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Enough with the Transfer Offers


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Greetings and Salutations,


First it was regular spam from the "Server Admin", that cannot be ignored.


Then it was ads on the launcher.


Then Emails to my account. (Which, was only to be used for contact regarding account issues NOT promotions.)


Then Emails in game.


ENOUGH already! I am NOT going to give up the character names I have, my only reward for being a beta tester was being able to secure those names before release.




Enough already.





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While we understand that members of the community may feel frustrated with the transfer program and unavailability of names on destination servers, we ask that the community continue to use the official discussion thread regarding the transfer program for further feedback regarding the program. As such, we're going to close this thread and ask that the community continue to use the following:


Character Transfer, Server Populations, and You (Part II)


We also have an ongoing discussion in the Suggestion Box about suggestions for the service regarding names and a thread for discussing names lost.


Thank you for your understanding!

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