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Officially naming WZ Control Points


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Unless you live in bizarro world, then even without a compass the worldwide standard is that the left side *of the map* is west, and the map looks exactly the same no matter which side of the map you're coming from.

You might want to broaden your view on the world - actual maps use an orientation arrow to point out north. Try asking some fellow from Australia - their maps have South on the Top. There are a ton of maps that do not face North for whatever reason.


As far as this game is concered, its same to assume that the CV map has the same orientation as voidstar or novare.


Thats why using East/North/West/South should be the most precise way of announcing any direction.


But apparently not everyone knows where West etc. is or noted that the bomb on the left side is announced as WEST.

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But apparently not everyone knows where West etc. is or noted that the bomb on the left side is announced as WEST.


yes but then it goes back to what i said in my post... people don't look at the map. so when calling west their concern is "left as if i'm looking AT the doors or AWAY from the doors."


there's no point in arguing where west is on a MAP if people aren't using the MAP. that's most of the issue. i really don't think people don't know east from west. it's the lack of map usage.

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I never look at my map. You loose at least 3 seconds looking at it searching for where to go from where you are. Too much. I have a good sense of direction, so I'll always know where's left and where's right from where we spawned. On the other side people using west and east only pisses me off because it isnt subjective actually. It works on Novare for me because it's the same as left and right, but not Alderande where sides are flipped. My brain is like that and $&@! you all the pretentious dumb***** considering everybody should use the west-east system. Edited by Kaddie
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i see what the OP is saying, and i know the rest of you do too but you're just arguing for the sake of belittling the OP and the people the OP is referring to.


here's what i believe the OP meant.


in one faction (a believe republic), the civil war map spawns you facing north. so yes, east and west is not an issue as they are the "same" as left and right at that point. switch to imperial and you spawn facing south. no the map doesn't flip, but the little score keeper thing is "backwards" because you're no longer facing north thus making east be left and west be right. so people (being habitual by nature) are still thinking "i'm still facing north so the same left and right rules still apply." it's and understandable mistake especially when you're use to doing pvp with the side that spawns facing north.


but as far as the map goes you guys are right, the map doesn't flip. but to claim you can't see the problem the OP is talking about is BS. you'd be surprised how many people actually don't look at the map at all. "lol where's my class trainer on the fleet." that should tell you how often a lot of the players use the map.


But they are not trying to belittle the OP, they are simply pointing out something taught at a fundamental level in school (at least in America, not sure about schools in other countries maybe they don't teach it). On a properly oriented map (aka where the words are oriented properly) the top is North, the left is West, the right is East and the bottom is South. This standard holds true for all maps I've seen worldwide, even online maps maintain this standard and along with this the GAME's maps maintain it. The same maps with the same orientation are used throughout the game for both the Republic and the Imperial sides, thus making North, South, East, and West a constant in fact as others have pointed out some control points are even labeled as such.


Left and right on the other hand completely based on perspective and creates a lot of room for error. Voidstar is the best example of this. When someone calls for the right playing defense do they mean map right or defender right? One of those would be east while the other is west. I've seen right called as both and seen people drop out of spawn the wrong direction as a result.


Grass and Snow are fine in my opinion though I use East/West because it's more universal across all the warzones. Grass and snow at least describes each area like a landmark. It's like if your town only had one Mcdonalds, you can direct people based off the fact.

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But they are not trying to belittle the OP, they are simply pointing out something taught at a fundamental level in school (at least in America, not sure about schools in other countries maybe they don't teach it). On a properly oriented map (aka where the words are oriented properly) the top is North, the left is West, the right is East and the bottom is South. This standard holds true for all maps I've seen worldwide, even online maps maintain this standard and along with this the GAME's maps maintain it. The same maps with the same orientation are used throughout the game for both the Republic and the Imperial sides, thus making North, South, East, and West a constant in fact as others have pointed out some control points are even labeled as such.


Left and right on the other hand completely based on perspective and creates a lot of room for error. Voidstar is the best example of this. When someone calls for the right playing defense do they mean map right or defender right? One of those would be east while the other is west. I've seen right called as both and seen people drop out of spawn the wrong direction as a result.


Grass and Snow are fine in my opinion though I use East/West because it's more universal across all the warzones. Grass and snow at least describes each area like a landmark. It's like if your town only had one Mcdonalds, you can direct people based off the fact.


Here it is again, douchebag's pretension.

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The problem with east and west is not that there is any ambiguity in what is what, but rather the time it takes from seeing a call, looking on the map, then trying to decide what way you are facing, and first then being able to run the right way. The same thought process isn't required when using left&right, because this uses a fixed pov, namely the spawn.
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But they are not trying to belittle the OP, they are simply pointing out something taught at a fundamental level in school (at least in America, not sure about schools in other countries maybe they don't teach it). On a properly oriented map (aka where the words are oriented properly) the top is North, the left is West, the right is East and the bottom is South. This standard holds true for all maps I've seen worldwide, even online maps maintain this standard and along with this the GAME's maps maintain it. The same maps with the same orientation are used throughout the game for both the Republic and the Imperial sides, thus making North, South, East, and West a constant in fact as others have pointed out some control points are even labeled as such.


Left and right on the other hand completely based on perspective and creates a lot of room for error. Voidstar is the best example of this. When someone calls for the right playing defense do they mean map right or defender right? One of those would be east while the other is west. I've seen right called as both and seen people drop out of spawn the wrong direction as a result.


Grass and Snow are fine in my opinion though I use East/West because it's more universal across all the warzones. Grass and snow at least describes each area like a landmark. It's like if your town only had one Mcdonalds, you can direct people based off the fact.


you're absolutely right. the north, south, east, west is elementary and for the most part universal. all i'm saying is all this map business is moot as long as people continue to not use the map to begin with. unless people actually use the map a universal label irrelevant to the map, but instead relevant to the layout, is needed. as you said, grass and snow works because of the landmarks. however, the OP was saying that there should be an agreed upon label for these. you've got 2 people calling east/west, 3 people calling left/right, and 3 people calling grass/snow or whatever else. either grass and snow, left and right, etc... and i'm saying that east and west will never work as well has other labels as long as people aren't using the map.


sure one person's pre-made 8 man squad uses the map. but for the sake of pugs 6/8 members could not be using the map. and you can't expect everybody to form an 8 man, tell everyone to use the map, then queue. that's not practical.

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The problem with east and west is not that there is any ambiguity in what is what, but rather the time it takes from seeing a call, looking on the map, then trying to decide what way you are facing, and first then being able to run the right way. The same thought process isn't required when using left&right, because this uses a fixed pov, namely the spawn.


Up on the minimap always points north. Your character's direction is the direction of the arrow on the minimap. It doesn't even take a full second to register those two things.


If you're in an intense match as a melee, you can get spun around so many times that you need to find a reference point to decipher left/right on Alderaan (typically, Voidstar calls are savable, because if you're involved in a 6v2 as defenders, you're doing it wrong) unless you translate them to east/west first. If I'm chasing down an op healer who is kiting me under the ramps at Alderaan and my only visual reference is a grey floor, grey ramp, a grey pillar, and a curved grey wall, left/right and grass/snow is gibberish compared to east/west.


As for a label, they already have them. West is Landing Turret, mid is Control Center Turret, east is Generator Turret. Even if you had everyone calling this, you've still got to translate them into east/west to figure out which is which when your visual queues are lacking.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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