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Suggested PVP Changes to Gunnery

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Yes I know we already have one of these threads, but I feel the changes I'm asking for are different than those asked for by Ahzirone, and I'd like thoughts on them. Also the other thread has been pushed off the front page. The following are changes I'd like to see after what is admittedly very limited PVP play. I've only PVPd what amounts to a few days, so I'd like thoughts on them from more experienced PVPers. Note that these change are gunnery specific. I am not against giving boosts to assault. I simply haven't played the spec at all and so any change I suggest for that is even more woefully ignorant than what I'm posting here.


With that said, I would make the following changes to Gunnery (and obviously the same changes to Aresenal):


Curtain of Fire Same damage buff and proc% but have it also make Full Auto uninterruptable. This would basically make it similar to Harnessed Shadows in the KC tree for shadows. You would still be able to be knocked back or LOS the skill so I don't think it would be that gamebreaking, but would give commandos a little love.



Tenacious Defense I'd like this talent to grant a buff to Adrenaline Rush wherein while using Adrenaline Rush you cleanse all roots/snares and gain root/snare immunity, and get a speed boost (to out of combat sprint speed). This makes sense thematically, would give commandos a form of escape.


Kolto Recharge In addition to healing you for 7% of your health over 10 seconds, this talent would grant 10-20 seconds of immunity to all controlling effects, including leaps and interrupts when using Recharge Cells. (somewhat similar to Entrench for sniper's or their mirrored ability for gunslingers). You could also move the immunity over to Reactive Shield when specced, making it a more powerful version of the CM combat shield. Alternatively move combat shield lower in the CM tree so it's accessible for 31 point builds. Currently Gunnery is the only spec that does not provide SOME sort of buff to Reactive Shield. Currently Assault has a talent that removes all movement-impairing effects when popping Reactive Shield, and CM has the aforementioned immunity to interrupts. So on first inspection what I'm suggesting seems to be overshooting, but Kolto Recharge IS higher in the tree, and I would be fine buffing all three abilities, or simply combining all buffs and putting them in tier 2 of any of the trees so it's available to all commandos regardless of spec


Cover Fire The snare on this ability should be changed to a root.


Note that with the possible exception of the CoF change, none of these is a huge improvement to DPS. For the most part it simply gives gunnery commandos the tools they need to perform as a turrent DPS class, and even then most of these tools are cooldown based. Even the change to Kolto Recharge, which seems to be overreaching at first seems less so when you consider that Entrench allows Sniper's to be immune to controlling effects for 20 seconds out of every minute and what I am asking for is the same immunity for 10-20 seconds out of every 2 minutes, regardless of which ability the immunity gets added to.


I also have NOT asked for an interrupt, although it's absence continues to be glaring for the commando AC. It would certainly be very nice, but I would take any of the above, especially the immunity to interrupts, over an interrupt of my own any day.

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If someone interrupts my full auto I am very happy because they are doing it wrong.


It is Grav Round that needs to be uninterruptable or better yet, an instant. Gunnery defense and damage stacking requires grav round and if that is interrupted once, you are shut down from everything you need to do.


Cover Fire should be a root though, every class has roots but commando and commando needs an interrupt, like every other class out there. Our main damage skill, grav round, needs to be an instant to be on par with all the other DPS classes out there.

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how about making it possible to cast grav round on the move, i dont pvp but it might help a bit. May be a bit much to ask for when it comes to pve, but in terms of dps it should be the same. mobility will be greatly improved.
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I honestly don't see them ever letting us cast Grav Round on the move, plus it would play merry hell with our ammo regen if Grav round is taking two then regenning one ammo instead of regenning one ammo and then taking two. That we could work around but it's obvious that everything in the tree is procced off of grav round. It's our setup for our big burst (fully buffed HiB > Demo Round, throw a sticky in there somewhere if you want the insurance).


I DO think that there should be a talent in the assault tree to make Charged Bolts instantly cast with a 2s cooldown, or even change the ability period to be an instant with a 2s cooldown (Muzzle Fluting would obviously still reduce it to it's normal 1.5s cooldown...or not). It would differentiate CB from Grav Round for gunnery commandos and give us a decent weapon attack on the move so we could hit hard on the move but it would be blockable, the only thing it helps set up is CoF, and it would bring Commando Assault much more in line with Vanguard assault ( I know we still wouldn't get harpoon and whatnot, but just the ability to proc Ionic Accelerator on the move would be a huge boon).


Also making CoF make FA uninterruptable would bring it more in line with talents for 3 sec channels in the Vanguard Tactics tree and the Shadow Kinetic Combat tree for Pulse Cannon and Telekinetic Throw quick enough.


Speaking of Tactics I was going through that tree last night and now I'm starting to think BW mixed up Commando and Vanguard when they built the Tactics tree. They already gave us their recharge mechanic when they changed Cell Charger, and I was especially upset when I saw this. That's an ability high in the tactics tree that gives an 8 sec immunity to interrupts on a 30 second cooldown. Can you imagine what we could do with 5 free GCDs every 20? Petitioning to get this changed asap.

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