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PvP Sentinel


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I'm trying to come up with a decent PvP build for my Sentinel. I always find that difficult and confusing to do with pure DPS classes, because all the different choices and play styles :rolleyes:. I'm a retired WoW Fury Warrior PvPer, so I'm trying to find a similar build. Right now I'm leveling my Sentinel to cap so I'm open to tweaking and will have ample time for testing.


I came up with two builds I liked. One is what I call a blitz build; jump in, hack away, move on.




But, one of my biggest problems in WoW was that my warrior was nearly useless if the opponent had enough snares and knockbacks, and I noticed that the Sentinel has an entire tree devoted to DoTs that can snare! Less killing power, by appearances, but then again, as a melee class my Sentinel can't kill what she can't catch. So, here's the alternate build.




Focus looks far to reliant on Force attacks for my tastes, so I avoided that. But, I'm here to learn, so if anyone has good experience with it, I'd like to know.

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If mobility is what you're after, try this:




Combat has the most mobility of the three (despite Zealous Leap in Focus) thanks to root break on Force Camo, a frankly overpowered speed boost for the whole group using Transcendence, the 15% in-combat speed boost from Defensive Forms while using Ataru AND the root effect on Crippling Throw (which you'll be using a lot anyway).


On top of that, it's capable of putting out some nasty burst - since they retooled Precision Slash that burst is better than ever.


I'll explain the biggest changes between our builds:


Defensive Roll: There is a LOT of AoE flying around in pvp. Getting a flat damage reduction against it is awesome.


Stagger: Drop it, the extra duration on the leap root is not worth 1 point, let alone 2. If you don't want them to move, use Crippling Throw or Master Strike (or Stasis, or Awe....)


Swift Slash: Pointless. Blade Rush replaces Slash COMPLETELY once you have it. Seriously, remove Slash from your hotbars altogether. BR is vastly superior.


Valour: You need this. All Sentinels need this, it's the biggest no-brainer talent across all three specs. More centring = more Zen/Transcendence/Inspiration = more damage or more useful. 1 second BR spam under Zen is frightening amount of burst, especially when coupled with Precision Slash.


And the spare point had to go somewhere, so it went to Insight because, well, why not.


Focus and Watchman are completely different beasts, so I'll leave them be for now.

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