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Torn Between Servers


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Fellow Players,


I'm really torn between 2 servers. Comming back to TOR i got the change to move my characters (1 lvl 50 and 1 lvl 42) to "Tomb of Freedon Nadd". Which is nice, altough some friends of mine play on "The red eclipse". They play on and of and I think i'm in for a long run as I refound the fun in TOR.


My biggest problem at the moment is to choice the correct server. I do enjoy both aspects of the game, PvE and PvP


* Should I go PvE (TrE) and hope for a nice PVP community

* Should I go PvP (ToFN) and hope for a decent PvE community


Anyone out there with some pointers, advice or just an opinion on what to chooce

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