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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Patch or expansion


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In my opinion in new expension they should add planet kashyyyk (planet of wookies) it's going to be very

interesting questing there and it's really beautiful planet.Also Naboo is going to be very interesting.with famous

city of Amidala (Anakin's Wife) and underworld city of Gungans.Planet of Ewok's going to be fun too.

mounts...there are only machines...they should add animal mount too.for example the creatures that Gungans are ride with

or the animals that are in tatooine.one of the interesting mounts would be the animal that Obi-wan is riding in

IIIepisode(revange of sith) when he fight against General grievous.

PvP...they MUST add something like ARENA.cous we have only team warzones.there must be 2vs2 or 3vs3.

cous in that case when 2vs2 it's more your charecter not team!sometimes you have great charecter and you

know how to play but in 8man team there are 7noobs and you are loosing :D cous enemy is strong.but in 2vs2

it's you who choose partner and you play together.it's more heroic and epic.cous why should I gear up

my charecter if I can't use my powers?team work is boring sometimes.it's my opinion about new expension or big patch :D

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The next big patch will most likely be what we saw in the preview. Which is pretty cool so far, but your ideas would be cool too in the future. I am not a big fan of arena PvP but to each thier own.
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The game needs more iconic planets such as Naboo, Yavin IV, Kashyyyk, Endor, etc. Even classic KOTOR planets such as Dantooine, Telos, Manaan, or Onderan would be nice. New planets are cool; but adding too many hurts the Star Wars feel of the game. Quesh, Illum, Voss, Tython, Belsavis, and that new planet coming in 1.4 are pretty much only featured in SW:TOR and SW:TOR related media. We have enough original planets already, so I'd rather see a more famous location recreated in SW:TOR.
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It would be nice, since we are at the second half of this year, if they told us some generic plan what they are going to do during the rest of the year. And some generic idea what we might see during next year.


For example, 2 big patches, one has makeb and operation and whatever they already promiced in X months, and other is for fixing things, pvp. Next year, epic space expansion, wookiees, operation(s), planet-X, more wookiees, pvp stuff. Did I mention wookiees?


Well, one can wish...

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