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How to counter a WarHero Sorc in WZ?


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I am a full WarHero Elimanator Commando Assault spec (Valor 78). I usually can handle Sorc 1v1 but lately I've noticed that sometime I can hardly get their HP below 75% (some sorc). I though with DR, IR, and FA should drop their bubble shield and once I drop the bubble. Its just a matter of time before their dead. But this time even if the electric bubble shield is down, I still cannot get their HP below 75% (Happens to me 3x now) I don't know if its a cheat or I am doing something wrong or maybe they have such high defense/resistance that I don't have enough burst dps or I need to understand the mechanics of a Sorc.....


So if anyone can share their strategy or input, please do.

Edited by Erastos
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Were they getting healed? >.>



Had a WZ last night where the opposing team had 4 healers in Civil War, and we had none. It's pretty hard to focus down a healer that has 1-2 other healers also healing them.


I don't think so, we were doing a 1v1, most of these is 1v1 in Huttball 3x I have noticed these (our endzone). He has his bubble shield up and went thru my rotation, saw his bubble collapse. Then I thought he is mine now but I continue with my rotation and next thing I know i was dead from a full life.. I will try to keep a closer observation next time and i will turn on my combat logs to have more data analysis.


Well what is your opinion about Assault commando vs Sorc? because as far as my memory goes, I always win against them, when they start channeling their lightning I throw cryo granade, DR, IR, CB, FA, HIB then concusive round to stop the lightning again, pop adrenaline rush........rotation then dead sorc...

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I wouldn't know about Assault. I go gunnery cause I'm too cheap and lazy to respec when I much prefer PVE.


On gunnery, once you get through their bubbles I usually find Sorcs pretty squishy, but honestly I haven't been PVPing for long. Still, get a grav round or two in and follow up with Stick > Demo > HiB and they seem to suddenly be having a really bad day.

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Honestly, sorcs are broken at the moment. It's a little known bug, and I'm not sure if it's random or it's being actively exploited, but sorcs basically are oscillating between being affected by a super-bubble, and randomly disappearing while casting it.


I've had a lot of weird moments in duels with them, since 1.3.

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One thing you have to know is that even if sorcs seem to be doing lightning all the time, they love using dot on you and depending on their specialty, then can even use 4 different dots at the same time. Usually their opponent doesn't notice it as they only look at their life-bar when they get hit, so this is where the feeling of being insta-shot comes from: you lost 50% of your life from the dots without noticing, then you get hit and have the feellng of losing 75% of your life at once.


Other interesting thing to know about sorcs is that some of them have a 15% resistance to all dots, which is pretty convenient. Last but not least, hybrids ones can also use a hot on themselves every 5 secs, so if you are against a sorc who refreshes his bubble every 15s and refreshes his hots every 5s, with in addition his 15% dot resist, he might seem to be very resistant to your own dots.

Edited by Boufsa
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  • 3 weeks later...
Honestly, sorcs are broken at the moment. It's a little known bug, and I'm not sure if it's random or it's being actively exploited, but sorcs basically are oscillating between being affected by a super-bubble, and randomly disappearing while casting it.


I've had a lot of weird moments in duels with them, since 1.3.


This is not true. I have a Sage and Sorcerer both at 50 and have had the Sage as my main since launch. There is no exploit relating to our bubble, in fact all things considered as "exploits" have been fixed in 1.3. These old exploits were double dipping procs for our heals and lightning. There has never been any problem with our bubble aside from the visual effect sometimes not showing up. You should consider yourself lucky if you think we are exploiting because in terms of balance we still need to be given a true defensive cooldown as well as our bubble, which is essentially just a 3k heal, which simplifies as us absorbing one or two attacks from most classes.


The first thing you have to understand is Commando is by far the worst class for 1v1. Unless you know the commando class far better than the guy you're fighting knows his, the odds are highly against you. Of course in a 1v1 situation of equal skill the commando is always at the disadvantage.


On my Sorc I have no problems at all killing Commandos. I would say your only strategy against a Sorc would be simply to out dps them. Plain and simple you just have to kill them before they can kill you. Pay attention to your health, they will likely have their 3 dots up (affliction, creeping terror and crushing darkness). If they have their dots up and you allow them to dish out a steady stream of force lightning you'll drop fast.


Sorcs do sustained DPS and in pvp the majority of the damage they dish out will come from force lightning, so don't let them keep spamming you with it. Line of sight as much as possible and heal yourself when you can. If you just stand still and let them burn you down your health will hit 0 in no time.


The only other pointer I can really think of is your CC break. If you have it off cooldown then use it wisely. A Sorc who knows how to play his CC properly can beat just about any class in 1v1 with the exception of shadow tanks and assault vangards.


EDIT: One final thing, some Sorcs will use a hybrid spec, they sacrifice their 31 point dot ability and some self healing to make their force lightning stronger through use of a proc called Lightning Barrage. Sorcs rolling this spec will appear to have a lot more burst than others, so look out for this proc and if you see them getting it make sure to stop them using force lightning as much as you can, as that is the prime source of damage and burst.

Edited by Elvandar
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