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Commando End Game Stats


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Has anyone had any success on finding out necessary stats for HM OPs/FPs. I am currently looking over my gear and stats and looking to make adjustments as needed. Unfortunately use to playing another MMO, wondering where my crit, accuracy, I.e should be. I read online Surge Rating is better than power, any idea how much I should shoot for.


Any details would be greatly appreciated, I have searched in Google and found conflicting information.

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Has anyone had any success on finding out necessary stats for HM OPs/FPs.


I'm not sure if you're a healer, or DPS. But this is from the perspective of DPS...


I wouldn't worry too much about specific stats for HM Ops--because what you want to be wearing is just primarily Columi for HM Ops. After you get your Rakata in HM Ops you can start fine tuning your stats through switching out mods, but you want to get your Columi gear ASASP because we actually have some pretty nice set bonuses.


HM FPs are on the same level as Story Mode Ops, gear wise. And the first Op, EV is very easy. (The second one isn't much more difficult, either on SM.) Baseline gear for getting into these would be the tionese/mods from daily quest tokens.



You start to get pretty severe diminishing returns on Surge as you get close to 75%, Your priority should be (in my opinion) Aim, Accuracy to Cap, Crit, Surge.


Aim increasases damage only slightly less than power, but it also boosts your crit, and every little bit you get there helps. (Plus the crit you get from aim doesn't count towards your crit rating's DR.

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I'm not sure if you're a healer, or DPS. But this is from the perspective of DPS...


I wouldn't worry too much about specific stats for HM Ops--because what you want to be wearing is just primarily Columi for HM Ops. After you get your Rakata in HM Ops you can start fine tuning your stats through switching out mods, but you want to get your Columi gear ASASP because we actually have some pretty nice set bonuses.


HM FPs are on the same level as Story Mode Ops, gear wise. And the first Op, EV is very easy. (The second one isn't much more difficult, either on SM.) Baseline gear for getting into these would be the tionese/mods from daily quest tokens.



You start to get pretty severe diminishing returns on Surge as you get close to 75%, Your priority should be (in my opinion) Aim, Accuracy to Cap, Crit, Surge.


Aim increasases damage only slightly less than power, but it also boosts your crit, and every little bit you get there helps. (Plus the crit you get from aim doesn't count towards your crit rating's DR.


I pretty much agree with this. Get columni/tionese as the first set bonus is amazing, and while the second doesn't LOOK amazing, over the course of a fight it really really is. Especially with the recent changes to Charged Barrel. This can be done by just queueing for a lot of HM Flashpoints and Story Mode operations. Even if you don't get the drops, one story mode operation with the weekly will get you enough Comms/Crystals to buy a piece of Tionese gear, and a few Hardmodes plus the Daily/Weekly can get you the second as well. Keep in mind that the BH comms you get from doing these encounters will get you the pieces of BH gear to take those Tionese or Columni shells and make them absolutely top tier for Commando, so at the least do your BH weekly on Corellia every week, and do a random HM Flashpoint every day.


Once you get set bonuses, I agree with Freeborne's priority except to say that after Crit is around 35% unbuffed go ahead and make the switch to full on power (though I keep using Aim Augments, part of that is to hit that 35% unbuffed number). Other, better, players than myself actually suggest stopping at around 30% Crit unbuffed, but I'm sitting at around 979 Tech Bonus damage now, and many of my mods/enhancements are still Rakata (put the first few BH Mods I got into Belt/Bracers), so I plan to get over 1000 Tech Bonus Damage as well.

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I'm actually kinda suprised that I can get the exact stat balance I want just from BH gear. Basically I'm going with 3 Power/Accuracy enhancements, 3 Crit/Surge enhancements, and then the same split with high crit or high power mods, then belt/bracers both have 53 Aim/41 Power mods. Combined with the accuracy on the BH implants, and the Aim augments in everything, I think I'll be able to get get 75% Crit Multiplier, 35% Crit unbuffed, over 1000 Tech Bonus damage, and either 100% Ranged Accuracy, or as close as makes no difference.


I wish all their gear was this well itemized.

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imo mod all your gear to crit/surge and power/surge

no, surge wont replace power

once your crit hit 30~33 add more power

30+5(smuggler buff)+15(armor set bonus)=50 thats enough

if all your gear have surge, your crit multiplier will hit 78~80%

your base acc alr 100% for special attack and 90% for basic attack

i dont think you need more


and for augment i prefer aim than power

because add damage and crit

and you got 9% bonus aim and 5% from consular buff

Edited by dragonzay
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When trying to get your gear customized I found a couple of things that help a lot.


Get an Orange Breacer and Belt. Then get them augmented. Usually cheeper to buy the unaugmented items and then augment them yourself if you can make the augment MK-6 kits.


The armorings for them are hard to come by. Currently a 25 in my bracer. But buy an extra BM piece that has a really nice mod in it. There are some for Medtech that has 37 Power. Currently my Bracers are just a hair above BH Bracers. they will be even better once I get some more BH gear and take those mods out. Grab the chest piece and take its armoring for Bracers and Belt. That will increase them to above BH bracers, btw.


Also if you have the cash or the materials, craft your own Purple Overkill 22 Augments. Then stack them. Going to be pushing close to 800 power here shortly. 5.5k heals are easy at that point.


I do need to work on my crit rate. 29% needs to be up to 35% and small increase in Surge from 70% to 75%. But the WH relics make that easy to do.

Grab 2 113 power relics if you want the heals to be harder or grab the 2 alacrity ones for really fast heals. Or the Crit and Surge relics. The Relics allow us to tweek our classes just a little more in our favor with large stat bonuses. Been thinking of trying out the 113 defence relics with defence augs to see how they do in PvP. 226 defence would be a nice increase, works for tanks as well BTW.


There are lots of ways to customise our gear thru better choices as far as PvE goes. Also looking at your PvP armor and taking mods from other pieces and putting it in your PvE or in other PvP gear helps tons. Different BM Gear has different mods, so if you find you have an excess of something buy a piece that gives a better bonus and switch the mods out.

I'll see if I can get a list of the mods and Enhancments from the BM Gear and see what can be done to stack stats for us.

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I honestly don't think we should ignore Accuracy any more. I personally plan on 3 of my body pieces having power/accuracy augments. Full Auto and HiB are still non trivial parts of our damage and accuracy makes sure they don't get dodged.



I strongly agree. I noticed a substantial difference last night when I switched out a Rakata Implant for a Black hole one to gain back some Accuracy. I hope to switch the other over in a couple days as well, and we'll see the end result after I'm back at 100% for Ranged attacks.

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askmrrobot has a nice combat log parser that I uploaded my SM EC log to after the last run. I definitely felt my misses were too high and have since went about trying to get more accuracy.
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Luckily, depending on how much your guild raided HM KP/EV before 1.2, Rakata drops are basically going to companions now, with SM EC being farmed mostly for the 28 comms you get for a clear+weekly, so it's not hard to get back Rakata pieces with the necessary accuracy enhancements.


Otherwise there exists BH pieces with 41 Power/51 Accuracy enhancements so you can just save up and keep buying those without much problem.


Ironically the only enhancements I want but can't find on BH are the Crit/Accuracy ones, but as long as I can get the right amount of Power/Crit/Accuracy/Surge, I don't really care where it comes from.

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