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I got a great idea for a TOR fan project.


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I toyed with several project, before getting this right idea.


One of the best SW novels I read was ''Shatterpoint'', which was basically Heart of Darkness with lightsabers.


So, my idea is pretty simple. What feeling/desire/emotion can best characterize the TOR era ?


Vengeance. [/b


My project is basically The Count of Monte Cristo in a SW setting (the key part occuring during the year before the Sith assault on the Republic, the story ending in the first phases of the invasion)


-One girl is raised in slavery

-She escape

-Years later, the Core is dazzled by the incredible wealth and fortune of '' Lady Synthara'', not aware that she is about to unleash vengeance....creative vengeance, absolute vengeance.


A key plot point would be that the revanche fantasy of the PC is occuring as a much, much, much larger vengeance plot is about to be unleashed on the galaxy (CF, the Resurgent Sith Empire)


The idea is also that the setup is rather close to Monte Cristo, to diverge massively as the fan novel goes by. For instance, like in the Count of Monte Cristo, the ennemies of Lady Synthara/Edmond Dantès are originally much more to showcase a wide social range than personnality. (It's worth nothing here that the mental health of the PC is seriously contestable. She claims that those dudes are the ones that caused her predicament, but that's only true ''from a certain point of view''. Also, Lady Synthara, unlike over 90% of characters in SW is not a Force sensitive, is not a strikingly beautiful woman, is not even especially a very skilled pilot or soldier. She have only one ability, being incredibly rich) (1)) So, the four dudes that are going to be offed in increasingly creative and brutal (2) manner are...


Danglars (The buisineesman) :

-Sivial Brentioch, a self-made man from the world of Brentaal IV who got rich because of the opening of the Hydian Way. His lavish funds for the starblazing job are of a not too clear origin (existing)


Morcef (The soldier) :

-an admiral de Bourmont, more or less on the payroll of the Sith Empire (not existing)


de Villefort (The Executor):

-Kao Cen Darach, Jedi Master (existing. He is the dude that get decapitated in the trailer of TOR showcasing the arrival of the Sith Empire at Korriban. IE, his stationning at Korriban is at least partly due to intricate scheming from the PC). His dedication to end the Dark Side led to numerous ''incidents'' on the Perl' and on the Hydian.


Caderousse (The Scoundrel)

-The Captain, an Lorrel pirate (and slaver, smuggler, and all sorts of dubious activites)


In a very bold way, one key character of the Count of Monte Cristo, Albert de Morcef, is more or less played by the ambitious young Padawan of Kao Cen Darach. (IE, her devotion to the Republic in TOR would be explained as ''she is trying to redeem her name and the name of her master)


The said padawan being Satele Shan


(1)While it's going to be a little more elaborate than ''Oh, I found a treasure on a island cause my cellmate told me where it is'', the origins of the wealth of the PC are not exactly the focal point of the story.


(2)Like Edmond Dantès, the PC needs absolutely loyal servant for her plans, but she prefers doing the actual vengeance stuff all alone. Question : if you needed servants that are 100% loyal and love to kill stuff randomly, love to serve masters that are good at killig creatively, what would you do in the SW galaxy, considering that you are incredibly rich ? Sardonic Reply : I would purchase a dozen copies of this unit, Master

Edited by Angedechu
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