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Give me your adaptive/custom gear griefs and gripes!


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And I will pass them onto someone who can hopefully actually get something happening to make it useful.




Since re-activating for 1.3 (should be said I un suspended my game time remaining from Feb).


My Gripe, I am in a mix of Columi and Rakata gear. meaning if I want to use adaptive or custom gear I take a big hit by losing set bonuses (For tank its a HUGE loss of 5% shield chance). Further I am unable to add augments to my gear (I could waste the money and time but for what? to replace when I finally get into Campaign mods and can mod/augment social/custom gear)


So I am currently communicating with a "specialist customer support team designed to deal with these issue and as such have the tools to pass feedback on directly to development" bypassing the need to use suggestion forums as they are 100% useless and completely ignored.


My suggestion that I will be pushing for is a vendor added that allows to trade set pieces for the exact same mod, enhancement and armor mod(w/ set bonus), very simple really.


Give me your suggestions to this issue and I will ensure and fight for the best one to be added in game so everyone who is NOT in top tier gear can actually enjoy the content that was added for 1.3.

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