not his damn slave girl!" Shades roared trying to dig her heels in.


"Quit your whining, you'd get paid..." the hunter started to say only to have Shades try and throw on the brakes. He hit her over the head hard enough to have her seeing stars a moment. "Stop that. Like I say, I don't care. All I want to do is get off this kriffing planet and get paid."


Shades growled at the hit and spun on her heel. She rammed the hunter with a shoulder, hoping to knock him down so she could choke the life out of him with her bare hands. She knew very well how those soulless scum suckers in the Exchange worked. Zim had outlined it all very nicely when he'd tried to recruit her. Her answer then was the same as now, a very flat and disgusted "Not for every credit in the galaxy".


While she did manage to knock the hunter over the schuffle didn't last long as the hunter managed to flip Shades and pin her as she tried to roll up onto all fours. He had her hands twisted behind her back as he slapped a pair of stun cuffs on her wrists. Her brain though registered that there was something wrong with the guy's armor. Metal should be cooler, while his was warm like clothes.


"Don't make me use these girl. I don't want to carry you," he grunted. "Zim said you were feisty, but we got a ways to go. Come on!" He dragged her back up to her feet then.


"Get off me!" Shades snarled trying to twist away from him. "I didn't even start this mess!"


The hunter sighed. "Ok, the hard way it is..." he lifted the tattooed girl into what some might call a rescue carry, Her stomach over his shoulder and her feet kicking in back of him as he started off again, Shades swearing a blue streak as they walked.


((Posted by Setie))

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The forest was still, quiet almost. A good time for hunting. The hunter sat on his branch and scanned the area with his scope. He was sure that sooner or later something would come into his line of fire and they would eat meat for awhile. He winced a bit. His wife was a very good cook, but Rina had the woodcraft skills of a Ronto. A clumsy Ronto, now that she was expecting again. So, he did what any self respecting husband would do. Anything she wanted him to. And in this case, Rina wanted meat. So he was here to get her meat. Preferably something tender. So many pregnant women in teh colony right now, Rina, Jirina, Cona, Lara... The list went on and on...


T'ad froze in his hide as sounds reached him. He turned his auditory amplifiers up to full and focused on what he heard. Shades? Then he blanched as he made out what was being said. He keyed his com, but another signal came in.


“She's a hostage. Its probably a bounty hunter.” T'ad froze at the voice. He had no idea at all where Sara might be. He had taken her into the woods once and had been completely beaten in stealth. She had literally snuck up behind him, while he waited silent in his hide, and filched his own pistol from him. And when he had turned around, she had offered it back. That girl was scary. It was obvious that the Intel people who had kept her mother in captivity had been training her literally from birth. But... He shook his head. Nothing like Mandalorians. She had opened up a bit, to him and others and spoken of what she remembered. And even the stoic Mandalorians had been horrified. T'ad shook his head. His father had been strict in training, yes, but neither of his parents had ever used shock prods on him to herd him to and from lessons. Or torture as an incentive to learn fast. The entire colony was unanimous. If they caught any of the scum responsible, the demagolkas would take weeks to die. It was amazing that Sara was as a sane as she was. Same for Maria. He shook himself and focused on... Ah...


“Eyes on.” His eyes were appraising as he looked through his scope. He snarled silently as he saw he had no clean shot. And the guy was in armor... not good. “I can hit him, but it wouldn't be clean.”


A wound might be just as bad as a miss. The guy would either hide behind the girl, or kill her. And... since T'ad considered Shades family now... He would let her die if that was what it took to protect the colony, but, he didn't want to. He didn't have a lot of people he respected. And she was a good Dejarik player too. Sara's voice came.


“Understood, maintain eyes on. He probably has a ship, if you find it, give coordinates, and I will drop something special on it.” At that T'ad smiled under his helmet. He froze as the Shades struck at the man and the hunter dropped her to the ground. She was cursing a blue streak now. He wanted to shoot, oh how he wanted to, but he had no shot still. He moved around the pair and paralleled their line of march, far enough away to be almost impossible to see, close enough to be in sight. One clean shot, that was all it would take, but the underbrush was too thick. He cursed silently as the hunter picked Shades up in a rescue carry and started off again, faster.

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The bounty hunter sighed as he carried Shades. "Zim DID say you were fiesty, and I see he didn't exaggerate."


Shades hissed at that. "Yeah hardly a good little slave like you are pal."


At that the hunter slapped Shades on the rump. "You gonna behave?" Shades made a sound like and angry cat then and tried to drive a knee into the guy's chest.


"Keep your filthy paws off me!"


The hunter sighed. "Ask a silly question..." He hit the control for the cuffs, sending a mild charge into Shades wrists. Shades yelped then and swore but she calmed for a few minutes.


After a kilometer or so, the hunter dropped Shades onto the ground and sighed. "you sure are heavy, good thing you are worth it."


Shades growled low. "Oh joy...yet you punks would go after a crippled old woman instead of waiting for me to pop up again. I feel so worth it..."


"We only go for 'collateral' if the principle is unavailable. Which it isn't. You got nothing to worry about now. Well, you DO, but your mama is safe, for now anyways." The bounty hunter chuckled a bit. Shades snarled.


"You were getting your frackin money!" At those words, the two shadows behind them froze. One raised a rifle shape, but the other made a furtive motion and the first lowered it. The hunter sighed.


"You shouldn't have disappeared girl. You make people nervous when that happens. And you DO owe a great deal of money from what I understand."


Shades was livid but struggling to hold it in. "And payments were getting made! What kind of money would an old crippled woman get you here? Obivously I wasn't dead or payments would have stopped. Zim's just pissed cause I've never been late and always came up with the money!" The hunter nodded at that.


"But you dropped off the radar. How were we to know you would KEEP paying? Don't worry, you Mama is just fine. And will be, as long as you do exactly what Zim tells you to, now get up..."


Shades looked mutinous but did as she was ordered and started walking. "I still don't see how my Ma could get you any real money."


The hunter chuckled. "You really want to know?" He started ticking things off on his fingers. "The legs make a few of our 'standard' applications null and void, but... Off the top of my head... She could make an 'escort' for clients with peculiar tastes, could make her a food taster, there is a Hutt who needs some- they keep dying-, Pharmaceutical companies always need more lab rats, and there are a few other companies that make a lot of money harvesting organs and regrowing them. Cheaper than cloning."


"Why you..." Shades went for the throat now, hoping to choke the life out of the scumbag.


"Stupid girl." The hunter's hand blurred and a blade shot out. Then it was red with blood. "Don't make me kill you, you are worth a lot more alive."


Shades clamped a hand on her bleeding shoulder and glared murder. "I'm gonna rip out the hearts of every single one of you bastards..."


"You are nimble though..." He snorted as he saw she had managed to get the cuffs in front somehow. And they were deactivated. "You gonna be good or do I gotta trank you and lug you the rest of the way?" He held up a hypo filled with an ominous looking liquid.


<Not very far away at all>


Sara snarled silently from where she was. Her heavy pistol didn't have the range to drop this slimeball through armor and T'ad had no shot. She followed for a while and then froze again as the hunter obviously got tired of carrying the struggling girl and dropped Shades. What he said though... Her face went cold. She KNEW she couldn't tear the guy limb from limb, but oh how she burned to. Threaten her, no problem. Threaten her mother? And with that? Sara knew what it was to be a lab rat, a guinea pig. Even an organ donor. This guy was dead, the only question was when and if Shades would survive. Very, very dead. Her eyes blinked slowly and she moved forwards a little as Shades attacked the hunter. She was a lot closer but still had no shot as the hunter dragged Shades to her feet again and started off again.


T'ad was angry. Bad enough a hunter came down on their planet and snatched someone they liked, but for this? He still didn't have a shot though. He remembered a clearing in this area where a ship might have been able to land and started for where he knew it was. If he could get there first... He tensed as he saw the hunter stab Shades. But the hunter probably wouldn't kill her, not yet. He promised himself that if he had the chance, he would make it hurt. A lot.

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"What's it going to be girl?" The hunter held up the hypo and waved it menacingly.


Shades grumbled but started walking again.


"Drat. I was hoping to try this little concoction of Zim's. Oh well, later..." The hunter followed close, but not close enough to grab.


Shades fretted trying to think of some way to escape this punk. If Ren hadn't been dead already she would have killed him for starting this whole mess.


They walked for a few minutes until a lessening of the foliage showed a ship nestled in a small clearing a few hundred yards ahead. The hunter grabbed Shades by her wounded shoulder and shoved her towards the ship. "Come on, move. I want off this flarging planet."


Shades swore and started fighting again. "I ain't getting on any ship with a slimy perverted huttspawn like you here pal!"


The hunter snorted. Then his face shifted. "Would you get on the ship with him?" Suddenly his face was Cyare's except for the evil leer on it.


The shadows that had been pacing them froze and then moved at an angle to intercept.


Shades let out an angry growl as she tried to punch the shapeshifter in the head. "You take that face off this minute or i'm gonna rearrange it!"


"Oh would you prefer this?" Suddenly Shades was looking in a mirror. A mirror from the morning when her old eye had been attached. "I think I will dose, you... You will feel so much better..." He moved towards her with the hypo in his hand. "Once you have one of Zim's cocktails running through you, you will feel so much better."


The part that creeped Shades out the most was that he sounded exactly like her, complete with impatient growl. She backed up, attempting to escape from...well herself.


The hunter grabbed her flesh and blood arm. "Where are you going? Come on, you will enjoy this, until you come down that is..." The face reverted to the black mandalorian helmet he had appeared as first.


She was terrified now and knew if the scum got her on that ship she'd be trapped for the rest of her life. "You know the mandalorians are gonna take you apart for impersonating one of them shifter!" she barked in an attempt to hide her fear.


"Indeed we will." The cold voice came from between them and the ship. No one could be seen though. "You are not getting out of here pal. Drop the weapons and you will live. Keep going and you die." The voice could have come from an assassin droid but it sounded young and female. Then it clicked. It was one Shades knew. Sara! "I would stop moving..."


"I would shut up and leave," the hunter replied. He seemed to shrink some so that it would have been hard to shoot him from the front without nailing Shades somewhere vital. "I got a nice fat bounty to collect on this schutta and a clean way to my ship. Can't see why I would bother dropping weapons."


"Well... I guess we just have to convince you then..." Something large and loud dropped out of the sky onto the top of the bounty hunter's ship. Which shuddered on its landing gear before falling to the ground with a crash. "Say hello to my little friend."


The large and imposing form of a Basilisk war droid appeared from the wreckage, its weapons pointed at the bounty hunter.


The hunter darted and had to skid across the ground to get out of the way, dragging Shades with him. He rolled over then to find himself staring at the war droid and said swore violently in huttese.


"Now now, such language..." Sara's voice was mild. It almost hid the anger. Almost.


Shades started to try and crawl away only to have the hunter grab her ankle and yank her towards him, as if to use her like a shield to keep the droid at bay.


"You are not getting out of here pal. The only question is how much of you is left when we are done. Let her go and we might even be civilized about this. You are just doing your job. I understand that."


"You don't know what your doing here Mando...Got any idea how much this little rat's hide is worth?"

"Your life." Was the cold answer. "Kind of hard to spend those credits when you are in pieces in a zakkeg's guts."


The droid moved a bit, the whine of the motors and the squeal of tortured metal was loud as it moved in the wreckage, maintaining its aim on its chosen target. The hunter's head.


"Now now, should we not be civilized here and negotiate some?" He had a better grip on Shades now and kept her sitting in front of him with the war droids behind and he kept himself crouched behind her. "You really think your droid here can manage to only hit me and not your little friend? You do realize this schutta's got no friends for a reason right? She has a habit of blowing them up."


"You rotten little..." Shades started fuming only to cringe some as the grip on her wrist twisted.


"You might be surprised what the droid can do. And you are wrong." The voice sighed. "She does have friends."


"Ha! A mechanical freak with a 200k live bounty on her doesn't have friends, she's got people playing her till they find out about it," the hunter laughed. "Just think a minute here. She ain't one of yours and if we split the creds 50/50 you got an easy 100k to invest in this...delightful little place."


"Oh?" The voice laughed coldly, "And we should trust you, why? You sneak on to our world, abduct one of our friends and you think we are going to trust? Don't make me vomit, you scum."


"Be reasonable here Mando," the hunter stated looking about still for who was talking. "She ain't a friend. She's using the lot of you to hide her from some rather powerful individuals and leaving her own mother to hang for it to. What a great gal to have as a friend."


Shades growled and would have tried to strangle the guy but she felt the barrel of a blaster press to the back of her head,


"Your funny. You should take up side show. If you had half a clue, she might actually be in danger..."


A blaster shot came in from the side, neatly amputating the arm that held the blaster to Shades. As that happened a new voice called out, "Shades! Down! Now!"


Shades didn't question the order and hit the ground.


As Shades hit the ground the droid was in motion. Before the hunter could react, he was pinned to the ground by a huge talon. A shadow detached from the forest and ran to Shades. "You okay?" Sara asked as she looked at Shades.


Another figure in gray armor came up, his blaster rifle pointed at the hunters head as the shifter tried to squirm out from under the claw.


Shades cracked opened her eyes and blinked at the droid, an obvious light of fascination dancing in her eye. "Where can I get one of those?"


"My pet?" Sara laughed. "Sorry, we only have a few, but...I can probably swing you helping me work on him..."


"Maybe in a few...weeks or something. Think I'm gonna be busy," the kiffar said getting up and stomping over to the struggling bounty hunter and planted a boot on his throat. "You! Answers...now!"


"I would answer her,” T'ad suggested in a mild voice that fooled no one. “I don't care what you are... you will die if I shoot you enough..."


"Specially since that ain't armor," Shades sneered. "Now you tell me what the hell Zim is planning right now!"


"It isn't?" Sara looked puzzled for a moment, but then a vicious grin crossed her face. "Hmmm... does he need legs t talk?" The comment was obviously not a joke or an idle question.


The hunter snorted a bit then, "Zim enacting the D & D clause. You know what that means girl. Collatoral gets collected."


Shades glared as she struggled to hold onto her temper. Was it her or was he looking thinner?


"Idiot." Sara's boot met the stump of the hunter's shoulder,"Talk sense, or I might get angry."


The hunter shrieked some then. "I am talking sense...the kiffar knows what I mean!" T'ad simply rested his rifle barrel on the head of the hunter now.


Shades growled now, "I have to be missing for three month or ruled dead for that! Why is he enacting it now!? I've only been gone two months!"


"What?" Sara stepped back slightly, since T'ad had the guy dead to rights. "A contract? To this Zim, whoever the flarg that is?" Shades cringed a bit at Sara's question before the girl continued. "Like I really care. I'm just curious who sends bounty hunters on suicide missions like that... wasteful."


The hunter snickered now. "Didn't tell them did ya? Nervous they'd throw you at him there Shades?"


Sara looked from the hunter to Shades and shook her head. Then she kicked the guy's shoulder again, hard. "Whatever it is, we will handle it."


The hunter yelped again but laughed some. "Good luck on that...minute metal girl here hits known space the hunters and thugs for yinran will come crawling out of the woodwork. You guys know that. She'd never make the deadline, so Zim gets her little ole momma."


Shades snarled and kicked the guy in the face now. "No body lays a finger on my Ma you hear me!" she roared as Sara pulled her away before turning on her heel and stomping off towards the colony.

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Sara motioned to T'ad who loped off after Shades. "How did you find her. It's professional curiosity, I have hunted a bit myself. I assume the droids we have found in pieces were yours. But this planet is uncharted."


"Uncharted sure but I didn't need to know where she was. Just who she was with."


"You followed me? Wow, that was skill..."


"Don't kid yourself girl. I've been lurking behind that schutta for over a year now. Lost her in the middle of that damn jedi fight when she blew up her own ship. All I knew was she was with mandos. Tracking down the right group and hitching rides on supply shuttles without getting caught...now that was the work."


"Ah... makes sense. But, wait a sec, if you were following her for that long,... Oh... Your employer wants her for himself, so he was looking for an excuse..." Sara nodded. The hunter went strangely quiet now. "I would have offered you more money."


"Heh, you don't negotiate with Zim. You take what he offers. Kiffar schutta's the only one that had the balls to even try, and look where that got her. Slaving away for him anyway. She just likes to think she's got her own life."


"Yeah." Sara sighed. "And you just think you have yours. Well, gonna try and escape now? Please do. I would have let you go, with more money than you have ever seen, until you threatened her mother with being a lab rat and organ donor. I have been both pal." As Sara turned slightly away, the hunter seemed to vanish completely. “OYA!" Sara shouted and the entire clearing seemed to explode in fire and flames.


Shades jumped not to far away. "Osik! Sara!" She kicked herself for letting her temper run off with her. Now Maria was gonna kill her for a bounty hunter blowing her daughter up.


"Wait!" T'ad grabbed her before she made it a step. "You are not in armor, wait a sec..."


A form came striding quickly out of the flames. Sara's armor was scorched, but she held a misshapen skull in her hand. All the flesh burned off of it. She started tossing it from hand to hand. Shades' voice was only slightly shaky when she spoke.


"Creation Sara I got enough on my plate without a heart attack over you blowing yourself up!"


Sara looked at her and shook her head. Then she looked at the skull in her hand. There was a grin in her voice when she spoke. "Did you order that bounty hunter regular, grilled or extra crispy?”


Shades shook her head. "Blackened and in pieces works. Now if you don't mind I gotta find a ship to borrow and days off to get..."


"Shades..." Sara stopped and her voice was serious. “You leave this planet and you are dead. He wasn't lying about Yinran."


"Yeah." T'ad spoke up. "We got reports of Yinran hunters looking in most of your usual haunts."


"Well guess it's a good thing I'm not going near my usual haunts," Shades commented as she walked quickly.


"Ah..." Sara sighed and moved in front of Shades and walked beside the older girl. She took off her helmet. "Shades, please listen to me..." Her voice held entreaty, nothing else. but her eyes were worried. "I don't have a lot of friends who are not Mandos... I like... to think you are one... Presumptuous of me, I know..."


Shades seemed to deflate some from Sara's word. "Aww crud don't pull that card on me Fireball..." Sara had to smile a bit at Shades nickname for her. She had to admit it did fit.


"Look..." Sara flinched. "I'm sorry... I... You know they will be waiting for you. You know they will."


Shades ran frustrated hands through her hair. "You know I can't just sit here though. Zim is a bastard enough to go pick up my Ma cause I'm M.I.A. Argh....one of these days I'm gonna..." It was easy to see Shades was starting to get steamed again.


"Shades..." Sara moved close. "I can do this. I can get her someplace safe. No one knows me. Besides, I consider you a friend and no one threatens family members of friends of mine and gets away with it. No one!" Sara was still a bit incandescent in her own fury. At least she wasn't unemotional.


"She is right." T'ad spoke up. "Shades, they want you running into their gunsights. But there is no way they could expect us."


"But it's not your fight," Shades stated with a growl. "I am not letting one of you guys go get your heads blow off checking my Ma while I'm sitting here having a teaparty!" At that T'ad and Sara both laughed sourly.


"Who said anything about our heads getting blown off?" The sniper asked sarcastically. But Shades was unamused.


"Oh don't you dare pull that invincible Mando crap on me right now," Shades grumbled. "I know damn well that armor doesn't make you invincible."


"I know." Sara slumped. "But, Shades, I don't have any bounties on me. I can be airborne in ten minutes, and my ship can be in hyperspace in two hours." "I can get to your mother..." Sara and T'ad froze as another voice came from a shadowed building. They had reached the colony while talking and looked up to see...


"What is this about her mother?" Maria stepped out of the shadows and two Mandos stood beside her, weapons ready. Shades didn't hear and continued to speak.


"And your Ma would kill me for you running off to deal with stupid crime lords that have a crush on me to rival that toasty red schutta's on Cyare." Then she noticed Sara and T'ad had stopped an looked up to see Maria. Who had frozen on hearing Shades words. "Oh crap..." Shades said slapping her palm to her face. Maria looked from one to the other and then to the third, impassive.


"What's all this then?" Maria's voice was quiet but rang with command. Sara blinked and looked at T'ad and they both looked at Shades.


"Ah...." Shades's brain scrambled trying to come up with something.


Maria's eyes got cold. "If someone doesn't start talking fast, I will turn the lot of you over my knee and spank you. Don't think I won't..." Sara actually flinched, and T'ad froze. But Shades spoke up.


"Is that with or without the gauntlet?" A muffled laugh came from T'ad and Sara was obviously fighting a grin, but Maria was not amused.


"Shades..." Then the older woman froze and snarled. "Who stabbed you?" She waved to one of her guards who took off at a run. She came up to Shades and started examining the wound.


"Huh?" Shades turned and blinked at her shoulder then. "Oh drats...forgot about that..." Maria stared at her.


“How do you forget a wound when it is bleeding all down your front...?” Maria sighed. "Why do I get the feeling this is going to be a long night?"

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Maria examined the wound dispassionately, then she sighed. "I don't think you will need stitching, but... Who is going to tell me what happened?" Her gaze traveled from Sara to T'ad and then to Shades.


Sara didn't speak, and neither did T'ad.


"Uh..."Shades trailed off.


"On no you don't. No silence." Maria shook her head slowly. "Come on, the entire colony is awake by now. You usually let us know before you deploy that monster of yours Sara." Sara winced a bit at that. It was kind of overkill...


Shades swore as if it only just computed in her head that Sara's droid likely pulled forth all kinds of attention.


"Okay." Sara sighed. "It's my fault. I was practicing with it, and Shades was watching. I didn't see where one of the blasts went off. And she caught a splinter. I forgot she wasn't in armor." Maria looked at Sara, then at Shades. T'ad remained silent. Just then two more Mandos ran up. E'hn immediately started cursing.


"Stupid girl, I let you out of my sight for a minute and you go and get hurt again." The medic snapped, but his hands were gentle "I should just tie you to the medical bed..." Cyare looked at her and froze. His helmet was off and he looked like he had just woken up and thrown his armor on.


"Are you all right Shades?" Cyare's voice was quiet but she could see the concern in his eyes.


Shades blinked and gave a sheepish grin to E'hn before giving a reassuring one to Cyare. "I'm ok. I can manage myself after all here." She barely resisted the urge to glare at T'ad and Sara.


MAria looked from Shades to T'ad to Sara and then sighed loud and long. "Ehn, bandage her up, Cyare, she is fine, go back to bed." E'hn did as instructed, his gentle fingers in strict variance with the diatribe coming out of his mouth in low tones. Cyare looked hurt.


"I..." Cyare started and broke off. "Maria..."


Shades bit her lip before just kicking herself to put her foot in it. "Aw come on Maria when has Cyare ever gone home before I'm tucked all safe in bed here?"


Maria was silent a moment before she sighed again, "Fine, You three, with me, Cyare you can guard the door if you absolutely have to." She started off towards Shades house with a glare to the others that said in no uncertain terms that they better follow. Sara and T'ad followed. Cyare stood near Shades as E'hn finished up. The medic wandered off then, still muttering under his breath about stupid girls.


Shades followed silently but it was obvious her mind was definitely not with them. Cyare followed her, looking very worried. Maria led the way to Shades house and waved Sara and T'ad in. "Get in here." her voice was quiet, but it was a command to the kiffar as her guardian took his place outside the door.


Shades jerked herself to attention and gave Cyare a look. "Such a nice spot this door," she muttered quietly with a smirk and a glint in her eye at him before stepping into the house. She certainly wasn't going to be forgetting the last time the two of them were at this door...well ever.


Cyare smiled a bit as he pulled his helmet back on, but maintained his vigil. Maria closed the door and locked it before looking around the room.


"What happened, and no fables this time. "Maria said evenly. "I know the difference between a splinter wound and a knife wound."


Sara jerked, but didn't speak. T'ad just stood, a silent shadow.


Shades scowled and looked mutinous...before she paled a bit and spotted her carbine sitting on the floor. Everyone knew she was barely ever two feet from her gun. It was a standing habit from her days on her own. If you were to far from your gun then you were a sitting duck.


"Come on..." Maria shook her head. "The silent routine didn't work when you were two, Sara, it isn't going to work... now...' She broke off as she saw Shades carbine. Fear and shock mixed into her voice. "What the hell happened? Shades...?" the older woman's voice was worried, scared almost. She approached the girl slowly, as if afraid to frighten her. "Amie... what happened?"


Shades swore violently then. She'd been hoping Maria would somehow miss seeing the rifle laying there. "I was an idiot and answered a door without my gun ready to blow someone's head off."


"What?" Maria shook her head. "No one in this colony would dare... Not after what you did in the ring..." Shades simply clamped her teeth together in the by now well known stubborn stance of hers. Maria looked from Shades to Sara to T'ad who shrugged. Then she shook her head. "Ok... Not someone from the colony, and not someone from anywhere else. You deployed that monster of yours, Sara..." The older woman blinked as pieces started fitting together.


"Flarg!" She swore and keyed her com. She spoke rapid fire into it, a series of codewords. Then she turned back to the silent group. "Ok, since everyone is being silent, lets play a game. I make a guess and somebody better tell me if I am getting hot or cold. Someone tried to snatch you."


Shades ground her teeth together instead of answering while Sara kept her mouth shut but T'ad spoke. "Hot."


Sara's head snapped to face the man, Shades growled and glared daggers at him. One could see murder being contemplated in her eye. The mandalorian visibly flinched under the gazes of the two angry females.


"Right." Maria nodded. "This is an uncharted system and none of Yinran's people are anywhere near here..." She broke off and her face went cold. "Bounty hunter, and not a lightweight... To find us and remain undetected, that speaks money and skill." Maria looked at T'ad but he shook his head. Sara turned her head back to look at her mom, who scowled. "Helmets off. Now." Both stiffened in rebellion, but then acquiesced


Sara's face was a mask, T'ad's wasn't much more expressive.


"Should I pop out my eye?" Shades ask wondering if maybe she could divert the conversation.


Maria looked at Shades. Her face was worried but the edges of her mouth curled up, just a bit. "No. Although I would appreciate some answers. It was a bounty hunter." Not a question.


"Stay on Topic," Sara pipped up in a low tone.


"It was a maalraas with large pointy teeth," Shades commented. After all, the guy was a maalraas in mando skin.


"Last time I checked, maalraas didn't use knives." Maria said coldly. "Come on Shades... Teeth and knives make very different wounds...”


“Stay on topic."


"They leave puncture wounds, what's so different?" Shades asked innocently.


"Do you really want to find out?" Maria's voice was quiet, but there was no give in it at all now.


"Stay on..."


"Would you quit that," Shades growled at Sara now in irritation.


"Come on." Sara smiled sadly. "Don't push her too far Shades. We can help."


Maria pounced on the conversation, "Help?"


Shades hissed now, "It's not your business."


"Yes it is." Maria sighed. "Shades, if a hunter found this colony, then others can. I have to know. We have to know."


Shades was taken aback at that. She hadn't thought about it from that angle. She was far to use to only having to worry about herself. She had never thought that the hunter being after her might put the colony in trouble. After all, who in their right mind attacked a colony of mandalorians?


"Shades... Amie... Please..." Maria slumped. "Was it a hunter? And was he after you?"


Shades sighed, in this department she'd bend a bit so Maria could make sure hers were in no danger. "Yes it was a hunter. I don't know how he found me but yes he was after me."


"Right." Maria nodded. "And Sara deployed her 'pet' to handle him." She gave a significant look to Sara who flushed.


"That, I'm somewhat thankful for...he was rather nasty," Shades commented in a neutral tone though there was appreciation in it.


"But... who...?" Sara nodded slightly at the thanks but Maria was looking thoughtful. "Yinran hasn't hired any freelancers. They have their own corporate 'removal' teams. A bunch of them." "So who else have you aggravated? And when? I think we could..." Maria broke off as Sara shook her head, but her daughter remained silent. Shades crossed her arms now and gave a stubborn glare, obviously refusing to speak.


((Posted by Setie))

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Surprisingly, it wasn't either of the women who spoke up, it was T'ad.


"I understand you want to stand on your own Shades." The sniper said quietly. "Because no one has ever had your interests at heart except you. In this particular case, you do not stand alone. We can help you. Please let us."


For a moment one could almost see Shades cave, she looked horribly tired and for once, frightened before she jerked herself. "I'm not having one of you guys get shot or killed and go pissing off Exchange bosses because of me here. I'll figure out a way to handle it."


"What?" Maria froze solid. "The Exchange?!? When did you...? You always stayed away from those slimes..."


Shades cursed now as she cringed. She gave T'ad a glare as if he'd conned her into spilling things. "I've managed to stay one step ahead of them for a bit now. My reputation plainly stated I didn't play well with others and they usually want folks who can take orders."


"But...Why? You had it...under...control..." Maria shook her head and a horrified expression came over her face. "Oh no... Ren's debts."


Shades shifted uneasily, she looked torn between ripping her hair out screaming and curling in a ball to cry. She sighed then, looking defeated. "Yes Ren's debts..." It seemed to her like things always came back to Ren and his debts. Even now after her brother had been dead and buried for two years.


"Oh no..." Maria walked forward slowly. "Shades, I learned a lot when I was researching you, to hunt you... I don't know how much he owed, but I know it was a lot... How could he have wound up dealing with them?"


"Because he was an addict that I cut off. Addicts always find ways to feed themselves," Shades stated in a flat, bitter tone. "In his case he went and took out a loan from people who'd never say no. He never stopped to think he'd have to repay it, likely didn't care, I was always the one to repay his loans and debts. He just went forth and lived it up and then would ste....skim creds from rent and such in order to keep the dogs off him." It wasn't hard to hear the rage building in her tone, like a volcano about to erupt.


"Oh Shades..." Maria shook her head slowly. "Amie... I understand. I have known addicts. I..." She broke off and then continued. "What I don't understand is why they would be after you. He had the debt, why come after you?"


Shades cringed, she really didn't want to talk about that part. Family loyalty warring with contempt for what Ren had done. She had a feeling she's know the reactions of everyone in the room. Maria held her arms out, not surrounding, just there in case Shades wanted the comfort. Both T'ad and Sara looked at each other, but didn't speak.


Shades hung her head as she hugged herself. "I...I was Ren's collateral. In...in the case he couldn't or wouldn't pay...They got me," she choked out.


"Oh my god..." Maria froze and then in a moment, she was hugging the tattooed girl. "I am sorry Amie. What a rotten thing to do..." But then she looked Shades full in the face. “But this 'collateral' is not about to be taken in if I have anything at all to say about it."


"Over our dead bodies." Sara spoke softly. It almost hid the rage underneath her voice. T'ad was silent and still, but his eyes were cold and far away,a s if planning death and destruction.


Shades shook her head as she backed up. "No, no...I have to go...they always have collateral. They won't do business otherwise. I have to go!"


"You can't." Maria didn't let her go. "Shades, if you set foot off this planet and the Yinran hunters will find you. Besides, giving them what they want is a surefire way for them to want more than you are willing to give."


"What else could I do? I sure as hell wasn't going to work for the slime balls, running and hiding leaves Ma in the targeting reticule, and I sure as hell can't fight back. I know my limits and taking on a massive criminal organization is not in my ability."


Maria's voice was quiet. "Your mom?"


Sara spoke up now, "Yeah." She moved, close enough to lend moral support, far enough away not to crowd and spoke in a quiet tone. "I can get to your Mom, Shades. I can get her someplace safe."


The kiffar shook her head again, splattering tears she hadn't realized had escaped. "No...Not going to throw someone else in the line of fire if I'm not going in myself. I know how that feels..."


"Oh?" T'ad spoke up now, his voice harsh."And what good will it do your mother if you get blasted as soon as you are IDed in a spaceport? The Yinran teams are bad enough, but they had droids at every port now. We don't need a port."


Shades shook her head. How could she possibly explain the matter? She might stoop low, but she'd never throw someone else to the wolves. She'd been thrown there by Ren to many times to even think of doing that to someone else. Hence why she would never have hurt even him.


"Shades...?" Sara shook her head. "What? We can help. We want to help. What is the problem?"


But Maria was shaking her head. She spoke quietly, still holding Shades gently. "The problem is that you can't do it yourself without getting killed and you don't want other people to bail you out. Am I right?"


Shades sat up straighter then, her words broken by the effort to breathe when her chest felt like it had an armor chest piece two sizes to small. "I am not...not some...some...some jerk that goes dumping all troubles on people while he skips off to live the high life at other's expense!" she snapped out.


Maria shook her head, but spoke quietly. "Shades, you are not. We are offering. there is a big difference."


T'ad nodded, "I want to say this, Shades. I like you. You have guts. You have sense...sometimes. You have enough stubbornness to stop a dreadnought in its tracks. If I thought you were 'dumping' things on us to run off and live some kind of high life, well... what do you think I would do?" His glare left little to the imagination.


"They are right." Sara nodded. "Shades... This isn't you being your brother. This is us trying to help our friend. Because no matter what that charbroiled slimo said, we are your friends."


Shades blinked then as if not understanding a moment. No one had offered her help in years, even before then she'd always been to proud to accept it. Now it boiled down to either her pride or her Ma. Grudgingly she nodded, "Alright...but where are you going to hide her? Ma's in a chair so she kinda sticks out."


"Well..." Maria grinned slightly. "You haven't seen the other colony on this planet. As tight as the security around here was..." She snarled a bit as the lapse. "The Enclave's security is airtight. And they have first class medical personnel too."


Shades looked like she was about to panic then. "Your bringing her here?" she asked. Surely her ears were playing pranks on her now.


"We can make it work." Sara nodded, “They have a bunch of families of various people we know who either have prices on their heads or just need to lie low for a while there. So they are very careful about things like guests and communication."


"Agreed." Maria snorted softly. "The mandalorians don't approve of it." Indeed T'ad was scowling as she spoke.


"Well hard to run when you have kids I imagine," Shades pointed out. "Or medical conditions."


"True." Maria nodded. "We can get her in easily. I have a little bit of clout in such matters." She grinned as both Sara and T'ad laughed.


"You could say that." The man smiled then, "Seeing as how her son set it up, yeah, she has clout..."


"Shades..." Sara looked at Shades. "I will get her, and bring her back safely. I swear it to you." No shouted declaration could have been more final than her soft words.


Shades looked horribly worried and scared but nodded. She had no idea if they understood how uncomfortable this made her. She was having to trust the life of her only family left to them. Not only was she having to place trust in people when she hadn't in years, she was having to trust them with the most important thing to her.


"Right." Sara nodded. "We are gone then. See you in about five days." She waved to T'ad and he followed her to the door. Maria gave Shades a squeeze.


"I can't say it will be all right because I am no Jedi to see the future." MAria said gently. "But if it is even remotely possible, they will do it." She snorted. "Even if it impossible, they might manage somehow, they kind of surprise me sometimes..."


Shades nodded nervously, she looked rather like she was going to be ill but was holding her own.


Maria held the young woman and sighed. "It will be all right Amie... It will be all right. No one else is here. No one is watching and no one is listening. You can let it out."


The door opened and Cyare was framed in it. "Shades...?" His voice was tentative.


Shades opened her mouth to tell Maria she'd be ok when Cyare spoke. "I...I'm...." she cracked then and started crying. Two years of fear, anger, and worry about the situation with Zim pouring out of her blue eyes with her tears.


Maria held Shades tight as the girl sobbed. Her hands moving slowly, comforting. "It's okay. It's okay..."


Cyare came up and Maria nodded. She opened her arms and he came into the embrace, holding onto Shades as she cried.


"I'm...sorry. Don't mean to be a pest..." Shades sobbed out. "Just...scared..."


Maria squeezed Shades flesh and blood arm gently. "You are not a pest."


"Yeah." Cyare nodded. "You have a right to be scared." Maria glared at him and he shrugged, "Bodyguard's job, listening at keyholes."


Shades gave a watery chuckle at Cyare's comment. "Sneaky mando..."


Maria shook her head slowly. "Amie, you need sleep. You will be very sore tomorrow morning. I will leave some painkillers for you. It will be all right..." She reassured the girl again as she released her into Cyare's keeping.


Cyare didn't move, just held Shades with his chin resting on the top of her black haired head. Maria grinned a bit to herself as she sneaked out of the house, closing the door behind her.

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<In another house nearby>


Sara looked up from her pack as Maria came into the house. Without a word, Sara turned back to her gear, she was on short time. Maria however...


“I won't say something dumb like 'be careful' or 'watch yourself'." Maria said quietly. "You may not have any bounties on you, but you know the remnants of Special Branch are looking for you.” Sara nodded as she finished packing. She smiled as she looked at her chrono. Four and a half minutes, a new record. “You taking the squad?”


"Um...?" At that Sara blinked. Then she nodded. “Yeah, but I won't let them get by without studying during the trip.” Maria had to grin at that, sometimes Sara acted so grown up. It was hard to forget at times that she was indeed only 14. “A day and a half to two days to Kiffex, a day on the ground and a day and half to two days back. I should be back in plenty of time.” Maria smiled and nodded, but her eyes were glistening.


“Just remember the first rule of combat, Sara.” Maria said softly. They both spoke in unison.


“What ever can go wrong will, usually at the worst possible time.” They smiled at each other but then Sara spoke quietly.


“Kona will be miffed.” Maria smiled again. She knew who Kona was, and had been before having to hide. Maria snorted.


“She will get over it." MAria said with a smile. "Just remember, when you get back, your classes start as well.” Sara froze in instant rebellion, but Maria was having none of it. “None of that, Sara. You know better.” Sara grimaced, but nodded.


Her upbringing had been odd, to say the very least. It hadn't included things like education in history, literature, philosophy, although Maria had tried. Being locked in cells for years had put serious crimps in any kind of formal education. And now, Sara had to catch up. Luckily, she was quite bright and knew that she didn't know it all. Her problems lay in not wanting to understand certain things. She couldn't have cared less about anyone else's point of view. She knew what she was and to heck with everyone else. Maria sighed. “Sara...”


The girl slumped, but then embraced her mother. “I gave my word Mom. I will keep it. Which is not to say I won't grumble...” A teasing tone entered her final words and Maria had to laugh.


“You are terrifying without an education." Maria teased as she hugged her daughter. "With one, you will be unstoppable.” Maria gave her daughter a hug and then led her out of the house. They walked towards the landing bay in silence. When they got there, they found a group of small armored forms waiting with a group of Mandos. All were armed to the teeth. Sara raised an eyebrow.


“This is an extraction, not an assault... What's with all the hardware?” She asked. T'ad grinned as he checked his helmets systems in preparation to put it on.


“Better safe that sorry." The sniper replied innocently. "And, well...” Sara sighed.


“You told them didn't you?” He tried to look innocent but Sara just shook her head. “I swear... trying to keep secrets around you is like trying to hold back an ocean with a spoon. It just doesn't work...”


She waved and the eclectic bunch started into the shuttle. She turned to Maria. “See you in a week.” Maria held out her arms and Sara gave her mom a hug. Then she climbed into the shuttle. Maria stepped back and a few seconds later, the shuttle's engines ignited. Maria stood, still as a statue as the shuttle climbed for the heavens. Then she shook herself and stared back towards her place. She noted the Cyare's house was dark and nodded. Likely he wouldn't leave Shades alone after such a close call. She wondered briefly if she should look in on them, and then shook her head. It was their business, and Cyare wouldn't push. He knew better. The spoon threat hadn't been a bluff.


((For the rescue see 'Of Parents and Children' which will be posted shortly))

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Cyare held the younger girl lightly. He repeated. "It will be all right Amie."


"Easy for you to say...you didn't just trust your last surviving family member to a fourteen year old fireball," Amie sniffed miserably as she scrubbing at her eyes in hopes of ending tears. Part of her felt like an idiot for crying in front of people, even as she reminded herself it was hardly the first time. It seemed Cyare made her normally thick skin transparent by being around her.


Cyare chuckled softly as he held Amie. "No, I guess not," he said with a sighed. "Would you mind if I tried to relax you a bit?"


She snorted some at that or tried, it turned into more of another sniff on her. "I'd say have at and good luck. The thought of not being the one to help my own family is gonna drive me up a wall. Then to have my mother on the same planet as me soon." She groaned at the thought. Part of her ecstatic over the thought of seeing her mother again while another dreaded the inevitable fight that would erupt between them.


Cyare shook his head slowly. "You don't have to see her if you don't want to. Lots of planet between the Enclave and here. Now, come, sit..." He motioned towards the couch and waited for her.


Amie sighed and settled in next to Cyare, still not convinced. "I know I don't have to really. Still it'll make me feel better to see she's in one piece. Chair and all, even if it does mean I have to deal with the silent treatment or get verbal junk pitched at me."


The blond man shook his head and spoke quietly, “I am going to try and relax you ok? I am not being fresh or anything..." He took her shoulders in gentle hands and started a light massage.


Amie grinned a bit now, talking about the matter of her mother helping to settle her nerves some. It also helped that Cyare was good with his hand at more then just guns. The thought had her wondering about those hands on other places and her face turning red enough to hide her tattoo again. "But I heard that's a sure fire way to make someone relax," she teased hoping to distract from herself via intellectualizing the matter.


"Depends on how its done, but I will not go there tonight. Maria would... well... let us just say that spoons and certain parts of my anatomy were mentioned if I hurt you in any way." Cyare continued his massage, a little harder as he sought out the knotted muscles and worked on them with expert fingers.


Amie moaned a bit from the knot crushing. Maybe she should ask for these regularly? "You never know though I could be into...oooh that's nice..."


Cyare smiled a bit as he continued his ministrations. "I am glad you like it. You have been stressed and you need sleep. I will sleep on the couch if you don't mind." Something about his tone suggested he might mind and he sounded disgruntled in general.


A sudden thought had the blue eyed kiffar growling. "You better not be kicking yourself in that helmet there. My own fault for getting caught without my carbine. Should know better then to answer the door without it."


"Anyone can be taken unawares." Cyare snorted. "This is about as safe as you can get and still we failed you. I apologize Amie..."


"You just said I'm as safe as I can get here. Means you did your job right. I'm the one that dropped the ball here."


"I..." Cyare sighed, "You are going to be stubborn about that too, aren't you?” He stopped and snorted then. "Who am I talking to, of course you are." But his voice held teasing.


"Well your being stubborn about blaming yourself here. Hunters get through and around people and defenses. That's their job and some are very good at their jobs. Are you trying to say I'm stubborn?” Amie asked with a glare.


Cyare froze in place. "Um... Darned if I do and darned if I don't I think... so yeah. You are stubborn. A great thing too." His arms encircled her again, gently. "Will you be able to sleep? Or do you want me to continue there?"


Amie jolted a bit at the arm circling her. She wasn't use to such matters yet. Still she let herself lean back on Cyare for now. It was nice after all to not feel completely alone. "Can...I just sit here a minute or two?"


"No rush." Cyare's voice was quiet. "You can do as you wish, but you might want to sleep in a real bed. I recommend you take a couple of painkillers before you try and sleep."


"I look that bad huh?" Amie asked with an unexpected shudder remembering the whole incident with the shape shifter.


"No." Cyare shook his head and started massaging again. "But I do know how it feels. At least you have a bed here. Beds make for much more comfortable sleeping than couches. " This last was in a different voice. His mimicry of Jirina was uncanny, but then they were brother and sister.


Amie snorted with a slight grin then shaking her head. "How did you ever...” “become interested in me?” Instead of saying the rest she cut herself off. That was far to personal and uncomfortable a question for right now in their...whatever they were in. She refused to use the term relationship. “Are you always such a gentleman there Cyare?"


"Not according to Jirina." The blue armored man's voice held a lot of things. A long suffering look was on his face but was marred by the twinkle in his eyes however.


"Bah, that's cause you have years of being a pest to her between you guys. At least she didn't go being a jedi on you," Amie pulled a disgusted face on that.


Cyare shrugged. "Jetii can be a pain, yes, but they can also be a help at times. And they are worthy opponents. That is neither here nor there. I won't leave you unprotected again, Amie. I..." He broke off and his face closed down.


Amie sighed and turned so she could look at him. "Cyare I'm not your mother here. I'm in one piece and you didn't run away or any such junk."


Cyare looked off at something only he could see. "I don't want to lose you too. Jirina is the only family I have left. I care about you and I want to see you happy."


Amie blinked and looked a bit lost at Cyare's statement. It made her heart jump in her chest and she swore her breath caught in her lungs there for a moment. She had to squash the ridiculous urge to cling to him then "I...I thought mandalorian clans were all...er... alite?" She tried though she sounded a bit confused.


Cyare grinned. "Aliit. Family yes," though his voice was pensive.


Amie frowned in confusion. "Well...doesn't that mean you have more then you sister? I mean sure you guys are from the same parents and all that but you always have folks around for back up so to speak."


Cyare froze then. When he finally spoke it sounded sad and tired. “No...no we don't. Not always.”


Amie looked up then with surprise on her face and not even the most remote thought of hiding it. With how much stock everyone put into family and the mandalorian clans around here she was honestly surprised to hear there was any kind of but to the matter.


“When we screw up...we tend to be very unpopular,” Cyare explained as he stared off, his face an unreadable mask as much as his helmet was. “No one wants anything to do with us. One reason we usually commit suicide if we fail badly...”


He looked so alone just then. Something she certainly understood very well and knew you could be even surrounded by people who cared. Amie reached up a hand, thinking later that it was odd she hadn't been nervous doing so. She gently ran her fingers from temple to jaw in a soothing and caring gesture. “Cyare?” she said quietly, a note of worry in her voice. She could see it in his face that he had considered that very quick road to nowhere before.


((Posted by Setie))

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He slumped some then. For a moment Amie thought he might grab her hand and cling to it. She wouldn't have pulled away but he didn't. Instead he kept his gaze fixed like a soldier making some mindless report as he spoke again. "You need to know. I was... disgraced. No one wanted anything to do with me. So I found a job I could do alone, and got good at it. Jirina was really the only one who would even talk to me for years. She did get me and mother back together again for a while."


“What happened?” she asked as she shifted, settling against him better with one hand planted on the chest plate over his heart.


“I...killed my dad,” he said quietly, though it didn't hide the pain in the words.


The idea didn't phase Amie though. Instead she flexed the hand on his cheek to make her look at her. Watching his reactions every bit as much as he watched hers. “What happened?” she asked again, reinforcing that she wasn't letting him get off without telling her everything.


"Ah..." Cyare's eyes were hooded, but he did look her in the face. "It was almost fourteen years ago. I had just turned thirteen. I had just finished my trial into adulthood when the pirates came. Every so often some would find this system. Most of the time we let them land and take them out. These scum were different. They stayed in the air; strafing, blasting, bombing. We couldn't ever get at them. So we went after their bases instead. Teams of us would hit each, make them too hot for them to repair or refuel their ships. We figured sooner or later they would have to leave. They did...eventually."


Amie nodded, "So you were in a team with your father?"


"My father and I were tasked with perimeter security for one of the attacks. It was about to kick off when we spotted a patrol. My father said we could take them, and I agreed. We took our positions and waited for them to get close. As soon as the base attack happened, they looked the other way and we hit them." Cyare shook himself, distressed by the memory. "They turned and ran. back towards the base and towards Dad's position. I... I kept firing, herding them. He jumped up to hit them from the side and I stopped firing, but too late. I caught him square in the visor."


“I killed all of them before I realized he hadn't gotten up from where he had fallen. When I went to him... My rifle left a distinctive mark. I threw my rifle away, and sat there until Jirina found me. Eight hours later," He almost turned away but Amie flexed her hand and wouldn't let him then. “No one wanted anything to do with me except Jirina and later a few others,” he gave a small, sad grin then. “So...I know what it is like to be alone.”


“They must of understood though,” Amie started. Her heart aching for the thirteen year old boy he had been, even as she squashed the urge to hug him tight. The man was grown after all and likely had dealt with the issue already. “Things like that happen. I might not have been in many fire fights on that level but common sense says sometimes you are going to hit a friend.”


"No." The blue armored mandalorian shook his head slowly. “Amie, I shot and killed my father. I didn't like my father. Some said I murdered him intentionally. I don't know...maybe on some level I did...”


“Don't be stupid,” Amie snapped out as she twisted Cyare's ear a bit like she use to do with Renmon when he started with the whining. The thought of Cyare even remotely considering himself that low made her angry enough to punch him in the head. She was making due with not though. “You're a mandalorian, born and bred. If you really wanted to kill your father you would have done it publicly and given him a fighting chance. If you were a...a di'kut osik you would have tried saying someone grabbed your gun and shot him. Not like there was anyone to say otherwise around. It was an accident.”


Cyare grunted a bit from the ear trick and poked at it as if to make sure she hadn't twisted it off. He glared a minute before taking it as it was intended, a reminder that no one liked people who felt sorry for themselves. "No, it was a blunder. I kept firing when I should have stopped. I knew that, but I was caught up in the rush. It took me a long time to realize that he wouldn't have wanted me to either kill myself or mope about it. I remember him, so he is never truly gone. But..." He broke off, unable to continue.


"You still feel responsible for it," she supplied with perfect understanding. "Cause it was a round from your gun."


The blond man sighed and nodded, "I do bear responsibility. Along with the pirates and Gret himself."


"Gret? The guy that..." Shades's eyes went wide placing the name quickly in their conversation about the book left with her. That meant the book was really Cyare and Jirina's.


Cyare froze and then relaxed a bit and nodded."Yeah, he would have liked you. He loved to read.”


Amie could only frown at that moment. “Does it hurt? Me being here? I'm sure I could move to a different house or something."


"What?" The blond man blinked then for a moment in confusion, "No! No. He wouldn't have minded. If anything, he would be overjoyed that someone who likes to read has his books. Stay. It hasn't had anyone in it since Mom moved out, after I came back...I don't think Maria knew, so please don't tell her."


Amie kept frowning for a moment as she nodded before giving a small mischievous grin. “Am I saving you again here Cyare? Cause if that's so I'm thinking I should get similar treatment like the last time I did that.”


Cyare raised an amused brow at that. The arms that had gone slack around her tightened and for a moment she though he would grant her request. “I'm sorry,” he whispered instead setting his chin on the top of her head.


She could only blink in confusion with tired eyes. Who would have thought you could get comfortable laying your head on an armored shoulder. “Sorry for what?”


“For keeping you up,” he stated making Amie scowl. “Your tired, I'm tired, and we'll have clearer heads in the morning...which will be in about three hours now.”


Amie snorted as she closed her eyes as she tightened her . "Don't wanna...just another minute?"


Cyare simply grinned down at her and stroked her hair. He hummed as they sat, some tune she'd have to remember to ask him about later since her mind was busy wandering. It was so peaceful she never even realized it when she slipped right into sleep. Exhaustion dragging her down finally from the day she had.


((Posted by Setie))

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For a long time after Shades nodded off, Cyare just sat there. His thoughts were dark. Recalling his shame, his self imposed exile. Almost ten years, he had spent in exile. It had been Jirina who had finally had enough. After searching for a while, she had pulled him literally off a job and home. She had sat him and his mother down and threatened both with various forms of bodily harm unless they spoke to one another. He shook his head slowly. Jirina in a rage could be just as terrifying as Maria or Sara raging. At least to him. They had spoken long into the night, and well into the next morning, but before the dawn had broken, the two estranged family members had reconciled. It hadn't been easy, or without a healthy share of fights, but...


He shook his head. The past was past. He looked down at Shades... No, Amie's face and smiled a bit sadly. She truly had no idea at all what Maria and Trava had planned for her. He was fairly sure that if she did, she would be on the very first available ship out. And he couldn't blame her. If that happened, he would probably be on the same ship. He tried to imagine life without the often funny, often infuriating slumbering young woman and shook his head slowly.


I won't hurt her.


He so slowly, so carefully, moved a lock of her hair away from her face and froze as she mumbled a bit in her sleep. He had been half afraid that his explanation of his own shameful past might drive her away, but again, she had surprised him. She really wasn't the hard bitten tough as nails merc that she portrayed, or more accurately, she wasn't only that. She was a person of incredible depth and feeling as well. Who had been forced to hide those depths and feelings. He knew all about that. When he had left the planet to seek his fortune, he had been taciturn, almost anti-social. It had helped that he had also be very, very good at what he did. Not one of his clients had been so much as hurt while he was on watch. And it wasn't for lack of people trying.


And he had failed her tonight. No matter what she said, he hadn't been there. If not for Sara...


He shook his head. The past was the past. What mattered was the now, and the morning. He slowly and carefully arranged his arms so that when he stood, he carried the slumbering girl easily. A few steps had him to her bedroom. A few more and he laid her gently on the bed. A moment of indecision and he carefully took her boots off. He shook his head. He would have to teach her some more Mando customs. He spread a light cover over her and smiled. She was a marvel. Quick and intelligent. Witty and wise far beyond her years, underneath the cynical world weary exterior, she was actually quite nice. He caught himself as he was leaning over to kiss her good night. He didn't have that right. He knew she probably wouldn't mind. Maria however...


He closed the door and walked back to the couch. He sat. It wasn't likely that he would be able to sleep. And even if he did, he wouldn't enjoy it. He never did after remembering. He checked his weapons, more for the sense of familiarity than for any real need. The colony security forces would get no sleep tonight. One thing he did promise himself silently however. If this Zim did make another move on Amarath, Cyare would feed the crimeboss his own liver, one piece at a time.

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Two days later Shades found herself staring blindly at a project. It wasn't her mother, Zim, or Sara that kept her from concentrating though. She had mostly resigned herself to the fact that she could do nothing about the situation there. As such did her best not to think about it.


What was keeping her mind busy, was Cyare.


He was...different, but subtly. She figured it had to be due to her sudden popularity. The other night though Jiriad from the shooting range had come up and started chatting with her. While she still didn't have a good idea of how to read a person through armor she swore she could feel Cyare glaring at the pair of them the entire time.


She almost thought him jealous. A few of the single mandalorians had made offers like T'ad had told her about. So far, she'd turned them all down. She had honestly been thinking that...


“What that Cyare was actually interested in something? Sure doesn't seem to be now does he?”


Shades sighed and pouted as she set her chin on her hands like some teenager daydreaming when she was suppose to be working. She was being foolish and she knew it. If Cyare had been interested he likely would have said something by now.


He had just been curious and grateful likely. She just, hadn't been as grand as he had thought she might be.


It didn't sting so much as depress her. That was how it usually was when she had a guy get remotely interested. They found out she was exactly as she presented herself and then they didn't want her as anything but a friend, like Cyare was treating her now. Sure they laughed and continued on like they had. She still had that spark of attraction but it must have died on his end.


Not that Shades could blame him. Not when he had formerly had Ruusaan on his back and keeping all the girls away. He likely had some girl he had been sweet on and unable to pursue due to the schutta.


She needed to take her mother's advice on life right then. Be content with what she had and improve on that instead of pining away and trying to grab more. She didn't need the entanglements a relationship would result in.


She would be just fine how she was, starting with getting a move on with her work.


The workshop eased open and a familiar blond head poked in with a smile. "Shades? You busy?" Jirina's voice was kind, but a bit preoccupied.


Shades's head snapped up from her current project, blinking a bit like she was coming out of a fog. "Hey Jirina. Always busy but I long ago mastered the art of doing two things at once," she stated with a grin. "What's up?"


"I wanted to see how you were doing. May I come in?" The Mando stood at the door, waiting. Politeness was taught at an early age. It helped a great deal in a culture where everyone was armed.


Shades gave an amused grin then. "No I have a strict no pregnant people policy for fear of contamination. Of course you can come in you di'kut."


Jirina's face broke out in a huge smile. "Ordinii, say that to the wrong person and you are likely to get blasted." She came into the workshop and stepped towards Shades. Her dress almost hid the bulge in her belly. It did nothing to hide the rifle muzzle that showed slung across her back. She looked the younger girl over and extended her arms. "Haven't been able to get free for a few days, I wanted to see you."


“Mando life is busy life," Shades stated allowing the woman to give her a small hug.


"It can be, although people keep telling me to 'slow down' and 'take it easy'..." Jirina scoffed. "I'm pregnant, not dying and only a little sore. Although I won't mind the drugs when its time to deliver. The first time was more than enough to prove that there are limits to macho..." She added hurriedly with a grin.


"I didn't know you had a kid running around. Must not be that old cause your not going gray in the head yet."


Jirina smiled. "No, he isn't. He's all of four and taken care of for the day by his aunt. I DO seem to be getting more than a few gray hairs but everyone says that is normal for parents. How are you? You look good. More..." Jirina broke off , as if unsure what to say, "More you."


Shades raised a brow at that. "More me? I'm lacking obvious mechanical parts I would think I'd look weird since everyone use to the old me. Darn upgrades."


Jirina chuckled slightly, "No. The outside isn't what matters. I would think you of all people would know that." She found a chair that was miraculously only partly covered in junk and sat. "You do look good. And that hair... Oh I could wish for such hair." Jirina ran a hand through her own and sighed in envy.


"My hair?" Shades asked as she patted at it. She might have spent a few more minutes in front of the mirror this morning debating at trying to do something with it but she saw no reason to talk of that. She'd left it alone cause playing with it would likely say something she didn't want to say. "I mean I know it's getting shaggy here but it's not that bad is it?"


"What?" Jirina almost shot to her feet and her face was a study in disbelief. "There is nothing wrong with it. Its perfect. If I had hair like that I would have to beat guys off with a stick."


The comment had Shades laughing. "Who's the one with a kid? I'd say they like your hair better." She wrinkled her nose then, "And why the hell are we having a conversation about hair?"


Jirina snorted. "We are having this conversation because I really have no idea how to ask what I really want to. So I am just going to ask it. What is wrong?" Her voice was concerned now.


((posted by Setie))

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"Not a thing. Got my shebs whooped a couple days ago and the pile grew on me again," Shades stated simply. It wasn't a lie after all. She did not however want to explain the situation with her mother again though. Her deal with Zim and the situation with her mother were not things she was proud of and she'd prefer to leave them rest.


Jirina scowled. Suddenly it was easy to see she was a mother. "Both you and Weasel out there have been dancing around each other for the last few days. I thought you two might have had a problem. That's why I came by."


Blue eyes blinked in confusion now. "Sorry? Seriously I have two left feet, I don't do dancing."


"Ah..." Jirina sighed, and suddenly looked tired. "Is there a problem?" She asked quietly. "I can help, its what sisters are for. Well, that and embarrassing their siblings," She said grinning evilly.


"Yes, yes they are. I can't imagine what I'd need help with regarding your brother though. He's like any mandalorian I'm sure. Doesn't move unless he has to or wants to," Shades pointed out. She was still at a loss of what she'd possibly need Jirina to talk to Cyare about. When did she ever have someone else handle her problems for her?


"Okay." The pregnant blonde looked at Shades and for a long moment didn't speak. "Then I need to know. Are you playing with him?" Her tone didn't change. Her posture didn't change, but something seemed to be a lot colder all of a sudden.


The demeanor change had Shades wondering if she had said something wrong. Maybe Jirina was just having a mood swing? “Playing him?" she asked looking confused and shocked at the thought. Sure she might like the man but to think she had him dangling on a leash enforced by sex appeal? Her of all people? "Besides the fact that I'm sure he'd pick up on that faster then I could attempt it, why the hell would I bother?"


"What?" Jirina froze, "You... No way... You don't know...?" her voice was soft, astonished.


"What that your brother's cute? Sure I know that but I'm not like that other girl. So full of myself to go thinking I'll reduce him to hands and knees slavery over me because of my looks and personality here. Just because I look normal now doesn't mean I'm any more social and charming."


"No." Jirina smiled and shook her head. "You don't have to. I guess you are too close to see it. Oh Shades... I am sorry. I thought you were being like that witch Sara executed." The name of the woman who had been the stalking Ruusaan wouldn't be spoken again by the clan. "I should have known better."


"I'd be insulted if I wasn't so amused that you thought I could actually pull that. Specially on your brother here. I mean give the guy some credit here, if the tactic didn't work from Crazy Stalker why would you even think it would work coming from me here?" the kiffar asked.


"Ah., i am dense sometimes." Jirina smiled wider, "I know, I know. After seeing her do it for so long, I guess I got... used to it. I know you wouldn't do that, even if his skull is so thick that you might have to hit it a few dozen times to get his attention."


Shades blinked looking confused, "I'm sorry? I think he's always paying attention here I mean he is the bodyguard after all. They're suppose to do that aren't they?"


"Um..." Jirina blinked. "We are obviously not communicating here." She broke off suddenly and scrutinized the kiffar. "Just out of curiosity, how does he make you feel, when he is around?"


Shades frowned, "Cyare? He...um..." She had to sit and think a minute as she ran a frustrated hand through her hair. "I don't know I haven't really thought about it." Truthfully she simply had not thought to look at her feelings for her protector. "Well he aggravates the junk out of me sometimes...Er, not that he has recently here just saying he can," Shades stated. "Other times he'll kinda...uh pulled in I guess? You know he like turns into a droid and you want to shake him to get him to make sure your not hearing clanking internally? He a real...uh...he's a nice guy though." Shades almost said gentleman but figured Jirina might laugh at that one.


"He's a real pain in the shebs when he closes up, yes. And I wouldn't call him nice... maybe... Over polite at times. but he does act the gentleman. To the eternal merriment of the rest of the clan let me tell you..." Jirina said with an amused grin. Then she sighed, "but not to me. To me he is and always will be 'Weasel'."


"Usually how it goes with sisterdom. Younger siblings are forever dorks that can't take care of themselves," Shades said with a small grin thinking of Karina.


"Too true, too true," Jirina said with a laugh. "I want you to know. If you need someone to talk to, here is my comcode." She laid a piece of flimsi on a convenient surface, "The heart isn't always a straight forward thing, especially when it decides you are in love."


Shades blinked a couple times with a blank face. "Excuse me?"


"Come on girl." Jirina shook her head slowly. "I may act stupid at times but I am not usually. You don't need to act around me. I have seen the way you look at him."


"What are you talking about? What's wrong with how I look at him?" The black haired tech asked. Her tone was slightly edgy as she spoke


Jirina was blinking in confusion now. "Nothing," She shook her head slowly. "Nothing is wrong with how you look at him. Why would it be? The only thing I see that is wrong is you and he staying so far apart as if you had a fight or something, which is why I came by."


"We're not fighting and we're not..." Shades waved a hand as she tried to find a good word that didn't sound completely moronic. "We're not...we're not like that, ok?"


"Huh?" Jirina shook her head again, bemused. "Like what? You like him, he likes you. What more is needed? Is he being a jerk?" The last had a tone of menace to it.


"No, why would he? I haven't done anything to warrant jerkdom lately."


"Lately?" Jirina asked with a smirk.


Shades snorted, "Everyone has their moments of being stupid. That's not the point though. We're uh...friends...I guess." She remembered that kiss outside her door though, it certainly had not seemed like something only friends did. Her face turned red some at the thought and she looked like a nerf staring at a speeder's lights with the thought that she might be giving impressions she was not meaning to.


Jirina was having none of her poor explanation though. "Shades..."


The door opened suddenly and Maria came walking in. “Hey Amie I...” she stopped in her tracks as her eyes flicked from the pregnant woman to the kiffar and back. “Jirina, I was looking for you. My place in ten minutes.”


Oddly the pregnant mandalorian blinked with a frown before making excuses and departing.


Shades still looked ready to run for the exit but manage to smile. After all, Maria didn't have stupid questions for Shades ever. "Hey Maria. Something break or am I playing with something new today?"


"Matter of fact..." Maria pulled a terminal in from where it had been sitting outside. From the looks of it, a generously sized fist had managed to plow directly through the monitor. She spoke a bit sheepishly, "I think it's broken."


"Just maybe. Hopefully just the monitor though," Shades said as she came over to take and inspect. "Thankfully most manufacturers have the sense not to put things right behind the screen. Be a couple days likely on it."


"Figured as much." Maria nodded and then she sighed. "You ok? You look kind of... I dunno... off."


"Fine. Fretting over your daughter. Trying to keep busy so I don't go crazy," Shades said quickly. Jirina's questions were bothering her fiercely.


Maria gave Shades shoulder a quick squeeze. "It will be okay. You don't have to see her or talk to her if you don't want to. You know that."


"So I've been told. Need to work on things though and I'm behind," Shades said with a wave of her hands. Someone might have taken it as her pulling up her metaphorical drawbridge but right that minute she didn't care.


Maria nodded and left the workshop. She started towards her house and her face could have been cast from durasteel for all the emotion it showed.


((posted by Setie))

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<Maria's house a few minutes later>


Maria entered her house and stood just inside as she removed her boots. She needed time. Alas...


“What are you doing, Ba'buir?” Maria flinched from the acid edge to Jirina's tone. Maria shook her head and slowly walked into the main room, seeing Jirina seated in one of the chairs, she nodded. She moved to the food preparation area.


“Tea?” Jirina shook her head and Maria flinched. When Jirina refused tea, that was a bad sign. She wanted her hands free, able to shoot. Maria made a cup for herself and moved back to the main room. She sat in another chair and sipped slowly. Jirina waited. Finally Maria spoke. “It's complicated.”


"Oh?" Jirina snorted. “Why must it always be complicated? She likes him and he likes her. What is the big flarging deal?” Maria froze, and then shook her head. Mandos were generally uncomplicated people.


“It's not that simple, Jirina.” Maria started but Jirina was shaking her head.


“Why? She is not as experienced as she acts. No big deal. Cyare is no novice. And it isn't like he will hurt her.” Maria froze at that and Jirina snorted. “I wasn't born yesterday Ba'buir. She has no experience, does she?” Maria didn't respond and Jirina sighed. “It's not like I will be blabbing it all over the colony. And even if I did, who would care? Or dare to cross Cyare?” But Maria was tense.


“She is a lot more fragile than she seems...” Maria said dubiously. Jirina's face twisted and Maria broke off.


“You think I don't know that? You think I didn't see she had no clue why that arrogant witch wanted her dead? I like her, Maria. And this... dilly dallying... is only going to hurt her. Or make her even more confused.” Maria shook her head slowly. But Jirina was done acting nice. “I like her. Even if Cyare wasn't in love with her. I would still like her. But that is just it. My brother is in love with her. If you, or Trava even, think you can manipulate her as you wish... I will take steps if I have to.” Jirina stood up, but now Maria's blood was boiling too. She stood up.


“Jirina, sit down.” Maria froze as Jirina spun back to face her. The pregnant Mando's hands were at her sides, but...


“You have no right to do what you are doing to her." Jirina snapped. "If Cyare knew what you were doing, he would be saying this himself. But he backed off, didn't he? On whose direction?” Maria didn't snarl. Barely.


“E'hn said something to him about giving her space to make up her mind.” Maria said coldly. At that Jirina did snarl.


“And he just happened to say that. To my brother of all people. Someone who wouldn't step out of line even if it meant avoiding a fraking minefield!” Maria froze, but Jirina wasn't done. “I know you care about her. So what the flarg are you doing?” Maria shook her head slowly and Jirina sighed. “Fine, be that way. But understand this. She has no idea at all what she is doing. Or why. If you or Trava hurt her, you will answer to me.” Jirina stood again and started for the door. But she stopped when Maria spoke. And now the older woman was not angry, just sad.


“Jirina...” The pregnant Mando woman turned back and her face might have been made of stone.


“She is my friend." The younger mando snapped. "And your machinations are hurting my friend. You can't stop me from telling her what you are up to.” At that, Maria went white. “You didn't think we would guess?”


"Jirina..." Maria's voice could have frozen a sun when she spoke. “Do I have to make it an order Jirina?”


The younger Mando scoffed. “Go ahead. Please.” Maria stared at her. Jirina snarled at the older woman. “What is the very first rule of officers. Sergeant?”


At that, Maria felt as if she had been punched in the gut. None of the Mandos had ever referenced her past as a soldier. For Jirina to bring that up, the younger woman had to be incandescently angry. The very first, unwritten rule of officers was to never give an order that you knew would not be obeyed. It undercut the authority of officers everywhere. Both of the angry women stared at each other, neither willing to give an inch. Neither moved when the com chimed. The com chimed again, and again. Neither looked away from the other's face. But then.


“What is going on in there? Oh joy...” The weary voice came from the com terminal and both women looked to see Trava Kalan's face in the vidscreen. Maria slumped, but Jirina just snorted.


“Elder.” Her voice was cool and unemotional now. And Trava's holo looked at her, scrutinizing. Then Trava turned to Maria and spoke.


“Tell her.” Maria tensed and Trava actually laughed. “It's not like she hasn't figured it out by now anyway. She can help.” Maria turned back to Jirina and waved the woman towards the chair she had recently vacated. Maria put actions to her wishes and sat back down herself. Jirina hesitated a long moment before doing as Maria wished. She stayed perched on the seat however, as if ready to move.


"Like I said, its complicated. But at the same time, it is not." Maria shook her head slowly. When she spoke it was quiet. “You know we lost a lot of vode recently.” Jirina nodded. “Trava and I both think Amarath would make a wonderful addition to the clan.” Jirina nodded again, she felt Shades already was family. Hence why she was so angry at Maria and Trava hurting Shades. “She doesn't.”


"What?" At that Jirina sat bolt upright. “Why not?”


Maria sighed. “I don't know for sure. She hasn't opened up to me. I think she has with Cyare, but he won't talk about it.” AT that Jirina snorted quietly.


“And you wonder why? He is in love with her for frak's sake. He worships the ground she walks on.” Maria nodded at Jirina's tone. Part exasperation, part pain, part fear.


“And she has no clue how to handle it. Like you said. She is completely inexperienced.” Maria said soberly. Jirina nodded. “All she has seen, is the seedy side of life. If we push her...”


"Maria..." Jirina shook her head. “The others see Cyare backing off and are going to start pushing themselves. She is a wonder. Fresh blood.” The two older women nodded at that and Jirina froze. Her eyes flashed. “Don't you dare try to match make her away from him...” Trava's holo looked puzzled but Maria shook her head.


“You know me better than that Jirina." Maria said sadly. "Do you really think I would or could do it against her will?” Jirina thought for a long moment and then shook her head. But then she looked from the Elder to Maria and her voice was cold.


“Understand this." Jirina said softly but clearly. "She is my friend. And the woman my brother loves. If you hurt her, either of you...” Both of the older women nodded. Nothing else needed to be said. Jirina sighed and relaxed. “Now that you mention it, I would like tea, if you have it Ba'buir.”


Maria nodded and went to the prep area. This would be a long afternoon. But maybe, just maybe, they could work something out here...

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