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Sentinel accuracy question


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Im rolling with about 95.9 percent accuracy on my sentinel watchmen. My special attacks accuracy is at 100 percent. I have been doing fine with damage in warzones and do not notice myself missing that much. Is it bad that my regular accuracy is not 100 percent? I was told with watchmen that it doesn't matter much as long as my specials accuracy is at 100 percent because our damage mostly comes from specials.
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If your regular accuracy is 95.9%, your special attack accuracy should be 105.9% by definition.


For PVP it's less clear cut. The agreed upon defense for ops bosses in PVE is 10%, meaning that you aim for 100% base accuracy and thus 110% special/force accuracy so that all your attacks (barring your basic strike) are guaranteed to hit.


In PVP I would guess that you might want to stack higher accuracy if you were playing as a dedicated tank killer, but I'm no expert here.

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If your regular accuracy is 95.9%, your special attack accuracy should be 105.9% by definition.


For PVP it's less clear cut. The agreed upon defense for ops bosses in PVE is 10%, meaning that you aim for 100% base accuracy and thus 110% special/force accuracy so that all your attacks (barring your basic strike) are guaranteed to hit.


In PVP I would guess that you might want to stack higher accuracy if you were playing as a dedicated tank killer, but I'm no expert here.


Yea I'm mostly geared for pvp. Thanks for the response

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