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discuss star wars theory with examples :D


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welp,i was thinking and came up with an idea....we could post the names of movies (unrelated to the mmo genre thank you)...that we think metaphorically represent why whomever does what



this idea came to me,cause i was thinking of why my characters fight for the empire,and are loyal to the empire...


then i realized it was for the same reason the republic troopers think there fighting the sith...its all about freedom


cause i couldnt quite put my finger on it..but the way the jedi are reminded me of a movie i saw sometime ago...then it finally hit me....the movie was equilibrium....that movie is deep enough that youll have to watch or wiki it to get a firm grasp of it if you havent seen it


but i veiw it like this....equilibrium starts off like "the jedi are ruling everything" then "a jedi falls" and then this fallen jedi type leads the sith to destroy the jedi and the republic...so people once more can be free from forced peace and force emotionlessness(of course this is all metaphorical...as this movie is a completely different universe)


it reminded me abit of a couple of scenes from episode three....the part where mace windu was saying "the jedi will need to take over the senate to ensure a smooth transition" and then the other jedi agreed,save for yoda,who reluctingly accepting said "down a dark path,this line of thought will lead us"


and then the part where darth sidious was feining weakness to gain sympathy from anakin...fooling mace windu into thinking he`d won the fight...then mace windu was fixing to kill(or so he thought) darth sidious,,,and anakin tryed to remind mace of the jedi way by saying "he needs to stand trial"....this of course reminded me of a scene on kotor 1 where bastila says "the jedi do not kill there prisoners,ever" (which i found kind of funny,considering that you could see from his face that alot of mace windu`s strength in the battle was coming from the darkside,the anger and such)....and then mace windu moves to kill darth sidious,completely ignoring the jedi way of not killing prisoners,or supposidly helpless opponents...


then anakin incapacitates mace windu in one hit,,,i delight in seeing mace windu`s arrogant face scream in agony....and then darth sidious proves that mace windu had been nowhere near beating him.....by hitting mace windu with enough volts to power a large city,then throwing mace windu out the window (kind of funny how it all worked into darth sidious`s plan....feigning weakness infront of a jedi to play on anakin`s sympathys,when in reality mace windu didnt stand a single chance against sidious,as the final lightning burst shows),heck,even yoda was too weak to defeat darth sidious,and yoda had two oppurtunitys to kill sidious.....yoda tryed the first time,and got temporarily knocked out in one single hit by palpatine,but palpatine got bored (even though lpatine couldve fryed yoda right there),and then left....then yoda tryed again...and failed miserably,with yoda limping away like the weakness he is,while palpatine laughs evily


then we move on to the older star wars movies...and if you really think about it...darth vader couldve easily killed luke....but as we see from darth vader saving luke from getting his weakness smushed by palpatine.....the only reason why darth vader didnt kill luke is because of the family ties and all...alot of people say that was darth vader redeeming himself to the lightside..but i say no....i say it was sacrifice motivated by love,which the jedi say is bad....darth vader`s strength was bolstered by the darkside feelings of love and whatnot...and then that turned into rage which enabled him to defeat palpatine,there was no lightside in that fight to begin with


so basically the only reason why luke lived is because the darkside of the force allowed him too


anyways...finishing with my trailing off thoughts.....


this is the objective of the thread,post movies not related to the mmo genre,that you think help describe certain,hard to pin down,aspects of the star wars mythos...oh ye,and if possible,say a couple lines explaining about the movie you mention and how it explains one of those star wars aspects


and whatever you do...make sure these picked movies dont really have much to do with star wars itself

Edited by Baphomet_x
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All I got out of all of that was that anakin was the dumbest person in the world, and got tricked into joining the dark side. Didn't fall, didn't get seduced, didn't get any tangible personal benefit, just got tricked into it like Palpatine was an intergalactic Tom Sawyer. Bad writing if you're trying to make a sympathetic main character.
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All I got out of all of that was that anakin was the dumbest person in the world, and got tricked into joining the dark side. Didn't fall, didn't get seduced, didn't get any tangible personal benefit, just got tricked into it like Palpatine was an intergalactic Tom Sawyer. Bad writing if you're trying to make a sympathetic main character.


eh what can i say...han solo wasnt anywhere near that stupid,despite getting frozen in carbonite at one point.....and han solo was an ok guy,but alot of him could be termed "darkside".....


and yet anakin was incredibly "stupid" as you say,because of blind faith in the jedi ways....


i think blind faith is the major issue,you can see that almost every single,old guy jedi displayed quite abit of anger at times...sometimes even greif or sadness...all darkside traits...shows they werent as naive as anakin nor did they have blind faith

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