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Looking for pro pvp marauder anni tips


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Does anyone know of any up to date sites that have pvp advice? I am only a lvl 36 so I do not have Annihilate yet so if you can tell me the most effective opening and rotation would be cool. You can include Annihilate ability in a separate opening/rotation for when I turn lvl 40. Ty
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Deadly saber- use it when ever it's available, it the most important ability annihilation Marauders have. (even when running into combat, you can pre-load it if you have the rage to cast it. You can also pre-load it mid flight after activating force charge since you get your rage immediately after activating the charge.

Rupture is also very important, I like to use it when ever it's available. Especially since annihilate has a chance to refresh the cooldown (vicious slash can also).

Like someone stated earlier, keep your bleeds up! Do those before you start to ravage.

Only use force scream when you have absolutely no other option (pvp only) because it's absolutely terrible for annihilation marauders. I like throwing sabers more, so I only use force scream like once every 10+ warzones, and never during pve ops.

When you get annihilate, use it after you use your bleeding attacks unless your annihilate buff is about to expire- then and only then should you prioritize this attack before all else.

Only use vicious slash when your rage is above 6 or 7 since it's slightly better then our basic attack, but is not rage efficient.

Spam vicious throw when a target is under 30% hp, it's our most rage efficient burst attack.

Ravage is good damage with a long cooldown timer, so for pve, I use it after my first annihilate- judgement on use after that depends on the situation, but I try to use it as often as I can as long as it doesn't interfere with my bleeds or annihilate timers.

Since there is no specific rotation, use these "basic" guidelines until you get more confertable with the spec.

(this is just light basic fundamentals, the spec is actually much more deeper but it's easier to learn by playing then reading since it has no set rotation (due to annihilate and vicious slash can refresh rupture).

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Its all about keeping your bleeds up


Honestly PVP is not about rotations. As an Anni Marauder you're good at putting out single target direct pressure. This is useful (primarily) against healers and ranged DPS who are wrecking your allies as well as solo guarding points such as turrets in Alderaan/Novare. In Anni, you're going to be very good at solo PVP providing you keep your crit progs going - you also have 6 seconds of stealth on demand, a very short interrupt and the ability to pop predation for a somewhat weak but valuable group speed buff.


PVP for a marauder is about managing cooldowns. You have an accuracy debuff, cloak of pain which hurts your attackers and gives you 20% damage reduction, a melee/ranged defense and tech/force dam redux tool (saber ward) on a long cooldown, undying rage which grants you near immunity to damage for a short period of time, your 6 second stealth, your CC, your AOE stun. These are what will ultimately make you a good Marauder or a bad Marauder.


Being a good marauder also requires you to pick your targets. There's no reason to run through the middle of a fight. Lurk on the outside, pick a target, attack and bring him down ASAP. Know when to pop obfuscate and know when to rotate your defensive cooldowns. Generally, if someone's on you pop cloak of pain. If it's a ranged like a sniper, you might consider ward for the ranged defense buff. You should try to disengage when needed using your stealth to grab a health pot. And most importantly your AOE mez is very important for allowing allies to cap doors and for slowing down enemies. Your hard stun (choke) CC is mostly going to be useful for blocking people trying to interrupt your allies capping - but you can also use it to conserve cooldowns when you have full bleeds on someone. Just choke them and let the bleeds kill them, this should help reduce the amount of damage you yourself sustain.


If you're outmatched and definitely going to die, you need to make a choice on whether prolonging your life is worth it or not. At times, you can be an asset to your team by peeling fire. If this is the case (you're distracting a lot of enemies), use all your defensive cooldowns, pop a medpack and try to use your charge to create gap. By leading them away you might not survive but you will occupy them. Other times, it is more vital to get back into the fight (such as trying to kill the ball carrier in huttball) and you may as well just die if that's what is going on.


Mind your positioning, mind your ability to root, mind who is firing at you and where they are firing from and pay attention to who is vital to the enemy team and needs to be focused down and that'll help you stand out quite a bit as a marauder. Most of all if you don't find you're using just about every skill that you have that you are able to use in PVP, you're most likely doing something wrong.

Edited by dcgregorya
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