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PVP bracers and belt vs custom versions


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So I'm torn, I'm full WH, sitting at something like 1370 exp, and 1660 str. I can't decide if its worth dumping around 80 exp for an additional 90ish str, 60ish power from mixing mods and 60ish end. I'll dip below 1300 exp and I'm not sure if losing about 1% from each of the three exp boosts is worth hitting a bit harder...thoughts?
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24% of 1660 = 2058.4 or 23% of 1750 = 2152.5 just remember i used your strength numbers you provided u also have to take in account damage reduction and healing boost i personally am gonna replace the waist and wrist for top end PvE mods because it makes PvP and PvE easier IMO
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